5. Disturbed

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just a little bit of smut
Next chap will full of smut :)

At the Tomlinson residence, in a dark patterned room, there were two men hugging each other.

"ugh" groaned Harry who just woke up from his sleep

"Louis.." Harry said in Louis's arms.

"Hmmm" he groaned as he tightened his grip.

"L-louos... It's too tight" said Harry languidly.

"Hmm" Louis cleared his throat, lightening his embrace.

"Stop it" Harry whined.

"no whine" Harry snorted in annoyance.

"Let's take a shower" said Louis.

Then Harry just nodded as a 'yes' answer while hiding his face in Louis's neck. Louis carried Harry's body, carried him to the bathroom.

Louis lowers Harry and takes off his clothes while holding back his urge, Louis takes off mya clothes and goes straight into the bath and is followed by Harry who sits on Louis's crotch and leans his body in front of Louis.

"Baby cakes"


"Later we will go to the mall to buy clothes and other needs" said Louis.

"Yes, Lou"

Louis looked at Harry's body while holding back the desire, who wouldn't be tempted by a white, smooth, glow body, without the slightest scratch.
Louis stroked Harry's shoulder while licking his lips.

"Louis.. what are you doing?" asked Harry nervously.

"Why are you so perfect haz" Harry gulped.

"You make me can't help it"

"Can't help it?" Harry asked while blinking his eyes cutely.

"Can't stand it.." said Louis.

Then Louis immediately sucked Harry's neck brutally and his right hand squeezed Harry's bustling chest, his left hand playing with Harry's nipple.

"l-lou" Harry sighed as he closed his eyes.

"n-not here lou" Harry whined softly.

Then Louis lifted Harry's body and carried him to the bed.

"l-louis..you said we'll going to the mall" said Harry while covering his body with his hands.

Louis just chuckled a little seeing Harry's annoyance.

"Yeah, I already tell you, we will go later" said Louis.

"But-" Harry said.

"Shut up Harry" said Louis then sucked Harry's neck, occasionally licking and biting to make lots of kissmarks.

"o-oh.." Harry sighed.

"Ugh! Fuck" Harry sighed as he squeezed the end of the pillow beside his head.

"l-louis calm down"

Louis put his finger into Harry's hole and moved his hand back and forth.

"O-oh! F-fuck..at least make sure I'm ready lou" Harry sighed while strengthening his squeeze on the end of the pillow.

Louis kept moving his hands until

Knock knock

Someone knocked on the door from outside.

"fucking disturb" said Louis and then moved his finger to continue the hot scene earlier.

Knock Knock

now the man was knocking louder and louder on the door.

"LARRY!! WAKE UP!!" Niall shouted at the button to let his voice enter the room.

"i'm already awake Niall!!" shouted Louis loudly.

"I'M IN!!" shouted Niall, he's such an idiot.

"DON'T!! No Need!!" shouted Louis while occasionally glancing at Harry in a panic.

"Shhh, just calm down it's just Niall" said Louis as one hand stroked Harry's hair.

"i-it hurts l-lou" said Harry, pointing at the hole that was in Louis's hand.


Louis reluctantly removed his finger from inside Harry's hole and walked towards the door completely naked.
Louis opened the door slightly which only showed his face.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!!" said Louis loudly.

Louis sighed.

"don't interrupt me, Niall" Niall rolled his eyes.

"Why are you so long just for opening the door? And why are you..ew you naked" said Niall about to widen the door.

"Oh goddammit! Shut the fuck up! You'd better go, I'll come down later!" said Louis.

"Hurry up, we all wait in the living room" said Niall.

"fuck it!" said Louis a bit snapped.

"Don't do it sir, I'm still a virgin" said Niall showing the face of the devil.

"motherfucker, Niall! You really want me to punch you" said Louis.

"oh maybe yes sir" said Niall mockingly.

"Niall Horan" said Louis in a low tone.

Louis immediately approached Louis's face with a tilted position as a sign of wanting to be whispered.

"you little bitch" whispered Louis.

"K I'll go downstairs first, good luck bro" said Niall innocently and then left.

"You was annoying it was not clearly now go fucking away! You damn Nigel!" said Louis very loudly.

"HAHAHA!" Niall laughing loudly and running down the stairs.

Louis sighed then closed the door and walked towards Harry who had covered his body with the blanket.
Louis gave a sinister smile and sat on the bed, AND LOUIS IS NUDE.

"Why you closed your body, dear?" asked Louis teasingl but with a soft voice.

"....." Harry just stared at Louis silently with puppy eyes, when in fact Harry only looked at Louis with a normal look.

"Didn't answer huh?" said Louis teasingly while stroking Harry's thigh which was still covered by the blanket.

"L-Louis... the others are waiting downstairs" Harry said.

"So? I don't have a problem with that" said Louis, opening Harry's blanket halfway.

"Look baby, look at your body, Isn't it beautiful?" Louis stroked Harry's body.

"L-louis.." said Harry holding back a moan because of Louis's touch.

"Hold the moan huh? You know... i like your moan" said Louis opening Harry's blanket until Harry's body was exposed again.

Louis cradled Harry's tiny body while grinning.

"i want you"

It's so short just like Louis

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