Chapter 1- That One Friend

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"Oppa, be mine. Please be mine. I want you oppa, I really do. Can oppa be mine forever? Why can't I have him for once?!" Seoyeon smashed her writing desk and stared at a picture of "her oppa".

"Oh Jin, why can you love me? I'm naturally beautiful. YOU LOVE GIRLS WHO ARE BEAUTIFUL!" .

Seoyeon's bedroom door creaked open. "Seoyeon, I'm trying to sleep. I have work in 2 hours, please quiet down." Her father said in a low tone.

"Get out of room!!! Let me talk to oppa!" Seoyeon yelled at her father.

"JUST DO IT QUIETLY!" The father yelled back and slammed the door.

Seoyeon rolled her eyes and stared at the picture once again. She closed her eyes and clasped her hands together. She started to repeat some sort of prayer. "Jin oppa . Please notice Seoyeon. Jin oppa, notice Seoyeon, please."

The next day the sun raised up and Seoyeon was up and fully awake.

"Gotta look pretty for Jin, he likes girls with no makeup." Seoyeon put on nude makeup on, to look 'natural'. Hopefully she knows that Oppa doesn't like crazy girls.

She brushed her long dark brown hair and put her uniform on. She went to the front and slipped on her shoes and left the house to school.

30 minutes later, Seoyeon walked to her locker and opened it. She slowly peeked back to see Jin 3 lockers down.

Wow, he's so handsome today. Like everyday. We are locker neighbors... I gotta make my move after 2 years...

She closed her locker and walked towards Jin. She tapped his locker. Before she could turn over he closed his locker and looked at her.

"Um, may I help you?" Jin asked in a shy curious voice.

Seoyeon cheeks when from pale to pink, now to red. She stuttered to get the words out of her mouth.
"Jin, I lov-"

Bing bing bing.

There goes the bell, and there goes Jin.
Seoyeon didn't even get to finish what she was trying to say. Jin left with his face red. Seoyeon left there in shame. Not only she failed, but others saw too.

Whispers started to spread throughout the hallway and girls made faces at her and pointed fingers. Out of embarrassment, Seoyeon ran to her science class.

At the door of the science class, she made a sudden stop causing the kids behind her to fall back.

"Sorry, sorry." She bowed at them and went to the back to see the partner sheet.

Seoyeon-Minsung Table 3

Isn't that Jin's friend. If I became his friend then I can be closer to Jin!!!! She thought.

She sat next to Minsung and stared at him. She can tell he's mix. He has beautiful brown silky hair and hazel eyes.

"What do you want?!" Minsung yelled.

"S-sorry. You just have nice eyes." Seoyeon responded back.

"Oh thanks, my mother's European, she's French. Yes, yes I know, I'm so amazing." He said in a cocky way flipping his brown hair out of his face.
Geez I have to be with this moron for the whole hour. Gonna be hell just to get to Jin.

And she was right. The whole hour they got no work, well they never do any work. Minsung was just talking about how tall he is because of his mother, and such. Seoyeon should just give up on this stupid plan.

At lunch, Seoyeon stood behind a column, eating her ham sandwich. she stared at Jin and Minsung seating on the bench having their lunch.

Maybe he is gay for Minsung!!! Seoyeon took out her phone to take a picture of them two. Before she snap the picture, Minsung layed his head on Jin shoulder. She took it and the flash went off. She gasp and turned around behind the column.

"What the f*ck was that?" Minsung screamed. 

He looked around and Seoyeon sneak into the nearby girl's restroom. However, Jin saw her but didn't say anything. Seoyeon sent the photo to all the girls in her class. Seoyeon waited there until a little after the bell rang, then she continued with her regular classes having chitchats about the photo.

When it was time to go Seoyeon ran to the train station. As she got on the train she dropped her phone on the station platform without realizing. She saw the train and ran to it, shoving herself in the crowded train. she felt more people trying to get in. Then someone tapped her shoulder as the train moved.

"You dropped this. You may need it to take more pictures." The mysterious calm voice gave Seoyeon her phone.That voice sounds so familiar.

Seoyeon looked back to realize it was Jin. What a shocker, Jin is actually talking to her. She slowly took her phone and blink multiple times. Has oppa finally notice me?

This is hongdae station.

Oh no.

Once the doors open, the swarm of animals went out of the train. They shoved people who weren't moving or holding on to the pole. After what felt like forever, the people left the train and some came in. Where's Seoyeon?

Seoyeon opened her eyes and saw darkness, but smelled something amazing. she felt holding her. Then it let her free. It was Jin, protecting her from the crowd. Their cheeks went red and they went to find a sit on the train. The rest of the ride was pretty silent,  but Seoyeon had some smirks here and there.

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