The surprise

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He get lost in her beauty. Both were lost in each other's eyes. Sid took steps towards her. She took backsteps until she hit the wall. Sid caged her between wall and his arms. He leaned towards her
Sid[in a husky voice]-Ya say
Avu-Koi a jayega...
Sid moved back as she is right and college's students never left a chance to make a breaking news
Avu-I missed you
Sid hugged her. Avu also hug her
Sid-I missed you more
They break the hug
Sid-I've a surprise for you
Avu-For me? But why?
Sid😉-Will get to know soon
Avu-Ok let's go. I want to meet Vaishu di and Abhi bhai
They came to AbhiNavi. They became so happy seeing Avu there. Avu hugged both of them
Vaishu-We all missed you so much
Avu-Even me too
Avu noticed Sid whispered something in Abhi's ear. He just nodded his head and again whispered something in Sid's ear. Sid blushed hearing that
Avu[in mind]-Now what's cooking between them?
After some talking
Sid-Avu let's go
Sid-I told you na I've a surprise for you
Avu-But what about this party?
Sid-Who is more important for you? Me or this party?
Abhi fake coughed. Sid give a bottle to him without looking at him
Sid😐-I think you need it
Abhi😅-May be
Avu-Ok let's go
SidNeet left from there. They came towards Sid's car. Sid sit in driver seat and Avu in passenger seat. Sid started driving the car
Sid-You remember we used to came in this way
All moments were coming in their mind
Avu-How can I forget?
They came to Nigam mansion
Avu-Why we came here?
Sid-How many times I've to tell you I've a surprise for you
Avu🙄-I thought we will go somewhere else
Sid-No place can be more safe than my high secured mansion
They went inside. A servant came there
Servant-Good evening sir, Good evening mam
Sid-Where is dad?
Servant-He is in a meeting and will come tomorrow
Sid-And Mrs. Nigam?
Servant-She is in college
Sid-Ok [to Avu] Come
They came to Sid's room
Sid-One minute
He blindfold her and open the door. He came inside with her
Sid-You can open your eyes
Avu opened the blindfold. She was shocked seeing everything. The room was fully decorated
Avu-Wow but Sid where are you?
Avu turned and saw Sid is sitting in one knees
Sid-Please don't say anything let me complete
Avu keep quite

This is for today....
Bye bye....
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