End of two pure soul 💔

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Sid side hugged her while walking. Avu look towards him and smiled. They were walking and talking. While walking they came bridge side
Avu-Look the moon is so beautiful from here
Sid-But not more than you
Avu blushed
Avu-Let me show you something
She took out the same flowers from her bag which Sid threw in the river and by destiny Avu get from a river side. The flowers were almost died
Sid🥺-This flowers....
Avu-You know I get it from this river's side when I was in hostel. But how do you know this flowers?
Sid-I bought this flowers to propose you 1 year ago and when I couldn't give you I throw this in the river and look at the destiny. You get it
Avu-That's why I felt so connected with this
Avu-Wait I've something for you
She opened her bag and put out the wrist watch which she bought when he was in hostel. She gave the wrist watch to him
Avu-I hope you will like it
Sid-Like? I just love it....
He opened his own watch and put that in his pocket. He wear the watch which Avu gifted her
Sid-It's amazing by the way I've also something for you
He put out a chain with pendant from his pocket and made it wear to Avu
Avu-Thank you Sid
Sid-Welcome my love
Suddenly Sid saw Sm1 has pointed a gun towards Avu and that person press the trigger
He pulled her and somehow she saved
Avu😰-Who is this Sid?
Sid-Don't worry I'm here na
Avu tightly hug him
Sm1-It's me baby. Didn't you understand?
If you didn't remember who is Arohi then you can check the 1st part named " Important and character sketch " .
Sid-Why you're doing this?
Arohi-I already warned you that I'll make you both's life hell and Sid if you can't be mine then you can't be her also [pointing gun at Avu]
Sid-Leave the gun [while coming in front of Avu]
Avu-Sid why you're coming in front of me?
Sid-I can't let anything happen to you
Avu-But Sid....
Arohi-Oh love birds stop your talking and Sid don't think that if you came in front of her I'll not shoot. I can shoot YOU also
Sid-Arohi stop your nonsense. What you'll get by this? [While taking few steps towards her]
Arohi-Why you're coming to me?
Sid-Now I want to leave that Avneet and be with you love
Arohi-Are you kidding?
Sid-Why will I kidding? I really want you Aru
He cunningly move towards her and snatch the gun from her. He pointed the gun towards her.
Sid-It will be better if you forget me
Arohi😈-And it will be better if you forget Avneet [while taking out another gun from her bag]
Sid was really scared this time
Sid-If you did anything wrong I'll shoot you
Arohi-Then do it. I don't care I live or not. I just want my revenge
Sid-Look Arohi you became a psycho you can't get anything like this. Please forget about me you can get better life partner than me. You can't get anything like
Arohi-Aj agar mai is Avneet ko goli marke tumhari goli se mar bhi jaunaa to bhi mujhe sukoon milega us marne mai
Sid-Don't say like this
They were talking all this when Arohi's gun is pointed towards Avu and Sid's gun is pointed at Arohi
Sid-Arohi put the gun down
Arohi-I'll not if you move from your place I'll shoot her
Sid-Arohi...No... no
She was pressing the trigger
Sid-Arohi no you can't....
And... she pressed the trigger. The bullet hit Avu's belly. She fell on the floor
He shooted 3 bullet towards Arohi. She died at the spot. He quickly came towards Avu
Sid😭-Avu Avu nothing will happen to you. We will go to hospital
She was breathing heavily
Avu-Don't... need.... to... go any.... anywhere
Sid-But Avu...
Avu-I....I don't....have..... much.... ti...time
Sid-Don't say like this.... nothing will happen to you
Avu-Can you... fulfill my last wish?
Sid was shocked but still he smashed his lips on her. After a minute he broke it
Avu-One....more... thing
Avu-I....I love you....
and she passed away. Blood came out from her mouth
Sid-AVNEETTTTT [He shouted while crying] why God? Why?
He cried a lot
Sid-No God you can't separate us again
He took her in bridal style and came at the edge of the bridge. He tightly hug her. He kissed her lips though their was blood and jumped in the river. While jumping a little part of Sid's shirt stuck in the bridge's side. And splashhhhh🌊 Both fell in the river. Due to pressure of the heavy water Sid also died. Two pure soul of love go down inside deep water while hugging each other. Even the cruel world can't separate their love

This is for today......
Bye bye.....

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