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Goku was distracted. Whenever his body moved, his junk was stroked by the silky underwear he was wearing. Every so often, he paused in his work, moving his hips so that he could feel the slide of cool, soft fabric against his cock. Because he was alone, he would close his eyes and moan gently.

Sitting in the idling tractor, he let his hand rest on the front of his crotch, letting the vibrations wash over him. He slowly humped against his own hand, savoring the feeling, but also the tightness of the elastic on his thighs and up around his butt crack. He pulled on the fabric through his trousers and let the elastic snap against his thigh, and his breath hitched at the slap.

"Goku~! Lunch time!"

Goku jumped out of his plush headspace, sucking in a shuddery breath. Kami, he was so hard, but the idea of Chi-Chi finding out his secret was... Well, humiliating. But in a strangely erotic way? He was so ashamed, and confused, and he knew that Chi-Chi would find this weird and probably tell him to stop.

So he would try to keep it a secret. It was his fantasy, he was allowed to indulge. It wasn't hurting anyone. He sighed, willing his erection away.

Parking the tractor, he got out greeted his wife, kissed her on the cheek and acted like everything was normal.

A few days later, over breakfast, while Goten chatted away about school, Goku's phone started vibrating. He took it out of his pocket, checking the screen. It was an unknown number. Huh.

"Hello?" Goku answered, wondering who would be ringing him. He only really got calls from Bulma, and he had her number.

"Hello, is this Son Goku?" Asked a chipper female voice, "This is Kiki!"

Goku suddenly stood up, knocking the table with his knee. "Uhhh--" he started, eyes darting between his wife and son as he tried to think of an excuse. Crap! Now was not a good time. Panicking, he made an excuse-- "Sorry, wrong number!" --and hung up.

Chi-Chi and Goten were staring at him with confused, wide eyes. Goku laughed nervously, sitting down again, "Must be for another Son Goku..."

Chi-Chi's eyes narrowed suspiciously, but then Goten resumed his story. Whatever it was, she would find out eventually. Goku was the worst liar.


"Oh!" Kiki looked up from dressing a mannequin, as Son Goku entered the store, "Hi!"

Goku looked shifty and nervous again, his hands in his pockets. He seemed to be trying to hide in his shirt, but he stood out like a sore thumb.

"Heyyy..." Goku said, not able to meet her eyes, "Sorry, I was with my family this morning, and I... I didn't know what to..." He was stammering, blushing a deep red.

"Oh!!! Oh, I'm so sorry!" Kiki covered her mouth, "Sorry, I would have texted, but your order came in!"

Goku seemed to brighten up at that. "Really? Can I see?" He asked, relaxing instantly.

"Uh-huh! You can even try it on!" Kiki said, just as excited as he was. She went to the backroom and came out with a pink box, tied up with a red ribbon. Goku nearly gasped in anticipation.

Fingers trembling, he untied the bow and removed the lid. Inside was his blue bra, sitting on a bed of red crepe paper.

"Wowww..." Goku whispered, touching the silk material and black lace. His heart was beating so fast. It was made just for him.

"Isn't it pretty?" Kiki smiled, "Did you want to try it on?"

Goku nodded enthusiastically, "Can I also grab another pair of those, uh, panties?" He asked, the azure blue reflecting in his dark onyx eyes.

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