Chapter twenty-four | Let's meet up

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It has been a week and I am still at Yeri's condo and she loved having me here. It was like a girl's night every night–Yeri with her wine and me with my hot tea. Yeri would spill the tea to me on the Kpop world with who was secretly dating and what groups had beef with each other. This was all so juicy to listen to. I knew nothing about Kpop and definitely wouldn't have thought how messy it was. Yeri showed me some YouTube videos of her group called red velvet and their choreography, vocals, and visuals amazed me. Tonight was another girl's night. We were on the sofa facing the large view window that looked out into the night city of Seoul.

 I was working on Hae-Jin's scarf when Yeri asked, "That guy with the pretty eyes, face like a Greek god. Is he really your ex?"

I nodded as I did a half-double crochet with my crocheting hook. "Unfortunately, yes."

Luis and I have been working well together. Maybe that's because I had to remind him at the start of every session we're to only focus on the music. He tries his best to strike up conversations after a session together, but I immediately shut him down. 

"I'm loving this fake confidence about you," I remember him saying to me one day after he asked me if I wanted to grab a coffee with him.

Yeri nudged me with her elbow. "Why did you two break up? That man is a real catch."

I playfully rolled my eyes at her. That was the same thing I thought "a real catch" until he showed me his true colors.

"Long story. Very messy." I said, and I was glad when Yeri didn't pry deeper into it.

"You and Jin haven't been on a date in a while." She takes a sip of her wine.

I focused on my crocheting. "I know. But our schedules don't align with each other. We text here and there and the other night we fell asleep on the phone." 

It was cute, though, how Jin was telling me about his day while dozing off. I listened to him say "Yeah... My day... Great... Tired-" he would snore a little to only say a few seconds later "I wasn't sleeping! Tell me, honey, how was your day?"

"I must be the fairy godmother and planned something private for you both!" Yeri said. I could hear the excitement in her voice.

"You don't have to. I'm sure we'll find time somehow." I moved to the last snitch, chain one and turned the scarf, and started working on the next row.

Yeri poured herself another glass of wine. "His ex-wife, has she been bothering you anymore?"

"Nope." After meeting her that day, my only thought was, What a bitch.

"Are you ever going to tell Hae-Jin about it?"

"No," I said. "It wasn't a big deal to me." 

It wasn't. She was only an ex-wife. She had no control over Hae-Jin and how he lived his life, and who he was dating. If Hae-Jin still wanted her, then they would still be married. I wasn't one to pry into other people's lives, but it made me wonder more about their marriage when they were together.

"If I was there, I would have told her off good. Only a crazy woman would comfort the new woman trying to start drama." Yeri said. "But change of subject, have you heard from Joon-gi?"

I sat the scarf in my lap and stared out the window in front of us. "No. I think our friendship is over for good."

I know the phone worked both ways. But I did nothing wrong. Joon-gi was the one that let things fly from his mouth without a second thought. Maybe what he had said were his true feelings. People say hurtful things when they're angry that hurt the person, and he did a good job at it.

Then I always think back to what he had said. "Ever since we were teenagers. I never saw you as my friend. I always saw you as something more. When I came back to Korea. I was lost without you. I cried myself to sleep because I missed you." he said. "I always loved you, Dae. And I thought that being away as teenagers that love for you would die, but I realized it didn't when I saw you again." 

It made me realize how clueless I was and how blinded I was. It made sense now the way he was with me and not wanting me to be involved with Hae-Jin, and he wasn't just being an overprotective friend.

Now it's like how does our friendship go back to the way it was? Or was it even possible to be friends after your best friend confessed to you? 


I'm all giddy, like some schoolgirl who just got a text from their crush. It was already two in the morning when he sent me a message.

Jin: Hey, meet me here.

The location popped up, and it was for a convenience store. 

Dae: Hae-Jin, it's late and you want to meet up at some convenience store?

Jin: Yes, I'll send a ride to come to pick you up.

I stared at my phone screen until the screen went black. Did he really want to see me that badly?

My phone vibrated. 

Jin: Honey, I'm waiting for an answer.

I quickly replied.

Dae: I'll take a taxi.

Jin: Okay. I'll be waiting for you.

And again I watch my screen go black. Something seemed off about Jin. I tried to call him, but my call went straight to voicemail.

Which was strange of him because he always answered my calls unless he was working or sleeping. I rolled out of bed and quickly got myself together. Yeri was passed out on the sofa when I walked into the living room. I grabbed the throw blanket on the sofa and placed it on her before heading out the door.

I didn't think getting a taxi would be this hard. They'll pass me up and go for the drunks or people who looked like them. When I was finally able to get a taxi, it was a nice elderly man who spoke English. 

"Where can I take you, Miss?" he asked.

"Um here." I showed him my phone.

He nodded and typed in the location in the GPS.

I sat quietly in the backseat re-reading Jin's text. Yeah, something was off about him.

The taxi slowed to a stop. "Here you go, Miss."

"Thank you," I said, pulling out my wallet.

"No, need to pay me." he turned around and smiled at me. "You have a safe night."

I thanked him and got out of the taxi. I stood in front of the convenience store. It was a 24 hour one. People were sitting outside at tables, either eating or drinking. I got a few strange looks.

Dae: I'm here. Where r u?

Jin: Look behind you 😉

When I turned around, the person I saw wasn't Jin. 

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