Part 11🔥

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Jisoo pov.

I woke up because the sun hitting my face. I turn around I face with taehyung his hand wrapped around my waist.

I remember last night that was the best night in my life.

Taehyung : Good Morning beautiful.
Jisoo : Good morning.
Taehyung : How your sleep ??
Jisoo : Good.
Taehyung : Are you sore??
Jisoo : Hmm...
Taehyung : Okay let's take a bath first before we eat breakfast.

We get out at the bed and we walk towards the bathroom.

After a minutes we are done to take a shower.

Jisoo outfit

Taehyung outfit

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Taehyung outfit

We walk downstairs and we walk towards the kitchen to prepared our breakfast

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We walk downstairs and we walk towards the kitchen to prepared our breakfast.

Jisoo : Don't you have a work.
Taehyung : Nah. So I can spent the rest of the day with you.
Jisoo : So sweet.
Taehyung : of course I am
Jisoo : Tsk.

After we eat we go to the mall to buy our things after that we go back at the house and we watch movie while cuddling. After that we sleep.

Taehyung pov.

Its been a week since I spend the rest of my day with Jisoo.

I'm here at my office to finishing my work that I didn't finish.

Knock knock..

Taehyung : Come in.
Wendy : Sir its already breaktime what do you want to eat sir??
Taehyung : Coffee its okay
Wendy : Okay sir...

After a minutes there's a knock on my door again.

Taehyung : Come in.
Wendy : Here your coffee sir..
Taehyung : okay thank can go.

I sip at the coffee but Wendy is still here at my office I look at her.

Taehyung : Why are you still here?? Don't you heard me??
Wendy : I heard it sir
Taehyung : then why are you still here??

Wendy start walk towards me and she sit at my lap...

Taehyung : Hey what are you doing??

I try to push her but she still doesn't stand up instead she wrap her hand around my neck.

Taehyung : Get up..( I shout )
Wendy : Sir...
Taehyung : I said get u--

I didn't finish my word when the door of my office open. When I look towards the door I saw Jisoo standing there while looking at me and Wendy..

I push Wendy hard at my lap and I walk toward Jisoo..

Taehyung : Baby its not what you think please listen to me firs--

My words cut when Jisoo slap me

Jisoo : I hate you

After she said that she run out at my office I run after her but I can't find her that's why I go home but its to late she's gone.

I sit at the flor and whisper.

Taehyung : Please baby comeback


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