
1.5K 38 26

Christina grins at me and grabs my wrist.

She pulls me through the crowd, me constantly muttering "Sorry." to the people I accidentally elbow on the way.

Christina finally stops at the kitchen counter and lets go of my wrist with a flourish.

And being the klutz I am, I slam right into the counter, banging my hip. "Ow, Christina!" I moan. She rolls her eyes in response.

I find a selection of bottles in the fridge. I select a pink one with raspberries on the label. I turn it over and read what it is: Bottled Martini.

Eh, anything'll do. I grab a plastic cup and pour the contents of the bottle in it. The drink is a pleasant pink colour.

I take a sip, and decide I like it. While it's sweet, it's not too strong, and it won't make me too drunk.

Christina is swigging from a dark brown bottle. Great. Drunk Christina. Just what I need.

I spot our usual gang over by the couches. Zeke, Shauna, Will and Uriah. This time I drag Christina towards them.

They are all sitting on the couches, in various positions.

Zeke and Shauna are already hammered, and are giggling nonsense to each other.

Will and Uriah are only slightly tipsy, and are deep in conversation.

Will's brow is furrowed and you can almost see the Erudite cogs in his brain spinning.

I plonk Christina on a couch, but then realise there is no room for me. Ugh.

"You can sit on my lap." says Uriah, mocking seductivity. I take another sip of my pink drink and reply in the same tone;

"I might just do that." I pick my way towards him, struggling in these stupid heels Christina had to force me into.

I'm almost there when my foot catches and I fall. Time seems to freeze as I feel myself falling.

A pair of hands catches me. I look up. Uriah. I smile and perch myself on his lap.

Will raises his eyebrows twice at us. I roll my eyes at his immaturity. "Lol, you stacked it!" Zeke laughs, pointing at me.

I blush and sip my drink again. My senses are starting to dull now. "Come on lets daaaance!" says Christina drunkenly.

"Alright then." I groan, and get off Uriah's lap. "It was a pleasure sitting with you, sir." I say to Uriah, in a fake accent.

"And I, you madam." he says back, in the same tone. I laugh.

I walk to the centre of the lounge, where the majority of the people are. They're either here, or throwing up outside.

We dance for a while, to some songs I've never heard before. I'm not really that into music, being a Stiff and all.

Christina knows most of the words to the songs, and sings them loudly and out of tune, as do most people.

Every now and then, I'll glance to Uriah. He's still on the couch with Will. I wonder why he's not dancing with us. He's probably just tired.

After a while, my eyelids start to get heavy. I find another bottle and drink from it. I return to Christina.

Will comes up to her, slightly intoxicated. She smiles up at him. Ugh, here comes the PDA.

I plonk myself next to Uriah on the couch. I huff, slightly jealous. Uriah notices this and scoots closer to me.

"Where are Zeke and Shauna?" I ask.

Uriah's face spreads into a grin. "I think you know..." he says suggestively, raising his eyebrows.

I blush deeply and mumble "Oh.."
He slings his arm over my shoulder and scoots me closer.

We begin to talk, about mindless things, really.

As time passes, we let the alcohol do the talking.

We get closer and closer. We stay that way until Uriah suggests that we dance.

I notice the music is becoming slower. It's an Amity song. That's weird.

We get to the dance floor, and Uriah places his hands on my waist.

I glance at him nervously, but my worry melts away when I see the twinkle in his chocolate brown eyes.

The song reaches its chorus.

"And you throw your head back laughing like a little kid

I think it's strange that you think I'm funny 'cause he never did

I've been spending the last eight months

Thinking all love ever does is break and burn and end

But on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again"

All the time, Uriah inches closer and closer to me. I sway my hips a little more, getting lost in the music.

"But on a Wednesday, in a café, I watched it begin again..."

As the last chord of the song ends, I glance to the door.

I see Four outside the apartment, not daring to come in. I press myself closer to Uriah. Four's eyes widen.

I wink at him then press my lips to Uriah's.

I told you guys you'd be shocked! What did you think of that? Comment to tell me 😀

This chapter is dedicated to @CrissyCristinukyGirl for voting and commenting regularly.

If you want a chapter dedicated to you, vote and comment and I'll consider it 😀

I was thinking of doing a Q and A kinda thing. I'll ask you guys a question, and you comment to answer. You can ask me questions too 😊

Today's one is...
Which country are you from? I'm from England 🇬🇧

Please help me get to 1K reads by May! Thanks for reading!

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Thanks again, I really appreciate it 😃

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