His Chance- The End

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I hear a bang and a searing pain surges through me. Then nothing.

My eyes snap open, and I sit bolt upright. Next to me, Uriah does the same.

"We did it!" he says, smiling like an idiot.
"That we did." I say laughing.

He gets up from his chair and hugs me tightly, like he never wants to let go, and I don't want him to.

"Dauntless cake?" he asks expectantly.
"Dauntless cake." I reply, nodding.

I lace my fingers through his, and we leave the room, leaving my fears behind us.

On the way to the cafeteria, Uriah will not stop babbling. It's not even structured babble, just words tumbling out of his mouth.

I tune out and look around the Pit. I spot Christina and Will in the cafeteria and pull on Uriah's sleeve.

He comes out of his daze and says "What?"
"Look, our friends are down there!" I say.

We hurry down the stairs a bit quicker. Christina spots us, and yells "Hey!" up the stairs. I wave back and run up to her.

"Hey, you got your cast off!" she squeals.
"Sure did. I can throw knives about now." I reply.
"Any sign of Four?" Uriah asks suspiciously, and Christina shakes her head. "Not since the incident." she says, and Uriah nods.

Suddenly, I feel something grab my leg.
I gasp and look down, to see the little girl who had her ears pierced, Amie I think her name was.

"Trissy!" she says, excited.
"Hello Amie." I say, smiling.
Uriah swoops down and picks her up, and starts swinging her round the room. What is he doing?

"How's my pretty little cousin?" he says, beaming at her. Cousin, that makes sense.

A flustered woman rushes up to us and takes Amie from Uriah.
"So sorry, Uri. Amie, calm down!" she pleads.
"Cass, it's fine. You have to stop running around, it's not good for you." Uriah says, petting Amie's head.
"I can't, not with a five year old." Cass says, sorting out her mischievous blue hair.

"We can take her for the day." I offer.
"Yeah, we'll have fun!" Christina jumps in.
"Okay, fine." says Cass, kisses Amie's cheek and hands her to Uriah, then rushing away quickly.

Uriah sets her down on the floor and takes her hand. "Lets go get cake!" he says, and Amie squeals in excitement.

Will and Christina follow behind, showing a disturbing amount of PDA. I ignore them and catch up with Uriah.

Amie is babbling on and on, much like Uriah was earlier. Uriah pretends to listen, and shoots me glances of 'Help This Child Is Talking To Me And Expects Me To Understand And Respond.'

I listen to Amie and translate parts of what she's saying to Uriah. He nods in part understanding, but still looks confused.

As soon as Dauntless cake is placed in front of Amie, all babble ceases. She falls silent, and promptly shoves the whole piece into her tiny mouth. I guess cake obsession runs in the Pedrad family.

Will and Christina sit down with us, and we all talk for ages, about anything and everything. I get so lost in conversation, I realise we've been here for two hours!

Amie is extremely bored, and is playing with her spoon, making funny faces into it.

Uriah pokes her in the arm and says "Tag!"
She giggles and pokes him back.
"You're it!"
"No, you are!"
Amie gets up and runs around the table, squealing.
Uriah jumps up an chases her, circling the table trying to catch her.

Amie goes running off, and I get up to go get her. She'll never come back with Uriah chasing her.

She goes wild, running round tables, knocking into people, generally causing trouble. I've almost got her, when I sa into a solid surface and go flying.

Uriah catches me at the last second and hauls me back up. I look up to what I crashed into, only to be met with Four.
In handcuffs.
Being led away, with Lauren *cough* slut *cough* crying behind him.

"Oh, Tris.." he says, surprised to see me. He should be.

"Four... Looks like you've got yourself into some... trouble." I say, dragging out my words.

The guard leading him away starts walking again, but I place a hand on Four's chest, stopping him.

"One sec.." I say slowly.

I look Four up and down and decide he's not worth my time.
He never was.

"You're both stupid, you should get married!" sasses Amie to Four and Lauren.
"That's right, Amie. But what a shame the poor groom's bride is a whore." I say, and smile sweetly to Lauren. (eyyyy p!atd)

The guard continues to take Four away, all the while Lauren is screaming every bit of colourful profanity she knows, which isn't a lot, considering her brain capacity.

Amie dashes off, back to Will and Christina.
Uriah pulls me in for a hug, and whispers in my ear "You were great."
I don't reply, I just sigh and smile.

My mind flickers back to Four, and the years we spent together.
But he blew it.
He had his chance.
Now I can have mine.
I look up at Uriah, and kiss him as hard as I can.

Hellooooo Pineapples I am sosososososososososososososo sorry for the wait, I lost all motivation and inspiration for this story, which has alas, come to the end.

I hope you guys enjoyed reading this pretty awful book, thank you for coming on this 4 month journey with me. Most importantly, I want to thank Divergent_Girl95 for giving me this story, because without her, this wouldn't be possible.

This chapter is dedicated to everyone. Whether you've been here from the start, or have only just discovered His Chance, I thank you.



THANKS FOR READING 😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃
PSS: I'm now thirteen lol I'm a teenager

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