Chapter Two

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Warning: Destiel smut ahead!!!!!!

Amelia's POV

It was very late at night, but since Angels didn't require sleep, I was still awake. I learned that both Gabriel and Castiel lost their grace and were exiled, but they still retained their supernatural powers. I wondered why this had happened, but Castiel and Gabriel wouldn't tell me. I had also met Jack, the Nephilim, and he was a very sweet boy. I couldn't understand why both the Angels and the Demons hated and feared him. Sam, the younger Winchester, had allowed me to read in the library for as long as I like, so I was now studying up and trying to learn everything I could about humankind through history.

I heard a strange noise come from the direction of Dean's bedroom, so I turned around in my library chair and tuned into my surroundings, listening to all the sounds of the bunker. At first, I didn't hear anything, but then I heard another sound. It was a moan, as if someone were in pain. I began to worry for Dean, wondering if he was hurt and if I should check on him and see if he needed anything.

"Nngh Caaaassss!" Dean cried my brother's name and I was out of my chair in an instant and heading for Dean's bedroom. I opened up a portal and teleported to the bedroom door. I pressed my ear against the door and listened. How and why would Cassie hurt Dean?

I heard a strange squeaking noise and more moans and groans that sounded like he was hurt, I could make out two distinct voices. One was Dean's and the other was Cassie's.

"Do you like that, Dean? Do you like it when I go hard and fast like this?" Cas murmured in a low voice, one I had never heard my brother use before.

"Y-Y-Yes! Don't stop Cas, don't stop! Oh God!" Dean whined in a high-pitched tone.

I opened the door and gasped.

Both my brother and Dean were as bare as the day they were created. Cas was laying on his back on Dean's bed and Dean was on top of him. My brother's.......penis was inside Dean and Dean was rising and falling on Cas with his head thrown back and mouth open, eyes rolled back and chest heaving. Cas's hands were on Dean's hips and he was forcing Dean to move faster and faster.

"C-C-Cassie? D-Dean? Wh-What are y-you doing?" I found myself stammering in complete shock. I knew nothing about these things, about anything having to do with humans really, but Cas wasn't a human, he was an Angel.

Cas's head snapped towards me from where I was standing in the doorway and he began scrambling to cover both himself and Dean up with the blanket.

"Amelia, what are you doing in here!? I thought you were reading!?" Cas exclaimed as Dean turned bright red and hid his head in Cas's shoulder.

"I-I heard a strange noise, so I came to investigate! I thought someone was hurt! I'm sorry, Cassie! What were you and Dean doing!? What was that!?" I found myself exclaiming and felt myself blushing.

Jack and Sam were both up by now and Sam put his hands on my shoulders, steering me away from the bedroom and leading me into the kitchen while Jack repeatedly apologized for me and shut the door.

Sam sat down at the kitchen table and gestured for me to do the same. I sat down and stared at the table, I was so confused.

Sam was silent for a moment, opening and then closing his mouth as if he wasn't sure what to say.

Finally, he said "Amelia, has.....has your Father or any Angels in Heaven ever told you what sex is?"

I shook my head, the term was foreign to me. "No, no one has ever told me. What is it?"

"Sex refers to two things: gender, and sexual intercourse. It can happen between two women, two men, or a man and a woman. Men and women have a spot, an area deep inside their vagina or their anus that when touched, sends pleasurable sensations all throughout the body and if it is done right and done for any amount of time, will cause orgasm. Between a man and a woman, this will lead to the man's sperm mating with the woman's egg and creating a fetus that lives and grows inside the woman's womb for nine months before birth. The woman gives birth through her vagina. Pregnancy isn't possible between two women, but science is finding a way to make it possible. It is possible between two men for pregnancy to occur, but this is rare. Sex can be done for pleasure or for reproduction. The man's penis is a pleasure area for him if touched and so is a woman's clitoris. Do you understand, Amelia?" Sam explained and I took in every word he said.

"Yes Sam, I understand. But in Heaven, Father says that sex is for a man and a woman to reproduce within the bounds of marriage."

"I know that as well, Amelia, but there are exceptions for that and have been for thousands of years. It is very possible for two women or two men to fall in love. Dean and Cas did, Gabriel and I did. That's why Cas and Gabriel were exiled, for loving a mortal man." Sam replied and I frowned.

"That's not fair of my Father to do. Love happens when it happens, even I know that. You cannot control who you fall in love with."

"I know Amelia, but there are a lot of people in the world who would disagree with you." Sam sighed.

We heard someone clear their throat behind us and we both turned around to see Dean standing there with his arms crossed and a slight limp to his walk.

"If you are done explaining things to the kid, Sammy, I would like to talk with you." Dean said, glaring at me. Why did Dean dislike me so? I hadn't done anything to him.

"I'm not a child, I'm two millennium years old!" I finally snapped, jumping up out of my seat and glaring at him defiantly. "You have done nothing but glare at me and be rude to me and be condescending to me since I arrived and I didn't do anything to you! What is your issue!?" I continued.

Dean growled and stalked over to me, pressing our foreheads together and grabbing my wrists in his own tight grip, pinning my arms to my side.

"Don't snap at me and don't get an attitude with me, kid! You may be older than me, but you look 15! So to me, that makes you a kid! If I want to be rude, I'll be rude and there is nothing you can do about it!" Dean shouted.

His eyes bore into mine, but I wasn't backing down. I growled, gritted my teeth together, focused, and sent electric currents through Dean's body. Dean yelled out in pain and fell to the floor. Cas and Gabe rushed to separate us.

"Amelia, Amelia, stop! Stop it, you're hurting him! Stop it, please Amelia, stop!" Gabe begged me as Cas leaned down next to Dean and started whispering sweet nothings to him in Enochian. I didn't stop and it got to the point where my brother, Gabriel, put his hands over my eyes and whispered "Sleep".

I fell to the floor unconscious amidst the chaos.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2022 ⏰

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