Chapter 31

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I was waiting till the row of masqueraders passes. When they've finally gone, I expect to find Alex standing on the other side, from the moment they separated us dancing and singing. However, Alex is nowhere to be seen.

Rage fills me in an instant, along with a feeling I had almost ten years to experience. Fear.

I get the phone out of my pocket and call Gianluca.

"Do you see Alex?" I ask, but the way my voice came out seemed more like an order.

"I haven't seen her around here. One moment." He says and then I hear him speaking to the rest of the team through their communication system. "None has seen her around. What happened?"

"My nightmare came true," I mumble. "We need to find her, NOW!"

I rush through the crowd looking around in the hope to spot her somewhere. I could hear my heartbeat racing uncontrollably as I keep searching for her.

Gianluca was in constant communication with me and his team. We spread all around to cover most of the area on the square and around the streets. Every second passing and Alex was not in my arms' reach was driving me crazy.


The square is almost empty by now and I don't give up searching. I find Gianluca and the rest of the men outside the hotel.

"No sight of her." He says dropping slightly his face in defeat as I approach.

"Everyone, upstairs now," I hiss and I pass through them heading to the hotel's entrance.

We enter the elevator and I slide in the card, pressing the top floor. I think it takes an eternity till we reach the floor. The door opened with a ding sound, and I burst out, looking for her in the apartment.

Every door I open, I'm expecting her to be on the other side, safe. The reality of emptiness hits me as I pass from one room to another.

I get out of the last room I checked and start pacing up and down in the living room area. Gianluca and the others were just looking at me, being alert for new orders.

Suddenly I stop in my tracks. There is a small table with glasses and bottles of different alcoholic drinks. I grab one glass and throw it on the wall opposite me, cursing.

The glass smashes on the wall and hundreds of tiny pieces of glass scatter all around. No one dares to make a move.

I was moments away before I turn again into the monster I was before Alex comes into my life. I was holding myself so hard, but now that she disappeared, I feel I start losing control.

I was furious with myself. Throughout what happened to her the past year I made promises that I'll be there for her, keeping her safe. Making her believe that nothing would happen to her under my watch. And now I failed her. I let her down. My promises are absolutely nothing.

I won't do that mistake again. I'll embrace the beast one last time to get her back. That's a vow I silently took, and I will keep up to it no matter the cost.

"Dove sei, vita mia?" I mumbled, letting out a long breath.


A loud bang brings me back from my slumber. A desperate cry makes my hair rise as I open my eyes. Immediately, a strong white light hits me in the face, making the area around me impossible to be seen.

Another cry echoes. It must be coming from a man; however, the voice looks like coming from another place. Away from me.

When my sight is adjusted to the light above me, I can see the faint shapes of my surroundings. I'm tied up on a chair in the middle of a dark room, apart from the bulb hanging upon my head. The air is humid and smells of dirt and blood.

There's nothing around apart from a metallic row hanging from the ceiling, where a couple of hooks are attached to it. I bet there are rats in here as well.

Soon the cries stop by the sound of a gunshot. It's not long after that I hear footsteps approaching.

The door screeches as it opens and heels echo across the room. I can barely see the form of the person who just entered, but I cannot understand who might be.

I feel a wave of disgust and rage as the human form gets closer to me and I see Juliano and Mia's faces coming out of the shadows. Shortly after them, Dante with Vokov appears.

They all have sinister smiles on their filthy faces. I should have known better than a man such Vokov would only be doing business with a dirtbag like Juliano. And with Mia's presence, sabotaging the police, their work was a piece of cake.

But the only person among them for whom I still couldn't believe it was Dante.

I've never done something bad to him, on the contrary, I tried to always be there for him and support him. What's gone that wrong?

"How was the carnival signora Conti? Did you have a good time?" Mia's sarcastic tone breaks my thoughts. "That was a beautiful dress indeed, but I'll not give you the joy to die with dignity." Her smile fades.

That's the moment when I realise I was wearing only the undergarments of the costume. The room is so cold, that I could hardly feel my feet.

"You see, we are in the middle of something here, and unfortunately we need your help." Juliano takes the lead, making a step forward. "The question is, we'll do it the easy way, or the hard way."

Vokov takes slow steps toward me. I can see his features clearer now, and I have an urge to put a bullet between those blue eyes of his.

"Just like his sister," he whispers leaning forward and placing a finger under my chin, it lifts it up to get a better look.

"Mr Vokov. It's not the right moment. When we finish, she's all yours to play with." Juliano says with apathy.

"So, what is your choice, signora?"

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