Chapter 1

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No pov 

As you scramble around to wake up you are greeted by the noise of everyone's thoughts. 

"*sigh* *waking up noises*" You turn too your night stand to put on your glasses. 

(No need to use this design. it would just be better for the plot. Trust me.)

Now that you can see you put on your bracelet

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Now that you can see you put on your bracelet.  "3 people 50meters"  you said Thats when your bracelet lit up and responded back to you. 

"Yes y/n. 2 people are detected in the area" Thats when you felt the voices drift off and you only herd your mother and fathers voices in your head. You managed to tune theirs out since all they talk about is work and politics. 

You pulled out your phone to be bombarded with texts from you childhood bestfriend denki. 

                                               In the 'Walmart Saiki k and Pikachu' group chat 

Pikachu: y/n wake up its the first day of school *5:30 am 

Pikachu: y/n!! Wake up you should be excited!! *5:55 

Pikachu: Come onn! I want to get to school early!! *5:57 

Pikachu: Pleaaassee get up! I want to bye you breakfast! *5:59 

Pikachu: I'll bye u 5 meat buns nd some onigiri on the way home pleass!༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ* 6:01

                                                                           'Saiki K 2.0' is online 

Saiki K 2.0: Hey hey. I'm here no need to lose your head. You woke up early even though class starts at 8:30 *6:05

Pikachu: Yyyy/NNN!!💖 Hi ! good morning! 2day the day. We are in high school now! are you ready? *6:06 am 

Saiki K 2.0: I just woke up actually. But I'll be out the door in fifteen minuets. are you coming to my house so then we can walk together? *6:07

Pikachu: I'm on the wayyy! Be there is 5 minuets. 😋*6:08 

Saiki K 2.0: Okay. c u *6:10 

Pikachu: Okay c u😘 

                                           'Saiki K 2.0 and Pikachu' are offline

I went over to my oversized closet and pulled out my UA uniform. Which mother and father have had modified by the school since they said that skirt was much too short. 

They made the school add shorts into the skirts off all of my uniforms so then I cant take them off.  My parents have always been strict on being modest and conservative. 

They always say: "We are quirk less yet we are powerful. you have a quirk but are yet to be powerful."  They dont have any quirks yet they are the head leaders and CEO's for 3 big companies. 

I take out the rest of my clothes and head over to the bathroom. I take off my pj's, my glasses and my undergarments then wrap myself in a towel. I brushed my teeth then took off my towel. As I entered the shower the towel floated to the rack as I made it to go. 

I took a quick shower for the fact that denki was coming soon. As I stepped out the towel came back and wrapped itself around my body. I walked back to the sink to put on some creams for my face. 

I put lotion on my body then dressed myself. The skirt fit perfectly and everything else was fine. I tied up my hair then put my pj's in the hamper for they have gotten dirty. I put my hair into a random style then walked out of my bathroom.  

While I just stood there I watched as everything in my room was getting organized by me. Even If I dont have my hero license I am still allowed to use my powers at home. And I do all the time. Like for all my daily tasks and stuff.  

I grabbed my bag then walked out of my room downstairs to there see denki raiding our giant kitchen. 

"Heyy? I thought you wanted to buy me breakfast." He just froze there with a muffin in his mouth and more in his hands. 

"Y/N! You didnt tell me you had breakfast at home?" "you never asked. How about we just eat from here then we leave?" "Sure!" 

He kept on eating muffins until all of them were gone. "Those were so good!" "I could tell." I said while finishing up my last bite of eggs and sausage. Denki chimed in. "Where are your parents?" 

usually what denki was thinking was what he was saying so reading his mind wouldnt do much. But when I heard what he was think I could hear that two and two werent lining up. 

aaa= mind reading or flashback depending on context. 

"Why are her parent not around on her first day of highschool? This is like the most important day of her life! I have only seen them like 5 times but I knew her since like. . . the beginning of time! I just wish they would put a little more time into her personal life. she is getting older and needs someone to guide her. My parents have done more for her than they have." 

I didnt want to speak out loud because that would just be too hard for me. I transferred my thoughts to denki to explain everything to him.

" Denki. You dont need to worry about my parents. They have there own way of doing things and they do what they do because they love me. Trust me. I love Mr. and Mrs. Kaminari as much as you do but my parents are my parents and if they this is the right way to raise me then they know what they are doing." 

I saw denki look up at me and give me a worried smile. He always gave me that smile when we spoke in thoughts instead of when we spoke out loud. Usually because we spoke about seriouse topics when we spoke in thought.

"If you think its fine then I think Its fine. But just know that they wont be around forever so try and get them to spend time with you more. I understand that you are going to go to college even though we are training to become heros. but why must you? Why cant you just finish high school then get straight into it?" 

"Because I need to go to school and learn stuff to then take over the companies. They say that if worst comes to worst I should just get together with a smart rich dude then he would take care of everything from there. I want to prove to them I dont need their help or their pitty. I can still take over the companies and be a pro hero." 

"With your best friend off course! Can spell company without company and I will be your company!. . . That sounded better in my head"

"We are in your head, denki"

"Whatever. Lets get to school and talk bout the serious stuff  later."

He flashed me with the biggest and brightest smile to reassure me. I needed to tell my parents I was heading off. 

"Mom? Dad? I'm heading to school. Denki is taking me so you dont have to worry. I'll go to denki's house  after school then come home for dinner." 

They didnt respond as usual. I dont know why I expected much. 

"Denki I told them we were leaving the house. Now lets head off." We stepped out together holding hands, happily skipping down the staircase at the front of my house. We left the big gate and walked to school ready for what ever was awaiting us. 

Denki x fem reader: Shock waveWhere stories live. Discover now