chapter 1 (REVISED)

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Anastasia's POV

I lay motionless, my mind overwhelmed by painful memories flooding in. As the chaos subsided, I attempted to open my eyes, but to no avail.

"Hey, is she okay?" I heard a voice, a little boy I guess, expressing concern.

"W-will we face consequences for this?" Came a tremulous voice from another. "Don't worry," chimed in a high pitched voice that made me cringe,

"She's the black sheep of the Valentine family! An illegitimate child. Even if she were to die right here, right now, we'd probably get away with it." He continued, I barely opened my eyes to see him smirking.

"What the hell did you just say about me?" A scream pierced through the little boys in front of me, as I rubbed my head in annoyance.

They all ran away, screaming in surprised and fear.

"Princess Anastasia.." I heard a voice call out to me. I turned to my side and saw a familiar face, a dark bluish hair and red eyes staring directly at me, this novel's cruel villain and the future head tower mage, Xaervin.

Xaervin hated Anastasia in the original but had the same distaste and hatred towards my family, and he also fell in love with my sister, the female lead. That's why at some point they teamed up to destroy the female lead and male leads relationship.

"Princess Anastasia," Xaervin called out to me once more, an unmistakable annoyance lingering in his voice.

"Why are you calling me?" I turned my back to him, still sprawled out on the grass. It wasn't so much a question as it was a statement.

"His Highness is calling for you," he replied.

"And?" I responded, sensing his pause without the need to turn around and see his expression.

"I'm sorry—" He began to apologize, but I interrupted him.

"Let him be. Stay here and lay down with me. If it's truly important, he'll send Calix," I said, my voice devoid of emotion.

Xaervin chose not to return to the palace; instead, he laid down beside me.

"Ah, how old am I now Xaervin?" I turned my head towards him as he looked at me surprised.

"You just turned 16 your highness." He said with a monotone tone. If I'm correct, Calix is 14 now, Ariliana is 13 and Calisto is 4, and most importantly Xaervin is 16.

Anastasia's birth was the result of the emperor's infidelity during his courting period with the empress. Despite his love for the empress, he had the gull to cheat?

Furthermore, Anastasia's true mother, a self-proclaimed goddess, became infuriated upon discovering the emperor's affair. In her rage, she placed a curse upon the entire royal bloodline, the Valentine family, declaring that they would bear tainted and poisonous blood as a consequence of their actions.

Once that the holy priest discovered that I was the reason why the royal family have poisonous blood, all of the noble and the elites turned their back on me.

Despite all of this, Anastasia was still a direct daughter of the goddess, she had the power to make people sleep, she also could heal or kill anyone with the tune of life and death.

She also could speak to animals, and revive people on the brink of death.

But because she was the villainess, when the goddess heard her treacherous acts when Ariliana became the saintess, she had no choice but curse her daughter with an illness that was incurable and made people insane.

When she discovered that Anastasia killed herself in the end, the heavens cried for a year but stopped when Ariliana offered Anastasia's body to her.

In the end Anastasia had a quite good ending than other villainess, but she did had a terrible life.

Anastasia was ignored and ridiculed because she was an illegitimate child, whenever she wanted something, Ariliana and the others must have it also.

Also it was quite obvious because of our hair color and eye color. While my siblings had pink or peachy blonde hair color and blue eyes.

Anastasia however had a more lightish and golden blonde hair, she had red blood eyes and a cold complexion.

'You are the older sister, you must put your siblings first.' was the phrase she hated so much to her core.

I related to Anastasia while I was reading the novel, I was the eldest daughter of an Asian family. I was pushed to know every house chore but also needed to have perfect grades.

All of my achievements were undermined and my parents refused to praise me.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard the rustling movements of the bush as Xaervin prepared his dagger.

"There you are princess Anastasia." The captain of the knights said, sir Rox.

"The king is requesting for your presence." He said.

I sighed and stood up, he looked stunned as his hand was left alone. He was expecting me to hold his hand to stand up.

"Princess Anastasia." Xaervin offered out his hand to me as I held it. We followed sir Rox to the palace. I felt stares all around my body as whispers were apparent.

The big golden studded doors opened to reveal my family eating on a big table. "You're late." Father said without even looking at me.

I ignored his words and sat besides Calisto who gazed at me surprised.

"Are you ignoring what I said?" Father looked at me annoyed as I looked him in the eyes. "I thought if it was really an important matter you would've sent Calix instead of Xaervin." I said as the whole room went silent as Calix, Ariliana and my 'mother' looked at me.

Father didn't replied to my response as he just continued eating.

"Anastasia, that was a rude comment." Calix had a worried look as I stared at him, making him be taken aback.

"Why? It's the truth, father wouldn't send his precious and cherished son to find his illegitimate daughter." I replied as the whole room fell into silence.

The emperor gazing at me, shocked.

I heard the empress crying as Calix and Ariliana went to her comforting her, all of the maids, chefs and knights looked stunned, Calisto looked at me frightened.

"Th-that isn't true! You're my daughter Anastasia-" I cut off the empress.

"But if I'm you're daughter, why haven't I felt your motherly love once in my life? Also I already know I'm an illegitimate child as many of my aunts and uncles already informed me at a young age." I stopped, it's funny to think why I have this kind of confidence.

Maybe it's because I talked to the original Anastasia before I woke up here? Or maybe it's because I don't have any sense of empathy for them yet.

I view them as novel characters, and maybe that's why I have no shame on disturbing the plot so abrasively.

"Besides, it was already obvious from the beginning.." I continued as the emperor was taken aback and a loss of words.

The room was filled of my mother's whimpers and Ariliana and Calix comforting words for her. Calisto clung onto me with confused eyes.

"Is it aren't my real sister?" I saw that Calisto's eyes were on the verge of tears.

"I am, but not fully." I muttered under my breath as he hid onto my lap. I oddly felt no remorse, in my past life I wouldn't even speak or mutter when somebody did something wrong to me.

In response, a thrill seemed to ripple through the very foundation of the novel.

Father's hands slammed down onto the table, shattering the silence in the room.

Everyone quickly retreated to their seats, their expressions varied. Ariliana appeared cautious and frightened, while Calix, clearly displeased, glared at me for causing his mother to cry.

Ignoring the tension lingering in the air, I resumed eating, because of that I receive the gaze of the emperor and the offense of Calix, both of whom stared at me in disbelief at my seemingly indifferent attitude towards the recent commotion.

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