[_] Trickster. [_]

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The small supply team had been captured by one of Reds scout teams and taken to a small prison.

Each where put in one separate cell next to each other. Except for Nick-

Though they all assumed it was just Red wanting to keep the brunette far away from the group. Like at Huskies prison base.

A day had passed and all the soldiers has already had their meals. But from what they could hear- Red had a...separate meal from all the others-

They all had been given scrapes of yesterday's meal. But Red had something fresh and new-

That...worried the small group...

Red came by later on with a big grin on his face.

After a bit of a conversation that got heated due to some of the others asking where their leader was. Red smirked, laughed and pulled out some black cloth.

"Who do you think I had for dinner?"

He threw it into /character/ cell. And with a closer inspection it was..

Nicks hoodie.

The same familiar shades of Black with a red square and a M in the middle of it.

But it was ripped slightly. And fresh blood stained the hood.

Red turned and waved goodbye to the small group. Leaving them to think their leader was dead.

A little while later the group escapes- with the somber news of their leaders death...


Nick wasn't dead...he was just kept in a cell all beaten and bruised due to Red wanting to make the trick convincing.

He was alive.

And the group didn't know-

Oh what a lovely little game Red was gonna play.

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