Who am I?

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Dear diary,
I could never imagine that the day that I will say goodbye to my parents would be so soon. I love them so much and now they are not here with me. I feel that it was my fault that they died. Because of me they were running in the road. Because I didn't listen to them and went to the concert.
Who am I without them? My name is Amanda Jefferson and I am 17 years old. I am really lonely. Nobody likes me at school. Last week some girls created a video with photos of mine while I am at school, home, and at concerts and clubs. They posted this video on YouTube and some unknown people comment " Why don't you just kill yourself... The world will be better without a freak like you." I don't care what others say, I promised to be myself no matter what they think about me.
The truth is that I am not the most calm girl in the world. I play the piano and the bass guitar. I dance ballet since I was 3. Moreover two years ago I took up kick boxing.
in the beginning I was going to the school in my neighborhood but I was kicked out because of my appearance. I mean I had 4 piercings to each ear and a lip piercing. So I had to go to the school I go now. My school is like hell. Nobody likes no one but they pretend to like everyone, except me of course. I don't really care... As long as I have music everything seams fine.
I remember when I tried to get in a club but the security man didn't let me so I said that I was the Dj's girlfriend and they let me in. Another time I took my skateboard and left the house because my mother was screaming to me trying to learn were I go when I leave... So I went to the beach and sat there until midnight... It was so beautiful. I saw the sun diving into the sea... It was sad as well... I could give everything to watch this scene with a friend. Last month some girls at school started laughing when I passed next to them so I just turn to them and screamed "I can hear you... I'm not an idiot I can understand that you don't like me but stop making that. You say that I don't have a heart but your hearts are made from stone that's why you don't feel anything". Some other time I was walking while a little boy run into me crying and he told me "I lost my mother can you help me?" I said "of course.. Do you know your mothers number?" He nodded and I gave me my phone to call. A woman answered "hello how can I help you?"
"Erm, hi ... Your son found me and he told me that he lost you... We are in front of the toy shop..."
"Ok stay there I'm coming... Thank you so much."
After some minutes she was there. She saw us and she just hugged her son and said "thank you" to a lady who was standing next to her. The lady didn't Sean to understand that she was talking to her so I said "Excuse me but your son found me I called you". Then she looked at me with a really mean face and told me stay away from my son. I stay there looking at them.... Why do they do that? We are humans... We are like them and maybe better than them...
Ok that's for today I feel so dead... Tomorrow morning I move to LA.. I hope it will be better than here

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