💜Ghost- More than friends💜

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Requested by a friend!

-Y/N pov-

Ever since I could remember me and Ghost had been the closest of friends. Of course he knew more about me than I did him, but he still trusted me enough to tell me subtle secrets. He'd constantly sneak into my apartment, which simply became a routine of seeing him loiter on my couch like he owned the place. At least he asked before stealing my food, that's all I cared about.

I was returning from my day out, my book back hanging off my shoulders like weights as I fiddled with my keys. Unlocking the door, I smiled at the familiar punk spread across my couch with his eyes locked on my tv. "Why do you insist on watching television here?" I asked as I locked the door behind me, removing my shoes to place them in their holders. "It's quiet..." He mumbled, those reddish brown eyes only taking a glance at me. "I suppose that's fair." I chuckled, heading into the kitchen. "Just know I got some work to do, so no bothering me got it? It's very important business work!" I huffed, pulling out some leftovers to reheat. He let out a hum to inform me he heard, not uncommon of him that's for sure. I quickly ate before heading into my room to get started, just leaving him to his own activities. I was heavily behind and needed to catch up with my notes, which was a bore but had to be done.
I sat at my desk as I opened my notebook, starting right away. I tried to go quickly as I grew bored within seconds, not even half the page was filled yet. I held my head up with my hand, squishing my cheek into my knuckle as I slowly went off track. I started to doodle to the side, not really paying attention to the teacher's voice over the video. I thought for a moment before turning to look at my door, I quickly stood and peaked out to see Ghost still where I last saw him. I thought for a moment before closing my door and returning to my desk, turning the page as I thought for a moment. I sighed as I began to doodle Ghost here and there, originally being innocent and just looking at his facial features. But as time passed on I curled in my chair with my fist over my mouth as they grew more.... Exciting.

I'll admit it, even though he was technically a childhood friend... I had the hots for the guy.

I grew giddy, slightly bouncing as my cheeks grew warm with red. A dumb dorky grin spread across my face as I contained giggles, like a teenage girl reading some book about a hot guy. Multiple pages had been filled as I grew into a daydream. "You seem like you're having fun." I jumped hearing a gravelly husked voice from my doorway. I quickly pressed the notebook to my chest as I turned around, seeing my door wide open and Ghost leaning against the frame. "H-heeeeeey Ghooost.... My casper boy!.... King boo.... Ride or die...." I nervously chuckled, finger gunning with every nickname. He raised a brow before making his way over. "What were you so giggly about in that notebook?" He questioned, reaching to grab it from my hands. I quickly shut it as I held it away from him. "Nothing! Just some silly doodles!" I laughed, hoping he wouldn't see my shaking pupil. But, he knew nervousness and fear when he saw it. Even the subtle hint, he'd know. "Let me see." I reached for it again, leaning over me as I fought to keep it out of reach. I pressed my hand to his chest, trying to push him back. But let's face it, he's pretty strong.

"NO!" I screamed, using my feet to hold him at bay. His eyes narrowed as he pushed them back to my chest, his fingers only inches from the book. "It wouldn't hurt if it's just some silly doodles." He muttered, his fingers grazing with every inch. "YOU DON'T NEED TO SEE IT!" I exclaimed, shoving my legs to push him back. He barely tumbled, but due to the fact I pushed at his stomach it managed to nudge him back. My heart stopped seeing his eyes get a dark look to them, growing menacing as he stared down at me. "G-Ghost?" I trembled, scared of his next move. He grabbed my legs, forcing them open as I squealed. Was I a human or a pig? I couldn't really tell...

He forced his way between my legs, snatching the notebook from my hands. "NOOO!!!!" I screeched, eagerly trying to get it back. He stood back, flipping through the pages as I frantically tried to grab it. But he was tall as fuck, so it didn't go as well as I hoped. His brown eyes grew intrigued, examining every detail of the art. "....Oh my..." He muttered, taken back by the contents. I grimaced as my face grew red, covering my face with my hands in embarrassment. "....Looks like some nice studying..." He sarcastly spoke, closing the notebook. "I'm sorry!" I cried, honestly deep down hoping he wasn't mad. I felt my hands and legs shake, my chest tightening as I clenched my eyes tight. "I'm really really sorry! I don't know what came over me! Don't be mad! I shouldn't have drawn you like that, you're my best friend! It wasn't okay and I'm sorry!" I pleaded, grabbing at my chest. He was silent for a moment, my anxiety rising at the lack of words.

"Whoever said I was mad?" I opened my eyes once he spoke, looking up to him as he lingered over me. He pressed his hand on top of my head, leaning down to my height to face me. "I'm not mad at all Y/n." He confirmed, letting his hand slide down my head to my cheek. "If anything I'm surprised..." he stroked my cheek with his thumb, calming my nerves easily with the gentle touch. "Surprised?" I questioned, feeling my eyes grow wet, eager to let it out. He must've noticed, both his hands holding my cheeks and rubbing the few stray tears away with his thumbs. "Mhm.... Y/n.... I need you to do something for me.... Can you do that?" That serious look plastered his face, but yet seemed so soothing. I nodded, trying to breath and calm myself. "Just how do you really feel about me?" He asked, his face growing closer to mine. "Are you really okay with just friends?"

My breaths grew tight, my eyes scanning everything around me as I picked my nails. I was scared to say it, but yet, I knew it would be best to be honest. I knew he cared deeply about me, I knew nothing would change that, I knew he would be able to take anything but yet... I was still terrified.

"No Ghost.... I don't think I am fine with friends.... I wanna be more.... And I have for a long time now.... You just.... Sometimes I could've sworn you were an incubus! I-.... I don't know why I feel this way but I-" he cut me off, pressing his thumb to my bottom lip. "You don't need a reason.... Sometimes feelings can't be explained.... And that's alright....." my heart melted as a small smile went across his lips, something I've never seen in my entire life. He always wore a straight, irritated, annoyed, or even cold face... but never a smile. "You wish to be more to me?..... like a lover?.... Correct?" He grew closer, my heart racing as I felt his breath against my skin. I nodded, unable to speak as his thumb remained. He leaned in closer, moving his thumb under my lip as he tilted my head up.
He connected our lips into a deep passionate kiss, his lips feeling so natural against me. They were so soft, as they consumed mine so gently. My body felt warm as his spare hand gripped my waste, being careful like I was a porcelain doll. It felt like pure heaven, our lips leaving each other as he pulled away. I was lost for words, staring into his lidded brown eyes filled with a look I never thought I'd see.

Filled with passion.... And lust. "How could anyone not love an angel like you?" He whispered, only inches from my lips debating his next move. "So you....you...." I internally slapped myself, my hands loosened from their grip as they drifted towards him. "Yes, I love you too Y/n." He reconnected our lips, turning his head to deepen the kiss. He lifted me to look up more to stand back up at his normal height, kneeling just enough to keep connected. I gripped his upper arms, trailing over his tattoos as he moved his lips against mine. Licking my bottom lip, requesting access. I opened up gladly, letting his tongue invade my mouth taking its dominance within seconds. He explored the entirety of it, moving a hand behind my head to pull me in closer. He pulled my waist in, pressing our bodies against each other. Pulling away a string of saliva kept us connected, as we took a moment to breathe. "Y/n?" He whispered, letting his hand roam up and down my waist. I looked up to him, curious for his next words.

"You have no idea.... Just how badly I want you right now."

-to be continued!-

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