Training Camp Chaos | Chapter 4

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No One's POV

Hinata woke up at the sound of his alarm, it was 2:30 in the morning he took a 15 minute shower, then got dressed brushes his teeth then went downstairs and made some toast, he checked the the time and it was 2:50, he finished eating and ran out the house with his suitcase the school was 15 minutes away so if he didn't run he would be late, Hinata arrived just as the bus did. Everyone got on the had them assigned seats Hinata was sat next to Shirabu on the bus. Hinata was so tired he fell asleep, then he leaned onto Shirabu in his sleep. Shirabu went to yell at him but saw he was asleep, he accepted it and left him. 15 minutes later Shirabu fell asleep with his head leaned onto Hinata's. 30 minutes later shiratorizawa had arrived, they all looked at Shirabu and Hinata, Goshiki took a pic with his phone and so did a few other's. Tendo then woke up Shirabu.

Shirabu's POV

I wake up to Tendo poking me, I look around to see everyone staring at me I look down see Hinata asleep on my shoulder, my face became heated and I nudged Hinata to wake up.

No One's POV

Hinata woke up to Shirabu nudging him, he looks up to see everyone staring at him. He then went back to sleep on Shirabu's shoulder, everyone laughed. Then Shirabu picked up the sleeping tangerine and carried him inside and put him on the bench, he then put his jacket under his head as a pillow and went to the locker room with the others to change. They then left and started a practice match against fukurodani, during the match a ball headed towards the sleeping tangerine and hit him in the head off the bench. "OWW" Hinata groaned as he stood up and got hit in the head by a different matches ball. Hinata then fell down again with his nose bleeding, everyone went to see if he was alright. They saw Hinata on the ground covering his face, they then took Hinata to the nurses office and office. At the end of the practice match, shiratorizawa went to check on Hinata after getting changed. When they arrived they saw Hinata asleep on the bed. Goshiki woke Hinata up, Hinata jolted awake and saw everyone, "you okay Hinata you got hit the face twice by two volleyballs." Goshiki said, "yeah I'm good for the most part," Hinata said. They all then went to the dorm room, they went to sleep and in the morning was a practice match, Hinata woke up first and went to the kitchen with the other managers, he helped cook breakfast with them for the 4 teams after 15 minutes they finished, managers went to each of there teams rooms they then woke everyone up and said breakfast was ready. Fukurodani, Karasuno, Shiratorizawa, and Aoba Johsai went to eat, the managers had their own table and talked about there teams. They were curious about what shiratorizawa was like cause they haven't seen a manager there that had stuck around, Hinata explained what they were like they didn't expect them be fun to be around because all the other managers were told how scary they were. They then saw Shirabu laughing at a funny fake crying Goshiki, Hinata then grabbed the volleyball he always had on him and spiked it at Shirabu's head, "SAY SORRY SHIRABU!!!" Hinata yelled laughing a bit. Shirabu then said said sorry, embarrassed by the other teams looking at him. Goshiki laughed a bit, throughout the first few day's of being there Hinata knocked out simps and spiked Shirabu in the head when he was mean. He also spiked balls at two boys that wouldn't leave Kiyoko and Yachi alone.

On the 5th day of being there, Hinata was surrounded by the other three teams that were there, they all wanted Hinata to be there new manager. Shiratorizawa saw this and went to go to Hinata who was obviously scared, Shiratorizawa looked hella scary so the teams ran off. They then went to the teams room and slept. The next day was Saturday so they had the next two day off, The next morning Hinata got up and helped the other managers, in the afternoon Hinata went up to Shirabu, "do you want to go get ice cream with me later? It's my treat, since you got me some the other week." Hinata said to Shirabu, "Sure I guess" Shirabu said in response. "Okay does 3:40 sound okay?" Hinata asks, "yeah sounds good" Shirabu said back, "okay see you then!" Hinata said walking off. Semi looked at Shirabu, "so you have a date with the manager?" Semi said smirking at Shirabu, "ITS NOT" Shirabu yelled at Semi, "it's just a hangout" he said to Semi looking disappointed, "but you want it to be~" Semi said. Shirabu blushed and walked away, "You didn't say no~" Semi said looking at the flustered Shirabu walk away. 'good luck' Semi thought smiling.

This is it for this chapter! Will Shirabu or Hinata confess or will they wait find out in the next chapter! Hope you Enjoyed!!!!

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