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(This will be the Heart prince Jack's point of view)

!TW! None

-Jack's pov-

I walked towards the Ace room in anger, I've been trying to break the code that locked the room forever. Only mother and father have the code because their the queen and king, I should have it too since I'm the prince. I huff and turn a corner to see the Ace room doors with a fire colored lock on it, I walk to it and try once again try to break the lock.

After what felt like hours I yell out in anger and punch the doors out of anger, I regret punching the doors now because it feels like I broke my hand. I hug my hurting hand to my chest and silently curse the stupid doors and lock for being like this. They are the only things stopping me from getting all the power that I rightfully mine, I huff again and go to my room.

I wrapped my hand to stop it from bleeding everywhere, I look over to the history books that were on my bookshelf. I get up and grab one that talked about the Life and Death spirits, I flipped the pages boredly but stop when it shows what they look like. My eyes widen at the sight of two people in jester outfits with the kingdom pins on their shirts, so that actually what they look like.

I scoff, I still don't know why they wear that if their like all powerful and stuff, I would wear something that would show off my power if I were them. I put the book back and head the the kitchen to grab a snack, I pass the throne room and hear them still talking. I roll my eyes and groan silently, why are they wasting time talking to eachother, don't the spirits have stuff to do?

I walk into the kitchen and try to grab a chocolate covered strawberry but only to have my hand slapped away by one of the cooks. "Those are not for you Jack." Valia(Valea) said as she whisked something, she was the only one that would actually talk to me like I was a human. I hated that she didn't respect me and treat me like the royal I am, she works for me, not the other way around.

I scoff again and glare at her "And why are they not?" I ask with an annoyed tone, she laughs slightly. "Ask your parents, their the ones that asked us to make them, now SHOO!" She pushes my out and slams the door. "I'll have you fired when I become king!" I yelled into the door and storm off to the training room to burn off steam.

-Mini time skip-

I yell again as I fireball another training dummy, I breath heavily as sweat rolls off me and onto my training clothes. I've been doing this for hours and the sun was long gone by now, I look up to the moon and sit down on the grass. I loosely hug my knees to my chest and sigh, I spent most of my time here than inside with my parents.

That's all they are to me, just parents, their not my mom or dad, their just parents that didn't pay atention to me until I was like 13. The staff here raised me and I guess I've grown snoty and rude because my parents never paid atention to me until 3 years ago. I wipe a few tears that started falling and get up, I changed and checked the time, 12:10, I guess I could stay up for at bit more.

-Another mini time skip-

I woke up and blinked a few times before looking around, I was at my desk with drawings under my arms that my head was on. I stretch and get up to get ready, I showered and changed into seme formal clothes and walked to the kitchen. I pass the throne room again to see my mother and father talking about something privately, I stay quiet and listen.

"That boy is nothing but trouble, he is so rude too." "Yes, he never listens to us anymore, he only trains and draws." "What should we do with him?" "There nothing we really can do, we'll talk about this later Heather." "Alright Rick."

I quickly walk to the kitchen when I see them walking to the doors, I suck in a deep breath to stop tears from falling. I knew my parents thought bad of me but I didn't know they thought like that of me, should I run away? No that's crazy, this is my kingdom, my home or at least I think it is, I don't really know anymore.

I quietly open the kitchen doors and sneak over to grab a mini ciniminroll off a tray, I hear someone clear their throut behind me. I turn to see Valia standing there glaring at me slightly, I sigh and walk off before I could get scolded and disapoint someone else. I walk to the dinning room and sat at the left side of the table while my parents sat in the middle.

"So, did you finally read those history books or were you out training again." My mother asked while we waited for the food to come out. "Yes I did actually read some of the books mother." I told her while looking straight ahead, she looked over to father and nodded. "That's a first but I'm guessing you still trained." She was about to say something else but the food came out.

"Saved for now." She said quietly as she grabbed food from the many trays, I grab a few mini ciniminrolls and a drink. I didn't want talk to my parents after breakfeast so I ate fast and left to the outside garden to hide. They have the whole castle to search through to find me so once I hear people getting close to the garden I'll run to hide in the training room.

Just as I hid in some sunflowers a knight and witch walked past me talking about something "And did you see those jesters" The knight said. The witch scoffed "I'm suprised the king and queen stopped that meeting for them." The knight nodded and they walled off. Guess those people didn't read the history books either, I hide a bit longer and then run off to the training room.

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