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(This will be in no ones point of view)

!TW! One curse word and like slight voilence but not too much

-No ones pov-

As Jack ran and hid from his parents, like he usually did, Life and Death were up in the clouds doing whatever powerfull spirits do. A Spade high rank walked a little too close to the boarder, on the other side as the Diamond kingdom in the sky. A High ranked Diamond watched from afar to see what the Spade was doing and was ready to attack if neaded.

The Spade wore their kingdoms colors in his outfit along with their kingdoms symbol on his outfit, the Diamond also wore his kingdoms colors and symbol wit his outfit.The Spade had green eyes that looked great with their black hair and tan-ish skin tone, the Diamond had very pale skin tone that went well with their almost white eyes and almost white blonde hair.

The Spade looked around to try and see if anyone was around but saw no one and walked over the boarder line. The Diamond gasped and stepped out, the Spade had its back to the Diamond so it couldn't see them walking to them. "What are you doing here?!" The Diamond questioned and got into a fighting stance, the Spade gasped loudly at the sudden voice.

They spun around and also got into a fighting stance, both had their hands out and ready to attack as soon as the other got too close. The Spade backed over the boarder line to their kingdom and the Diamond scoffed "Coward." They said as they watched the Spade. The Diamond threw their hand forward and a srrong gust of wind pushed the Spade backwards into a tree.

"Stay on your side Spade." The Diamond walked away to tell their queen about what happened as the Spade slowly got back up. The Spade held their side in pain and walk carefully back to their kingdom and out of the trees that surounded it. Before they made it out they had a coughing fit before falling forward onto their hand and knees.

They coughed up blood into their hand, a scared expression showed up on their face once they saw the red liquid. They fell onto their side and went limp as they laid in the small forest dead and alone, without even seeing their friends again. The last thought that went through their hand was that they should have stayed in bed today like they wanted.

Going away from that and zooming into a low rank Club that was in the middle of getting a higher rank but saddly got it wrong. The posion exploded in their face, making them go deaf and blind for a moment before they passed out. Their friends that were watching screamed out and went to help them with a wizard coming with them to help.

Also zooming away from that and going back to the same high rank Diamond going into the castle to the queen. The knights knew that they were to report to the queen after patroling the boarder s they let them in. They stopped infront of the throne room doors and waited for the knights to let them pass into the room.

The knights bowed their heads to them and let them pass, they bowed their head to them back before heading in. "My queen, a Spade was by and in our land, a Heart was close to the center and nothing was seen by the Clubs." They reported with a bow. The queen hummed and looked over to her daughter who was sitting beside her in a fancy dress with a face full of make-up.

"What did yo do with the Spade?" The queen asked, the Diamond smiled slightly "I sent them back to their kingdom, your highness." The queen nodded. She smirked and leaned on her elbow "Good, anything I should worry about." The Diamond shook their head. "Alright then, you may go Damion." The Diamond bowed again before leaving the castle to do something else.

Going back to the dead Spade and what seems to be happening is that they were found and is being brought back. Their friends cried when they saw their dead body be carried to the castle to see how they died out in the forest. "It wasn't an animal, they were found near the boarder that was close to the Diamonds right?" "Yes." "Then I know what happened."

Backing away from that tense area and being brought back to the Heart kingdom and what the ranks were doing. Low ranks ran to the challange area and tried to get higher ranks but were too focused on getting higher ranks and died from not dodging the opsticals. High ranks did the same thing but more made it than the low ranks as only a few came back out.

People would push eachother off into lava as the challanges went on, it wasn't agenst the rules, the only rule was to get to the finish alive. It wasn't suprising when low ranks rarely came out to get a higher rank, nobody really made friends so it didn't hurt when they died in the challanges. At least they weren't as cold as the Diamonds that didn't care weather their people live or die in battle or just patroling and dieing.

The Diamonds were the dous least favorite kingdom but they still tried to help, well Life still tried at least. Death gave up a long time ago when the Diamonds started offering sacrafies to them because they were the death spirit. They didn't really like seeing dead animals showing up on a pillar by the statue the Diamonds made of them.

It got worse when really low rank Diamonds started to be sacrafied, they stopped when they threated that they would kill half of their kingdom. They was actually tempted to but Life stopped they before they could do anything, which if why they started to gve Life food. It was mostly stuff from their harvest they did and when they did the harvest was even better the next time.

So in all in all, the Heart kingdom is twisted in their own way, the Diamond kingdom if just f^cked up, the Spade kingdom is pretty chill and the Club kingdom is a nicer version of the Spade kingdom.


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