thirty - seven

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My eyes snap open, my skin is cold and clammy, my heart races as if I ran a mile

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My eyes snap open, my skin is cold and clammy, my heart races as if I ran a mile. My neck is heavy and the back of my head aches.

Panting heavily I take in my surroundings. Straining my neck to the left a run down gross cabin comes into view. The right side is the same.  Looking down I'm tied up to a wooden chair, ropes covering every inch of my body.

Everything comes back to me. From the moment Ethan's mom died, to the moment I got knocked out.

How long have I been out? I need to get back to Maggie. I promised her I will be back.

I am breaking my promise. I promised I wouldn't break my promise.

Struggling against the ropes only then do I realize my mouth is taped shut.

That motherfucker.

Pulling against the ropes I jerk back and forth but freeze all movements when I hear that all too familiar laugh. That evil laugh Maggie had nightmares about. The one that keeps her up at night.

"Nothing more pathetic than this." He whistles as he walks over to me. Smirking down at me he rips off the tape leaving a prickly tingly feeling around my mouth.

"Fuck you." I seethe at him. My body aches. He beat me senseless while I was unconscious. Bruises along my arms and the pressure on my lungs are proof of that. The taste of blood that pools in my mouth, and the dried up blood coming from my nose is proof that he messed up my face.

"Your family is on their way here. If they're dumb they will bring that bitch of a daughter you have." I hope they don't. I hope they give her to Raymond and tell her I will be fine. I don't want her to worry and stress herself more.

Who am I kidding? She'll stress no matter what.

"You keep calling her a bitch, it only motivates me to kill you more."

He stands up and circles around my chair. "Do you like the place?" He gestures to the run down cabin.

"It's a shithole." It's true, the stench of weed and other drugs seeps through the walls and carpet. The carpet is stained with yellow spots and blood stains. The furniture is ripped apart and the ceiling has massive mold stains.

"It was your daughters home."

Bile rises in my throat knowing that my baby spent majority of her life here. She had to step over blood stains  on the floor, she slept under mold, she smelled weed 24/7, probably even got second hand smoke.

"She spent her days out, she never came home and then when she did we'd beat her senseless. She never learned. Now she's going to come back here. She's going to see her old blood stains in the carpet and the very couch her mom laid on before I made her shoot her between the eyes."

"You're over Roan." It doesn't take an idiot to know that we overpowered them. His mafias over. No one will save him now. And I won't let him get to my head.

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