charles smith- hunting

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(This is one of those classics where he takes you out to learn how to hunt. mostly making things up as I go. may be corny, may be smut i have no idea but ill tell you if somthing nsfw or whatever happens. )

Your day started off like any other day, getting new clothes on, breakfast and chores. But you wanted to do somthing more for the camp, you may not have the desire to be a gun slinger all day like arthur or john, but you still felt the need to bring somthing more to the camp.

finishing with most of the chores, you sat down at the wooden table and sighed, staring down at your cup of coffee. Soon you see mary-beth sit next to you with a concerned face.
"you okay (y/n)? you look pretty down" the sweet lady asked. "im fine, just wished I could do more for this camp other than washing clothes or sewing. "
Mary-beth nodded and looked at pearson table, then back at you. "I've been hearing pearson talking about needinng more food, like deer or rabbits. maybe you can go hunting?"

you thought about it, its a nice idea but you dont know how to hunt. sure you know how to shoot a gun in order to defend yoursel and perhaps others but shooting animals. seems harder than you think.
"I dont know mary, sure its a nice idea but i dont know how to hunt. nor do i think i can carry a whole ass deer to the back of my horse" Mary-beth chuckled and agreed with you. Thats when charles came up to the table and sat across from you

"morning (y/n), mary" He said before eating the soup that pearson made. you and mary said your hellos but just as you were about to continue the convo, you noticed she seemed to be thinking. Thats when mary blurted out


which put a concerned look on both yours and his face, more so confussion for mr. smith

"help with what?-" he asked kinda hesitant. thats when you explained how you wanted to do somthing more or the camp like hunting, how pearson needed more food and how you would like to help.

"But i dont know exactly the basics of everything. Yes i know you point and shoot the animal but it sounds easier than it is." mary nodded to what you said as charles seemed to think about it.

"sure, if i could teach mr. morgan than i should be able to teach you. its actaully kinda easy when you get the hang of it" charles smiled as he got up from the table and into his tent.

About an hour later you and charles were getting your horses ready, making sure theres enough supplies for the weapons, treats for the horses and any medical supplies just in case. soon you and chalres got on your horses and headed out.
"I know a spot near by, rarely has any bears or snakes from what i saw. nice deer and rabbits though"
charles said, you agreed to go and just about 10-20 mins, you were at the spot.

"Im gonna show you how to use the bow on the animals, guns are just as good but since theyre loud. They will scare off the other animals. " Charles grabbed his bow and got down of of his horse. when you hoped down, the hunt for deers or rabbits began.

"there" you said to charles, pointing at a few deer.
"Lets hurry up and get to them before they see us. take the bow and weapon"

charles explained how to use the bowm what to do and what not to do. when you get in position to shoot. "here let me help"
charles got behind you and helped study your arms, he explained for you to relax but to be firm with the bow, to take deep breaths.
soon his hands gently got ontop of yours to make the bow steady.
"3..2..1. shoot" charles counted down, when you release the arrow it went straight into the deers head. you jumped up with excitment and looked up at charles with a smile on your face. Charles looked down, looking proud at you while smiling back. 

"good job (y/n)" Charles patted your back before leaving to get the arrow and pick up the deer. Oh how he makes it seem so easy.

"This should do for now, its getting late" charles put the deer on the back of his horse and hoped on, as you did the same with your horse. 
The ride home was silent, but a comfy silent, you were still proud of yourself or hunting even though charles had to help you study. But all you have to do now is go out to hunt for when the others are too busy to or you dont wanna keep doing basic chores.

you and charles soon arrived at the camp, charles got off of his horse to bring the deer to pearson. you got off of your animal and put awya most of the supplies, making short trips with putting things away. you could hear charles basically bragging about how good you did. which made you feel good and embarrased in a good way.

You were about to enter your tent but saw charles. you remembered that you still havent thanked him. so you quickly walked up to him.
"mr. smith! " you called out to him, he turned around and looked at you. charles was holding a shotgun so you assume he was taking on night duty.

when you approached him, you leaned up and kissed him on the cheek
"thank you for teaching me hot to hunt, it meant alot. " You smiled at him, turning around and finally went into your tent for the night.

you left charles somewhat shocked, blushing. genty holding his cheek, right where you kissed him. Charles spent the rest of his gaurd hours smiling.

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