5 | brother

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no one's pov


"you guys know each other?" you asked

"unfortunately yes." fulgur answered

you can feel that theres a thick tension between the two groups

you sweat dropped "you know them y/n??" yugo asked

"ah yes i do" the noctyx crew was confused so you continued "eh they are actually my friends, but one of them is my brother.."

"which one is your brother?" fulgur asked "well uh- eh- ..vox.." you answered nervously feeling the tension between the two guys

"YOUR RELATED TO VOX??" alban asked 
"wow i did NOT expect that" uki said
"yea i mean vox is this scary demon and y/n is just a sweet girl" sonny added
'im sorry?? sweet? please- wait till you ACTUALLY meet me'

"aa i guess i havent fully introduced myself" the noctyx group let you continued while your brother was standing there angrily

" my name is y/n, y/n akuma" 

after you said that every member in the noctyx group had their jaw dropped. while the noctyx group was speechless your brother vox asked "and you know them(noctyx)?"

"mhm theyre my new friends" you smirked now knowing that vox hates them

"its imposible..." one of vox's friend said "HOW CAN YOU BE FRIENDS WITH THEM????" "oi mysta dont scream" "sorry" 

silence filled the air so you tried to introduce them to each other "*coughs* so uh im sure you guys already know them but this is my brother and this is his crew, luxiem" you nudged someone with black purple and yellow bangs

"ehem right my name is shu yamino"
"YOOOOO my name is luca kaneshiro" 
"ike eveland nice to see ya again"
"hmph mysta rias"

"*coughs* vox-nii.." you silently whispered and nudged him "i will NOT introduce myself to this metal piece of crap" "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME?" "HEY HEY NOW dont fight" you successfully broke apart the fight

"vox-nii please introduce yourself" you asked him politely "tch my name is vox akuma and if ANY of you DARE to hurt or even touch y/n,, i will not hesitate to make your life like my home, hell." 

you sweatdropped again "h-haha wel-ll then i better get going now, cya tmrw! psst oi guys lets get going" you nudged the luxiem crew, you started pushing the group (a/n wow you guys are hella strong) "bye bye"you smiled brightly at the noctyx group.

after you left with the luxiem the noctyx group-

"WOW" "mhm.." "well that just happened" "yup" uki, fulgur, yugo, and sonny said to each other
"i guess i can see thei similarity, i mean theyre BOTH hot" alban suddenly said
"i- omfg i guess i cant disagree on that one" sonny disappointedly say 


SURPRISEEE the akuma siblings + luxiem

sorry ik some of you guys dont have black hair and dark eyes but like both you and vox are hot so those are the only similarity <333

pogpogpog luxiem pog
(btw the one that made your lunch was mysta lol but ofc he was helped with shu cause if he cooks himself it will not end well..)

-soul <3

31 march 2022

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