HTTYP Part 8

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The next morning when dawn broke, both Hiccup and Emily got up early when they went to the cove before the training started. Emily was able to sneak into the food storages in the village and got two baskets of fish. They trek the forest down the familiar path and finally arrive at the cove.

Emily and Hiccup gave each other a knowing look.

Hiccup was carrying the prosthetic tailfin and the basket of fish in his hands while Emily had the other basket which she put some fruits she found in the forest. They both walked to where their scaly friends were and saw that they were still sleeping.

Seeing the basket got everyone from the village gawking. How can they carry that?!

Emily giggled when she saw Optimus sleeping like an owl with Toothless sleeping like a cat. Hiccup had to admit that seeing the two dragons sleeping is a sight to see but he knew that they had to wake the two up.

The TFP kids agreed with their friend's screen self. Optimus does look like an owl.

"Hey, guys." The sound of his voice woke the two dragons up as Optimus blinked his eyes sleepily as Toothless stretched like a cat to get the remaining sleep from their system.

"Morning, Optimus." Emily said lovingly as Optimus got down from his spot and nuzzled her lovingly as she set the basket down for him.

"Aww!" Miko squealed at seeing the two and Emily and Optimus didn't hide the loving smile they had for each other's.

"We brought breakfast. I hope you two are hungry." Hiccup said while setting the basket down before pushing it down and dumping the fish pile in front of Toothless who eyed it hungrily.

So many to choose from! Toothless cautiously approached the pile while Emily takes out fishes for Optimus to eat as he gratefully ate them.

"Greedy dragon." Hiccup muttered and got a whack from a tail.

"What? It's true, bud!" Hiccup retorted to Toothless.

"Okay, that's disgusting. Uh... we've got some salmon, some nice Icelandic cod and a whole smoked eel." Hiccup said as he named the types of fish that were in the basket but the word eel was another story.

At the mentioned of eels got every dragon panicking.

Toothless started to back away from the pile while growling as Optimus became a little tense at the word as the instincts in him were telling to get as far away from the eel right now.

Emily quickly searched in the basket and found the eel before throwing it away far from Optimus. Hiccup searched through Toothless' pile before pulling out the slimy eel that he found.

That got an instant reaction from the Night Fury who reared back at the sight of the eel as fear was in his eyes and the two realized that dragons don't like eels. Optimus let out a small yet disgusted sound and she quickly calmed him down with rubs under his chin while Hiccup threw it away.

"Huh. Guess they don't like eels." Katie said.

"Well, from I can gather, some dragons can digest them but others don't since it acts as a some type of poison to them." Raf said.

"No, no, no, no! It's okay." Hiccup quickly reassured Toothless who snorted a little and was calming down from the small scare.

"Yeah, I don't really like eel much either." Hiccup said as he looked to Emily who finished feeding Optimus.

Stoick gave Hiccup a look who shrugged.

"The time you cooked eel soup, I had a stomach problems for a month." Hiccup said.

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