HTTYP Part 12

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They then flew from the island while Astrid tried to find the right words to describe what she just saw.

"Alright, I admit it. This is pretty cool. It's... amazing. He's amazing." Astrid said as she put a hand on Toothless as if thanking him for showing her that dragons aren't monsters.

"Amazing? It was simply breathtaking." Miko said.

"Got that right." Jack agreed.

Unicra had a small yet noticable smile and Megatron saw that and took note to take his Sparkmate on that type of flight after this.

"About time you stop and see the perspective of a dragon." Emily spoke up as Astrid looked over to see her standing on the other dragon.

Astrid's eyes softened as she knew that she had to apologize about what happened.

"Listen, about what happened at the arena, the cove and the Nadder the other day, I just want to say-" Astrid said but Hiccup cut her off with a soft tone.

"Wait, is Astrid Hofferson apologizing? To him?!" Snotlout exclaimed in surprise.

"What? Is apologizing not allowed?" Astrid retorted as Snotlout sputtered for a response.

Emily and Hiccup visibly went pale as they realized this scene. This was before they were sent here.

"A-Astrid, it's okay. We forgive you but it's gonna take some time for me to heal completely." Hiccup told her as Optimus warbled softly as Astrid's eyes softened at this.

Stoick smiled softly. Even after what happened, Hiccup gave her a second chance.

Then she remembered that they had another problem to deal with as they flew through some fog.

"So what now?" Astrid asked but only got a sigh in response.

"Hiccup, your final exam is tomorrow. You know you're going to have to kill a... kill a dragon." Astrid said as she whispered the last part so Toothless and the other dragon wouldn't hear.

"You don't have to tell us, Hofferson." Emily muttered as Astrid nodded.

"Don't remind me." Hiccup said in dismay.

"How are you going to figure out a way out of it?" Miko asked.

"We'll try and figure out a way to show them." Emily said before she tensed.

Toothless suddenly took a sharp dive with Optimus following suit as Emily held on with Astrid and Hiccup crying out in surprise.

Everyone quickly sensed something was wrong and were all unease by the situation as they got worried while Stoick was realizing something.

"Toothless, what's happening? Whoa, what is it?" Hiccup asked but didn't get an answer.

"Optimus, what's going on with you?" Emily asked worriedly as Optimus warbled but it sounded strain which made her worried.

Ratchet watched worriedly with the Team even the Decepticons. What could possibly make Prime strain as if he was struggling?

They almost bump into a Monstrous Nightmare and Emily knows they have to try and stay hidden.

"Get down!" Hiccup whispered as they leaned against the backs of their dragons.

They soon found themselves surrounded by hundreds of dragons who are all carrying animals or food. Emily looked around and her eyes widened when she saw three dragons by the coloration.

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