Chapter 2

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Harry sat in the waiting room , playing that addicting fun run game on his phone and humming quietly to himself . The room was empty , and smelled of tears and cheap perfume you'd find in your grandmother's bathroom . He thought about all the people who've sat in these chairs , just waiting to hear that their parents , spouses , or even children aren't going to make it . Instantly he shook the thought out of his head when his phone beeped at him , telling him he'd lost his game .

"Ahh styles .. You're here good good . Would you go check how Mr. Luke is doing in .. Room 309 ?" The nurse asked in a not so friendly tone , " here , take his medicine just incase , and don't let him show you how he can swallow the pills dry .. " she rolled her eyes and walked right back out of the room .

Harry sighed , walking into the elevator and clicking the level 3 button . When the doors opened , his eyes wandered for a moment before approaching room 309 , forcing a sweet smile across his dry lips .

"Hi , sir , " he started off , taking a seat in the visitor chair next to the 70 some year old man , " how are you ?"

The man wiggled his way up to a sitting position and shook Harry's hand , " Im doing just fine , boy . My medicine is holding up well , but could you turn on that TV for me ? I can't get this darn remote to work !" The elder man grumbled and folded his arms like a toddler .

"Sure thing , Mr. Luke ." Harry clicked the Tv on , trying to hold back a chuckle as the elder man had been violently pressing the bathroom light switch clicker . he flipped through a few boring channels until the patient agrees on one , Harry advised him to get some sleep , "ill have dani bring you a tray of food in an hour , ok ?" He nodded and Harry headed for the door .

As he turned out of room 309 , he accidentally bumped into something .

"Ahh !" Harry turned his head to see he'd knocked over someone .

"God , I'm sorry let me help you .." He offered , kneeling down to help the unfamiliar boy .

"I've got it ," the boy said as he hurriedly gathered his papers back into a red folder and stood up . Harry picked up the boy's rather heavy backpack for him . He noticed a little Ireland key chain , dangling on the zipper . It spelled "tomlinson" across it .

"Eh .. Tomlinson ?" Harry asked , handing the bag to the boy .

The older boy looked up to face the young Harry , he was mesmerized by his features , chiseled face , green eyes , dimples that complimented him plump pink lips .. He gulped , " uh yeah , Louis , tomlinson . You ?"

"Styles .. Ha-Harry styles ," Harry was stuttering , which wasn't normal for this confident stuck up lad . Harry noticed the bag was the colors of the Irish flag " are you from Ireland ?" He asked , attempting to start a conversation with the attractive new boy .

"No , no my best friend is , I'm from Doncaster .. You look familiar ," Louis said , confused , " wait ! You're Holmes chapel's star goalie aren't you ?"

Harry blushed , " yeah .. I guess so " it was unlike Harry not to give some cocky answer ..

"My friend , the one from Ireland , Niall , he's played your team before and I went to the game . Wow you guys just creamed them !" Louis gave a the younger boy an impressed smile that made Harry's stomach twist .

Harry blushed once again , " ha .. I try my best I guess . So uh .. why are you here ?"

"Um .. My grandma , shes got cancer .. Well I'm starving .. I think I oughta go to the cafeteria , do you .. Do you come ?" Louis asked nervously .

Harry gave him a sympathetic look , " no way , Louis . You are not eating in that dump unless you want to end up in one of there rooms ! Let me take you to lunch , yeah ?"

Louis smiled , " well .. Okay "

Harry showed Louis to his car , deciding now would be a good lunch break from volunteering . The boy slipped into the passenger seat and stopped for a second before closing the door .

"What ?" Harry asked , confused and louis frozen in place .

"We just met .. Like 5 minutes ago . Should I really be getting into a stranger's car .. ?"

Harry paused , he hadnt even realized they'd just met , he seemed so familiar , " erm .. Would you rather we drive in separate cars ?"

"That seems kind of silly .. You're not going to rape me are you ?" Louis gave the younger boy a joking smile .

Harry chuckled , " ehh .. You've got your rape whistle , don't ya ?"

Louis' eyes widened , " no .. Should I ? "

"Maybe .. Quite handsome " Harry laughed , buckling his seatbelt , " c'mon , you like Chinese ?"

Louis exhaled harshly , " Chinese sounds good ." he smiled at Harry , sitting in the passenger seat and buckling up .

Awkward silence wasn't a problem for the two boys , they acted as if they'd known each other for years, until family came into the conversation , " so where's your family , Louis ? Didn't they come with you ?"

Louis' little smile faded , he bit his lip and let out a deep breath , " no , ah .. My parents divorced when i was young , and so I lived with my mum all my life , but she died when I was 18 .. " Harry's face dropped as he looked into Louis' heart broken eyes , " I have sisters .. But they of course live with my father now . He doesn't really like to be a part of my life ."

Harry was at lose of words , he knew what it felt like to be abandoned by your father but he could never imagine losing his mum " Im sorry .."

Louis shook his feathery hair , swooping it back into place , sighing with relief he smiled at Harry , " anyways , I never asked you , how old are you ?"

Harry pulled the car into a parking space at the buffet , " Im 18 .. And you ?"

Louis looked shocked , he couldn't believe such a good looking , tall , talented guy could be younger than him , " Im 20 ."

"Bit short , aren't ya ?" Harry teased , allowing Louis to see his dimples .

The smaller boy gave Harry a playful glare , " shut up ."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2013 ⏰

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