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The heroes had launched themselves toward the approaching mechanical nightmarish army. When the army saw them, they eagerly charged forward, many shifting into what the frontrunners were afraid of. Some of the heroes faltered, but most of the line continued onward, pushing past those very fears, just as the two forces collided. The organization of the armies disappeared as soon as they clashed, as the all out combat made it so that everything was pure confusion. Endeavour burnt many of them to ash, Mirko kicked them to dust, and every hero took them on as best they could... but this was a battle of attrition, something they were not used to receiving... and it showed as a few started to be picked off. This would not last forever.

Jirou could only sit back and watch as the battle commenced. She was forced to be in the backline, even after seeing her best friend, Momo, take a nasty blow to the back. Wincing at the sight, she turned to the one in command with the Hero Commission gone: Nezu. "Why am I not going down there? My class is there!"

Nezu explained it simply to her. While logic is his strongest asset, emotions were not. He failed to read her tone, as an actual question. "You are too important, our trump card, if you will. If we allow you to be taken down by one of those things, then the battle is lost."

She sighed, unable to take her eyes away from the carnage. Many heroes had defeated nightmares, but many nightmares also brutally ripped apart weaker heroes, and unprepared heroes. While everyone here had fought them before, multiple times... the caliber of monsters here was far superior to those they had faced previously. Worry laced her thoughts as the battle raged on.

She noticed Bakugo and Uraraka were trying their hardest to succeed, but Katsuki seemed to be a magnet for the Nightmares. Pro heroes tried to support him, but it didn't work, as they became distracted by their own adversaries. Bakugo was in his element, however, destroying them as quickly as the horde reached him. Uraraka covered him, stopping those who were in his blind spots. They worked well, a duet of battle cries and beast slayers. A dance of death, for which now they led the charge. They were incapable of advancing, but so was the enemy that approached them.

Mina was fighting a many-limbed monstrosity. It was flailing its arms as she weaved through its attacks. However, one hit launched into a tree stump. Gasping with pain, she tried to get up, but failed. It leered to her, about to rip out her throat when someone jumped over her using the stump she was leaning against and angled themselves in the air, touching them with five fingers before rushing back to see if she was alright. Mina was surprised that it was Shimura that saved her. "Thanks! You saved me there!"
The former villain nodded, a small smile on his lips. After the circus... the two had grown quite close. It helped that her quirk was just as destructive as his own, giving a him a connection besides her helpful and happy personality. "Don't mention it. Can you stand?"
She tried to move, but found her legs unresponsive, with worry lacing her voice, "A little help please?"

Shimura lowered down to her level, and picked her bridal style. He ran through the battlefield back to the medical personnel hanging back for the injured that could make it. When he reached them, they immediately went to work, and Shimura looked back for a moment before heading back towards the foreboding castle.

Jirou continued to watch, but something unusual was happening. The nightmares had all begun to sing. She listened to the lyrics, trying to piece together what they were saying:

What did you think you were playing in the shadows of your mind?

What is it that you think you see from the sides of your mind?

Well, the night's began, harder and harder as the time slowly flied.

And the memories repeated 'till all of your dreams made you cry.

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