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These trainees are currently in risk for potential elimination.

The list goes as follows: Lee Koohyun, Choi Joosung, Lee Minho, Park Jaejun, Kim Seunglee, Jeon Hyunjae, Felix Lee, Yang Jeongin, Kim Seungmin.


"there's no way..." sarina said, looking at the announcement on her phone with the rest of sea(m).

"half of stray kids." kyra said, an empty feeling going through her.

"and all the neverending trainees in there too." nari added on.

minjung and doyun stayed silent, looking over the list together in disbelief.

sarina sighed. a wave of guilt flew over her at the sight of the names. luckily, no one from sea(m) was on there. their rankings were good enough to keep them safe. but the rest of these trainees who have worked long, gruesome hours, just to be eliminated like that?

"this isn't right." sarina stood up, walking towards the door.

"where are you going?" minjung asked her.

"guys- none of us are on that list!" she said. "i know, that's good- that's great, actually. but these trainees have worked just as hard as we have."

nari nodded, "they really have." she agreed with her.

"and as much as i can't stand chan right now, it would absolutely kill me if i didn't try to save stray kids." sarina admitted.

"they broke the promise.." minjung said.

"they might of, but we don't have to." sarina said before leaving their room, going straight to the sm ceo's office.

minjung wouldn't let sarina see it, but as soon as she left the room a smile crept onto her face. "that's our leader."

sarina knew her talent level. she knew how good sea(m) truly was, even as just a trainee group. most importantly, she knew what herself and the rest of sea(m) meant to sm entertainment.

she took a deep breath before knocking on the door. upon it opening she was greeted by a familiar face, her ceo.

"ah! kim sarina! what can i do for you?" he asked.

"hello, sir. may we talk?" she asked.

"of course! come right in!"

the ceo went to go sit at his desk, while sarina sat in one of the guest chairs in front of him.

"this whole- elimination thing, sir." she began. "it can't happen." she stated.

he looked taken a back, a confused look on his face. "i don't understand. none of sea(m)'s members were on that list."


"so what's the issue?" he asked.

"not just sea(m). these other trainees have worked just as hard as i and my other members have. you and i both know if so much as one person leaves a group, the entire energy is off."

"i do understand that, yes." the ceo said.

"if you and jyp want to debut successful groups, eliminations can't happen. fans already love who they've met through this show! taking them away won't only hurt the members, but sales as well. sir, this shouldn't happen!" she exclaimed.

"sarina, i can't just take it back-"

"then i'll leave." she stated.

the ceo paused, shocked. "excuse me?"

"if eliminations happen, i'm leaving sea(m) and sm entertainment." she said again. "minjung will follow me. i'm sure without us kyra, doyun, and nari wouldn't want to do it. you'll lose sea(m) if you go on with this."

"sarina, come on. you know how successful sea(m) is going to be one day!" he reasoned.

with that, she stood up, walking towards the door. "so cancel eliminations." were her final words before she left his office.

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