Chapter 4

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A/N: Hey Guys! I just wanted to say I met a magical person! Well I don't reall know if there magic or not. It would be so cool if they were! That was she could transport to my house then make One Direction appear! :)

Okay! But to the point! I met a new friend on wattpad!


Her story sounds really promising!

Kk so here is another chapter!



"Shhh, stop crying." Zayn cooed as he held a wet paper towel up to my cheek, holding it there waiting for the blood to stop. I sniffed a couple time praying that the tears would stop in fear of what Zayn might do, but the fear only made me cry more. "Baby, please stop." He murmured brushing the tears from my cheeks. I have to admit he was kinda surprising me with how calm he was being. I thought he was going to yell again. The fact he was so relaxed made me relax. My tears finally came to a stop and he smiled a warm smile at me. "That's better!"

He wiped some dry blood off my cheeks, and smiled contently to himself . "Good as almost new!" He chuckled. I spun around and looked at myself in the mirror. I had a hand shaped, yellow-ish bruise forming on my right cheek. On my left cheeks the were some little scratch marks, I guess from where the skin tore and I began bleeding. I let out a huge breath I didn't know I was holding in.

How was I going to live like this?

How long is this gonna go on?

Why me?

"W-we better get to c-class, yeah?" I stammered out.

Zayn let out a small chuckle and through his arm around me. "Leggo!" He smiled leading me out of the loo. He let a big smirk play on his lips as he walked down the halls with his arm possesivly around my shoulders. Every one would stop and stare as we walked I hated being stated at. This is going to be a looooong day.


Not soon enough lunch came around. And thank The Lord that Zayn had a different lunch period then me.

I got to the quad, and everyone was still staring at me. Great. Even when I wasn't with Zayn I got looks. "Hey Leprechaun!" Liam cheered running over to me and slipping his arm loosely around my shoulders.

"Hey Li, aren't you weirded or by me too?" I asked a little shocked he was talking to me.

"Nah, I know you would rather chop you dick off and eat it then go out with.... Zayn...." He shuddered A bit saying Zayn's name.


"Yeah, yeah, I wouldn't chop my dick off or eat it ever earthier!" He laughed as if reading my thoughts. "Come on little pot of gold guarder! Let's eat!" He began pulling me towards the tree.

"Um, pot of gold guarder?" I asked.

"Yeah! Because leprechaun's are the one in charge of guarding the pots of gold at the end of the rainbow! Duh!" He says to me like I'm the stupid one. If this was mean girls he would be Karen! And yes i've seen that movie! It a funny trans-grander movie!

"Ohh! We can call you P O double G for short!" He clapped his hands together in excitement.

"Hey lads! What are you talking about?" Louis says walking up to us with Harry close behind.

"Oh nothing, Liam's just coming up with a really stupid nick-name for me!" I smirk.

"Hey! It's not stupid it cleaver!" Liam defended his dumb nick-name.

"Liam, every thing you come up with is stupid. Now what is it?" Harry asked.

"P O double G!" Liam exclaimed. "Pot of gold guarder! Cause that what a leprechaun's job is!"

Harry and Louis bursted out laughing. They laughed so hard Louis had to throw his arm around my shoulder for support just so he could sit up straight. Big mistake Louis...

"Oi!" A familiar voice shouted. Oh shit. "Get your hands OFF my boyfriend." I turned to see a raging Zayn. I quickly shot up.

"Z-Zayn what are you d-doing here? Y-you don't h-have this l-lunch!" I stuttered out.

"I skipped class to see you! Now outta my way bitch! I got some buissness to take care of!" He pushed me aside and made his way over to a fearful looking Louis.

Louis backed away from Zayn with both hands up. "L-look I-" but he didn't have time to finish before Zayn raised his fist and punched him in the face. Before Louis could do anything else Zayn punched him in the gut hard twice. Louis fell to the ground and Zayn began kicking him wildly in the stomach over and over. Louis looked so weak.

"Zayn! ZAYN STOP!" I cried. That seemed to get his attention. He turned away from Louis and strode over to me.

"Shut up bitch!" Zayn demanded while smacking me on my already bruising cheek. I hissed in pain "Don't fucking tell me what to do!" He shouted in my face fear ran through my body. I looked over Zayn's shoulder to see Harry and Liam helping up Louis. Zayn followed my gaze. And clenched his jaw. "Look at me when I'm taking to you!"

I locked eyes with Zayn. His eyes showed pure anger, but there was something else. He had walls up. Walls that no one has bothered to try to brake down.

I looked back over to Harry Liam and Louis. Louis was still struggling to stand on his own. Zayn once again followed my gaze. "You know what?!" Zayn shouted spinning on his heels and walking towards all three of them. He punched Liam in the jaw, and kneed Harry where the sun don't shine. "We need to talk!" He said facing back to me. He roughly grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the ally where just this morning I almost got raped.

"Okay listen, we need to set some ground rules! So listen carefully!" He snapped. I nodded my head to show I was listening. He let out a deep sigh and ran he fingers the ought his hair. And began. "One. Look at me when I talk to you! Two, speak up! Three, always and I mean ALWAYS tell me where you are at all times! Four, don't go anywhere with out my permission! And five, NEVER talk to or look at those boys again! EVER! Now do you understand?"

I looked to the ground and mumbled a 'yes'.

"LOOK AT ME, AND SPEAK UP!" He yelled. I finches a little and looked him straight in the face and said yes.

Oh boy.... Why me?

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