Chapter 12

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A/N: soo thanks you for all the reads! According to my friends this is an okay book, so I'll try to make it better!

This chapter may be confusing, so I'll have an explanation paragraph at the end of the chapter that will hopefully answer all questions. If there is anything unclear ask me I'm the comments. So please no matter how confused you are just keep reading! :)


Read now...


Niall's POV:

I woke up, a blinding bright light shone in my eyes. I squinted waiting for my eyes to adapt. Once they did, I took in my surroundings. I'm in a hospital. Why?

My mind instantly flashed to my dream, was it a dream? "H-hello?" I croaked my voice weak.

"Niall baby! Your awake! Don't you ever do that to me again! A week Niall it's been a week! What could make you do such a thing?" My mum rushed to my side instantly shooting questions at me.

"Do what mum?" I asked so confused as to why I am I'm a hospital.

"Cut yourself Niall!" She spat lifting my arm to show many bandages.

That moment it all came rushing back. Zayn, that night, Louis, the fact that they are foster brothers. It hit me like a ton of bricks. But how was I supposed to tell mum that? She would get it. "I-I guess I've just had a hard time making friends and adapting ever since the move."

"Well I don't see why? Four boys have been by to see you! They come by every day! Well three come together one comes by himself. But still." She rambled then looked at me with big loving eyes. "Niall, is there something else going on?"

"No mum! It's fine. I'm fine. But the boys, who were they?"

"Um one boy was very sad, he kept apologizing to me saying it was all his fault, I think his name was, Luke, Lewis, something like that. Another boys name was Liam I think? And a boy name Harry. I remember that because his hair matched his name." She smiled, then her smile got even wider for some reason, "the last boy was very nice, he introduced himself very formally, Zayn Malik was his name. He said he was you boyfriend. You never told me you were gay Niall."

"I-um-" I started but was cut off by my mother.

"Is this why you did this? Because you were self conscious about your sexuality?" She asked, curiously cocking an eyebrow. Seeing that as my chance to get out of trouble with my mum I nodded. "Oh Niall that's nothing to be ashamed of, especially when you with a great guy like Zayn! He promised me he would never let you hurt yourself like this again, such a sweet boy!" I rolled my eyes at that, but I don't think she noticed.

"So when do I get out if here?" I asked looking down at the hospital band in my wrist.

"Any time you like! You have s hook tomorrow so the sooner the better!" She smiled at me.

"What? Why?"

"Because you've already missed a week! And the doctors said you need to get right back into things. Oh also you have therapy once a week starting tomorrow." She stated handing me a pair if sweat pants and a plain white t-shirt.

~~~~back at the Horan house~~~~

"Niall you fucking idiot!" My brother Greg yelled running up to me and engulfing me in a giant hung. Hesitantly I returned the hug, and embraced my older brother. "Do you know how worried I was? Mum was?"

"Yeah, I went a little over board..." I mumbled looking down.

"Niall you shouldn't have done it in the first place. Mum told me about your boyfriend, and you need to embrace your sexuality. It okay bro!" Greg said trying to cheer me up. If only he knew the real reason I did this. The real reason I cut, and ended up in the hospital.

"Yeah, I think I'm gonna go to bed I'm tired." I pulled away from my brother and began walking upstairs.

"Tired? You been in a coma for a week?" He laughed. I just shrugged my shoulders and walked the rest of the way to my room.

When I got into my room a slammed to door shut and locked it, my mum so stupid for not taking the lock off. It smelled heavily if bleach in here, but I didn't bother to think of why. I just walked over to my Ihome, and started play my music on shuffle not caring about a playlist. 'Kiss N Tell' by Ke$ha started playing, and I started dancing around and singing. I loved these moment where I could dance and sing without a care, but I knew it would last long. I have school tomorrow.


A/N: short and confusing right? Okay well let me explain!


This chapter start led when Niall woke up from the chapter AFTER HE CUT HIMSELF! If you remember in this chapter when Niall fist wok up he thought "My mind flashed back to the dream, was it a dream?" The dream bill is talking about is everything after he moved to Portland Oregon. So moving was a dream Vanessa, Kurt, Josh and Anthony were a dream, Zayn beating Niall in public was a dream, every one thinkin Niall is dead was a dream. The only thing real, was Zayn's little back story IS REAL but Niall dosnt know... But now you do.. And I guess that might ruin somthings oh well sucks to be you! :)

If you still have questions just ask! :)


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