☆Chapter 21☆

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-Jungmei pov-
(1 week later)

Deep breaths Jungmei! Don't kill them! Deep-
"Meimei my little purple doe." I take it back let me kill them! I glare at the man sitting in front of me while crossing my arms. "Tae Oppa stop!" I whispered at him while poking his forehead. He was sitting in front of me giving me puppy eyes because he wanted me to go shopping with him. The only problem with all of this and why I am so annoyed is with his little stunt last week the guys have noticed him acting weirder everytime they want to go near me or Jungkook. It doesn't help that he calls me the weirdest nicknames like right now when I am disguised as Jungkook and the guys are all in the room next to us.

"Come on! Please we can buy you some actual clothes that are not Jungkook's!" I throw my hand over his mouth trying to get him to stay quieter. "Tae~" I whine feeling nerves bubbling inside me. I was really scared that one of them can find out at any second especially with our or acually their live performance in 3 weeks right after the Butter mv is released. It got even harder being in disguise since I had to join in more with practices too and singing which was hard and exhausting since I had to learn it all when Jungkook and I switched. One good thing that came out of all of this was that everyone was so busy so I really don't think anything bad will happen.

"Come on-" I pinch his cheeks before he could say his name. "Ahhh my purple doe hurt me!" He pouts and rubs his cheeks causing me to scoff and laugh. I lightly hit him with my sweaterpaw and freeze when I hear two 'aww's'. I look up and see Hoseok and Yoongi standing in front of the door. I panic and push Taehyung away from me causing him to fall on his butt. "Ahhh again you hurt me!" He frowns but I tsk at his face but a smile was tugging at the corners of my lips.

"We really need to record thes cute moments so that we can make fun of them in the future." Yoongi snickers and Hoseok just gives us a bright smile. I roll my eyes folding my arms. "We didn't have a cute moment! He was just bugging me to go shopping with him." Taehyung have me a 'so you say' look making me want to hit him om his head. "Why don't you go then? We have off until later tonight so you can go can't you?" Hoseok shrugs and looks at us. I stare at him in disbelief, he really just had to say that didn't he. I could sense the excitement radiating from Taehyung before he jumped up. "Yes thank you Hobi-hyung! Now you can't say no Jungm-" I kick his leg causing him to fall forward onto me. I felt crushed by the large man who was still not getting up. "Tae het off!~" I tried to push him off but he chuckles and whispers in my ear with his deep voice for no reason. "Well since I know you will come with me to go shopping, I will take this as payback for kicking me. He started getting up but he still didn't let go off me. He picked me up carrying me bridal style making my eyes go wide. "Ani! Ani! Let go!~" I tried to get off but he held my hands with his arm that was supporting my upper half. I almost forgot that there was other two people in the room, again almost!

"Uhhh" The two of us stop struggling and look at the person who just spoke. I could feel my face heat up in embarrassment with the two stares. Yoongi squinted his eyes with his gaze flicking from me to Taehyung. Hoseok looked confused while trying to find his words. "Is there something we don't know here?" Yoongi lifted jis one eyebrow staring at as in suspision. I look at Taehyung trying to tell him to let go of me. He sighs putting me down on my feet making me smile but the stares never leave us.

"Nothing new here Hyung!" I smile at Yoongi but his face never changes. I grew nervous under his gace and Taehyung saw how he looked at us. I could feel Taehyung grab my hand hiding it behind our backs and rubbing it tp calm me. He is right I can't be nervous over nothing!

"Anyway let's go then?" I look at Taehyung who gives me a boxy smile and tugs my hand to move. "We'll be taking my car Hyung so we will let you guys know when we will be back! Bye!" Taehyung waved to Yoongi and then to Hoseok. I waved while being tugged by Taehyung. We got our masks, hats and coats ready to leave.

-Yoongi pov-

When Hoseok and I passed by the living room we heard voices belonging to Jungkook and Taehyung. We decided to go to them but when we entered we saw them talking alone and playing with each other like they have been doing the last week. It was adorable how they both acted like children so me and Hobi aww'ed at them. They both have been acting closer to each other since the day Jungkook ran out of practice and not their usual closeness but a more secretive closeness which felt different.

The guys and I found it all weird but hid it from the two of them. Even how close the two acted right now when me and Hoseok questioned them. My suspicion grew when Taehyung picked Jungkook up bridal style even though Jungkook somehow looked a little smaller but I didn't question that. It wasn't him picking him up but the weird protectiveness I could see in Taehyung and how he looked at him whi h was different them usual. When the two of them left it was just me and Hobi staring at the door.

"Is it just me or-" Hoseok pointed at the door and I shook my head humming. "You see it too huh? You don't think that..." I raise my eyebrows when I see him nodding. "This could make alot of sense with the two of them acting different but it increased this last week. This all could have began officially last week when Taehyung and Jungkook were alone." I nodded folding my arms and frowning. "So we both think they are dating to be clear right?"

"Yes definitely. It's just..." Hoseok looked down looking sadly at his feet. "Why would they hide it then? Do they think we won't support it? Do they not trust us? " I sigh pulling him into a hug patting his back. "I don't think they don't trust us Hobi, I think that they just don't feel ready to share." "What if we both are wrong then? If it isn't that what they are hiding, do you think they are hiding something bigger?" I glance at the door again humming. "I don't know but maybe we can test it out?" I smirk letting go of Hoseok. "Hyung what are you planning?" He rasied his eyebrow while I chuckled. "Are you with me for trying to see if they really are dating? I'm going to test it out to see if they will confess." He looked at the wall frowning before nodding. "Yeah I'm in!" He smiles and shakes my hand. "We begin once they come back."

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