☆Chapter 44☆

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Awkward silence...

"Jimin-hyung we can explain!" Jimin stares with wide eyes at Jungkook and Taehyung who sets down all the bottles as slowly as he can. Jungkook has thrown his hands up almost as if Jimin was an officer coming to arrest him. If I wasn't in a tricky situation myself then I would have laughed but there is no time to laugh when my shirt is blocking the door from closing. So now I'm currently trying to silently tug my shirt which is causing the door to still be open since I keep tugging. I know the most obvious solution would be to just freeze but it looks way too obvious there is someone in here.

I should have sucked it up and gone under the bed no matter how hard it is to be under there knowing you aren't safe from the secret filth.

"What...did the two of you drink all of those?! No wonder you both were passed out when we came home. You should be lucky nobody came to check on the room here or else you two would-AHH!"

Before Jimin could finish his sentence I accidently tugged to hard on my shirt causing me to bump back into the closet and my leg accidently kick open the closet at an alarming speed. Falling back onto the hanging clothes as I bring them down with me I'm met with the sight of Jimin on the floor with wide eyes as somehow Jungkook managed to jump back on his bed with wide eyes aswell. Taehyung was the only one still standing on the floor but he chose the fighting stance instead of running away as he held two empty bottles in his hands staring at me.

Talk about dramatic entrance, imagine if the first day I came here this was how I entered. Would probably have caused a whole hour of chaos from this point of view.

"Umm...good morning Jimin-oppa! You look so refreshed! Nice day we are having so far right? Full of happiness and...I promise this isn't as bad as it looks!" I blurt out as I try to get out of the tangle of clothes that fell off surrounding me. I cringe at the way I tried to take his attention away already realizing he didn't fall for the first sweet part.

Jimin still looks stunned out of his mind as he gapes at me before he shakes his head glaring at Jungkook and Taehyung. "I need one of you to explain now. First I need to know why Jungmei is in your closet and then I need you explain what has happened"

"Well we can explain but I'm sure it's not as bad as you think. I mean what do you expect one woman and two men to do in a room alone with alcohol" I choke on air as I stare with wide eyes at Taehyung who just shrugs. Jungkook looks equally as shocked as he loses his balance and trips of the edge of the bed but he quickly pulls himself up on his knees staring at Taehyung.

"What?" Jimin let his words come out as a breath as he looked like he lost his braincells on Taehyung.

Does this guy know what he just implied we did?!

"I...I..." Jimin's face starts to lightly tint red as his mouth opens and closes like a gaping fish. I finally break out of my shock as I finally throw everything off me as I pull myself up.

"NO! Don't listen to him please! Nothing happened like that!" I quickly shake my hands in front of me causing Jungkook to break out of his shock aswell while Taehyung stares at us confused.

"What do you mean? We all only got drunk- OH WAIT I GET IT! Yah why do you all have dirty minds!" Taehyung huffs and Jimin coughs loudly at his words.

"You can't say anything, I know how dirty minded you are aswell but you literally implied it! As if our story isn't bad enough you just had to imply something else happened" Jungkook hissed and I cough as my mind betrays me by letting my thoughts wander.

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