Wave Goodbye

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At 5:00 in the morning, Hydranoid and Drago were walking in the Pallet Forest to the Pallet Cave.
Then Hydranoid and Drago stopped in front of the cave.
"Are you scared? If you are, we can go back," Hydranoid said.
"I'm not scared. I want to see what treasure is in that cave," Drago said.
"Okay, then let's go," Hydranoid said.
Then Hydranoid and Drago entered the Pallet Cave and continued walking until they saw an X on the ground.
Then Hydranoid and Drago began digging with their shovels until they found something.
Then Hydranoid and Drago found a case and took it out of the hole and put the case on a ledge.
"I was expecting a treasure chest, not a case, but it's better than nothing," Drago said.
"Do you want to see what's inside?" Hydranoid asked.
"I do want to see what's inside!" Drago answered.
Then Hydranoid opened the case and there was two Dino Gems inside; an Orange Dino Gem and a Green Dino Gem.
"Wow, these are Gems!" Hydranoid said.
"This is incredible! We should find more cases like this!" Drago said.
"Which color do you want?" Hydranoid said.
"I want the Green Gem!" Drago said.
"Then I want the Orange Gem!" Hydranoid said.
Then Hydranoid grabbed the Orange Dino Gem and Drago grabbed the Green Dino Gem and they started glowing.
"What are these things?" Drago asked.
"I don't know but maybe Tommy Oliver does!" Hydranoid said.
"You mean the science teacher that was a paleontologist before he came to Reefside? That guy?" Drago asked.
"Yes, that guy. Maybe he can help us and we can ask him about these gems after school tomorrow," Hydranoid said
Then the Orange Dino Gem bonded to Hydranoid and stopped glowing and the Green Dino Gem bonded to Drago and stopped glowing.
Then Hydranoid and Drago walked out of the cave.
Then an Invisiportal appeared and Tyrannodrones and Carnodrones teleported down to the ground.
Then Drago and Hydranoid started fighting the Tyrannodrones and Carnodrones.
Then Hydranoid punched a Tyrannodrone and the Tyrannodrone fell on the ground.
Then Hydranoid punched a Carnodrone and the Carnodrone fell on the ground.
Then Hydranoid kicked a second Tyrannodrone and the Tyrannodrone fell on the ground.
Then Hydranoid kicked a second Carnodrone and the Carnodrone fell on the ground.
Then Hydranoid kicked an oil drum but it missed its target.
Then Hydranoid kicked an oil drum but it missed its target.
Then a third Tyrannodrone and a third Carnodrone grabbed Hydranoid and threw up into the air and then landed on the ground on his back.
Then Hydranoid stood back up.
Then Hydranoid looked at his Orange Dino Gem and it was glowing again and he saw an Ankylo Zord in a vision and then the vision disappeared and then the gem stopped glowing.
Then Hydranoid kicked an oil drum and this time the oil drum hit the same third Tyrannodrone and the Tyrannodrone fell on the ground.
Then Hydranoid kicked an oil drum and this time the oil drum hit the same third Carnodrone and the Carnodrone fell on the ground.
Then Hydranoid kicked a straw bale but it missed the target and then went around and hit a fourth Tyrannodrone fell on the ground.
Then Hydranoid kicked a straw bale but it missed the target and then went around and hit a fourth Carnodrone and the Carnodrone fell on the ground.
Then Drago punched a Tyrannodrone and the Tyrannodrone fell on the ground.
Then Drago punched a Carnodrone and the Carnodrone fell on the ground.
Then Drago kicked a second Tyrannodrone and the Tyrannodrone fell on the ground.
Then Drago kicked a second Carnodrone and the Carnodrone fell on the ground.
Then a third Tyrannodrone and a third Carnodrone hit Drago and she fell on the ground on her back and then the third Tyrannodrone and the third Carnodrone grabbed her and threw her up in the air and landed on the ground on her back.
Then Drago stood back up.
Then Drago looked at her Green Dino Gem and it was glowing again and she saw a Parasaur Zord in a vision and then the vision disappeared and then the gem stopped glowing.
Then the same third Tyrannodrone tried to attack Drago but she evaded the attack and then kicked kicked the Tyrannodrone and the Tyrannodrone fell on the ground.
Then the same third Carnodrone tried to attack Drago but she evaded the attack and then kicked the Carnodrone and the Carnodrone fell on the ground.
Then a fourth Tyrannodrone tried to attack Drago but she evaded the attack by doing a front flip and kicked the Tyrannodrone and the Tyrannodrone fell on the ground.
Then a fourth Carnodrone tried to attack Drago but she evaded the attack by doing a back flip and kicked the Carnodrone and the Carnodrone fell on the ground.
Then Drago and Hydranoid ran to each other.
"You okay?" Hydranoid asked.
"Yes, I'm okay. You?" Drago asked.
"I'm okay, too," Hydranoid said.
"But I feel a little strange, do you?" Hydranoid said.
"I feel a little strange too," Drago said.
"This orange gem gave me the power of enhanced accuracy," Hydranoid said.
"And this green gem gave me the power of enhanced evasion," Drago said.
"Now, we definitely need to see Tommy Oliver," Hydranoid said.
"You're right, but can we go to the Pallet Mansion first?" Drago said.
"Sure we can!" Hydranoid answered.
"Then let's go!" Drago said.
Then Hydranoid and Drago ran and stopped running when they got in front of the Pallet Mansion.
"Wow, this is the Pallet Mansion," Hydranoid said.
"It looks really eerie but I wonder what stuff inside is inside it," Drago said.
"Then we should go inside," Hydranoid said.
"Hydranoid, I feel kinda scared," Drago said.
"Then hold my hand," Hydranoid said.
Then Hydranoid and Drago hold hands.
"You're the best boyfriend that a female Dragonoid could ask for!" Drago said.
"Thanks," Hydranoid said.
"You're welcome," Drago said.
"I'm ready to go inside the Pallet Mansion," Drago said.
Then Hydranoid and Drago walked up to the Pallet Mansion's Doors and pushed the doors opened.
Then Hydranoid and Drago entered the Pallet Mansion.
Then Hydranoid and Drago looked around and it was dark but it was still pretty easy to see everything.
Then Hydranoid and Drago walked up to the wall and saw a button.
"I wonder what this does?" Drago said.
Then Drago pressed the button and then a secret door opened and it show staircases leading into the basement.
Then Hydranoid and Drago went down the stairs into the basement.
Then Hydranoid and Drago walked to the cabinet and saw a chest on it.
Then Hydranoid opened the chest and there was an Ankylo Morpher and a Parasaur Morpher.
"I'll take the orange one," Hydranoid said.
"And I'll take the green one," Drago said.
Then Hydranoid grabbed the Ankylo Morpher and Drago grabbed the Parasaur Morpher.
Then Hydranoid put the Ankylo Morpher on his left wrist and Drago put the Parasaur Morpher on her left wrist.
Then Hydranoid and Drago hid the gems in their pockets.
Then Hydranoid and Drago went back up the stairs and then left the Pallet Mansion and then went out of the Pallet Forest and then went home.
Then at 5:00 PM, Conner McKnight and Kira Fire were walking to Hayley's Cyberspace from opposite directions.
"Hayley's Cyberspace. Conner," Kira Ford said.
"Ethan called you too?" Conner McKnight asked.
"Yeah, he said it was super important," Kira Ford said.
Then Kira Ford and Conner McKnight stopped in front of Hayley's Cyberspace and looked at it.
"What is this place anyway?" Kira Ford asked.
"No clue," Conner McKnight said.
"Let's go check it out," Kira Ford said.
Then Kira Ford and Conner McKnight entered the place through the doors by pushing the doors open.
Then Kira Ford and Conner McKnight turned right and pushed two more doors open and entered the room.
"Wow, you think he lives here?" Conner McKnight said.
"I think he wishes he lives here," Kira Ford said.
"There they are, my brother and sister in crime," Ethan James said as he walked up to them. "Or at least crime-fighting."
"Welcome to my world," Ethan James said.
Then Ethan James, Conner McKnight, and Kira Ford  started walking.
"What do you think?" Ethan James asked.
"Yeah, I guess it's kinda cool in a technical, retro, dorky sort of way," Conner McKnight said.
"You can do anything here: game, chat online, listen to music, eat, drink," Ethan James said.
"Who came up with the idea for this?" Kira Ford asked.
"That would be Hayley, she's a techno legend; an MIT grad programming genius," Ethan James said.
Then Ethan James, Conner McKnight, and Kira Ford stopped walking.
"Got tired of working for Big Technology and decided to open up this place," Ethan James said.
"Good thing for you," Kira Ford said.
"No kidding," Ethan James said.
Then Conner McKnight went around and stopped behind Ethan James and Kira Ford.
"Anyway, so what's so important?" Conner McKnight said.
"I just figured that since we're going to be saving the world together, so I wanted you guys to see what I'm all about," Ethan James said.
"Okay, whatever, dude," Conner McKnight said.
Then Hayley Zikor walked up to Conner McKnight, Ethan James, and Kira Ford.
"Hey, guys, what can I get you?" Hayley Ziktor asked.
"I'll just have an apple juice," Kira Ford said.
"Oh, that's easy," Hayley Ziktor said.
Then Hayley Ziktor turned around.
Then Hayley Ziktor, Kira Ford, Ethan James, and Conner McKnight started walking.
"Kira, right?" Hayley Ziktor asked.
"Yeah, how did you know?" Kira Ford asked.
Then Hayley Ziktor, Kira Ford, Ethan James, and Conner McKnight stopped walking.
Then Hayley Ziktor turned around.
"Oh, I'm all about information. It's my business," Hayley Ziktor said.
"Now, you sing, don't you?" Hayley Ziktor asked.
"Yeah, I do," Kira Ford said.
"Great. How about this Wednesday, you and your band play here? We'll call it an audition," Hayley Ziktor said.
"Yeah, I mean, that would be great," Kira Ford said.
"Great, see you then," Hayley said.
Then Hayley Ziktor went to get Kira Ford her apple juice.
"Okay, I love her!" Kira Ford said.
"That's Hayley. There's not one kid that she hasn't helped out yet," Ethan James said.
"Hasn't helped me," Conner McKnight said.
Then Hayley Ziktor came back and gave Kira Ford her apple juice.
Then Hayley Ziktor looked at Conner McKnight.
"Conner McKnight, the soccer player, I'm surprised that you're not at the tryouts for the Reefside Wave," Hayley Ziktor said.
"Open tryouts?" Conner McKnight said.
"Yeah, at their practice field right now," Hayley Ziktor said.
"Are you kidding, right?" Conner McKnight asked.
"No," Hayley Ziktor said.
"You were saying?" Ethan James said.
Then Conner McKnight starting running to the open tryouts.
"Good luck, bro!" Ethan James said.
"I gotta go too. I need to put a stepless together and restring my guitar," Kira Ford said.
"Here," Kira Ford said.
Then Kira Ford handed her apple juice to Ethan James.
"Bye," Kira Ford said.
Then Kira Ford left the building.
Then Ethan James started walking.
"I have been like spreading the love," Ethan James said.
Then the bracelet started beeping.
Then Ethan James walked to the seat, next to a laptop, and sat on it.
Then Ethan James brought his bracelet to his face level.
"Yeah, Doc, you got Ethan," Ethan James said.
"Can you meet me at the end of Riverside Road in a hour?" Tommy Oliver said.
"Yeah, sure, what's up?" Ethan James said.
"Just be there and I'll fill you in," Tommy Oliver said.
Then Ethan James left Hayley's Cyberspace.
Meanwhile at Mesogog's lair.
"Well?" Mesogog asked.
"Well, what sir?" Elsa asked.
"Where's my explanation?" Mesogog asked.
"My lord, we offered no excuses. Only apologies and the promise to improve our performance," Zeltrax said.
Then Mesogog walked to Zeltrax.
Then Mesogog walked to Elsa.
"Is this correct, Elsa? Am I to understand that you feel no need to explain yourself," Mesogog asked.
"Lord Mesogog, in my humble opinion, I think it would be a waste of your valuable time. Time better spent destroying Dr. Oliver and his new Power Rangers," Elsa said.
"Exactly the answer that I was looking for," Mesogog said.
Then Mesogog turned around and starting walking back to his chair.
"Now, have you had any luck in tracking down what we discussed earlier?" Mesogog asked.
"We know they're out there," Elsa said.
"Oliver has not made his move yet. When he does, we will be there to stop him," Zeltrax said.
Then Mesogog turned around and sat on his chair.
"You better be because the Tyrannodrones and Carnodrones had failed me earlier," Mesogog said.
Meanwhile, Conner McKnight was playing soccer at the Reefside Wave tryouts.
Then Conner McKnight knee the ball up and then hit the ball with his head and scored a goal.
Then Conner McKnight had another soccer ball and then dodged a soccer player and then dodged a cone and then dodged another soccer player and then kicked the soccer ball up and then did a backflip and kicked the ball and scored a goal and then landed on his feet.
"Who is that?" Coach Beckman asked.
"That's Conner McKnight. He's still in high school. Plays for the local club team," Tern Flake said.
Then Coachman Beckman took out his notepad and looked at it.
Then one hour later, Ethan James was at the end of Riverside Road with Tommy Oliver.
"After the island exploded, some of my experiments were scattered all throughout this area," Tommy Oliver said.
Then Tommy Oliver and Ethan James walked up and stopped when they saw 50 Dinozord eggs.
Each of the Dinozords eggs were in different colors; red, blue, yellow, orange, green, purple, brown, cyan, chartreuse, pink, magenta, scarlet, violet, lavender, celadon, vermillion, marigold, saffron, lilac, rajah, rose, royal red, royal blue, royal yellow, royal orange, royal green, royal pink, royal purple, royal brown, barn red, barn blue, barn yellow, barn orange, barn green, barn pink, barn purple, barn brown, black, white, maroon, indigo, crimson, navy, evergreen, tangerine, gold, silver, bronze, copper, and periwinkle.
"There," Tommy Oliver said.
Then Tommy Oliver and Ethan James crouched down.
"What are they?" Ethan James asked.
"Eggs," Tommy Oliver said.
"Oh, it's cool, Dr. O, I just had lunch a couple of hours ago," Ethan James said.
"No, we're not going to eat them. We're going to hatch them, then you're going to ride them," Tommy Oliver said.
Then Ethan James stood up and turned left and looked at the sky.
"Maybe it's all this quiet out here that's got me hearing things, but I thought you just said that we're going to ride these," Ethan James said, turning back to Tommy Oliver.
"I did," Tommy Oliver said.
"Trust me, Ethan. When these things are ready, they'll be a huge help to us," Tommy Oliver said.
Then Ethan James looked at the Dinozords eggs and crouched down.
"All right, whatever you say," Ethan James said.
Then Ethan James and Tommy Oliver put all 50 eggs in the bag and closed it.
Then Ethan James and Tommy Oliver heard two whooshes and saw two someones whooshing.
"You saw that, right?" Ethan James said.
"We have to protect the eggs no matter what," Tommy Oliver said.
"Who would want to hurt them?" Ethan James said.
Then Elsa stopped hiding behind the tree and showed herself and walked to the front of tree.
"I would," Elsa said.
Then Tommy Oliver and Ethan James turned to look at Elsa.
Then Zeltrax, Tyrannodrones, and Carnodrones showed up.
"And I," Zeltrax said.
Then Zeltrax turned and looked at Tommy Oliver and Ethan James.
"I'm starting to have my doubts about your intelligence, Dr. Oliver," Zeltrax said.
Then a Tyrannodrone and a Carnodrone sneak up and grabbed the bag.
"Hey!" Tommy Oliver said.
"Attack!" Zeltrax said.
Then the Tyrannodrones and Carnodrones began charging at Tommy Oliver and Ethan James.
Then Ethan James kicked the Tyrannodrone and kicked the Carnodrone and they let go of the bag and fall on the ground.
Then Tommy Oliver kicked a Tyrannodrone and the Tyrannodrone went flying in the air and then landed on the ground.
Then Tommy Oliver kicked a Carnodrone and the Carnodrone went flying in the air and then landed on the ground.
Then another Tyrannodrone and another Carnodrone grabbed the bag.
Then Ethan James elbowed a Tyrannodrone and the Tyrannodrone fell on the ground.
Then Ethan James elbowed a Carnodrone and the Carnodrone fell on the ground.
Then Ethan James grabbed a second Tyrannodrone's arm and pulled it, making the Tyrannodrone did a flip and landed on the ground on its back.
Then Ethan James grabbed a second Carnodrone's arm and pulled it, making the Carnodrone did a flip and landed on the ground on its back.
Then Tommy Oliver kicked a second Tyrannodrone and the Tyrannodrone fell on the ground.
Then Tommy Oliver kicked a second Carnodrone and the Carnodrone fell on the ground.
"Nun-uh," Ethan James said.
Then Ethan James jumped landed on a third Tyrannodrone's arms and a third Carnodrone's arms, making them let go of the bag and then Ethan James landed on the ground. Then Ethan James jumped and kicked the Tyrannodrone and kicked the Carnodrone and the Tyrannodrone and the Carnodrone fell on the ground.
Then Ethan James dodged a third Tyrannodrone and then punched the same third Tyrannodrone and the Tyrannodrone fell on the ground.
Then Ethan James dodged a fourth Carnodrone and then punched the same third Carnodrone and the Carnodrone fell on the ground.
Then Ethan James dodged a fifth Tyrannodrone by jumping over it and then back kicked the same fifth Tyrannodrone and the Tyrannodrone fell on the ground.
Then Ethan James dodged a fifth Carnodrone by jumping over it and then back kicked the same fifth Carnodrone and the Carnodrone fell on the ground.
Then Ethan James kicked a sixth Tyrannodrone and the Tyrannodrone fell on the ground.
Then Ethan James kicked a sixth Carnodrone and the Carnodrone fell on the ground.
Then Ethan James dodged a seventh Tyrannodrone by jumping and getting stuck between the trees but then a seventh Carnodrone hit him and he got unstuck and landed on the ground and rolled over three times and then stood up.
Then an eighth Tyrannodrone and eighth Carnodrone grabbed him and threw him up in the air and landed on the ground.
Then Tommy Oliver hit a third Tyrannodrone and the Tyrannodrone fell on the ground.
Then Tommy Oliver hit a third Carnodrone and the Carnodrone fell on the ground.
Then Tommy Oliver hit a fourth Tyrannodrone and the Tyrannodrone fell on the ground.
Then Tommy Oliver hit a fourth Carnodrone and the Carnodrone fell on the ground.
Then Tommy Oliver rolled over and then stood up.
Then a fifth Tyrannodrone and a fifth Carnodrone kicked Tommy Oliver and then Tommy Oliver fall off a little hill and landed on the ground.
Then a sixth Tyrannodrone and a sixth Carnodrone grabbed the bag.
Then Tommy Oliver kicked the same fifth Tyrannodrone and kicked the same fifth Carnodrone and the Tyrannodrone and the Carnodrone fell on the ground.
Then Tommy Oliver kicked the same sixth Tyrannodrone and kicked the same sixth Carnodrone and the Tyrannodrone and the Carnodrone let go of the bag and then fall on the ground.
Then Tommy Oliver kicked a seventh Tyrannodrone and the Tyrannodrone fell on the ground.
Then Tommy Oliver kicked a seventh Carnodrone and the Carnodrone fell on the ground.
Then Tommy Oliver got back up.
Then Tommy Oliver dodged an eighth Tyrannodrone by spinning and then punched the same eighth Tyrannodrone and the Tyrannodrone fell on the ground.
Then Tommy Oliver dodged an eighth Carnodrone by spinning and then punched the same eighth Carnodrone and the Carnodrone fell on the ground.
Then Tommy Oliver punched a ninth Tyrannodrone and the Tyrannodrone fell on the ground.
Then Tommy Oliver punched a ninth Carnodrone and the Carnodrone fell on the ground.
Then Tommy Oliver kicked a tenth Tyrannodrone and the Tyrannodrone fell on the ground.
Then Tommy Oliver kicked a tenth Carnodrone and the Carnodrone fell on the ground.
Then Tommy Oliver spin jumped and kicked an eleventh Tyrannodrone and the Tyrannodrone fell on the ground.
Then Tommy Oliver spin jumped and kicked an eleventh Carnodrone and the Carnodrone fell on the ground.
"Ethan, call the others!" Tommy Oliver said.
Then Ethan James punched the same seventh Tyrannodrone and the Tyrannodrone fell on the ground.
Then Ethan James punched the same seventh Carnodrone and the Carnodrone fell on the ground.
Then Ethan James brought his bracelet up to his face level.
"Guys," Ethan James said.
Then the same eighth Tyrannodrone and the same eighth Carnodrone kicked Ethan James and then Ethan James hit a thin tree.
Then Ethan James brought his bracelet back up to his face level.
"We could use some Dino help out here!" Ethan James said.
Meanwhile, at the Reefside Wave tryouts, Conner McKnight heard Ethan James's call for help and brought his bracelet to his face level.
"No, not now," Conner McKnight said.
Then Conner McKnight started running.
"Where's he going?" Coach Beckman asked.
Tern Flake just shrugged.
"Where are you going?" Coach Beckman asked.
"I'm sorry! I'll get back as soon as I can!" Conner McKnight said, still running and then stopped running when he reached a grove of trees.
Meanwhile, Kira Ford heard Ethan James's call for help and brought her bracelet to her face level.
Then Kira Ford looked around to make sure that no one was around and then put her stuff that she was holding in a her bag.
Meanwhile, in the Riverside Forest, the same eighth Tyrannodrone and the same eighth Carnodrone threw Ethan James up in the air and then he landed on the ground on his back.
Then Ethan James stood up.
"You asked for this, not me," Ethan James said.
Then Ethan James, Kira Ford, and Conner McKnight put their left arms in front of their chests.
"Dino Thunder, Power Up!" Ethan James, Kira Ford, and Conner McKnight said and then touched their morphers.
Then Ethan James morphed into the Blue Ranger, Kira Ford morphed into the Yellow Ranger, and Conner McKnight morphed into the Red Ranger.
Then Ethan James was fighting a Tyrannodrone and a Carnodrone with his Thundermax Saber and then the Tyrannodrone and the Carnodrone kicked him and then he hit a thin tree.
Then the Tyrannodrone and the Carnodrone were about to hit Ethan James again but the Tyrannodrone's attack was blocked by Kira Ford with her Thundermax Saber and the Carnodrone's attack was blocked by Conner McKnight with his Thundermax Saber.
Then Conner McKnight pushed the Carnodrone off of him and Kira Ford pushed the Tyrannodrone off of her and then Conner McKnight and Kira Ford spun and stopped on the opposite sides.
"You guys couldn't have done this another day?" Conner McKnight said.
"Don't tell me, tell them," Ethan James said.
"Let's make it quick," Conner McKnight said.
Then the Rangers changed their Thundermax Sabers and put them back in their hoisters and then took out their own personal weapons.
"Tyranno Staff," Conner McKnight said.
"Ptera Grips," Kira Ford said.
"Tricera Shield," Ethan James said.
Then the Rangers did their fighting stances.
Then the Rangers charged at the Tyrannodrones and the Carnodrones.
Then Conner McKnight hit a Tyrannodrone with his Tyranno Staff and the Tyrannodrone did a flip and fell on the ground on its back.
Then Conner McKnight hit a Carnodrone with his Tyranno Staff and then Carnodrone did a flip and fell on the ground on its back.
Then Conner McKnight hit a second Tyrannodrone with his Tyranno Staff and the Tyrannodrone fell on the ground.
Then Conner McKnight hit a second Carnodrone with his Tyranno Staff and the Carnodrone fell on the ground.
"I'm over you!" Conner McKnight said.
Then Conner McKnight put his Tyranno Staff and then jumped and kicked a third Tyrannodrone and the Tyrannodrone fell on the ground.
Then Conner McKnight landed on the ground
Then Conner McKnight jumped and kicked a third Carnodrone and the Carnodrone fell on the ground.
Then Conner McKnight landed on the ground.
Then Conner McKnight hit a fourth Tyrannodrone with his Tyranno Staff and the Tyrannodrone fell on the ground.
Then Conner McKnight hit a fourth Carnodrone with his Tyranno Staff and the Carnodrone fell on the ground.
Then Conner McKnight hit a fifth Tyrannodrone with his Tyranno Staff and then put his Tyranno Staff on the ground and then punched the same fifth Tyrannodrone and then jumped in the air and kicked the Tyrannodrone and the Tyrannodrone fell on the ground.
Then Conner McKnight hit a fifth Carnodrone with his Tyranno Staff and then put his Tyranno Staff on the ground and then punched the same fifth Carnodrone and then jumped in the air and kicked the Carnodrone and the Carnodrone fell on the ground.
Then Ethan James hit a Tyrannodrone with his Tricera Shield and the Tyrannodrone did a flip and fell on the ground on its back.
Then Ethan James hit a Carnodrone with his Tricera Shield and the Carnodrone fell on the ground on its back.
Then Ethan James kicked a second Tyrannodrone and the Tyrannodrone fell on the ground.
Then Ethan James kicked a second Carnodrone and the Carnodrone fell on the ground.
Then Ethan James kicked a third Tyrannodrone and the Tyrannodrone fell on the ground.
Then Ethan James kicked a third Carnodrone and the Carnodrone fell on the ground.
Then Ethan James hit a fourth Tyrannodrone with his Tricera Shield and the Tyrannodrone fell on the ground.
Then Ethan James hit a fourth Carnodrone with his Tricera Shield and the Carnodrone fell on the ground.
Then a fifth Tyrannodrone, a fifth Carnodrone, a sixth Tyrannodrone, and a sixth Carnodrone tried to attack Ethan James but Ethan James blocked their attack with his Tricera Shield and then pushed them off of him.
"Out of my face!" Ethan James said.
Then the two Tyrannodrone and the two Carnodrones landed on the ground.
Then Ethan James turned around and jumped and then kicked a seventh Tyrannodrone and the Tyrannodrone fell on the ground and then Ethan James kicked a seventh Carnodrone and the Carnodrone fell on the ground.
Then Kira Ford jumped and then landed on the ground and then she did a cartwheel in the air and then landed on the ground and turned around.
"I'm in it to win it," Kira Ford said.
Then Kira Ford hit a Tyrannodrone with her left Ptera Grip and the Tyrannodrone fell on the ground.
Then Kira Ford hit a Carnodrone with her right Ptera Grip and the Carnodrone fell on the ground.
Then Kira Ford kicked a second Tyrannodrone and the Tyrannodrone fell on the ground.
Then Kira Ford kicked a second Carnodrone and the Carnodrone fell on the ground.
Then Kira Ford hit a third Tyrannodrone with her left Ptera Grip and the Tyrannodrone fell on the ground.
Then Kira Ford hit a third Carnodrone with her right Ptera Grip and the Carnodrone fell on the ground.
Then a fourth Tyrannodrone tried to attack Kira Ford but Kira Ford blocked the attack with her left Ptera Grip and then kicked the Tyrannodrone and the Tyrannodrone fell on the ground.
Then a fourth Carnodrone tried to attack Kira Ford but Kira Ford blocked the attack with her right Ptera Grip and then kicked the Carnodrone and the Carnodrone fell on the ground.
Then Kira Ford hit a fifth Tyrannodrone with her left Ptera Grip and the Tyrannodrone fell on the ground.
Then Kira Ford hit a fifth Carnodrone with her right Ptera Grip and the Carnodrone fell on the ground.
Then Kira Ford kicked a sixth Tyrannodrone and the Tyrannodrone fell on the ground.
Then Kira Ford kicked a sixth Carnodrone and the Carnodrone fell on the ground.
Then Kira Ford did a spin jump and then landed on the ground.
Then Kira Ford kicked a seventh Tyrannodrone's leg and the Tyrannodrone fell on the ground.
Then Kira Ford kicked a seventh Carnodrone's leg and the Carnodrone fell on the ground.
Then Zeltrax tried to kick Tommy Oliver but Tommy Oliver hit the leg with his right hand.
Then Elsa tried to hit Tommy Oliver with her sword but Tommy Oliver dodged the attack by ducking and then stood straight up.
Then Zeltrax tried to hit Tommy Oliver with his axe but Tommy Oliver dodged the attack by ducking and then stood straight up.
Then Tommy Oliver kicked Zeltrax's shield, making Zeltrax go back two steps.
Then Tommy Oliver kicked Elsa's sword, making her go back two steps.
Then Tommy Oliver kicked Zeltrax's shield, making the shield point to Elsa.
Then Tommy Oliver grabbed Zeltrax's right arm.
Then Elsa tried to attack Tommy Oliver with her sword but Tommy Oliver blocked the attack with Zeltrax's shield.
Then Elsa grabbed Tommy Oliver's left shoulder.
Then Zeltrax tried to hit Tommy Oliver with his axe and Elsa tried to hit Tommy Oliver with her sword but Tommy Oliver dodged the attack and then straighten his body and then let go of Zeltrax's right arm.
Then Tommy Oliver did a spin, making Elsa let go of Tommy Oliver's left shoulder and then Tommy Oliver kicked her.
Then Tommy Oliver tried to kicked Elsa but Elsa dodged by doing a spin jump in the air and then Elsa landed on the ground while Zeltrax missed his attacked.
Then Tommy Oliver spin jumped and kicked Elsa's arm, making Elsa do a spin and then stopped spinning, facing Tommy Oliver.
Then Elsa groaned in pain.
"Elsa!" Zeltrax said.
Then Zeltrax run to Elsa, pushing Tommy Oliver to the side.
Then the Rangers went to Tommy Oliver and stopped next to him and looked at Elsa and Zeltrax.
"You like these odds cause you look busted to me," Ethan James said.
"We're not through with you, Power Rangers!" Elsa said.
"Nor you, Dr. Oliver," Zeltrax said.
Then an Invisiportal appeared and Zeltrax and Elsa teleported through it.
Then Kira Ford, Conner McKnight, and Ethan James looked at Tommy Oliver.
"They're a pleasant couple," Kira Ford.
"Yeah," Tommy Oliver said.
"We gotta get these back to the lab," Tommy Oliver said.
Then Kira Ford looked at bag and then looked back at Tommy Oliver.
"What are they?" Kira Ford said.
"We're going to ride them," Ethan James said.
"Huh?" Kira Ford said.
"Look, I have to go back to tryouts. Can you guys handle this?" Conner McKnight said.
"Sure, go ahead, Conner. They can fill you in later," Tommy Oliver said.
"Thanks. Good luck, guys," Conner McKnight said.
Then Conner McKnight ran out of the forest and then demorphed and then ran back to the tryouts while Ethan James, Kira Ford, and Tommy Oliver got back to the lab.
Then Ethan James and Kira Ford demorphed.
Then ten minutes later, Conner McKnight got back to the tryouts.
"Hey," Conner McKnight said.
Then Coach Beckman got up.
"Hmm, McKnight," Coach Beckman said.
"Yeah?" Conner McKnight said.
"I got you down as DNF: Did Not Finish," Coach Beckman said.
"I'm sorry, but I had something really important to take care of," Conner McKnight said.
"Son, if there's anything more important to you than soccer, then this is not the place for you," Coach Beckman said.
"There is nothing more important that is" Conner McKnight said.
"Thanks for trying," Coach Beckman said.
Then Coach Beckman picked up the bag and left the field.
Then a little girl kicked a soccer ball and the soccer ball stopped in front of Conner McKnight.
"Kick it!" The little girl said.
Then Conner McKnight kicked the soccer ball and the little girl stopped the ball.
"Good stop," Conner McKnight said.
"Thanks," the little girl said.
Then the little girl picked up her soccer ball and then she and her mom left the area.
Meanwhile, Ethan James and Kira Ford were in Hailey Cyberspace using laptops.
"Man, Dr. O is into some weird funky stuff. I don't even want to think about what he's hatching down in that cave," Ethan James said.
"I have a feeling that we don't have to wait too long to find out," Kira Ford said.
Then someone, wearing white clothes, entered the room.
Then Kira Ford looked behind her.
"Who's that?" Kira Ford asked.
Then Ethan James looked behind him.
"I have seen him before but I don't know his name," Ethan James and Kira Ford looked back at their laptops.
Then the male teenager walked up to them, making Ethan James and Kira Ford looked at him.
"Hey, I'm looking for Hailey. I'm supposed to start working today," the male teenager said.
"Hey, haven't I seen you in Reefside before," Ethan James said.
"Yeah, I just moved here. My name is Trent Fernandez," Trent Fernandez said.
"I'm Ethan James," Ethan James said.
"And I'm Kira Ford," Kira Ford said.
Then Trent Fernandez smiled.
Then Hailey Ziktor walked up to Trent Fernandez.
"Trent, good timing. Come with me and I will get you started," Hailey Ziktor said.
"I'll see you guys later," Trent Fernandez said.
"Yeah, see you later," Ethan James said.
"Yeah, see you later," Kira Ford said.
Then Trent Fernandez left with Hailey Ziktor.
Then Ethan James and Kira Ford looked back at the their laptops.
Then someone, wearing maroon clothes, entered the room.
Then Kira Ford looked behind her.
"Who is that?" Kira Ford asked.
Then Ethan James looked behind him.
"I have seen him before but I don't know his name," Ethan James said.
Then Ethan James and Kira Ford looked back at their laptops.
Then the male teenager walked up to them, making Ethan James and Kira Ford looked at him.
"Hey, I'm looking for Hailey. I'm supposed to start working today," the male teenager said.
"Hey, haven't I seen you in Reefside before?" Ethan James asked.
"Yeah, I just moved here. My name is Vincent Cometstrike," Vincent Cometstrike said.
"I'm Ethan James," Ethan James said.
"And I'm Kira Ford," Kira Ford said.
Then Vincent Cometstrike smiled.
Then Hailey Ziktor walked up to Vincent Cometstrike.
"Vincent, good timing. Come with me and I will get you started," Hailey Ziktor said.
"I'll see you guys later," Vincent Cometstrike said,
"Yeah, see you later," Ethan James said.
"Yeah, see you later," Kira Ford said.
Then Vincent Cometstrike left with Hailey Ziktor.
Then Ethan James and Kira Ford looked back at their laptops.
Then someone, wearing indigo clothes, entered the room.
Then Kira Ford looked behind her.
"Who is that?" Kira Ford asked.
Then Ethan James looked behind him.
"I have seen her before, but I don't know her name," Ethan James said.
Then Ethan James and Kira Ford looked back at their laptops.
Then the female teenager walked up to them, making Ethan James and Kira Ford look at her.
"Hey, I'm looking for Hailey. I'm supposed to start working today," the female teenager said.
"Hey, haven't I seen you in Reefside before?" Ethan James asked.
"Yeah, I just moved here. I'm Emilia Dreamfun," Emilia Dreamfun said.
"I'm Ethan James," Ethan James said.
"And I'm Kira Ford," Kira Ford said.
Then Emilia Dreamfun smiled.
Then Hailey Ziktor walked up to Emilia Dreamfun.
"Emilia, good timing. Come with me and I will get you started," Hailey Ziktor said.
"I'll see you guys later," Emilia Dreamfun said.
"Yeah, see you later," Ethan James said.
"Yeah, see you later," Kira Ford said.
Then Emilia Dreamfun left with Hailey Ziktor.
Then Ethan James looked back at their laptops.
Then a Tropius, an Aurorus, a Blitzle, a Sceptile, and a Meganium entered the room.
Then Kira Ford looked behind her.
"Who are those?" Kira Ford asked.
Then Ethan James looked behind him.
"I don't know. I have never seen them before," Ethan James said.
Then Ethan James and Kira Ford looked back at their laptops.
Then the Tropius, the Aurorus, the Blitzle, the Sceptile, and the Meganium walked up to them, making Ethan James and Kira Ford looked at them.
"Hey, have you seen Hailey? We're looking for her," the Meganium said.
"Let me guess, you're all here to start your first day at work, right?" Ethan James said.
"Well, not all of us, but some of us are here to work," the Meganium said.
"What's your name?" Ethan James asked.
"My name is Meganium," Meganium answered.
"And these are my friends," Meganium said.
"I'm Tropius," Tropius said.
"And I'm Aurorus," Aurorus said.
"And I'm Blitzle," Blitzle said.
"And I'm Sceptile," Sceptile said.
"I'm Ethan James," Ethan James said.
"And I'm Kira Ford," Kira Ford said.
"Meganium, can I ask a question?" Ethan James said.
"Sure, go ahead," Meganium said
"Who's not working here?" Ethan James asked.
"I am not working here and neither is Sceptile," Meganium said.
"That's right. Speaking of which, I have to go to my work. I will you see guys later," Sceptile said.
"Yeah, see you," Meganium said.
Then Sceptile left Hailey's Cyberspace.
"What was that about?" Ethan James asked.
"That's Ash's Sceptile. Ash left him with Tropius and me to take care of the injured Pokémon back in own universe. Tropius was deeply wounded by an Alpha Luxray and Sceptile defeated the Luxray and ever since then, Tropius and Sceptile have been the best of friends," Meganium said.
"What job does Sceptile has?" Ethan James asked.
"He's a construction worker," Meganium said,
"And what about you? What is your job?" Ethan James asked.
"My job is a video game developer. Even though I do like being a nurse, but I wanted to take a vacation from that job and do something different and there wasn't much to do up there anyway," Meganium said.
Then Tropius looked at Kira Ford and smiled while Aurorus looked at Ethan James and smiled.
Meganium smirked at Tropius and Aurorus and then stopped smirking.
"Well, I better get going to my job. I will see you guys later," Meganium said.
"Yeah, see you later," Kira Ford said.
Then Meganium left Hailey's Cyberspace.
"Why do you have Arc Reactors connected to your chests?" Kira Ford asked.
"Oh, you mean this?" Blitzle, Tropius, and Aurorus asked, while pointing their Arc Reactors.
"Yes, those," Kira Ford said.
"We need these Arc Reactors to live since our hearts will not work if the metal fragments get close to it," Blitzle, Tropius, and Aurorus said.
"But we're going to get surgery soon," Blitzle, Tropius, and Aurorus said.
"I see," Kira Ford said.
Then Hailey Ziktor walked up to Bliztle, Tropius, and Aurorus.
"Blitzle, Tropius, and Aurorus, good timing. Come with me and I will get you all started," Hailey Ziktor said.
"We will see you guys later," Blitzle, Tropius, and Aurorus said.
Then Blitzle, Tropius, and Aurorus left with Hailey Ziktor.
Then Conner McKnight entered Hailey's Cyberspace and then walked to Ethan James and Kira Ford.
"Hey, how did it go?" Ethan James asked.
"How did it go? It's over. The coach basically said forget it. I don't blame him, I left in the middle of practice," Conner McKnight said.
"It's not like you didn't have a good excuse," Kira Ford said.
"Right," Conner McKnight said.
Then Conner McKnight went around the table and started walking to the couch and then Ethan James and Kira Ford got of their chairs and stood up and then walked after Conner McKnight.
"Maybe next time, I should a bring a note from our teacher; 'Sorry, Conner couldn't make it to practice. He was busy fighting weird dinosaur things in the forest,'," Conner McKnight said.
Then Ethan James and Kira Ford walked faster and caught up to Conner McKnight and then started walking the same speed as him.
"Shh," Kira Ford said.
"I bet he had never that excuse before," Ethan James said.
"Whatever," Conner McKnight said.
Then Conner McKnight, Ethan James, and Kira Ford got to the couch and then turned around and then sat on the couch.
"Look, the point is: what am I supposed to say?" Conner McKnight said.
"I mean, this whole 'saving the world' deal is seriously starting to bum me out," Conner McKnight said, lying his head down on the couch.
Then Conner McKnight sat straight up.
"I need to talk to Dr. Oliver," Conner McKnight said.
"I think he's kind of busy right now. He's got this whole project that he is working on," Kira Ford said.
"Well, too bad. I was busy today and that didn't stop him from messing up my life," Conner McKnight said.
Then Conner McKnight got up and started walking.
Then Ethan James and Kira Ford got up and started walking too.
"Wait, we'll come with you," Ethan James said.
"Yeah," Kira Ford said.
Then twenty minutes later, Conner McKnight, Ethan James, and Kira Ford were in the cave and then door opened.
"Don't come in! It's not safe!" Tommy Oliver said.
Then the Yellow Mechanical Raptor, Green Mechanical Raptor, Brown Mechanical Raptor, Chartreuse Mechanical Raptor, Magenta Mechanical Raptor, Violet Mechanical Raptor, Celadon Mechanical Raptor, Marigold Mechanical Raptor, Lilac Mechanical Raptor, Rose Raptor Rider, Royal Blue Mechanical Raptor, Royal Orange Mechanical Raptor, Royal Pink Mechanical Raptor, Royal Brown Mechanical Raptor, Barn Blue Mechanical Raptor, Barn Orange Mechanical Raptor, White Mechanical Raptor, Indigo Mechanical Raptor, Navy Mechanical Raptor, Tangerine Mechanical Raptor, Silver Mechanical Raptor, and Copper Mechanical Raptor hit Tommy Oliver with their tails and Tommy Oliver went flying in the air and then landed on the ground and then stood up.
"We have kind of got that," Kira Ford said.
Then the Blue Mechanical Raptor, Orange Mechanical Raptor, Purple Mechanical Raptor, Cyan Mechanical Raptor, Pink Mechanical Raptor, Scarlet Mechanical Raptor, Lavender Mechanical Raptor, Vermillion Mechanical Raptor, Saffron Raptor Rider, Rajah Raptor Rider, Royal Red Mechanical Raptor, Royal Yellow Mechanical Raptor, Royal Green Mechanical Raptor, Royal Purple Mechanical Raptor, Barn Red Mechanical Raptor, Barn Yellow Mechanical Raptor, Barn Green Mechanical Raptor, Barn Purple Mechanical Raptor, Black Mechanical Raptor, Maroon Mechanical Raptor, Crimson Mechanical Raptor, Evergreen Mechanical Raptor, Gold Mechanical Raptor, and Bronze Mechanical Raptor hit Tommy Oliver with their tails and Tommy Oliver went flying in the air and then landed on the ground, in front of Conner McKnight, Ethan James, and Kira Ford.
"Is that what was in those eggs?" Ethan James asked.
Then Tommy Oliver stood up.
"Yeah," Tommy Oliver said.
"Trying to train them," Tommy Oliver said.
"How is it coming?" Ethan James asked.
"Slowly," Tommy Oliver said.
Then the Red Mechanical Raptor and the Periwinkle Mechanical Raptor tried to hit Tommy Oliver with their tails but Tommy Oliver and they hit the wall instead and brought their tail back to them.
Then Tommy Oliver stood straight up.
"Very slowly," Tommy Oliver said.
"Look, I can see that you're busy with whatever but I want to talk," Conner McKnight said.
Then the Red Mechanical Raptor and the Periwinkle Mechanical Raptor hit Tommy Oliver and Tommy Oliver went flying in the air, making Ethan James get out of the way, and then Tommy Oliver landed on the ground.
Then Ethan James heard the door starting and got of the way and stood next to Conner McKnight, and faced Tommy Oliver.
Then the door closed.
"Here," Ethan James said, holding out his hand.
Then Tommy Oliver grabbed Ethan James hand and Ethan James helped him up.
Then Ethan James let go of Tommy Oliver's hand.
Then Ethan James looked at his right hand.
"Eww," Ethan James said.
Then Kira Ford walked up to Conner McKnight and looked at Tommy Oliver.
"Okay, what's up?" Tommy Oliver said.
Then Ethan James and Kira Ford looked at Conner McKnight.
"You have got to find someone to replace me," Conner McKnight said.
"What are you talking about?" Kira Ford asked.
"You're talking crazy," Ethan James said.
"Okay, settle down you two," Tommy Oliver said.
"What's the problem?" Tommy Oliver asked.
"Look, I'm a soccer player. That's all I ever wanted to do. Every moment of my life has let up to playing for a pro team. And I get the greatest chance of my life and I blow it," Conner McKnight said.
"I understand. And you're right," Tommy Oliver said.
Then Ethan James and Kira Ford looked at Tommy Oliver.
"You're agreeing with him?" Ethan James asked.
Then Ethan James and Kira Ford looked back at Conner McKnight.
"Conner, I know you feel because I felt the same way before," Tommy Oliver said.
"But I want you think about this before you make a decision," Tommy Oliver said.
"Look, I've got things that I want to do but I'm here and I'm dealing," Kira Ford said.
Then Conner McKnight looked at Kira Ford.
"Good for you. I guess I'm just different," Conner McKnight said.
Then Conner McKnight left the area.
"Whoa, and I thought the red guy was supposed to be the leader," Ethan James said.
Then Tommy Oliver shook his head.
Meanwhile at the the island, Mesogog was walking in his lab to the left.
"If Oliver trains those creatures, then he will be use them against us. And that would be disastrous," Mesogog said.
Then Mesogog turned around and started walking to right.
"The time has come for Dr. Oliver to become a student instead of a teacher," Mesogog said.
Then Mesogog stopped walking in front of Elsa and turned and faced her.
"Initiate the Geno Randomizer," Mesogog said.
Then Elsa went to the initiator control panel.
Then Elsa started pressing buttons.
Then Zeltrax went to DNA code panel.
"Entering DNA code," Zeltrax said, moving the lever forward.
"Engaging," Elsa said, moving the first lever forward and then moved the second lever word.
Then the substances moved up in the containers.
"Genectic Mutation Complete," Elsa said.
Then the doors opened and out came a monster named Birdbrain.
Then one hour later, Conner McKnight was the field, practicing soccer.
Then Coach Beckman walked up to him.
"McKnight," Coach Beckman said.
Then Conner McKnight turned to Coach Beckman.
"Coach, what are you doing here?" Conner McKnight asked.
"I got a call from one of your teachers. Tells me that it was his fault that you had to leave today," Conner McKnight said.
"Does that mean that I have a shot?" Conner McKnight asked.
"You always have a shot, son. You sure that you really want this? Are you willing to give up everything?" Coach Beckman said.
"Yeah, I am," Conner McKnight said.
"Great. I will let you know," Coach Beckman said.
Then Coach Beckman left the area.
Then Ethan James and Kira Ford walked up to Conner McKnight and Conner McKnight looked at him.
"Things okay with the Coach?" Kira Ford asked.
"Yeah, I think so," Conner McKnight said.
"Look, I'm sorry, you guys but you have got to understand," Conner McKnight said.
"Yeah, we do," Kira Ford said.
"She does more than me but if this is what you really want," Ethan James said.
Then at Dino Lab, Tommy Oliver saw a monster attacking the city, scaring innocent civilians.
Then Tommy Oliver typed on his keyboard and saw Tyrannodrones attacking the cities and made the little girl that Conner McKnight saw before hide under a table.
Then Tommy Oliver alerted Conner McKnight, Ethan James, and Kira Ford.
Meanwhile, at the soccer field, Conner McKnight, Ethan James, and Kira Ford heard their bracelets beep and brought them to their face level.
"Guys, we have a situation. A monster is attacking the city," Tommy Oliver said.
"Okay, but this is the last time," Conner McKnight said.
"Ready?" Conner McKnight asked, putting his left arm in front of his shoulder.
"Ready," Ethan James and Kira Ford, putting their left arms in front of their shoulders.
"Dino Thunder, Power Up!" Conner McKnight, Ethan James, and Kira Ford said and then pressed their morphers.
Then Conner McKnight morphed into the Red Ranger, Ethan James morphed into the Blue Ranger, and Kira Ford morphed into the Yellow Ranger.
Then Conner McKnight, Ethan James, and Kira Ford went to the street where Birdbrain is.
Then the Rangers did their fighting stances.
"Whoa, nasty," Conner McKnight said.
"Let's do it," Conner McKnight said.
Then the Rangers charged at Birdbrain.
Then Birdbrain hit Conner McKnight with his sword and Conner McKnight did a flip and fell on the ground on his back.
Then Ethan James tried to kick Birdbrain but Birdbrain blocked the kick with his sword.
Then Kira Ford tried to hit Birdbrain but Birdman dodged the attack.
Then Birdbrain hit Kira Ford with his sword.
Then Ethan James did a spin back kick but Birdbrain dodged the attack.
Then Conner McKnight did a spin front kick but Birdbrain dodged the attack.
Then Ethan James tried to kick Birdbrain but Birdbrain dodged the attack.
Then Conner McKnight and Ethan James tried to punch Birdbrain but Birdbrain blocked the attacks with his sword.
Then Birdbrain pushed Conner McKnight's arm and Ethan James's arm off him and then punched them and they went flying in the air and then landed on the ground on their backs.
Then Birdbrain turned to Kira Ford.
Then Kira Ford kicked Birdbrain with her left leg but it had a little effect.
Then Kira Ford put her left leg down.
Then Kira Ford punched Birdbrain with her right hand but it had a little effect.
Then Kira Ford punched Birdbrain with her left hand but it had a little effect.
Then Kira Ford punched Birdbrain with her right arm but it had a little effect.
Then Birdbrain turned Kira Ford around and then kicked her and she went flying in the air and then landed on the ground on her back.
"Hey, Birdbrain!" Ethan James said, while he and Conner McKnight were running towards him, holding their Thundermax Blasters.
Then Conner McKnight and Ethan James moved their Thundermax Blasters to point at Birdbrain.
"Thundermax!" Ethan James said as he fired a laser at Birdbrain and it hit him.
"Fire!" Conner McKnight said as he fired a laser at Birdbrain and it hit him.
Then Kira Ford sat up.
"Thanks, guys," Kira Ford said.
Then Kira Ford stood up and faced while Ethan James and Conner McKnight stopped running on either side of her.
"You okay," Conner McKnight asked.
"Yeah," Kira Ford said.
Then Conner McKnight and Ethan James point their Thundermax Blasters at Birdbrain.
"Give up?" Conner McKnight asked.
"Catch me if you can!" Birdbrain said.
Then Birdbrain jumped away super fast.
Then Conner McKnight and Ethan James put their Thundermax Blasters back in their hoisters.
"He's getting away!" Kira Ford said.
"We'll never catch him!" Conner McKnight said.
Then Kira Ford brought her morpher to her face level.
"You can. Meet the Raptor Riders," Tommy Oliver said.
Then Tommy Oliver typed on his keyboard at the Dino Lab.
Then all 50 Raptor Riders came to help the Rangers.
Then the Red Ranger got on the Red Raptor Rider.
Then the Blue Ranger got on the Blue Raptor Rider.
Then the Yellow Ranger got on the Yellow Raptor Rider.
"Go, Raptor Riders!" Conner McKnight, Ethan James, and Kira Ford said.
Then the Rangers and the Raptor Riders followed Birdbrain.
Then innocents civilians were running away from the Tyrannodrones and the Carnodrones and the little girl went to side and hid beside the staircase.
Then a Tyrannodrone and Carnodrone spotted the little girl and were about to hit her.
"No!" Conner McKnight said.
Then the little girl was scared and worried.
Then Conner McKnight turned to Kira Ford.
"I'll help the girl! You and the other Raptor Riders, who don't have Rangers yet, follow that freak!" Conner McKnight said.
"Got it," Kira Ford said.
Then Kira Ford on her Raptor Rider and the riderless Raptor Riders chased down Birdbrain.
"I've got your back!" Ethan James said.
Then Ethan James jumped and then kicked a Tyrannodrone and a Carnodrone and the Tyrannodrone and the Carnodrone fell on the ground.
Then Conner McKnight jumped and kicked a Tyrannodrone and a Carnodrone and the Tyrannodrone and the Carnodrone fell on the ground, preventing them from hurting the little girl.
Then Conner McKnight walked over to her.
"You okay?" Conner McKnight asked.
The little girl nodded.
Then the little girl's mother ran up to her and the Red Ranger.
"She's safe now," Conner McKnight said.
Then Conner McKnight went back on the Red Raptor Rider and Ethan James went back on the Blue Raptor Rider.
Then the Red Ranger and the Blue Ranger began fighting with the Tyrannodrones and the Carnodrones and defeated all of them.
Meanwhile, Kira Ford on her Yellow Raptor and the riderless Raptor Riders were jumping off a building to a higher building chasing down Birdbrain who already had jumped off a building to a higher building.
Then Birdbrain jumped off a higher building to an even higher building.
Then Kira Ford on her Yellow Raptor Rider and the riderless Raptor Riders chased him and jumped off a higher building to an even higher building.
Then Birdbrain jumped off an even higher building to an even, even higher building.
Then Kira Ford on her Yellow Raptor Rider and the riderless Raptor Riders chased him and jumped off an even higher building to an even, even higher higher building.
Then Birdbrain jumped down from the even even higher building to the ground.
Then Kira Ford on her Yellow Raptor Riders and the riderless Raptor Riders stopped when they got to the end of the even even higher building.
Then Birdbrain turned around and faced Kira Ford.
"You afraid of heights?" Birdbrain asked.
Then Kira Ford took out her Ptera Grips.
"You wish, you freaky bird!" Kira Ford said.
Then the riderless Raptor Riders went down the building by jumping on the building's side three times and then attacked Birdbrain.
Then Kira Ford on her Yellow Raptor Rider went down the building by jumping on the building's side three times and then attacked Birdbrain with her Ptera Grips.
Then Conner McKnight took out his Tyranno Staff and Ethan James took his Tricera Shield.
"Tyranno Staff!" Conner McKnight said and then attacked Birdbrain with his Tyranno Staff.
"Fire!" Ethan James said and then fired laser blasts at Birdbrain from his Tricera Shield and it hit him.
Then Birdbrain went flying in the air and then landed on the ground on his back.
Then the Tyranno Zord started speaking through the Tyranno Morpher.
"You can combine your weapons while riding a Raptor Rider. It's called the Raptor Riders Z-Rex Blaster. You say "Raptor Riders," first before combing your weapons. Now get on the Red Raptor Rider and combine your weapons," Tyranno Zord said.
"Got it," Conner McKnight said.
"Raptor Riders!" Conner McKnight, Ethan James, and Kira Ford said.
Then Raptor Riders roared.
Then Ethan James and Kira Ford got off their Raptor Riders and got on the Red Raptor Rider.
Then Conner McKnight, Ethan James, and Kira Ford combined their weapons into the Z-Rex Blaster.
"Z-Rex Blaster!" Conner McKnight, Ethan James, and Kira Ford said.
"Fire!" Conner McKnight, Ethan James, and Kira Ford said and then shot a cannon blast that transform into a Velociraptor head and it hit Birdbrain.
Then Birdbrain got electrified and then exploded into coal.
Then Conner McKnight, Ethan James, and Kira Ford uncombined their weapons and their weapons went back into their belts.
Then Conner McKnight, Ethan James, and Kira Ford got of the Red Raptor Rider.
Then Conner McKnight, Ethan James, and Kira Ford ran three spaces up to the coal.
"Yeah, that goose is cooked!" Ethan James said.
"Yeah!" Conner McKnight, Ethan James, and Kira Ford said.
"Awesome!" Ethan James said.
"We rock!" Conner McKnight said.
Meanwhile, at Mesogog's Lab, Mesogog wasn't pleased.
"Must I do everything myself?" Mesogog asked.
"Activating Hydro Regenerator," Mesogog said as he pushed a lever forward.
Meanwhile, back at the city, a small laser shot at the sky and made rain clouds.
Then the rain clouds rained and the coal transformed back into Birdbrain and he was now giant and then the rain clouds disappeared.
"Whoa!" Conner McKnight said.
Then Conner McKnight, Ethan James, and Kira Ford brought their morphers to their face level.
"Dr. O, we may have a little problem on our hands," Conner McKnight said.
"Let me guess. A 30-story version of that guy you were just fighting?" Tommy Oliver said.
"You done this before, haven't you?" Ethan James asked.
"Once or twice," Tommy Oliver said.
"I'm alerting the Dinozords," Tommy Oliver said.
Then Tommy Oliver typed the keyboard.
Back at the city, the Dinozords heard the alert and went to help the Rangers.
"We heard that you needed our help!" Ptera Zord said.
"So, we came running to help!" Tricera Zord said.
"Let's deal with Birdbrain once and for all!" Tyranno Zord said.
"Yeah!" Conner McKnight said.
"Ready?" Conner McKnight asked.
"Yeah!" Ethan James and Kira Ford said.
"Let's go!" Conner McKnight said.
Then Conner McKnight went into the Tyranno Zord, Ethan James went into the Tricera Zord, and Kira Ford went into the Ptera Zord.
Then the cockpits appeared and the Rangers put their hands on the cockpits and logged in.
"Zords combined!" Conner McKnight, Ethan James, and Kira Ford said.
Then the Tyranno Zord, the Tricera Zord, and the Ptera Zord combined into the Thundersaurus Megazord.
"Thundersaurus Megazord!" Conner McKnight, Ethan James, and Kira Ford said.
Then the Thundersaurus Megazord landed on the ground.
Then Birdbrain shot a laser from his sword and it hit the Thundersaurus Megazord, hurting the Rangers.
Then Kira Ford brought her morpher to her face level.
Then the Ptera Zord started talking through the Ptera Morpher.
"Use the Ptera Rang to hit Birdbrain!" Ptera Zord said.
"Got it!" Kira Ford said.
Then Kira Ford put her hand back on her cockpit.
Then the Thundersaurus Megazord took out the Ptera Rang.
"Ptera Rang!" Kira Ford said.
Then the Thundersaurus moved the Ptera Rang to the right, getting ready to throw it.
Then the Thundersaurus Megazord moved the Tricera Zord arm and threw the Ptera Rang.
Then the Ptera Rang hit his left feathers and the left feathers got off him.
Then the Ptera Rang hit his right feathers and the right feathers got off him.
Then the Ptera Rang got back on the Thundersaurus Megazord.
Then the Thundersaurus Megazord jumped up.
"Tyranno Drill, Engage!" Conner McKnight, Ethan James, and Kira Ford said.
Then the Thundersaurus Megazord used the Tyranno Drill and then charged to Birdbrain and then hit him, getting Birdbrain electrified, and then the Thundersaurus Megazord went to the other side and stopped the Tyranno Drill and then landed on the ground.
Then the Thundersaurus Megazord turned around.
Then Birdbrain fall down and exploded.
"Now, that's what I call Monster Busted!" Kira Ford said.
"Yeah!" Conner McKnight and Ethan James said.
Then the Thundersaurus Megazord put its arms down.
Then the Rangers got out of the Thundersaurus Megazord.
Then the Thundersaurus Megazord uncombined back into the Tyranno Zord, Tricera Zord, and Ptera Zord respectively and went back to their hiding places.
Then the Power Rangers saw the little girl and her mom.
"Hey!" Conner McKnight said.
Then the little girl and the Red Ranger ran to each other.
Then Red Ranger crouched down on one knee.
"Thank you," the little girl said.
Then the little girl hugged the Red Ranger which the Red Ranger returns.
"Anytime," Conner McKnight said.
Then the Red Ranger started thinking again about his choices.
"Anytime," Conner McKnight said.
Then the little girl and the Red Ranger stopped hugging.
Then the little girl ran back to her mom and then she and her mom left the area.
Then the Rangers went back to the Dino Lab.
Then the Rangers demorphed.
Then ten minutes later, Ethan James and Kira Ford were in Hailey's Cyberspace as well as Conner McKnight and Kira Ford's band was there too.
Then Tropius brought Kira Ford her apple juice bottle.
"Good luck, Kira," Tropius said.
"Thanks," Kira Ford said, and then grabbed her apple juice bottle.
Then Tropius went back to his table.
Then Kira Ford put her apple juice bottle on her shelf.
"Didn't expect to see you here," Ethan James said.
"Why not? We're partners in crime fighting," Conner McKnight said.
"We are?" Ethan James asked.
"Yes, we are," Conner McKnight answered.
Then Conner McKnight turned around.
Then Conner McKnight and Ethan James started walking to the counter.
"Hey, what happened with the Wave?" Ethan James asked.
"I had to make a choice," Conner McKnight said.
Then Conner McKnight and Ethan James sat on the chairs.
"That little girl made me realized that there's nothing more important than what we're doing right now," Conner McKnight said.
Then Hailey Ziktor walked up to Conner McKnight and Ethan James.
Then Hailey Ziktor turned to Conner McKnight.
"Hey, Conner. Sorry you didn't make the team," Hailey Ziktor said.
"Yeah," Conner McKnight said.
"Your drinks are on the house and they will be serve to you soon," Hailey Ziktor said.
Then Hailey Ziktor left the area.
Then Aurorus brought Ethan James his orange juice bottle.
"Here's your orange juice," Aurorus said.
"Thanks," Ethan James said, and then grabbed his orange juice bottle.
Then Aurorus turned to Conner McKnight.
"Sorry you didn't make the team," Aurorus said.
Then Aurorus went back to her table.
Then Blitzle brought Conner McKnight his plum juice bottle.
"Sorry you didn't make the team and here's your plum juice," Blitzle said.
"Thanks," Conner McKnight said, and then grabbed his plum juice bottle.
Then Blitzle smiled.
Then Blitzle went back to her table.
"How does Hailey do that and how do Tropius, Aurorus, and Blitzle know?" Conner McKnight said.
"Hailey knows all man, and she told Tropius, Aurorus, and Blitzle about it. And I'm sorry too," Ethan James said.
"Yeah. You know that I would have still chose you guys, right?" Conner McKnight asked.
"Yeah, I know," Ethan James said.
"Hey, guys," Hailey Ziktor said on the microphone getting everyone's attention.
Then everyone looked at Hailey Ziktor.
"Tonight, we've got something really special for you; a young woman with a lot to say, Kira Ford!" Hailey Ziktor said.
Then Hailey Ziktor got off the stand.
Then Kira Ford got on the stand and went to the microphone and looked at the crowd.
Then the crowd applauded and cheered.
Then Kira Ford began playing her guitar while the band began playing their instruments.
"And it goes like this. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. Yeah, yeah. I can't tell you why. But I can't stop thinking about you, baby. Oh, yeah. Don't you think it's time. I walked around every word you're saying. Trying hard to figure out. Tell me what it's all about. Cause I don't want to. Freak you out. Freak you out. Freak you out, Freak you..." Kira Ford sang as the crowd dances.
Then Ethan James and Conner McKnight looked at each other because they realized that Tommy Oliver wasn't there while Kira Ford was still singing.
"Wasn't Dr. O supposed to be here?" Ethan James asked.
"He is supposed to be here but I don't see him," Conner McKnight said.
Meanwhile, Tommy Oliver was walking to Hailey's Cyberspace.
Then Tommy Oliver was about to enter Hailey's Cyberspace but was stopped by Hydranoid and Drago.
"Tommy Oliver," Hydranoid said.
Then Tommy Oliver turned around.
"What do you two want?" Tommy Oliver said.
"We need your help with something," Drago said.
"But we need to go to the Pallet Forest first," Hydranoid said.
"But I can't missed Kira Ford's gig," Tommy Oliver said.
"Look, I'm not like Principal Randall and neither is Hydranoid and I love Kira Ford's song and Hydranoid does too but this is something really important that can't be discuss out here and we will tell you were we are really going when we get to the Pallet Forest," Drago said.
"All right, I'll go with you," Tommy Oliver said.
Then Hydranoid, Drago, and Tommy Oliver went to the Pallet Forest.
That's the end for this chapter. Stay tuned for the next chapter coming up next.

Note: This story exists when an alternate Pokémon Anime universe exists and after that universe ended. In that universe, "Odd Pokémon Out" is replaced by "A Friendship Blossoms" instead. The episode is about Tropius who had trouble trusting friendship because he was betrayed by his best friend. Pokémon and the name Pallet Forest belongs to Nintendo, The Pokémon Company, and Game Freak, so please give them credit for the characters and the name in the story.
Note: The Arc Reactor is a reference to Iron Man which belongs to Marvel, so please give Marvel credit for the reference.

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