Chapter 8

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All week I have been dreading this day; Friday. I've tried to think of ways I can get out of going to this dumb dentist appointment but Josh would just end up taking me another time and if I fake being sick he would just bring all his medical equipment to my dorm and give me a check-up, which is the opposite of what I need right now. 

He took me to dinner on Wednesday night after class and told me he spoke to Justin and he said he doesn't mind giving me a check-up so that was great news. Not! 

Right now I'm sitting on my bed in my dorm waiting for Josh to pick me up, he finished work around 10 minutes ago so he should be here soon. I decided to wear one of Josh's hoodies for comfort seen as I'm going to be in the worst place ever in a few minutes, and some leggings.

The door knocks and I drag myself off my bed and open the door. Josh is still in his work clothes- a crisp white shirt, grey slacks and his black dress shoes- he looks so hot, as usual. 

"Hey baby" He says as he pecks my mouth and pulls me into a hug, I tuck my face into his chest and breathe in his aftershave and the scent of the hospital. "Hey, you smell like the hospital" I say as I tighten my grip around his waist, he laughs and kisses the top of my head. "You love it really" He jokes knowing I hate it. We pull away and he takes my hand. 

"You ready to go baby?" I huff and look away. "Hey, baby its going to be fine, we're going out after remember? This is just a quick stop, there's nothing to worry about okay?" He softly takes my chin and turns my face towards him. "Do I have to get a check-up?" 

"No" He smiles. "But I'd really like you to, everyone needs to go for a cleaning and a check-up every six months babe and Justin can help you out with that sensitivity yeah?" I still don't reply, he's said I don't have to so maybe I should just say no. Suddenly he picks me up, walks over to my bed and sits down with me on his lap. "Baby, there is nothing to be afraid of, okay? I'm not going to let anyone hurt you, Justin is going to be really gentle and just have a little look then he'll probably give you a cleaning. After that we can go to benny's, easy peasy yeah?" 

Ughh, why does he have to be so persuasive, and I don't want to disappoint him. "Okay." I whisper and Josh kisses my cheek. "Everything is going to be okay sweetheart." I get off his lap and he stands, taking my hand. 


We get to Josh's hospital and he leads me through to the dental building and it smells even worse down here for some reason. He walks me into the reception area and signs us both in with a young male in scrubs that I have never seen before but Josh must know him because they know each others name. Once he has signed us in he walks us over to the chairs and we sit down, my sweaty shaky hand still in his. 

"My tummy feels funny." I say quietly. "Your okay baby, its just the nerves yeah? You don't feel sick do you?" He asks as he places his hand on my forehead. "No, its like butterflies but bad ones." I say quietly. Josh gives me a sad face and wraps his arms around me. "Take some deeps breaths sweetheart, your fine." I don't feel fine. I'm terrified.

I cuddle more into Josh. 

"Hey guys." I hear Justin's voice and turn to see him walking towards us in his blue scrubs.

"Hey man" Josh holds me against him as he stands to greet Justin. 

"Hey Sophie, you okay hun?" Justin asks and I peek out of Josh's chest.

"She's a little nervous." Josh answers for me, rubbing my back.

"Oh no, there's no reason to be nervous, do I really look that scary to you Sophie?" He smiles at me and I laugh a little, shaking my head.

"Good, why don't we head back so we can get outta here?" He asks me and I nod. 

Josh holds my hand as we follow Justin through a corridor and into a room with the dreaded tools and dental chair. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2022 ⏰

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