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aizawa pov :)))

I was drinking my coffee when problem child 2 (katsuki) called me. "what is it now, bakugo." I said a bit triggered because he got in my way while I was drinking my beautiful coffee. "Mr. aizawa! hurry up and come to the school roof! deku almost died because of his suicide action! and call the hospital!" with that he hung up.

I runned like hell. I haven't run so fast in ages...that's gonna hurt in the morning. when I arrived bakugo sat there in tears, at the same moment the ambulance arrived and we brought midoriya down. when we arrived by the hospital midoriya's father came in he looked somehow angry. and he stank. it was alcohol. obviously. but after a while he left again. I had to go home or else hizashi and shinso would worry too much. surprisingly bakugo insisted to stay, I always thought that bakugo hated midoriya.

I went home and told my husband and my son about problem child one's (midoriya) situation. you could tell that they were really shocked. like really.

The next day I went to the hospital again to see midoriyas condition but I saw that bakugo was still there looking at the greenette... in fear? was he scared because midoriya was depressed? I just stood there watching them. I think bakugo already noticed me but he didn't look up.

after a while midoriya was moving a bit bakugo noticed it and called him "deku...? deku? izuku !" he woke up. that was the first time I ever heard him say midoriyas first name.  I told him that bakugo had saved him on the last second. but I suddenly heard something unexpected, I heard midoriya say "why kacchan? weren't you the one who told me to swan dive off the school roof?! so why would you save me?! " wait. bakugou told him to die? wow. I really didn't expect that. but bakugo didn't move. he was sad, mad and probably traumatized at the same moment he couldn't say anything he just... kissed midoriya??! what?! ohhhhh. now I get it! bakugo probably never wanted midoriya to get hurt but still did it out of frustration, when he realized what he did it was already too late so he couldn't apologize because of his big ego. and he loved him all the time and didn't know how to spend time with him without being strange or something. I smirked at bakugo and quietly left.

when I got home it was already 4pm. my husband and problem child 13(shinso) ran to me like kids, worried kids. "is midoriya okay??! he isn't hurt, is he?!" wow I never thought that hizashi would be worried so much. and shinso actually looked sad. "don't worry guys, he is fine. he can go to school tomorrow but I'll probably do a mental health test because maybe there are other kids who are like midoriya... I just have to check if they have any problems." I said worried "sounds good" my son replied, my husband just nodded.

at first I thought I'm doing a 'short' aizawa pov....-_- yeah..
I think I'll try to not make every scene in every pov, sometimes maybe but I'll try to start a new scene with the new pov!

pls voté if you liked this chapter <3

word count : 559

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