[CHAPTER 1.1] Basically The Beginning.

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[REWRITTEN_ 12 DEC - 19 DEC 2022]
And it is here! The rewritten version of Chapter 1! Few more chapters to go...

I dodged every obstacle that dropped down at the ceiling as I ran to the exit. This building going to collapse anytime now, and the robots were behind me, chasing me. I thought I could get away with them, damn it!

Once I was at the exit door, I tried to pull it but to no avail. It's locked.

" Shit! No no no no! " I panicked as I turn around. Over 23 robots are coming towards me, some of them at the ceiling, some of them almost near me, some of them far away, but can make a long range. All of their fabric clothes were burned by the fire, showing its endoskeleton inside. Some of the facial parts fall apart.

I step back until I hit the door behind me, shit, this is the end, the end of my goddamn life. How the fuck did I even end up here?! The two Supreme Leaders both pointed at me, it seems they were signaling their Operatives to attack me. I don't have my weapon with me, oh fuck. Before they attack me, I embrace myself, using my bruised, bloody scars arms to shield myself. All the members start to attack me-

Pause! Pause. You didn't even know how I ended up here, all bruised, bleeding, and slowly dying.

Eh, life isn't great sometimes, especially when you're a night guard. I don't know how they can survive with these animatronics, wonder how though. Well not me, not a lucky person to get along. But, let's restart all the way in the beginning, shall we?


School is over, and the holiday starts. Walking out of the entrance door the teenagers came out as well. Some of them will miss each other, some of them made a whole list to spend their time together, and some of them aren't, like me. I will rather be alone actually, though I get bullied a lot sometimes. I stand there, tapping my feet on the soothing grass. My mom should be here by now but to no avail.

I sighed and grab my phone, looking at the date, " 1st Nov 32xx ", I thought I lost track of days again. Hearing the honk, I look up and saw my mother, smiling brightly at me. I tug my phone back into my pocket, walk towards the car door and open it. I got in, and close the door, mom starts driving. I place the backpack on the right-side window view.

" How's the last day of school [Y/N]? " She asked, looking at the car's rearview to look at me.

" It's . . . . Fine, I guess. " I mumbled, she hummed and continue to look at the road.

" Well, we should go to the Circus In The Pizzeria, I'm gonna teach you some of the endoskeleton parts! " She exclaimed, I scoffed, scooting myself to the left window view.

Well, you see, my parents are mechanics, they both met in college, and fell in love with each other, disgusting. And they dreamed to build the most world restaurant they've ever thought of. Both of them had a lot of ideas before getting married. Once they get married, they started to do the work and had a kid, who was not following their steps at all. I dreamt myself to be alone in my house, that's all.

But thanks to their expectations sights, they drag me to hell with them. Come to think of it, I had no idea why they build robots in the first place. They're so . . . . Off, in my opinion. But it's their design so, I can't argue with it, or can I?

Zoning myself out, I poke myself into reality, rubbing my [E/C] as the sun shines through the window. I think I need my glasses for this, but I left them at home. Mom stopped the car, knowing that we'd arrived.

" Alright sweetie, your father's waiting for you, let's get out of the car. " She says, she got out before I did.

Both of us walk into the restaurant entrance, little children running around the place, and the adults watching their kids. Looking at the workers, I can tell they're gonna quit their job by their expressions. Man, I felt bad for them. Mom told me to follow her to the door where people cannot enter. She open the door for me to walk in, then she got in as she close the door.

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