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"a college student was nearly scorched to death in the MUSIC department of your college?!" his mom asked

"mom listen.. "

"No, you listen. You lied to us, soobin?! We gave you everything and you lied to us?!"

"ma'am with every ounce of my respect, your son was nearly burned to death and you're worried about his career choice?" yeonjun asked, crossing his arms a bit.

"this isnt your business boy"

"actually it is. You see, his roommate- my boyfriend- was almost burned badly as well. And if you think I'm gonna let you sit here and talk to my boyfriends friend like that, you're in for a treat. "

"ugh.. Gays.. "

"mom, I'm gay" soobin said, getting annoyed.

"No, you aren't. You're already lying and now you want to be something you're not-?!"

"mom get out. "

The silence the filled the room was enough to make beomgyu's knees give in. He slid down to the floor, dizzy.

"what-?" his mom started

"SHUT UP AND GET OUT!! You care so much about everything else BUT me-! You're concerned about the major I was ALLOWED to choose when I literally just almost died?!

Mom- I understand you want me to be successful, I get it! But really?! So you know I get more support from my friends than my own mom?! I thought you were supposed to support me- my choices!

I wanted to do this mom.. I went back in a burning room! For this!!" soobin held up the burned notebook he had next to the bed he was in, "I couldn't speak for days- I couldn't move because of how badly I was burned.. You don't even care.. You won't even ask how I'm perfectly fine!

So yes, mom. Get the fuck out. If you care more about my careers path, and how much money I will make rather than my damn life?! Get the absolute fuck out. "

There was a loud gaging noise in the corner, and everyone looked over to beomgyu, almost yelping in shock.

Beomgyu was twitching, eyes rolled to the back of his head but still very much open. And the black smoke coming from every hole on his head didn't look ant good either.

He was pale with tears streaming down his sunken cheeks. It almost didn't look like beomgyu at all. And if it weren't for the fact that the knew it was him, it could've been anyone.

"it's.. Hurting him.. " yeonjun said softly, gasping and running to beomgyu and shaking him. "gyu! Gyu you have to fight it-! I can't help you with it still inside you!"

Beomgyu made a gurgling noise, indicating that he was still conscious. "what's happening?" soobin asked, now up and next to the younger boy.

"someone's trying to steal his life force- and they're succeeding pretty damn well at it too" yeonjun said, looking at beomgyu helplessly.

"steal his life force..? Junnie-??"

"it's the dark version of my magic. It's.. It's easier to learn than mine. Someone's using dark magic and there's nothing I can do to stop it.. "

Beomgyu was getting thinner rapidly, his body going cold. "please gyu you have to fight it..! I know you're strong- I've seen you fight before.. Please try gyu.. "

Yeonjun held beomgyu's hand tightly, tears spilling as he saw beomgyu trying to grip it in return.

Soobin gently wrapped his arms around beomgyu, shutting his eyes. "it'll be okay.. We got you, gyu.. Fight it for me.. For us.. For tae. Fight it gyu.. We can go back to being mad at eachother, but you have to fight it.. "

The smoke stopped and beomgyu's body fell forward, limp. Soobin let go of the younger and sat him up in a panic, "gyu..? "

"lay him down! Now!!" yeonjun ordered.

Beomgyu was on the ground in just a few seconds, yeonjun pressing a panicked his to the youngers lips, pulling his hoodie up and giving him a small kiss on the chest.

"young man-" soobins forgotten mother started, earning an almost deadly glare from soobin, silencing her instantly.

Soobin and yeonjun finally let out their breaths, seeing beomgyu take small shallow breaths.

"thank god.. " yeonjun said softly, sitting back and taking a long breath.

"that was highly inappropriate..!" his mother said.

Yeonjun scoffed and held out his hand, blowing on it softly. "I really don't like your mom.. " yeonjun said after she'd completely passed out.

"she can be.. Nagy.. "soobin said with a small smile. "You saved him.. Thank you.. "

"I saved yours and your roomies like and I only get a thank you? A kiss would be like twelve times better"

"knowing you, you'll probably just put me to sleep. "

"gimme a kisssss" yeonjun whined, earning a soft chuckle from soobin, who stood and made his way over to yeonjun, gently pressing their lips together.

It was soft, gentle, and tender. He'd never kissed his favorite bartender before. Not on the lips at least. And soobin would be lying if he said he wasn't waiting for it.

It was exactly how he'd hoped. Slowly getting more and more heated, until they were basically ready to fuck.

And soobin, was doing another thing he'd never done before. Willingly bottoming.

His eyes shut as he let out a soft moan, yeonjun placing a small kiss on his neck.

"sorry binnie.. You'll be out for a bit.." yeonjuns softly, earning a sleepy chuckle from soobin.

"I knew it.. You'd better fuck me when I wake up or I'll murder you and hide your body in.. "

Soobin didn't get to finish his sentence before he was unconscious in yeonjuns arms.  Yeonjun only snorted and ran his fingers through the younger males hair, shutting his eyes and exhaling.

It didn't take long before everyone in the room was asleep. Snoring softly. Yeonjun didn't care if they were all found on the floor. He was exhausted.

He deserved a nap.

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