Chapter Five: Times Have Changed

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Sam's P.O.V.

I caught myself on the edge of the bridge and looked down towards the river before  pulling myself up onto the bridge and looking around.

"Dean? Lily!"

"Son of a fucking bitch!" I high pitched scream comes from the bank below. I dash back towards the railing and look down at a panting, mud-covered Dean and a furious Lily stomping her foot and looking at her muddy clothes.

"I just bought these boots!" she yells before launching a rock towards the river. Dean's eyes widen and he looks up towards me.

"What?" he grumbles.

"Hey! Are you all right?" I ask

Dean holds up one hand in an A-OK sign. While Lilly's angry eyes meet mine. 

"Do I look okay? How about you throw yourself off the bridge into a shit infested fucking river!" She narrows her eyes before she begins to crawl up the side of the bank. I look back towards Dean and chuckle before scooting away from the edge.


Lily's P.O.V.

Dean shuts the hood of his car and leans on it. As I stand beside him.

"Your car all right?" Sam asks Dean

"Yeah, whatever she did to it, seems all right now. That Constance chick, what a bitch!" Dean chuckles

"Well, she doesn't want us digging around, that's for sure. So where's the job go from here, genius?" Sam asks us before settling on the hood of the car beside Dean. Dean  throws up his arms in frustration, then flicks mud off his hands.

"Hey watch it!" I warn, backing away from the flying mud. " I already have enough on me thank you" Sam sniffs and wrinkles his nose, looking at Dean and I .


You two smell like a toilet.

"Thank you Moose." I sarastically reply as Dean looks down in shame. "Come on, lets go get cleaned up Dean."

We drive up To a new hotel and Dean slams down a VersaBank MasterCard in the name of Hector Aframian

"Two rooms please" he says.

We are standing at the motel check-in desk, still filthy, with Sam right behind us. The clerk picks up the card and looks at it.

"You guys having a reunion or something?" He asks us. I raise my eyebrow

"What do you mean?" I ask. The cleark turnes towards me 

"I had another guy, Burt Aframian. He came and bought out a room for the whole month.

Dean turnes back towards me with pleading eyes and I sigh, stepping towards the desk.

"Oh yeah, thats my uncle." I smile sweetly. I guess he forgot to let you know we were coming. The clerk smirks and leans forward.

"Oh really, sweetcheeks?" He says. I can feel my brothers glares upon my back as I move closer to the clerk and smirk slyly.

" Hmm yes. And I would be so happy if you could lend us a key to his room." I bat my eyes at him and move my finger up his arm. "If that is okay with you?" He gulps and leans back towards the computer. 

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