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I take another drag from my cigarette and look down at my phone.

The bell should be ringing in 3 minutes give or take, I should get all this cigarette smell out of this bathroom before those preppy aśs cheerleaders come in here complaining. Knowin' damn well they do worse than smoke in these bathrooms.

Hmph! Yeah them bîtches 'powder their noses' alright.

I drop then stomp the cigarette out and flush it down the toilet. I then spray japanese blossom all over the bathroom, waving my arms around the room to mask the smell of my smoke break with cheap perfume.

I really don't like smoking to be honest but it keeps me away from other stuff that those girls do at that terrible place.

When I finally exit the bathroom I bump into a rock hard chest. "Uhm excuse you!-" Looking up at the angelic face shooting darts down at my small figure with his piercing blue eyes, I cut myself off from my next sentence.

"Well watch where the fûck your going next time then we wouldn't be having this problem!" I feel my blood boil as the guy completely disregards my wellbeing and bumps right into me, causing me to fall over and my bottom come crashing to the damp concrete flooring.

"YOU DÎCK!! You'll pay for this!" He keeps walking down the empty hallway and I raise up off of the ground and decide to follow.

He's gonna get a piece of my mind and his aśs handed to him if he doesn't say sorry!

He makes a sharp turn toward the western hallway that leads straight to the stairs and I pursue him further down the corridor.

I catch up to him and pull him by his shoulder to face me. "What the fûck is your issue?! You didn't have to trample me like that! If you ever do that shît again I swear for God I will castrate you! Do you hear me?! No balls, no dîck, no anything in between your legs! Comprende motherfûcker?!" He just stares at me blankly so I decide to change my approach drastically.

I raise my hand and cock it back, i let it soar toward his face but his big hand latches onto my wrist tightly as I'm in mid-swing. The instant he grabs my forearm I feel a million pains shoot throughout my limb, the sensation of a blood clot forming in my veins at once.

"F-fûck!! L-l-lemme go!!!" I try tugging out of his grip but it's no use. He just looks at me then has the nerve to tilt his head back and laugh at me!

He snaps out of the haze of his uncontrollable tittering and looks at me with dark eyes, "Watch it." His voice sounds unnerving. Like he isn't there anymore and I don't even know the guy, the way it sounds sends chills up my spine and causes the hairs at the back of my neck to raise.

But I still cant show fear to this son of a bîtch! Before he can release me I spit right in the center of his forehead and I hear a low growl come from between his lips as my saliva trickles down his head. My muscles stiffen.

"You'll regret that whore." He spats at me and I begin to feel tears form, prickling the rim of my eyes and threatening to fall to the surface.

"Oh REALLY? Like you know me so well you fûckboy! You don't know nothin' about me so next time watch your fückin mouth!" I slap him swiftly across the face with the back of my hand and stomp away, leaving him with a red hand print on his left cheek and spit gliding slowly down the bridge of his nose.

2:50 pm

I step into the house and the smell of mold and old paint hits my nose instantly.

"Aye Nivea! Getcha' asś in here!" My mothers raspy voice peeks out from her room and I hesitantly trudge toward her door.

"We low on bill money, so you gone have ta get on out dea tonight." Her eyes are glassy and I can tell she's been shooting up since the moment I left for school this morning.

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