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The guy who in my nightmares, attempted to control my mind and devour it is standing before me. A livid expression is etched onto his beautiful angelic face, but there's one thing.

He's anything but angelic.

I catch that type of vibe with him, and I don't like it.

I turn in my stool and cross my legs before responding, "Well, I thought I should join the party, what's it to you?"

"I ask the questions! You will not talk to me that way." He spat.

"Oh yeah? You think your so TOUGH! Ever since the day you knocked me down, for no good fûcking reason might I add, you've had this total bîtch attitude toward me and IM SICK OF IT! You know what.... I'm sick of YOU!" And with that I throw a margarita in his face and walk off.

I hear him mutter something foul before shoving the body guards out of his way with startling strength and stalking through the tall double doors.

Ha! Someone's on their period.



So, the moody teenaged boy had come back and has been sitting at the bar giving me the death glare for a whole hour now. At first I was all too aware of his presence and the heated stare I was receiving but after a while, I drank enough to forget I ever met him. That would be the perfect world, me never bumping into him and looking into those baby blue eyes. Maybe I can be a pretender and fake myself out as if I'd never met him.

"But you can't."

My head snaps up from my drink and I look around the room, everybody has disappeared and everything seems more fuzzy. The lights in the room have turned the color of a dark red, I look to the wall on my right and find a thick red liquid gliding down it.


The room turns upside down with stunning speed. I land on my back with a thud and electrifying pain shooting up my spine.

I feel large hands clamp to my waist with a generous amount of pressure and yank me toward the source, lifting me off the ground.

"Well don't you look lovely tonight." He looks at my body hungrily and if I wasn't being held in a awkward position, I would've kicked him straight in the mouth.

"Why don't you give it up eh? I know you want me. I know you want this. Stop trying to fight your attraction and wonder toward me Niv." He kisses my collarbone and I flinch.

"You will love me in due time, you'll let me consume your entire being."

His pupils dilate at a scary rate until there's no white left around the rim and I scream bloody hell.

"Have a nice night doll, I'll be seeing you." A wicked laugh erupts from him.

I feel a wave of bitter cold as I fall back to the ceiling.

"Dude she's not waking up!!"

"Who did it huh? Who spiked her fûcking drink!?" I hear Colton yell and I reach out for him to protect me from the cold feeling all around my body.

"Where the fûck is Lucas? I'm going to kill him!" I try to mumble Colton's name but my voice breaks in the process.

"Hey, your awake." I hear a softer version of Colton's voice than I did seconds ago and I feel my body being plucked out of the coldness and into a warm cloth.

"Everybody out." I hear feet shuffle before the door closes and I'm enveloped in silence.

I build up enough gumption to open my eyes and find myself in a bathroom, wrapped in a towel sitting on Colton's lap.

"What happened?" I mutter.

"You were sitting at the poker table and all of a sudden you just fell over, I thought Lucas might've spiked your drink...."

My heart drops from hearing his name but I remain as composed as possible. "Uh. Why would you think that?"

"Well.. When you were out, you were kinda- calling his name.." He clears his throat then continues.

"You were shaking and squirming repeating this weird chant in maybe a different language? And then you just completely froze after that," He gestures toward the tub filled with water and speaks once more.

"I had to give you a cold bath for you to wake. Fûck your skin was on fire! I could barely hold you,"

"Is my time to leave yet?"

"Well it's 2:45 and the party isn't over but I think you've been through enough tonight, I'm sorry this ever happened."

"All in a days work right?" I offer a weak laugh and he goes along with me.

"Well, you can stay in my room. I'm sure you wouldn't want to go home in a wet dress and having your parents find out." My eyes dart quickly to him.

"Yes, I know you're a minor. Hell so am I ! That's why I chose you. I'd seen you walk around the club and serve drinks and I'd think 'Damn, she's so beautiful and looks as if she has her head on her shoulders I don't understand why she's here' I had to bring you here tonight."

I stare at him.

"I digress, you can take my room. I have master locks and a security system set up in my room so no one can bother you. I'll bring you home as soon as you wake."

"Take me to your room."

Two spiral staircases and 13 pass codes later we make into Colton's room. He sits me down on the bed and walks to the far corner of the room to his dark wooden dresser. For a teenaged boy his room is mature- plain almost -it has a computer and a laptop side by side showing surveillance of the massive home to my left, in the same corner is the dresser.

"Here." I jump a little and stop my observation of his domain then I look toward him.

"Clothes to wear to sleep." He raises a brow.

"Oh. Uh, right thanks."

He turns his back to me and I quickly undress, leaving nothing but skin. I put on the grey tee that reaches about my kneecaps and the white Calvin Klein boxer briefs, I then tap his shoulder for permission to turn.

"Oh c'mon!" He looks at me with a weary expression.


"You look better in my clothes than I do!" He makes a false angry face, which looks more like constipation, and pokes his bottom lip out.

"Ha! Ain't that the truth!" I laugh and walk back toward the bed.

I pull the fine duvet back and lay on the bed that looks to be two king sizes. Colton sits next to my resting body, turning to me as his features soften.

I caress his face with the back of my hand and bring my lips up to his forehead. "Remember when you said you didn't understand, ya know, why I work at the brothel?"

He nods and I countinue, "Some things in life we just can't explain. I'm still trying to figure a few things out myself, Colton."

He copies my earlier action and gives my forehead a peck. "Goodnight- Uh.. Honey?"

"It's Nivea actually."

He grins at me "That's a pretty name, glad you gave me the privilege to know it." And with that he stands up from the bed and walks out, quietly shutting the door.

After his exit I hear many clicks and beeps from his security system, this brings me closer to my safe haven, slumber.

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