Chapter one: Oh No...

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Koy's pov

Today I am going out to eat with my parents and Taylor. There was a knock on the door and there stood Taylor. Looking handsomer than ever. He gave me a kiss and came inside. He said hi to my parents then asked where we were going.

"We could go to Olive Garden." I suggested. Nobody argued so we left.


When we got there the waiter took us to our seats and then took our order. I just got a salad because I had eaten before we came. Taylor and my parents ordered then we talked until the food came.

All my dad did was question Taylor.
"You've never been to prison have you?"
"Just wanting to know." My dad was a cop so if Taylor lied he could just look up his record.
"I have never been to prison before sir."
"I'll have to check on that."
"Oh look dad the foods here!" I said changing the subject.

We ate and left. We had taken two cars because I was staying at Taylor's house tonight. I told my mom and dad goodnight and we left.

When we arrived at Taylor's house he carried me inside and threw me onto his bed. Then he started kissing me and things got heated. Really heated.

We got too tired so we stopped. I was breathing heavily, and sweating. I fell asleep in Taylor's arms.


I woke up and got dressed then went to the kitchen to make Taylor and I breakfast. I got out the bacon and started frying it. The I cooked the eggs.

I was cooking and the two arms snaked around my waist and started rocking me back forth. "Last night was amazing." He whispered in my ear.

"Glad to see you up sleepy." I said giving him quick kiss.
"Well I smelled food so..." I laughed at that.

The food was done and we ate. When we finished Taylor took me home.



I was over at Taylor's house cooking for him again. This time it was dinner.

In the middle of eating I was sick to my stomach. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. Taylor was automatically concerned. "Are you okay baby?"
"Yea I'm Fine." I said wiping my mouth. I threw up again.

Taylor grabbed his keys and took me to a drug store. We bought pregnancy tests getting disgusted looks from older people.

We got home and I went into the bathroom and peed on the stick. I waited five minutes then got the results. + oh no. I started crying and Taylor came in. What am I going to tell my parents?

Ok so because I'm a lazy author every chapter will mark 1 month of her pregnancy. K? K.

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