Percy P.O.V

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The green (A/N bruce looks like he does in infinity war^, right in between hulk and banner, and wearing clothes)doctor guy led me down a hall and into a room with a bed, a bathroom, a closet, a dresser, and a recliner. I sat down on the recliner with my daughter, listening to what the man had to say. I already knew the basics of taking care of a baby from when I helped out with Estelle. I just acted like I didn't because I wanted to get out of the awkwardness of the room. 

"I never got your name, Doc." I decided to say.

"Bruce. Bruce Banner." Bruce said. He had a shocked look on his face before it changed to an offended one, but it quickly washed away.

"I'm Percy. Nice to meet you, Bruce. This is Bianca, by the way." I said, gesturing to my child. Bruce made a face at her and she giggled. I swear it sounded exactly like Wise Girls' laugh. I extended my hand and he shook it.

"Cool ring." He commented.

"Thanks." I muttered in respond, trying not to think about that. The doctor seemed to sense that because he got up left, saying goodnight as he shut the door behind him. I sat on the recliner as Bianca fell asleep. I was fiddling with her hair when an Iris Message appeared in front of me. An image of the five that survived came into focus.

"Hey guys." I whispered, trying to indicate to be quiet. They all just stared, awing at the baby in my arms. "She's perfect, isn't she?" I said.

"What's her name, Jackson?" Clarisse asked. At that question, I turned to Nico with a grin.

"Annabeth and I agreed on Bianca." I told them, still grinning at Nico who was now a mess. A mixture of happiness, sadness, pride, and everything in between. Will hugged him from behind and kissed his ear, making the son of Hades even more flustered.

"That was very sweet of you Percy. Thank you." Hazel said as she joined the hug.

"Percy, where are you? That doesn't look like your moms apartment, last time I checked." Reyna chimed in, trying to distract herself from the Solangelo moment. My face fell, the sight of Mom, Paul, and Estelle reappearing fresh in my mind.

"Tartarus." I croaked, hoping that they understood what I meant. I regained my thoughts after a minute or two of silence and decided to fill them in. "It turns out I have an Aunt. Her name is Natasha. Anyway, I'm here with her in this huge tower that all these other people live at as well. Like there was this huge green guy, Bruce Banner, and he's a scientist. He's really cool. But yeah, I haven't met anyone really but Natasha and Bruce."

"Huh." Reyna muttered. 

"Sorry, Perce. We gotta go." Will said before gesturing for everyone to wave. They did, and Reyna cut the signal. 

---time skip to 4:00 in the morning---

I hadn't slept all night and my ADHD was getting the best of me so I decided to get up. I fed and changed my baby, thanks to Bruce who ordered baby supplies for me. I put Bianca in the new baby carrier and she started to play with my camp necklace. I starting making blue pancakes, enough for an army because I didn't know how many people were here. It started to get hot so I rolled my sleeves up. I had about 34 pancakes done when a huge blonde dude walked in. He jumped when he saw me.

"Percy, right?" The guy asked. He was definitly some sort of soldier.

"Yep," I answered, popping the 'p'. "Who are you?"

"Steve. Steve Rogers." He said. "What are you doing up this early?"

"I could ask you the same thing." I grinned.

"Old habits." 

"I couldn't sleep. So how many people live here?" I asked.

"Uh. About fifteen, I think?" He said and I let out a sigh of relief.

"You hungry? I made pancakes!" I asked, gesturing to the stack of blue pancakes.

"Why are they blue?" He asked, making me laugh.

"It's an inside joke between my mom and I." I explained. He gave me an apollogetic look before I turned to put two pancakes on a plate and handed it to him. 

"What's a kid your age doing with a tattoo?" Steve asked pointedly before taking a bite of his breakfast. 

"Family tradition?" I said. "Hey Friday? Can you tell whoever's awake that I made breakfast?"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06 ⏰

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