Jennie still loves you and wants you back.

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Jennie has been though so much in her past thirty-two years from Blackpink disbanding to a divorce with you the love of her entire life also mother of her four children that she cherished more than anything in the world at the moment. At the same time she regret deeply that she asked you for a divorce she still felt guilty because she was thirty years old when she asked you for divorce even through she still loves you more than anything besides her family, friends and blinks.

She couldn't believe how immature she has been on the day that she asked you for a divorce because of her career she knows she could have made time for you and her children together. She would kick herself literally if she could for breaking your heart for a ridiculous reason of a divorce. Her parents hasn't spoken to her since she asked you for a divorce since you are like a second daughter to her parents.

Jennie came home from a fashion show in Chanel with an exhausted expression on her face the whole house were quit and she could see the light in living room still on which caused her to worry if you are still awake or if you fell asleep on the couch again like in the old times.

Jennie walked into the living room after taking off her outside clothes with a worried expression on her face when she saw you asleep on the couch without a blanket in the pj that she got for you at the beginning of your relationship and married life together.

Then she walked away to pack a few of her clothes and things that she needs. It took her about thirty minutes to pack everything very quietly so she won't wake up anyone.

„Y/N wake up we need to talk." Said Jennie with seriousness in her voice.

You woke up with a sad expression on your face when you noticed the serious expression on her face because you knew that something must be going on when she looks serious. You rubbed the sleep from your eyes with your thumbs before you nodded your head as yes sign in her direction.

„Listen I have to do this for my career because I know I won't have time for the relationship the next month. Can we get a divorce it's for the best." Asked Jennie with sadness and honesty in her voice.

You just nodded with your head as yes sign because you knew that begging won't make her stay and if you truly love someone then you let them be happy no matter if it's with you or not.

Jennie got pulled back from her thoughts when she saw her daughter Ninisoo walking towards her in small children footsteps Jennie frown when her daughter had a sad expression on her face. Jennie picked up her daughter to sit her down on couch next at her while glancing into her eyes. Ninisoo were correctly 10 years old and your first child before you got faith, hope and Roseanne.

„Mommy can you and momma Y/N get back together we want to be a whole family again.We can see how much you both still love each other." Asked Ninisoo with curiousness in her voice.

„I am not sure princess because I have really hurt the love of my life when I asked her for a divorce." Answered Jennie with seriousness and honesty in her voice.

„M'kay mommy." Mumbled Ninisoo with slight sadness in her voice.

Jennie felt her heart breaking after her daughters last sentence she just couldn't help herself from debating in her brain if she should really try to win you back because she knows that she has hurt you in the worst way possible. All you did were loving her with every part of you while she ended up asking you for a divorce which a good wife won't do. At the same time she doesn't want you to date anyone else or to marry anyone else since you are the love of her life and the mother of her children.

Her brain decided that she will be fighting for you while trying to win you back because you will always be the love of her life. She wanted her family to be whole and to 100% percent complete. A smile tug on her lips when she remembered how cute you've always been together.

„Hey princess let's go to get your momma back." Said Jennie with happiness in her voice.

Ninisoo could only sequeal nodding with her head fast an excited expression on her face when she thought about becoming her family completely and whole again. She couldn't wait to tell auntie Lisa who has been married to herself since Lisa loves herself that much and aunties chaesoo who ended up marrying each other two years ago. Ninisoo smirked which she definitely has from you according to Jennie.

„Ninisoo I know you since you were in your momma's womb tell me what's your plan." Scolded Jennie with amusement in her voice.

„You could try to win momma back with a self-written song, chocolate, fake red roses and a few poems. Since I've got told in pre school a few years ago that self-made presents are the most appreciated presents in one of my lessons." Explained Ninisoo with intelligence in her voice.

„That's the best plan I've heard so far, where is your intelligence coming from." Asked Jennie with emotions in her voice. She couldn't help herself from fake crying when she thought amused about how her daughter is so intelligent with ten years.

„Of course it's the best plan you've heard so far. 1 because it's the only plan you've heard yet. 2 because it's coming from me Ninisoo Kim duh." State Ninisoo sassily.

Jennie moved her hands up to air in surrender with an amused expression on her face when she realized that Ninisoo has the sassily personality from her. Both of them called her best friends to help with the plan from Ninisoo. Chaesoo and Lisa decided to help right away because they loved you both together even when BlackPink still existed in their younger years.
- -
Jennie were standing in front of the front door from the house you both used to share with a nervous expression on her face she looked left again seeing her children, Lisa and Chaesoo giving her thumbs up. She looked back at the front door taking deep breaths before knocking on the door a few times.

She could've swore she felt butterflies into her stomach when she heard your voice. It still has the same effect on her as it had when you both first met.

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