Calling her mommy for the first time. [Slight mature. No smut.]

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You sat on the lap of Jennie Kim. Your girlfriend for almost a whole year. You are tipsy and she is still sober. Since she wanted to drive you home later on. Your fingers run down her back with the nails slightly scratching her back. It caused a purr to come from her mouth.

Your kiss turned more and more passionately until she couldn't take it anymore. Her lips moved from your lips to your neck. Her hand moved up and down your side's. It caused a tickling feeling in your body which created goosebumps on your skin.

Jennie smirked, her lips started to suck and lick your neck. Besides continuing kissing it. You started panting into her ear which definitely changed something. The atmosphere between you and Jennie changed from slight making out to dominance.

Jennie opened her brown eyes which darkened in need and dominance. She saw her best friends and bandmates dancing together drunk with a sober Jisoo. She focused back on you and the feeling of having you as a bottom sitting on her lap.

Jennie started to suck harder on the skin of your neck. Causing many hickeys on your skin, especially slight dark ones. Her lips moved from your neck to your jawline when you arched your back into a perfect arch. She took the perfect moment to suck on the spot between your shoulder and neck.

„Mommy." Half gasped half whimpered you.

Jennie gasped with her brown eyes darkening more with dominance and need. She knew if you both don't leave the nightclub soon. You both would become even more wild with the hot making out session you currently have.

„What did you just call me baby girl...?" Asked Jennie with dominance in her voice.

You didn't know what to say since you got so much pleasure from her lips on your skin. Your heart beats even faster and your breathing turns into panting. You loved this new dominant side of your girlfriend Jennie. You squirmed on her lap since you felt like such a bottom.

„I called you mommy..." whimpered you with need. When she bite softly in the skin of your jawline to mark you even more.

Jennie decided to run her fingers through your hair. Her lips never left your skin. She could make out with you like that for a very long time. Since she won't get tired of making out with her attractive and beautiful baby girl.

„Call me that again baby girl." Demanded Jennie with much dominance in her voice. Her voice became more deep and husky with dominance.

„Mommy...!" Gasped you when Jennie put a hand on your throat.

Suddenly she pulled away and picked you up. You wrapped your arms around her neck. She held you up with her hands on your bum. Jennie was very grateful that she had been going into the gym since two years.

„We need to leave now! Mommy wants to reward her baby girl..." smirked Jennie with many thoughts in her mind on how she is going to reward you. Her baby girl.

Her best friends smirked Jisoo could only mouth 'good luck' to you. She knew the cat eyed brown haired Korean woman would go rough on you. Your eyes widened to the realization and you could only whimper. Since Jennie kissed your neck again on the way to her pink Lamborghini car.

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