The Garden of Badb - Part 2

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"We must proceed with caution here."

Culhain shot the druid a questioning look and halted the small group. They had only gone a few miles from the previous night’s campsite and he was eager to get on. "What's the problem Gwern? Is there something we need to avoid?"

"We'll be fine as long as we move quickly and quietly. There is a minor portal just up ahead to the left. The Morrigan has been strengthening her hold on the minor stone circles and often uses them for transporting her forces. Recently we've been noticing more sentinels who've been picking off our druids and small scouting parties."

"I'm not sure I've ever heard so many words from you in one go Gwern."

"Where the hell did she come from?" Muttered one of Culhain's men as Steren appeared from behind a nearby tree.

She grinned at him and moved alongside the druid. "He's right Captain. There are a small group of Harpies roosting in the trees by the ring. If we detour slightly to the right, there's a deer trail we can use to get round them."

"I'm not afraid of a few singing buzzards," growled Dresta.

"No-one's saying you're afraid Dresta." Gwern faced the hulking warrior. "But sometimes there's a time when stealth and caution is required in place of brute force."

"I suggest we take the trail Steren has mentioned. Dresta, take point with Steren and one of the men, we'll follow on."

"Yessir," he said with a muttered "I'd like to show her my point," to the man next to him. Smirking, the two followed Steren, who moved away into the trees.

Silence enveloped them as they moved into the pine forest. Needles from the sun shrouding canopy muffled their footsteps and Dresta fixed his eyes on the trim figure of the woman who picked her way silently through the forest in front of him. He glanced across at Clun, who also followed her movements with a wolfish grin.

"You fancy a little tickle old friend?" he whispered, motioning to Steren who had paused and bent over to peer into a thicket.

As the man nodded, Dresta silently padded towards her and grabbed a hand full of buttock with one hand, the other silently drawing a dirk from his belt and resting it at her throat.

"Are you ready to die Dresta?" There was no fear in her voice, and Dresta momentarily lost the initiative until Clun stepped in and backhanded her across the face, drawing his sword as he followed her falling form. Dresta wasn't wholly sure what happened next, but there was a blur of limbs and Clun staggered back clutching his throat, his hands scrabbling madly at his windpipe as his face purpled. Steren pirouetted, lowering the suspended foot and stepped in with murder in her eyes. Her sword whispered from its sheath and the tip flashed through the man's eyes as he died.

"What the hell are you?"

"I am a woman who will never be the plaything of a man I do not choose to lie with. Draw your weapon..."

"I do not fight women."

"I am a scout on this mission. Are you a coward then, only fit to rape women and kill innocents?"

Dresta's sword rasped from his scabbard and he dropped into a warrior's crouch, but froze as cold steel touched the nape of his neck.

"Put down your weapon or I will kill you where you stand. Steren, you too."

"You move quietly Captain,” noted Dresta as his bastard sword dropped to the pine needle. You know you cannot take me Culhain, not in a fair fight. Our time will come."

"I don't feel the need to fight fair when I’m facing a rapist. We are here on a mission Dresta, if you cannot fulfil that, then leave."

"You will pay for this, both of you."

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