Chapter 6

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"Are you absolutely sure that it is okay to hunt in the rainforest?" Morrowseer asked.

Secretkeeper gave him an exasperated look. She was only a few days away from egg-laying, and dragonets were so precious...Morrowseer couldn't bear if something happened to the egg. "I'm not going to shatter into pieces," she told him.

"I should come with you"

"No, you shouldn't, because otherwise you won't let me hunt anything besides a banana," Secretkeeper said in annoyance.

"Let her go," Farsight said wisely. "It's natural for dragonesses to want to be this active before egg-laying. Right, Fierceteeth?" She nuzzled her daughter, who flinched away with a snarl.

Morrowseer let out a huge sigh. "FINE. But if you're not back by moonhigh, I will personally tear apart the rainforest to find you."

"I'll be perfectly all right," Secretkeeper said. She trotted towards the ledge and then unfurled her wings, then launched herself into the sky.

Morrowseer was about to go into the rainforest himself (it was moonhigh) when Secretkeeper came charging out of the tunnel, eyes streaming with tears.

She blindly spread her wings, and Morrowseer followed her into the sky. She dove into the forest and let out a heartbroken wail, and when Morrowseer landed beside her he saw the she had thrown herself against a tree and was crying hysterically.

"Secretkeeper!" he said with alarm. She tensed as if he had bitten her, and he forced his tone to a more quieter note. "What happened?"

"The egg," she gasped. "It was cracked." Secretkeeper collapsed into a fit of tears again. "I had cramps when I was flying...oh, Morrowseer, I'm so sorry!"

A few days after that certain incident, Morrowseer was confronted by Mastermind, who could be classified as the most tactless dragon in the history of dragonkind. The wiry NightWing beckoned him into the lab and spoke in a hushed voice.

"I don't think Secretkeeper is telling us the whole truth," he said. "I mean, did you see how much she was crying? She's never cried like that before."

"Well, what do you think?" Morrowseer snarled. "She - we - just lost an egg! And that means no more new dragonet for the NightWings!" His shattered heart seemed to splinter into a thousand more smithereens. 

Mastermind gave him an impatient look. "Farsight was sad when our egg was taken away, but she didn't cry her eyes out like that. I think Secretkeeper is faking. She must have hidden her egg in the rainforest."

Morrowseer's claws itched to rake Mastermind across the face. "Your precious dragonet is being adored and worshiped and fed EVERY DAY rather than live his USELESS WORTHLESS LIFE in this HORRIBLE VOLCANO!"

Mastermind's expression changed to one of ecstasy. "My dragonet is a male?" he asked, the point totally missed in Morrowseer's fuming. "What does he look like? What's his name?"

"That is no buisness of yours," Morrowseer hissed. "Now, if you are quite finished, I would like to carry on with my life." He turned around, but not after hitting Mastermind's oversized head with his tail. 

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