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(Violets P.O.V)

I walk through the halls of my fathers palace, only the starlight illuminating the dark halls. It is quiet aside from my blearily audible foot steps, it makes me uneasy. Coming home from war makes the palace ghostly quiet for me, the usual shouts and cries from my soldiers and the enemies nonexistent, nor is the gun fire, roaring flames and constant sound of horses running. I almost miss it, I can't stand being in the quiet for to long, it makes me paranoid that my enemy is about to slit my throat.

"Princess?" A sudden voice rang. I stop mid step and tense as my hand shoots to my sheathed sword at my hip. I calm myself as I am reminded that this is not the battle field, its my home. I am safe.

"What are you doing out of bed? You should be sleeping your majesty, your coming home party is tomorrow," the voice continues. I turn to it, seeing one of my maids standing 15-20 feet behind me, a 'safe distance' everyone seems to do that now. No one will be close to me unless in passing, the fear in her eyes rolls off of her in title waves. I take my hand away from my sword immediately.

"I'm not going to hurt you..." I trail off, her eyes hold disbelief hesitance. I sigh but nod at her as I turn to walk back to my room. "I'll head to bed now. Thank you, have a good night."

A small and hesitant 'thank you' was heard shortly followed by rushed steps. I glanced behind me to see her sprinting away from me. It angers me so.

Walking into room I rely on my instincts and muscle memory to find my drawers, the drapes are sealed shut allowing my room to be pitch black. Placing my trusty sword down on it's stand and my armor away I change into some nightware. I settle into my bed and stare at the ceiling so long it seemingly moves in front of my eyes. I can't tell if my eyes are open or shut all I know is that I can see the battlefield. It brings me a kind of joy that haunts me so. Turning to my side I try to force myself to sleep, gripping the cold handle of a dagger hidden under my pillow. I don't know how long I stay there but eventually I sleep.


Footsteps. Unfamiliar ones at that. Who are you? My hand grips air as it tries to find my dagger. What? My eyes shoot open and I immediately rush for my sword on my dresser. I collide with the said dresser as I find no sword. No armor. Just pools of sticky liquid in this places. What is this? I can't see anything it's still dark, 'damn it I wish I didn't close the drapes now' I tell myself as I stumble over to the window. I could feel the sticky liquid on the floor as well. Finally reaching the window I snap the drapes open, looking down at my feet as the light floods the room temporarily blinding me.

My feet were half way submerged in blood, my entire room was covered in it, where my armor was instead there was a dismembered head. I straightened my spine and walked over to my door, ignoring the oddly satisfying sensation of walking on blood. I yank open the door with little effort only resistance being sticky blood attempting to glue it shut. Looking outside my room I see several bodies scattered along the hallway. Blood pooled around them and tracked down the hallway in the form of footsteps. Following the footsteps I prepare myself for a fight.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2022 ⏰

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