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"Who needs family?"

Liam dropped the shirt he was folding and looked up at Louis who was standing in the doorway. "What," he deadpanned.

Louis shrugged and crossed his arms. "Like you don't have to leave, right?"

Liam sighed and picked up where he left off. "Yes I have to. We've been planning this for months." "Months schmonths. We're bros. Bros before h-"

"Don't finish that sentence. I am going to this family reunion. Grandpa Bill isn't gonna be alive forever!" Liam interrupted cooly.

"Fine. Okay. Go to this stupid reunion for all I care!" Louis replied angrily.

"Look, don't be mad. I'll be back soon! Plus, this'll be a great opportunity for you to hang out with someone who isn't me. Maybe you could order some Chinese food. You sure seemed interested in that delivery boy. Or you could call Will, he was a hottie, eh, eh, eh?"

Louis glared. "I won't miss you."


Three knocks again. The knocks had happened twice before, both times in sets of three. Next came the incessant doorbell ringing.

The time was ten PM, and Louis waspissed. He threw his current project on the kitchen counter and stomped over to the door, throwing it open.

"Who the bloody hell knocks at- Oh."

It was him. Unruly hair that looked like it hadn't seen a brush in years, mossy green eyes, and a shy smile greeted him at the door. "Chinese for Liam?" He asked cautiously.

Louis broke out of his trance and raised an eyebrow. "Liam?"

"Yeah, he called about thirty minutes ago. Why, did you not know? Are you not Liam?"

Louis shook his head and frowned. "No that's my flatmate. That's odd," he walked back in, leaving the door open. "I'll be right back," he continued, leaving the stranger standing in the doorway confusedly.

Louis was quick to grab his phone from the counter and dial the familiar number. Liam answered after the fourth ring."Liam," Louis hissed as soon as heard the phone pick up. "Why is this boy here delivering Chinese food at such an ungodly hour?"

"Please, Louis, stop being overdramatic. It's Ten. Ten. We both know you go to bed by the time the sun is already rising. Anyway, I thought you'd appreciate the company. You and I both know you wouldn't have made plans on your own, so I took matters into my own hands. You should be thanking me, really," Liam quipped.

"Liam for godsake! You could have at least given me a little warning!"

"Why? So you could gussy up for your man?" Louis could practically hear Liam's smirk through the phone.

"No," Louis deadpanned. "I have to go, I'm keeping him waiting. Bye."

Louis turned back around and took a deep breath. "How much do I owe?"

The boy in the doorway snapped his head up, eyes wide. "Erm, twelve pounds."

Louis nodded and reached for the wallet in his back pocket. Just as he pulled it out, a crash of thunder ripped through, startling both of them. The stranger whimpered audibly and Louis took notice.

"You alright mate?" he asked.

"Oh yeah-fine. I'm fine. I'm just not a big fan of you know...thunderstorms. Childhood fear I never outgrew, I guess," the boy said quietly.

"Come in."


Louis motioned into his flat. "Come in. It's alright, honestly. I wouldn't murder someone who's name I don't even know."

Delivery Boy » l.s. // auWhere stories live. Discover now