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Although we do edit our chapters before posting, there might be spelling errors, and please do not hesitate to point them out, we are not going to be upset. Infact, this would be super helpful!


Harry never felt more overdressed in his life.

Sitting in a cheap rolling chair in front of the manager (surprisingly a white guy), he realized that the tie and blazer may have been a bit too much. The man in front of him was dressed t-shirt and ripped jeans, which was a bit too simple for Harry's liking. His cheaply made nametag read Ken. Some of the employees in the back were even wearing flip-flops. Flip-flops. Harry fidgeted uncomfortably.

"So," the manager cleared his throat. "Have you had any work experience in the past?"

Harry smiled nervously, wiping his sweaty palms on his dress pants. "I used to work in a bakery for a few years."

The manager nodded solemnly. "And why aren't you working there anymore?"

"Had to move here for school, so I quit, sir."

"Ahh. Well, erm-"

"It's Harry, sir," Harry filled in.

"Harry. Yes. Harry, you certainly seem qualified for this position. In fact you've astounded me with your manners and leadership skills," Ken drawled on, skimming over Harry's resume. Harry seemed unconvinced. He literally only spoke eight times since this interview started. But, he didn't argue it, he needed a job.


Ken nodded. "Yes, you seem like a good enough delivery boy."

Harry blinked. A "good enough delivery boy" almost seemed like an insult, but once again, he kept his mouth shut. "Does that mean-"

"Yes boy, it means you've got the job. When can you start?"


Cringing through the cheap alcohol, Harry tried to keep up with Nialls story of how he got kicked out of a previous restaurant for public nudity. Niall Horan had been Harry's best mate for a number of years, and always guaranteed a good time for the pair. Niall insisted for a "lads night out" after Harry broke the news of his new title delivery boy, despite the curly boys protests. A "lads night out", in Harrys eyes, was just letting Niall pick the cheapest restaurant on the block, getting a meal to share, and ordering the lowest costing beer he could find. But, Niall wanted to celebrate his friend's success, so celebrate they would.

"I swear it happened!" Niall exclaimed.

"I know it did, Niall. I was there, I just didn't get trashed like you did. And they say the Irish can handle their alcohol!" Harry scoffed, taking a swig of his beer.

"Please, you and I both know that that was the most fun we had had in years! Don't you remember that girl I pulled?" Harry did, but he didn't really care to reminisce over Niall making out with some topless girl at a party.

"Niall please, I don't want to hear about your sexual escapades. I'm gay, remember? Gay and hopelessly alone," he wallowed. Harry did not handle his alcohol well. A few sips, and he was a gonner.

"There are plenty of guys here, you're just antisocial," Niall jabbed playfully. "When was your last boyfriend? Almost a year ago I believe. Put yourself out there, mate!" That was easy for Niall to say, he could get any girl, or guy for that matter, that he wanted. Harry just didn't do too well with most people.

"Yeah well, we'll see. For now, I'm just going to focus on work."

Niall scoffed. "What work? It's a pizza boy-"

"Chinese food," Harry muttered.

"-job. You're acting like you got promoted to manager or somethin'," Niall finished, taking another gulp of his drink. He had switched to something stronger awhile ago, no longer just drinking beer.

Harry frowned into his drink. Two more years and he can finally do something with his life. He isn't exactly sure what that "something" is yet, he's just waiting for something to happen to make his decision for him. But for now he's stuck in uni, switching from one career to another.

"Stop thinking!" Niall yelled, as he threw a wadded up piece of a straw wrapper at Harry. "This is lads night! We haven't had one in-"

"A week," Harry finished.

"One week too long," Niall griped. He took a long look at Harry and sighed, taking in the bags under his eyes and his weathered expression. "Look mate, I know that uni can suck the soul out of you, trust me I'm in it also, but you've gotta learn to let loose sometimes."

"Let loose," Harry repeated, testing the almost foreign syllables on his tongue. He pondered over his best mate's words for a few moments, and finally grinned. "You're right." Harry turned around and caught their waitress' eye. "Another round!" He exclaimed. Niall grinned like a proud father at him.

"Now that's how you do it! I am impressed, Syles. I didn't think you had it in ya'!" Niall chortled loudly.

Harry turned back around, the stupid smile still stuck on his face. "I'm just letting loose Niall."

The blonde drunkenly laughed too loudly, causing heads to turn towards their direction. He raised his glass and raised his head high as if he was about to give a speech. "Here's to the delivery boy! May he deliver happiness and joy into everyone's hearts! Also may he pay me back months worth of rent!"

Both boys chugged down the remains of their drink under the twinkling bar lights, forgetting about the past, present, and future all at once.


A/N: Hi, all. We've got the prologue done! To be honest, we're proud that we've even got this far. We had the idea about a month ago, but sometimes things don't always get done. Example: one time we tried making a joint Instagram... haven't posted in awhile. But, we got this done! And, we're super happy and proud to have gotten a start. We aren't sure how often we will update. We'll try our best to do it often, but, we don't live in the same area, and it's difficult to find a good time to Facetime. Perhaps we'll try after school some days, hopefully we'll get a schedule sorted if enough people like if. We'll keep you posted.

If you could vote, fan, comment, send us a message, or anything, that would be greatly appreciated. We know we aren't professional writers, but we are trying something new. Any support would be great! Thanks!! :~)

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