Spring fling, more like spring fuck

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The walk towards his bedroom felt endless, his cock throbbed intensely through his pants as pure vanilla walked long side him

"Aww, does somebody have a problem?" Pure vanilla light mocked him as he giggled, keeping eye contact towards his flushed face and his cock interchangeably the entire time they walked, Jesus that was so hot. The heavy door to his bedroom creaked and open slowly, thank God. He thought he was gonna die at this rate.

Pure vanilla closed, and locked the door behind him as he gave dark cacao a harsh smack on the ass, biting his lip in anticipation as he watched him shudder and groan from the sudden lash.

Pure vanillas raging hard-on was easy to see through his robe, leaking precum and making a small spot, pulsing through the light fabric with need and a lust that should never see the public, or the light of day for that matter.

"Undress, now." Pure vanilla spoke with dominance and control lingered in his voice. This was the power, the dominance, the control that dark cacao had bestowed to him long ago, and now he finally had an opportunity to use it again after so long of waiting for a chance, a perfect time. And this, was it. And he wasn't going to miss this for the world.

"Yes sir." Dark cacao replied to him with no hesitation as he stripped himself of his armor, leaving his clothes scattered across the floor, leaving only his undergarments on his muscular, but soft and chubby frame.

His cock had ruined his underwear with precum, leaving a considerably large spot on the tight fabric.

I'm the mean time, pure vanilla had done the same as well, but he completely stripped himself, leaving his body barren of any clothing.

Both of the cookies had hopped onto the bed, it was surprisingly large, having more than enough room for two people.

Pure vanilla crawled and hovered overtop the man beneath him, leaning his face in close to him, both of them were now inches apart.

Pure vanilla connected his lips to dark cacaos, asking for entrance from dark cacao nonverbally before continuing. Dark cacao allowed pure vanilla to explore every little inch of his mouth, not leaving anything behind.

There cocks throbbed and pulsed as they grinded onto each other, grabbing and groping any part of each other's bodies they could feel for as they made out with passion.

Pure vanilla traced every single of dark cacaos scars with his hands, feeling all of the marks from years of battle and wear and tear on his crunchy body. Scars from accidents, laughter, tears, and even ones that he could not see, those that were mental and inside of his mind, he felt for and grasped tightly in the palm of his hand.

Dark cacao whined under pure vanilla as he clutched pure vanillas hand tightly, pure vanilla grasping back as he pulled away from dark cacao for air.

Pure vanilla gripped his hair as he kissed and bit at his neck, sucking on every inch, making it many shades of purple, indigo, and blue, placing hickeys on him ever so carefully, like painting a blank canvas and making into art.

This time, he wanted to take his time, to show him just how much he loved him, that he, in of in itself, was a work of art and mastery, nothing could change that.

Dark cacao moaned out as pure vanilla traced kisses over his stomach, leading down to his cock, he was going so painstakingly slow.

"Your already an incoherent mess, just for me." Pure vanillas sultry voice lingered in dark cacaos ears, making him even more aroused than he was before, if that's possible.

Pure vanilla had started to ever-so-slowly take his undergarments off, teasing him to his bitter end.

"P-please" dark cacao strained out as he whimpered once more, he was an incoherent moaning mess by this point.

"Please what? I couldn't hear you, c'mon speak up for me will you?"

"Pleas- please fuck me, ruin me."

"That's what I wanted to hear."
Pure vanilla said as he ripped the last piece of clothing off of dark cacao, throwing to the floor in a careless fashion.

"Turn around for me."

Dark cacao obliged.

"Alright, I'm going to put it in now ok? Please, do tell me if you need some time to adjust." Pure vanillas voice was filled with care as he pulled a bottle of lube from the drawer next to him, putting a considerable amount on his cock, making sure not to hurt the person beneath him.

Dark cacao groaned deeply as pure vanilla slid his cock inside him.

"Do you need some time?"

"S-start moving, please."

"Alright, thank you for telling me. If you feel uncomfortable we can always stop here ok?"

"Fuck me already!" Dark cacao spoke with need lingering in his voice, he needed to be fucked, he couldn't take it anymore.

"What was that?" Pure vanilla gave a hard smack on dark cacaos ass, leaving a large red mark, earning a whine from him.

"N-nothing sir" dark cacao replied to him.

"Good boy."

"Thank you sir."

Pure vanilla started moving at a fast pace, wasting no time in ruining the cookie under him into a drooling mess.

"You like when I fuck you?" Pure vanilla got close to dark cacaos ear as he continued to whisper to him.

"You love when I ruin you like this, jee, what would happen if I did, this?"

Dark cacao cried out as pure vanilla fondled his balls, squeezing them harshly.


Pure vanilla picked up the pace of his fucking as he hit his prostate dead-on. Grabbing dark cacaos hips for support, fucking him so hard that bruises were left.

"G-gonna cum! G-gonna cum!"

Dark cacao shrieked as he felt his orgasm coming on, the burning sensation enveloped his entire body, spreading rapidly, burning in his core with a deep passion.

"That's right, just cum for me, lose yourself to me."

Pure vanilla groaned as he pulled dark cacaos nipples lightly, only increasing the upcoming orgasm both of them were about to hit.

Pure vanilla pulled his head back as he came, moaning out.

"That was... amazing. I missed you."
Dark cacao spoke, his voice slightly hoarse.

"I did to" pure vanilla replied, pulling his cock out slowly, now covered in his cum.

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