Chapter 11 - 28

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Chapter 11: BREAKMatt Jr. and Tallulah both started to cry. Mia groaned and rolled to her sigh. "I got it", Mickey sits up slowly. "No baby", Mia weakly pulls on his arm, "It's my turn." "You need to rest", he kissed her cheek. "Okay", she lays down and falls back asleep. Mickey got out of bed and went to the cribs. "What's wrong babies?", Mickey shushes them, "It's okay." Tallulah wails. Mickey picked her up, "Here we go." He laid Tallulah by Matt Jr., "Calm your brother down." Tallulah rested her head near Matt Jr.'s They fell right back to sleep. Mickey goes back to bed. The twins cried again. He pressed his face to the pillow, "Okay." He got up and picked them both up, "Let's try Mommy, okay?" He laid them between Mia and him. "There we go", Mickey lays down. Mia smiles at him, "I told you they like to sleep with us." "I didn't believe you", Mickey goes close to her. They kissed and nuzzled. They fell alseep. In the morning, they woke to find the twins still asleep. Mia looked to Mickey, "Good morning." "Good morning baby", Mickey kissed her. The babies cooed. Mia looked to them, "I guess they're hungry again." "I'm going to go make breakfast", he gets out of bed. "Okay", Mia sits up and held the twins close. Mickey goes to the kitchen. He makes a pitcher of coffee. He then gulps it all. "You okay there bud?", Matt looked to Mickey. "I'm fantastic", Mickey rubs his face, "The twins kept waking up ever hour." "We can watch the twins if you need us to", Ryan said. Mia came in the kitchen and set the carrier on the island. She got a peach and washed it, "Morning." Matt went to her side, "You okay?" "Just exhausted", Mia chew on the fruit. "You and Mickey should take the day off", Matt rubbed Mia's shoulder, "Me and Ryan can handle these two." "Aw Matt", Mia pats his arm, "You're so sweet." She looked to the babies. Matt Jr. stuck his tounge out. "Okay", Mia looks to Mickey, "Il'l be in game room." She went out. Mickey gulped down another pitcher, "Good luck." Ryan and Matt looked to the twins. Tallulah started to cry. Matt Jr. cried too. Matt and Ryan sighed. In the game room, Mark sat playing Beast Gangs with the others. An orange cat came out behind the chair. "Who's cat is that?" "I don't know", Jack shrugs, "Maybe Mia's?" The cat jumped on the coffee table. Felix squints, "It looks kind of stupid looking." "Hey", the cat swatted at the air, "That's not very nice." "Stampy?", Jack looked to him, "Is that you?" "Mr. Stampycat", Stampy licks his paw, "Is in the house." "Why are you a cat?", Mark squinted at Stampy. "Just watch", Stampy rubbed at his ear, "and learn." Mia came in the game room. She went to the couch and laid down. Stampy went to her. He meowed and jumped up. "Hi Stampy", Mia hugs him close, "Since were you a cute kitty?" Stampy purred as she petted him. She yawns, "I'll just be napping here." She fell asleep. Stampy fixed the blanket and rested himself on her. He looked to the others and smirked. "Lucky bastard", Jack muttered under his breath. Mickey entered the room. His eyes nearly closed. He went over to Mia. He grabbed Stampy and threw him aside. He then climbed in next to Mia and fell asleep. "Very funny", Stampy walked out from where he was thrown. Mark and Jack held back their laughter. Stampy turned back human and brushed himself off. Mia slept soundly in Mickey's arms. Back in the kitchen, Matt rocked Matt Jr. 'What do you want?", Ryan looked to Tallulah, "Just tell me what you want." She cried more. "Dude", Matt looked to him, "Maybe we should get a mother here." He looked out the hall, "Vicky! Vicky you got to help us." She turned and went to him, "What's up?" "The twins won't stop crying", Matt rocks Jr. in his arms, "Make it stop." Vicky picks up Jr. Matt Jr. cooed. She rested the baby on her side, "You just have to hold them." She went to Ryan and got Tallulah. The twins calmed. "How?", Ryan asked. "Sit down, I'll show you", Vicky gently handled them a twin. "Support their heads. Hold them close to your body." She shifted Jr.'s head so that he rested at the crook of Matt's neck. "Slowly rub their backs", Vicky rubbed Tallulah's back, "in small circles." "Thank you", Matt said. Vicky smiles, "You're a natural." She goes and leaves. Matt sighs. "We look good", Ryan nods. Outside, Stacy was touching the trees as she walked around. Will watched her from the library window. "What is it honey?", Melody went to his side. "I don't know about this one", Will looked to where Stacy was walking, "She's a mystery." "She's your sister", Melody puts a hand to his arm, "You should go talk to her." "Yeah", Will gripped his golden staff. He pecks her cheek, "I'll see you in a bit." He hit his staff on the ground. He appeared outside. Stacy sat on a stump and set her elebows on her knees. She sighed and rested her chin on her hands. "Something troubling you, Stacy?", he stands beside her. "I'm just bored", she shrugs. "Here", he pulled a book from his coat and handed it to her. She took it and looked, "Johnny Appleseed?" "It was one of my favorite books as a kid", he sat beside her, "Still is." "Why?", she opend the book and looked at it. "It's about a kind man that goes with people on the Manifest Destiny. He plants apple trees along the way with only a pot for a hat and a bible. It's a true story of a man that planted trees on Earth." Stacy looked to the pictures, "Sounds like a cool guy." He smiles at her, "You remind me of him." "How come?" "Well", he pointed, "you kind of look like him." She squinted at the picture of the red headed man with a beard, "... Are you insulting me?" "No", he pointed, "When he was younger." Stacy looks to the young Johnny, "So I look like a boy?" "I'm- I'm saying this wrong", Will sets his staff aside, "What I mean to say is that you remind me of him. You are like Mom and want to be a pioneer in unknown territory." Stacy sat up, "Really?" "Yeah", he smiles kindly, "So I thought I'd give you these." He waved his hand and a pot and sack inside. He handed her a pot, "Hopefully it's not that heavy and it fits." She puts the pot on her head, "It's perfect." She opened the sack, "Apple seeds?" "Mom always wanted an orchard", Will shrugged, "And Xavier and the Elevens can show you how to grow them." "This is really cool", Stacy smiles at him, "Thank you, Will." "It's what big brothers are for", he nods. His staff topples when he tried to tried to grab it. Stacy caught it, "I got it." He tenses. Nothing happens. "Here", she held it out. He looked to her then the staff then back to her, "... You want me to... take it?" "... Yes", she held it out again, "Here." He cautiously took it. "Thank you-", he cleared his throat, "Stacy. I'll go tell Xavier-" He ran into a tree. "Are you okay?", she looks at him. "Yeah, yeah", he motions, "I'll just be inside. Keep the book. Another present for you." "Thank you", Stacy hugs it, "I'll keep it forever." Will hits his staff and he appeared in the library. "Well", Melody went to him, "how did it go?" Will looked at her, "She touched my staff and nothing happened." "What?", she frowns, "but that's impossible." "I know", Will gripped his staff, "I was in full control of my body." "That can't be good, right?", she shook her head, "You don't think that the staff controls her too, do you?" "I doubt it", he sits, "I don't know what this means." She sat beside him, "I'm sure that it'll be alright." Will set his staff aside, "I can't help but worry." She hugged him, "Don't worry." He kissed her cheek, "Sorry about the book." "It's alright", she wrapped her arms around him, "you can make it up to me." Stacy walked to a clearing. She felt the ground, "Piece of cake." She gets a stick and stabs the ground. The wolfies see her. They gather around her and helped her turn the ground. She laughed as the wolfies licked her arms and face. She planted the seeds. Some reapers had sea puppies in their claws. The sea puppy sprayed water on the seeds. Stacy went and sat at the base of the tree. She watched her new patch. The wolfies, tree folk, and reapers gathered around her as she fell asleep. It was dark when Stampy found her. He knelt and picked her up. He took her inside and put her to bed. She dreamed of apples. Will slept in his room with Melody. Mia and Mickey were asleep with Matt Jr. and Tallulah between them. Scoob had Samantha in his arms. The gen were asleep. Joke was with Matt. He was asleep. She was semi-awake. She nuzzled into him and finally fell asleep. In the morning, Mia yawns. She looks to the twins. Tallulah and Matt Jr. asleep. Mickey opend his eyes sleepily, "Good morning." "Morning", she kissed him. The babies stirred. Mickey smiled, "I guess you were right." "I always am", Mia smiles. The two cooed.Chapter 12: BELLABella walked the halls. She saw the same old doors like the other halls. Until she got to one door. It was wodden but it resembled a door similar to the doors ued in the eighteen century dungeon. It had a small window with bars. There was a wooden panel behind the bars to prevent people from seeing inside. "Oh hi." Bella looked to the side. Sky Mouse, Logan's second daughter, hade a tray of different cheeses, "Are you here to see Walt?" Bella pointed at his door, "That's his room?" "Yeah", Sky shrugs, "He's kind of old school." She motions, "Come on." Sky opens the door and motions Bella in. Walt was at his potions. He was workind on something bubbling. "Uncle Walt", Sky walks to his side. "Sky", he was to busy on his work to look at her, "Don't you remember that I can't lose my concentration when I'm working." "Okay", she rolled her eyes and smiled, "I'll guess I'll just eat all of these cheeses." "Yeah, like my father would ever let anyone...", he turned his nose toward where Sky was, "Is that monzarella?" He strays from his project. Bella watched it bubble and fizz. Suddenly it bubbles and combusted into pink smoke. "Wow", Bella looks around Walt's room. Bottles of all shapes, colors, and sizes on selves. Bella looked to Walt, "You're a wizard!" Walt was in the middle of sticking a block of cheese in his mouth. "Actually", Sky sits on a counter, "He's a warlock." Walt took out the cheese and set it aside, "Sky? A word." Bella watched them walk to the other side of the room. He was speaking quick whispers at Sky. Sky was speaking calmly back. Bella looked to the books on the selves. She selected one and opened it. It had pictures of rats inside. Walt closed the book and took it, "Don't. Touch my stuff." He returns the book, "Don't touch anything." Bella watches him return to his project. He sighs, "It works and I miss it." Bella looks to the center of the room, "What's that?" Walt looks to her than back to Sky, "Why is she still here?" Bella looks to Sky. "Ignore him", Sky got the empty tray, "He's just embarassed that his place is a mess." "I am not- embarassed", Walt crosses his arms, "I just don't like guest." Sky hits the tray on his stomach, "Fine. We'll leave." She goes and takes Bella's arm into her. "Wait!", Walt blurted. Sky winks to Bella secrectly as they came to a stop. "Just give me a moment", Walt moves around. Bella watches him climb to the little cove that was about five feet off the ground. So effortlessly. "He'll warm up to you", Sky pats a stool by the tub, "He's just not use to people." "Don't tell her that", Walt lands on the ground. He wore a T-shirt, jeans and tennis shoes, "It makes me sound reclusive." "You are reclusive", Sky sits on the counter. Walt goes to his project and starts to clean up, "Thank you for the cheese." "You're welcome", Sky smiles. Bella looks into the tub. "You're Bella, right?", Walt puts bottles into a sink, "Sorry, I'm horrible with names." "Yeah", Bella nods, "That's me." He washes the bottles, "How are you liking it here at Disney?" "It's nice", Bella held her hands on her lap, "Everyone is so happy here." Walt seemed to flinch at something. Sky gets to her feet, "Why don't I make some tea and we can all sit and talk?" "Sure", Walt takes a small towel and dries the bottle, "Bella, could you take out the unfoldable table from beside the tub, please?" Bella stand and retrieves it. She sets it up and Walt gets chairs. He got a table cloth and some small plates. Sky set the tea kettle on the table. Walt opened a small door and pulled out a small tray covered in a clothe. He set it on the table and removed it. Homemade bread and some homemade butter. "Did you make this?", Bella looked to Walt. He shrugs, "Yeah, I like making things from scratch." "It's really good', Sky held out a piece, "You should try some." Bella took the bread, "Thank you." She took a small bite. It was firm but the inside was soft. "It's delicious", Bella looked to him, "You're good at this." Walt poured her a cup, "Tell us about yourself, Bella." "There isn't much to tell", she thanked him for the cup, "I only remember a few glimpses of my childhood. My parents..." She held the cup tightly, "Anyway the rest is a blur and for the last five years, me and my sister were walking down this long hall." "A hall?", Walt asked and set his drink aside. "Yeah", Bella tears a little bit of her bread off, "It felt like we walked forever in that hall." Sky looked to Walt. "Excuse me for a moment", Walt stands and goes to one of the cabinets. He opens it and takes down a bottle. He goes back to the table and looks to Bella, "Can I see your hand?" Bella looks to him. "It's okay", Sky reaches out and puts a hand on her, "We just want to make sure that you're alright." Bella watched Walt take a small cotton suave and dosed the potion with it. He took her hand and gently rubbed it on the back of her hand. He pulled away. She looked to her hand. Nothing. He sat back and sighed in relief. "Walt", Sky points, "Look." Bella watched as something black started to appear on her skin. A semble of a swirl on her skin. Walt stands and looks at her. "... What is it?", Bella looked to them. Sky covered her mouth. "You're cursed", Walt looked at her. "What?", Bella paled. "Walt", Sky went to her side, "you're scarying here." Walt held onto a counter for support. "What does he mean?', Bella asked, "I'm cursed?" "Don't listen to him", Sky hugs her, "All the gen have one or so, it's nothing to be afraid about." Bella looked to her mark, "I don't want to be cursed." "Bella-" Walt watched her run out. Sky stands, "Bella, wait!" Bella ran down the hall. She heard them calling after her. Bella wiped her eyes and kept running. All my life. She thought of the hall. I was walking. Bella sniffed. So why am I running? She sniffed and turned a corner. What am I running from? She past the library. Inside the room was Will watching over Stacy. He grunted and held his head. Images flicker in his mind. The cliff. Screaming. Graves. Death. Ghost. Lost. Heartache. Pain. He dropped his staff and fell to the ground. Tears ran down his face. "Will?", Melody went to his side, "Will, what's wrong?" Bella ran outside. Stacy was watering her apple seeds. "Stacy!", Bella went to her, "We have to go!" "What?", Stacy looked at her. "Come on", Bella pulls on Stacy hand, "We have to go now!" Stacy lets Bella lead her away. Mia was washing dishes. She looked out the window to see the two girls. "Bella!", Walt's voice echoes the halls. Mia then noticed where they were going. Mia ran out the kitchen. "What's wrong?", Ryan asked. Mickey looked out the window. He paled and went after Mia. "Bella- where are we going?", Stacy was being dragged slightly. "Somewhere safe", Bella looks to her sister, "Other than the hall." Stacy looks to the cliff. Mia ran after them. Will caught up to her, "Mom-" "What did you tell her?", Mia looked to him. "Nothing", he shook his head. "Walt", Mia looked forward. Will sighs. "I don't wanna go", Stacy pulls away, "I want to go home." "We can't go back", Bella shook her head, "It's not safe-" "Why isn't it safe?", Stacy motions, "What's even here?" "There's her", Bella points. Stacy looks to the hill. A young woman stood at the cliff. "She told me she can keep us safe-" "Bella", Stacy shook her head, "don't go." Mia and Will broke from the tree line. "We don't have much time", Bella held out her hand. Stacy looked to see them running toward the cliff. "We do things together, right?", Bella asked. Stacy looked to her. "Come on", Bella motions as she walked toward the cliff. "Stacy!", Will called out. Stacy went to her sister and took her hand. They walked to the young woman. Mia burst into blue flames and flew at them. The girls were about to take the woman's hands when Mia snatched them. "No!", Mia held them close. She kicked the woman off the cliff. Bella and Stacy watched as the woman fell into the water below. Mia made them face her, 'What were you thinking?! You could've gotten yourselves killed!" Will caught up to them. Mia pulled the girls down the cliff, "Don't you ever come here- ever!" Bella and Stacy winced as Mia pulled them along. Walt and Sky saw them leaving the cliff. Will followed behind. "Don't scare me like that", Mia sniffed, "I could've lost you-" Bella then ripped her hand out of Mia's grasped, "Like you'd care!" Mia glared at her, "What did you say at me?" "You never cared!", Bella had tears running down her face, "We were gone all this time and you still never looked for us! You never came." Mia looked at her. "You never came", Bella sobbed. Stacy was silently crying now. "Bella", Mia shook her head, "I didn't... I wasn't..." Bella wiped her eyes, "I want to go home." Will held to his staff. Bella turns and starts to walk back to the Academy. Mia watched Stacy slip away, "Stacy-" Stacy ran and caught up to her sister. Mia held herself. Will went to her side. "She's right", Mia wiped her eyes, "I should've..." "It's not your fault", Will puts a hand to her back, "We don't control what are stories are." Bella sat with Stacy beside the seeds planted. "We just have to survive the choas and make the most of it." Mickey found Walt and Sky. "Because with Victoria." Joke stood on top of the building, overlooking the whole scene. "We have no choice but to fight for what we have." Joke looked to the cliff and glared.Bella laid in bed beside Stacy. Stampy sat on the bed, "How are you feeling?" "Is mommy made at me?", Bella asked. "No", Stampy shook his head, "She was just afraid for you." "Did I do something bad?" "No", he shook his head, "You just need to be more careful of what you learn." "I'm I really cursed?", Bella sniffed. Stampy takes her hand, "We all are, honey. But no matter what, we will always look after each other." Laugh enters the room. Bella looked to her. Laugh resembled Mia slightly besides the physical differences. "Hi sweetie", Laugh knelt by the bed, "How are you feeling?" Bella wiped her nose, "Are you my new mommy?" "Oh", Laugh blinks and loses her smile, "Um, I mean-" "Forget I even said anything", Bella faces away and puts the blanket over her head. "Bella", Stampy says softly. Stacy hugs Bella and closes her eyes, "Goodnight." Stampy shoulders sunken and he stands, "Goodnight." He kissed their heads. He walked out the door with Laugh. Laugh sighed, "I should'v said something." "She's just hurting", Stampy holds her close, "We all are." Laugh looks to him, "Do you think I could be her mother?" "Of course", Stampy tried convince her, "You're sweet and-" "I mean", Laugh looks to him, "Can I be Mia for her?" Stampy just looks at her. Laugh pulls away, "I'll be in bed." Stampy watches her go. Stampy puts a hand down his face and sighs. In Mia's room, she faced the window. "Honey", Mickey rubbed her back, "you should try to get some sleep." "I know", Mia blinks back tears, "but I can't." Mickey took the twins and carried them to where Matt and Ryan were sleeping. He want back to her, "Come on. You can talk to me." Mia turned to him with tears running down, "I'm a horrible person. I should've looked for them. I should've been there for them." "Hey", Mickey whispers, "You did nothing wrong." He wiped her eyes, "You have them now. You still do. She's just making it harder for you." "Since were things ever easy?", Mia sniffed and smiled sadly. He kissed her head, "I love you." She hugs him, "I just want for all of us to be together." Mickey held her as she cried most of the night.Bella got out of bed around midnight. She went down the halls to Walt's door. She slowly opened it. She looks around. She heard snoring from the cove. She went to the shelves. She used a small light to look at the books. She ran her finger over them. She selected the one that was called Potions. She opened the front and leafed through. She heard something creak. She looked back to see nothing. She went back to the pages. She saw what she was looking for. She started to tear the page off. "What are you doing?" She gasped and turned around. Walt stood with a night robe on. "Please don't tell my parents", Bella begged. Walt looked to the book and then to her, "... Why do you need that?" She rubbed her eyes, "I just-" She sobs. Walt goes to her, "Bella?" She sniffed, "I just thought... If I was a baby... she might love me again." Walt looked to her. Walt frowned when he noticed he was crying too. In fact, all the gen were crying. Stampy sat up in bed and looked to his tears in confusion. Mickey felt under his eyes. Mia looked to him. Walt rubbed them away, "Bella, becoming a baby isn't going to do anybody good-" Bella sunk to the ground and held herself close, "Why does it feel like my sister and me aren't just meant for this world?" Walt knelt to her, "We all feel like that sometimes." He hesiates and reaches out, "Especially me." She sniffed and looked to him. He sighed, "Look." He went to the cabinet and got the potion. He took off his robe and took off his shirt. She watched him pour it over his back and turned around. She watched a larger black symbol appear all over his back. "The bigger the symbol", he sighs, "the bigger the curse." He turns around and looks at her, "I'm sure you're better off than me." She looked to him, "Do you know who cursed you?" "Who curses everyone", he sighs, "It's Victoria." Bella looks forward, "... Do you know what your curse is?" He nods. She looks back up to him, "Do you know mine?" He shook his head. She sniffed, "I guess I'll know soon enough." She gets to her feet, "I'm sorry for waking you up-" He stops her, "Wait." She looks to him. "I wanted to apologise", he looks to her, "for scarying you." She shook her head, "You don't have to be sorry." He looked upset, "Don't mean I can't be." She hugs him, "Well, I say you shouldn't." He smiled sadly. He suddenly groans and doubles over. "Walt?", she looked to him. "I'm fine-", he clenches his eyes and teeth shut, "Just go." "Did I do something?" "No!", he held himself, "It's nothing-" He grunts, "I just need you to leave." "Let me help you", she tried to go to him. "I SAID GO!", Walt yelled at her, "I can't hold it much longer." She shook her head and backed away to the counter. He lurched his head back and sceamed out a guturral cry. He panted as his body shifted. Bella watched as fur broke from his skin. His body enlargening to inhuman sizes. His mouth turned into a snout. He sunk to the ground on all forms. He was taking large gulps of air. Bella looked at him. He looked to her. She slowly goes toward him. She sinks to the ground knelt to him, "... Walt?" He had tears in his eyes. She reached out to touch him. He pulled away and whimpered. She puts her hand down, "... I'm sorry." She gets up and heads out, "I'll never bother you again." She was stopped from something catching her shirt. She looked to Walt. He slowly wraps himself around her. He settles down. She sat and looked to him, "Why did you stop me?" He looks to her, "Because I don't want to be alone like this." She rested her head on his shoulder, "Me either." She closed her eyes. Walt closed his eyes and fell asleep with her. She softly smiles as she dreams of home. Chapter 13: LUCKYMia woke up to see the sun shining through the window. She sat up and looked outside. She looked over to see Mickey gone. She rubbed her eyes and went out into the hall. She went to the kitchen. No one was there. She went to the fridge and opened it. Nothing inside. She frowned. She goes out into the hall, "... Hello?" She goes down the hall, "Mickey? Matt?" She looked in the game room, "... Anybody?" She turns around and runs. "Walt?", she opens his bedroom door. No where to be seen. She started to hyperventailate. She ran through the halls, "Will? Logan?! Stampy!" She stopped when she got to a hall that had four halls connecting. "Anyone?!", she turned in a circle, "Tori? James? Mark?" She held her head, "I can't feel you. I can't find you." She closed her eyes, "No, they're not gone. They're just- they're not." The walls started to shake. "Stop it, stop it, stop it", she shook her head. She screamed, "STOP IT!" The walls stop shaking. She panted. She had tears in her eyes, "My babies." She leaned onto the wall as she walked down it. She cried, "Where are you?" She got to the door outside. She opened it. "SURPRISE!", the gen smiled and cheered. Mia saw them. They slowly realised she was crying. Mia fell on her knees and cried into her hands. Mickey went to her, "Honey? What's wrong?" She sobs, "I couldn't find anyone- I thought- " He hugged her, "Hey, it's okay." Tori sighed, "I knew this was a bad idea." Summer played the kazoo sadly. Jack went over to where Mia was, "Don't cry. It's your birthday- we don't cry on birthdays." "I'm sorry", Mia wiped her eyes, "I don't mean to cry. It's just that- I got scared when everyone was gone." "We were just trying to surprise you", Jack reassures her, "Mickey wanted to bring you here but I guess we should've left him with you." "Why was the fridge empty?", Mia sniffed. "Jason and the others cooked breakfast for you", Mickey rubbed her arm, "Actually took everything because we all wanted breakfast." "The fridge just resets", Mia gets to her feet, "It doesn't just go empty." She wipes her face, "I'm going to go calm down and see if I'm up for this today." She enters the Academy and slams the door behind her. The gen looks at each other. "Why do I feel like such an ass?', Jonas rubbed at his chest, "Like it physically hurts." "I feel awful", MA wiped her eyes, "She was so terrified something had happened to us." "Birthdays were never Mia's forte", Tori shook her head, "She always hated them." Logan whispers to Nes, "I'll go check on her." She nods at him. Logan goes inside. He finds Mia in the laundry room. She was folding some shirts, "Hi baby. You're laundry's in the basket." Logan goes over to her, "Mom? Is everything okay?" "I'll be alright", she smiled sadly, "I just don't like to think about my birthday that much." "Is there a reason why?", he asked her. She sets the folded shirt aside, "Sit here." He sat on the table and she sits beside him. She looked to him, "... When I was a little girl... I didn't know what day my birthday even was." She sighs, "My adoptive family always celebrated the day they found me. Which was the day after my real birthday." "So", he held her hand, "you want to celebrate tomorrow, instead?" She shook her head, "I don't like my birthday because of the date. It's because it reminds me that I didn't have a normal childhood." He bowed his head, "... Oh." She lifted his chin, "Hey." He looked to her again. "I wouldn't have this life", she shook her head, "Any other way. I love my life. I love my family. I love this story." She hugs him, "I love you." Logan hugs her, "I love you too, Mom." She sighs, "Well, I guess I only get one birthday a year." He watched her get down. "What do you think about this one?", Mia picked out a dress from the drying rack. He smile and nodded. The others were outside eating breakfast. Summer played the kazoo as he got pancakes with waffles on top. He stacked eggs, hashbrowns, and bacon. Jason snatched the kazoo and threw it far into the woods. Summer waited before he was gone to pull another kazoo out and started to play again. Then he was across Scoob. They're tower of food about even. Summer beams and gives a thumbs up. Stampy sighs, "I was looking forward to giving her her present." Mark shrugs, "Well, I'm sure she'll take it anyway." "I hope you all saved some food for me." They turn to see Mia dressed in a coral off-the-shoulder sleeve that was tight around the waist and layered gown from the the waist down. Matt didn't notice he was accedentally was spilling his coffee when he was looking at Mia. "Oh shit", Matt pulled the mug away. Mia got a plate and sat with some of the gen. She talked and ate with them. Kadyn sat on a stoll and began to play the trumpet. Mia smiled and laughed. People were beginning to dance and have fun. Mickey pulled Mia toward the music. She danced with him. She spun and danced to the rhytmn. She looked around to see that everyone was happy and dancing. She stopped. Through the crowds, she spoted someone. She pulled out of Mickey's hand. She walked past the dancing gen and went to a girl around her age. She had red frizzy hair, a orange shirt with an orange butterfly on it. "Kathlyn?", Mia looked to her. "Mia?", the girl smiled. Mia hugs her tightly. Tears and laughs from Mia caught the other gen's attention. Kathlyn hugged Mia close, "I wasn't gone to long, was I?" "Far too long", Mia sniffed and wiped her eyes. Kathlyn looked to her, "I love your dress." "Thank you", Mia smiles. Mickey squeezed past the gen to see Mia. Winter and Red looked to each other, worried. Mia took Kathlyn's hand, "Come on, there's so much I want to tell you." She pulled Kathlyn past the gen and toward the Academy. The others stood in silence. "Who was that?", Matt looked to Tori. "... A ghost", Tori starts to head after Mia. The other first gen went with Tori. Tallulah started to cry. Ryan picked her up and soothed her. Inside, Mia sat with Kathlyn in the kitchen. "So", Mia held his hands, "how are you? Where have you've been?" "No where really", Kathlyn shrugs, "You can only do so much to past the time." Mia rested her head on her hands, "Tell me about it anyway." Kathlyn saw the first gen enter the room. They gave her looks and seemed to be inspecting her. Mia looked to them, "... What?" "Nothing", Tori leans on the island, "Just making sure you're okay." "We'll I am", Mia beams, "You guess remember Kathlyn, right?" They murmured a yes but didn't seem that happy to see her. Mia smiled at Kathlyn, "You remember the gang right?" Mia stands and goes to them, "Tori, MA, Vicky and Winter." Kathlyn looked to them. "Jason, Sam, Johnathan, Jonas and Summer?", Mia looked to her. "Of course", Kathlyn nods. Jason growled and crossed his arms. Mia looked to Kathlyn, "You want to meet the rest of the family?" "Um", Kathlyn smiles softly, "sure." Mia held Kathlyn's hand and pulled her along. The first gen looked to each other. "I don't like this", Winter shook her head. "I don't think anyone does", Sam looked to Tori. Tori sighs, "Come on." Mia took Kathlyn to the others. "Mickey", Mia pulled Kathlyn to him, "is my husband." Micky held Matt Jr. in his arms. "I thought Jonas", Kathlyn looked to Mia. Mia sadly smiled, "It didn't work out." Kathlyn looked to Mickey. Matt Jr. whimpered. Mia picked him up. He curled into her and rested his head on her shoulder. "Is he yours?", Kathlyn looked to the baby. "This is Matt Jr", Mia stroked her little boy's head. "Matt", Kathlyn frowned in confusion, "Jr?" Mickey went to Mia's side. "Who's Matt?', Kathlyn asked. "He's a friend of mine", Mia motions over to Matt, "Matt come here." Matt was trying to clean the coffee from his shirt, "Now?" "Yes, now", Mia scolds him, "You spilled coffee on your shirt, again?" Matt went to her side. Mia looked to Kathlyn, "This is Kathlyn. She's my sister." "Hi", Matt nods, "I'm Matt." Ryan comes over with Tallulah. "My other friend, Ryan", Mia smiles, "Is holding my daughter, Tallulah." Kathlyn looked to Tallulah. Tallulah sticks out her tounge slightly. "Oh", Mia looked to the side, "And we have Logan, Serafina, Will, Walt, Suzy- Elias!" Mia goes to her daughter. Harvey nods, "Couldn't miss a speacial day." "Hi Mom", Elias smiled, "Happy Birthday." Kathlyn looked to them all. "Is this too much?", Mia went to her side, "You look a little overwhelmed." "I'm sorry", Kathlyn smiles sheepishly, "I'm just so amazed. You have a beautiful family." Mia smiles, "Aww, thanks sis." She handed Matt Jr. to Matt, "Come on. I'll introduce you to some of the others." Kathlyn followed Mia. "This is Mark, Jaiden", Mia goes to the YouTubers, "Dan and Phil. James." Mia goes to Stampy's side, "And this is Stampy." Kathlyn looked to them all. She then squinted. Laugh peeked behind Stampy. Kathlyn backed away slightly. "Something wrong?", Mia asked. "I think I need to sit down", Kathlyn put a hand to her head. JJ pushed a chair with his head to her. Kathlyn sat. "What's wrong sis?", Mia knelt. "I'm fine", Kathlyn reassures her, "Just a lot to take in." She looked to Mia's arms. She reached out and looked. Mia smiled sadly, "Just some markings." Kathlyn frowned at her, "From what?" Before Mia said anything, an alarm went off. Tori looked to Sam, "I don't see any nightmares." "I don't think it's nightmares", Vicky pointed. In the distance, Kill submerged from the water. Kathlyn held onto Mia. Oswald looked to Kill. "I'll handle this", Joke walked toward the cliff, "Everyone remain here." Kathlyn watched Joke go. "Um", Mia pulled Kathlyn back inside, "Let's all go inside." The gen went inside the Academy. Mia had Kathlyn with her in the kitchen. "I'm sorry I didn't get anything for your birthday", Kathyn smiled sadly. "You being here", Mia hugged her, "is the best gift ever." Mia checked the fridge, "Things are as they should be." "Honey?", Mickey peeked his head inside, "Do you want to open your presents now?" "Okay", Mia closed the fridge, "I'll be right there." Kathlyn stared at Mickey. He left saying nothing to her. Mia pulled Kathlyn along. The dining hall had three full tables of presents. Summer rolled a throne designed roller chair to Mia. Mia smiled and sat. Tori placed a birthday crown on Mia's head. "This one's mine", Winter held out a wrapped gift. Mia took it into her hands, "Thank you, Winter." Kathlyn sat beside Mia. Mia ripped off the wrapper and opened the box. Inside was a orange fox fruit bowl. "Aww", Mia smiled, "this is so cute!" "I thought the island could use something." As Mia opened her presents, Kathlyn saw Tori go to her. Tori motions. Kathlyn stand and goes with Tori. Tori closes the kitchen door behind them, "Talk." "I know that me coming here was unexpected", Kathlyn started, "but I just wanted to see her." "For how long?", Tori crossed her arms, "Long enough to stick around then leave to only break her heart again." "It's complicated-" "Oh please", Tori scoffs, "I'm a fallen angel who became human after falling in love with a demon. Nothing is complicated here." "Victoria won't let me stay with her", Kathlyn shook her head. "Why", Tori went toward her. "Because I don't have a story", Kathlyn kept Tori's glare, "she does. I'll just hold her back." "You still do", Tori clenched her hands to fist, "She still blames herself for what happened. She was so afraid of fire that she had to-" Tori stopped herself. "Had to what?", Kathlyn asked, "Does it have to do something about those markings?" "It's", Tori looked away, "not my place to say." Kathlyn shook her head and looked away, "I know I don't have long but I just can't leave without not knowing something." "She'll tell you", Tori puts her hand in her pocket, "She trust you." Kathlyn watched Tori go. Kathlyn sighed. After awhile, Mia puts away her new presents. "Mia?", Kathlyn went to her when she was finished, "Can we talk? Privately?" Mia sets the fox fruit bowl on the island, "Of course." Mia took her to the stone bench. They sat and faced the fountain. "Can you tell me what happened to you?", Kathlyn motioned to the tattoes. "... Okay", Mia nods slowly, "Amost a year ago, I was trying to help save some friends of mine. There was a fire and I... I feel in." Kathlyn looked concern. "I was", Mia sighed, "reborn. Like a phoenix." "A phoenix?", Kathlyn moves to face Mia more, "You died?" "Kathlyn", Mia smiled weakly, "I don't really die. I just go away for a while and come back. Just like you." "No", Kathlyn stands and looks at Mia, "This isn't right! You shouldn't have faced- death! like a cold! You shouldn't be in any danger." "Kathlyn", Mia speaks calmly, "I'm alright. I'm healthy and happy-" "What's with that scar on your face?!", she motions, "Who did that to you?!" "No one- It's fine-" "Don't lie to me!", Kathlyn was furious, "What is happening to you?!' "Nothing", Mia shook her head, "I'm just experiencing changes-" "Puberty is experiencing changes", Kathlyn argues, "Ending and starting new marriages are changes! Stop changing!" "I can't really control that", Mia waves her hands around her, "It's just how my story goes." Kathlyn blinks back tears, "Right." She takes a shuddering breath, "Then I should probably go then." Mia stood, "You're leaving?" "I have to", Kathlyn went to her, "I have no story here." "But that doesn't mean you have to go", Mia held her hand, "You can just stay." "I can't", Kathlyn hugs her, "I'm sorry." Mia slowly hugs her back. "I don't know if I could come back anytime soon", Kathlyn sniffs, "but I promise we'll see each other again." Mia looked to Kathlyn, "Do you really have to go?" "Kathlyn nods, "It's better this way." She turns to leave. She takes a few steps and stops. She turns to Mia, "Wait." Mia looks to her, hopefully. "Come with me", Kathlyn held out her hand. Mia slowly frowns, "... What?" "Come with me", Kathlyn motions, "We can just be together. All the time." Mia watches Kathlyn go to her. "It's safe and we get to be with each other", Kathlyn smiles, "Just like before." "Kathlyn", Mia shakes her head, "I have a husband. Kids- a family." "I am your family", Kathlyn puts a hand to her chest, "I was your family first." "You are", Mia was close to tears, "You always will be. But I need to be here." Kathlyn slowly became angry, "No you don't. You can just go away for awhile right?! Just play dead." Mia frowns and steps back, "Why are you saying that?" "It's not fair!", Kathlyn wiped her eyes, "You'd do everything for them but when I want you to do something for me, it's too much?!" "It's not that simple", Mia was getting frustrated now, "Family doesn't just take off without a word unlike you." Kathlyn flinched. Mia sighed and covered her face, "Look, I don't want to fight you. I know this isn't fair for either you or me. I just... I want you here. I want you apart of my family. I want you home." Kathlyn shook her head, "I can't-" The ground shakes. Mia gasped and looked down. The ground began to crack open. "Look out!", Kathlyn pushed Mia back. They were on opposite sides of the large gap. Joke was thrown into the fountain. She spits out the water, "Damn, she really won't get off my back." She looks to them two, "Wait, you're still here?" Kathlyn backs away. "This is your fault, you know", Joke points a Kathlyn, "Ever since you've come here, she's been on edge." "Okay", Mia looks to them two, "what the fuck is going on?" "I'm leaving', Kathlyn puts her hands up, "I'll just go." "Oh", Joke laughs, "You're not going anywhere. You have to stop that." Joke points to Kill who was heading toward the Academy. "Hold on", Mia shakes her head, "Kathlyn is not going to stop Kill." Joke frowned at Kathlyn, "You haven't told her?" Kathlyn went quiet. "Sheesh", Joke rested her hammer on her shoulder, 'I thought I was bad at giving hints." Joke lanches herself to fight Kill. Mia looked to Kathlyn, "What is she talking about?" "... I'm sorry", Kathlyn shook her head, "but I can't see you anymore." She then walked toward Kill. "What?", Mia goes after her, "Kathlyn!" Kathlyn clenched her hands to fist. Red flames started to appear on her body. She then was a girl of flames. Mia stopped and watched Kathlyn looked back at her. We, one of the Victorias stood before her. "... No", Mia shook her head, "Kathlyn." A tear of molten flame dripped down We's face. She then turned and went to Kill. Mia puts a hand to her heart, "W-What?" She watched Joke and We fight Kill back to the water. Inside the Academy, Oswald was watching the fight. "Please don't hurt her", Os whispered. Kill retreated back to the water. Kill and We returned to the Academy. Mia goes toward them. "Mia-", Joke started. Mia summoned her flames and sent Joke toward the trees. Scratches from the branches and bark made Joke bleed. Tori winced and looked to the scratches on her body. All the gen had them. Mia glared at We, "You." We hugged Lamie to herself. "You", Mia's eyes glowed blue, "lied to me." We tried to run away. Mia made blue flames surround them. "Why?", Mia cried, "Why didn't you tell me." We looked to her. "Answer me!", Mia screamed. We slowly moved her hand over her mouth. Mia saw a short glimpse. We's mouth was sewn shut. Mia growled in frustration, "Fine. I'll just have to take the answer out myself." Mia lunged at her. We clenched her eyes closed. Joke swatted Mia back. Mia crashed into the wall behind her. "Not today", Joke stomped out the flames, "Not for a long time." Mia landed on her feet, "Get. Out. Of my way." "Nope", Joke spun her hammer, "There is nothing-" Mia stomped hard on the ground. The ground shakes. Joke fell on her ass and Mia sweeped Joke away with her flames. Mia goes to We, "Tell me now." We looked to her. Mia placed her hand on We. We muffled a cry. Mia blinked away tears. Memories started to flood her head. She remembered the fire. The way the smoke burned her lungs and eyes. She remembered something taken. Something that saved Kathlyn. Mia watched from Kathlyn's eyes. Seeing as the flames entered her. How she was no longer herself. But flames. We looked to Mia on the floor. She knelt and tried to speak. Mia's eyes slowly opened, "Kathlyn." Kathlyn stood and looked to herself. Mia was taken away. Mia pulled away from We. Mia and We crying. We hugged her toy to her chest. "Kathlyn", Mia shook her head, "I didn't know-" We used her flames to leave. Mia watched We disappear into the air. Mia sat on the ground. Mia laid in bed. The others were cleaning up the party. Mia sighed and turned to her side. She then saw Lamie. She sat up and looked to the toy lamb on her bedside table. She looked to the folded paper beside it. Mia took it and opened it:Dear Mia, I know you probably hate me. And I totally understandy why. I shouldn't had lied. I should've told you a long time ago. I know that what I am now will only trouble you more. That I'll only hurt you if I'd stay. I'm so happy that I got to see you. That I got to see your family. I always knew you'd be a great mom. You are so lucky, Mia. You did everything we wanted to do. Get married. Have kids. Live a happy life. I know that I wasn't able to do that with you, but I got to see you become the wonderful woman I knew you'd be. I love you and I always will. I'll be here if you need me.Mia had tears run down her face. She covered her eyes and sobbed. Tears soaked the word lucky on the paper. "Lucky?", Mia sniffed, "The only time I ever was lucky was when I made you." Mia took the toy and laid down, "When we were together." We stood out of view outside. She placed her hand on the wall. You are my lucky star. My sister. We pulled away. Someday, I will be by your side again. We disappeared again.Chapter 14: STILLSky stood before her bathroom mirror. She stroked her hair behind her mouse ears. She waits a minute and undoes it. She looks to her dress. It was long enough to cover her cartoon feet. She had tucked her cartoon mouse tail under her clothes. She went out to find her sisters in the living room. "Sky", Bella May smiled and set the quilt she was working on aside, "Let me braid your hair." "It's okay", Sky sits on the couch, "I'd rather keep it down. "Not even a small one?", Bella stands behind her. "Okay", Sky sighs, "Just the back." Bella May started to braid Sky's hair, "I like it better when your hair is back. Then we can see how pretty you are." "She's just self-conscience of her ears", Jane turned a page in her magazine. "I'm not self-conscience", Sky brushed her hair with her fingers, "I- just don't like showing them that's all." "You're ears", Bella May stroked Sky's hair behind the mouse ears, "are beautiful. I wish I had ears like yours." "I don't think you'd want them", Sky hides them again, "They hear more and they're hard to clean." Sky pull Bella May to her, "Besides, you have Mom's beauty. No one can beat that." "Tell mom and dad's story again", Bella May pulled the unfinished quilt to her lap, "I like it better when you tell it if it's neither one of them." Jane rested the magazine on her face and laid back. Sky hugged Bella May to her, "Okay." Sky raised her hand and her magic formed lights that resembled figures, "Once upon a time, there was a prince." A blue, minature figure of a boy walked in front of them. "He's heart was pure and brave", Sky made the boy jump off rocks and logs as he leaps across a chasm, "One day, he came across a girl." The boy watched as a girl of green came from the trees. "She was a girl of snakes and monsters", Sky made the girl appear agressive and scary, "The girl wanted to scare the prince because she was afraid of how she felt." Logan opened the door to see them talking. He waved Nes over. They stood at the doorway to listen. "The prince, however, was frightened, but knowing in his heart, this feeling was true", Sky made the boy and girl held hands, "They were in love." The boy and girl kissed. Bella May smiled, "Then what happened?" "The boy and girl grew up and got married", Sky makes the boy and girl danced, "Then they have three daughters." An orange, purple and white girl appeared beside the couple. "I like that story", Bella May sits up. "I like it too", Logan goes behind where they were, "Couldn't tell it better myself." "Hi dad", Bella May giggles. Nes stroked Sky's hair, "You did mention that I asked your father to marry me first, right?" "Hey, you beated me to it", Logan held Nes close. They kissed softly. "Ugh", Jane pulls the magazine from her face, "I've heard this story since I was born. And I'm still hearing it." "Why don't you like mom and dad's story?", Bella May looked to her. "Because that's not how it happened", Jane rested her head on her hands, "and the only reason why mom could marry dad was because she became Mother of the elpoep. Something Sky has to look forward to in the future." "Jane", Logan's voice was a warning tone, "I understand that you don't like the story, but you don't need to bring Sky into this." "Whatever", Jane threw her magazine on the coffee table, "I don't care." She storms out. Logan sighs. "I'll talk to her", Nes squeezes Logan's hand. They shared a kiss before Nes goes. "Does Jane not like the story", Bella May leans on the couch, "because it's mom's?" "No", Logan sighs, "Jane just doesn't like Mother. Mother was arround a lot when Jane was younger." Sky gets up, "I'm going to see Uncle Walt." "Alright honey", Logan gives her a side hug, "We're going to eat dinner with your grandparents later." "Okay", Sky goes, "I'll be there." She went out into the hall. She reached behind and undid the braid. She went to Walt's room. She knocks. "Come in", Walt answered. Sky opened the door and went inside. Walt was working on something. "What are you doing?", Sky went to his side. "I'm testing", he stirred a potion and picked it up, "A remedy for hay fever." She watched him sniff it. "Ah", he winced and sneezed, "Nope- Achoo! I made things- worse!" He sneezed again. Sky covered her mouth to stop herself from laughing, "Are you okay?" "I'm fine-", he sneezed, "It'll past- Achoo!" She held out a tissue. "Thank you", Walt blew his nose. Sky laughs, "You're so funny, Uncle Walt." "I try", he corked the bottle, "even when I'm not trying to." He puts the bottle in a oven-like cabinet. He closed it, locked it and pulled a lever. Sky watched the contents of the bottle disappear to rid of the failed attempt. "I guess I must've missed a step", he scratches his head. Sky looks to the papers. He opened the door and retrieved the empty bottle, "Third time's a charm." He went to the counter. Sky handed a clean spoon, "Uncle Walt? Can I ask you something?" "You just did", he took a scoop of blue powder and puts it in the funnel, "but go ahead." Sky hands a grinder, "Do you think I'm pretty?" Walt took some rose quartz rocks and began to grind them, "Why are you asking me?" "I don't know", Sky fiddles with her hair, "I just thought I asked." Walt poured the quartz power into water, "Let me refrase. Why do you think my opinon about you matters?" "Because I look up to you", she gets the busen burner for him, "I'd know you wouldn't lie to me." Walt looked to her, "I don't think pretty is what you're looking for then." "Then what?", she turns her body to him. He boils the water, "Well, I think you're beautiful." Sky blushed slightly, "Really?" "Yeah", he got some mint leaves and peppermint, "Just like all my necesis." "Oh", she sunk slightly, "right." He shrugs, "But beauty isn't everything. It's just a temporarily thing." He sniffs the potion, "Mmm, smells good." Sky gets off the counter, "I'm gonna go." "Already?", Walt looked to her. "Yeah", she shrugs, "just something I need to do." "Okay then", he watches her go. "I'll see you at dinner", she smiles before leaving. She closed the door and goes down the hall. She goes down the hall and knocks on a door. Samantha opens the door, "What?!" Sky flinched, "Um, is this a bad time?" "Oh, it's you", Sam sighs, "sorry. I'm a little tense right now." "Rell me about it", Scoob was on the bed reading a magazine." "Come in", Sam goes to her desk. Sky looked to the mess on the floor. Torn up pieces of Prim Magazines. "Aren't these", Sky picked up a paper, "Gran's?" "Just the old ones", Sam sits at a desk chair, "I think it's a mockery to the ideas of how women should look." "Right", Sky set the paper back down, "about that-" "I mean look at this", Sam picks up another magazine, "It says that this is wear we find beauty and charm." Sam gags, "Like I'd find anything in these. She threw the magazine in the trash. She looks to Sky as she burns the trash, "Sorry, were you going to say something?" "Um", Sky backs, "you know what? I'll just go ask someone else." Sam shrugs, "Suit yourself." Sky sees an undamaged magazine and hides it behind her, "See you later." She leaves the bedroom. She sighs, "Dodged a bullet there." She went outside. MA was humming as she tended to a small garden. "Aunt MA", Sky went to her, "Can I ask you something?" "Of course", MA faces her, "What's your question?" "I was wondering", Sky fiddles with her dress, "if you can tell me what true beauty is." "True beauty?", MA leans on the plow, "Why do you think beauty is true?" "I mean", Sky shrugs and looks to her hands, "how do you know when something is beautiful and when something is not." MA laughed softly, "Nothing is not beautiful. There's beauty in almost everything." "So what isn't beautiful?", Sky asked her. "Well", MA thought for a moment, "hate for one thing. It's an ugly word. Nightmares are another." Sky watched MA look to the woods. "Although there is many things that are ugly, beauty is everywhere." Sky watched the sunlight bounce off the leaves on the trees, the wind had blue birds fly over them. "Does that answer your question?", MA asked. Sky nods. "I'm glad I could help", MA nods to her. Sky watches her go back to her work. Sky goes to her room. She looks at the magazine as she sat on her bed. She looked to the Mias in dresses. They had their hair styled and make up on. Sky stroked the pages. She turned to the next page to see an article. It was about her Gran. "True Beauty", Sky reads, "is Within." She reads:Mia Sanchez experenced a physical change. Her body now covered head to toe of tattoed flames. A scar running across her left cheek. Although her appearance has changed, she doesn't seem to mind her new look. "It's not about what you look like", Mia commented, "or how your hair looks in the morning. The shows true beauty. It shows who we really are." Mia believes that her change was inevitable but she decided to embrass it. "You can't change where you come from or what you're born with", Mia comments, "You can only change who you want to be." Mia inspires to be an example for all young women out there to be themselves and embrace the new in life. Sky touches her hair, "Embrass the new." She looks to the magazine. She looks through the pages and sees a number. She dials it on her phone. "PRIM magazine. How can I help you?" "Yes", Sky looks to the page, "I'd like to place an order?" After Sky orders her package, she goes to the bathroom. She opens a draw and takes out some scissors. She looks to her reflection. She takes a strand of her hair and snips. She cuts off three inches. She continues to cut. Six inches. Twelve. She smiles as she cuts off a small strand beside her ear. She then cuts a little on the top. She looks at her new look. It was a simple pixie cut that was flat against her head. She went to her room to find a package. She open it and looked inside. At the dining hall, Mia was setting a pot of spicy beef at the table. Tallulah reached out to Bella May. Bella May laughs, "That's my hair." Matt Jr. pulled. "Ow, don't pull that', Bella May takes her hair out of his reach. Jane was testing her knife's sharpeness. She tossed it aside and go her switch blade. "So you're Jane, right?", Ryan cleared his throat, "That's a pretty cool knife you have there." She looks at him, "Uhuh." "So", Matt smiled nervously, "are you a wood carver? Like Snow?" "Nope", Jane takes out a stone and sharpens her knife. "Then what do you do?", Ryan watched sparks reflect off the stone. Jane shrugs, "Train. To kill if necessary." The boys gulped. "Why can't I have a knife?", Samantha looked to her parents. "You don't need a knife", Sam Jr. sighs. "But what do I do for self-defense?", Samantha asked. "You fight", Ser answered, "with your hands. Or your powers. Not. With a knife." "You guys are never fun", Samantha crosses her arms and sits back. Scoob looked to Kat and Cat, "How come you two always sit next to each other?" "Who doesn't want to sit by their twin sister?", the two answered in unison. "It's rind of creepy", Scoob answered. "Okay", Mia clapped her hands, "the food is set, we're just waiting for one more person." Samantha tried to get a roll. Scoob smacks her hand, "Ro." "I'm starving!", Samantha moans, "Why do we have to wait for Sky?" "Do you think she's alright?", Logan looks to Nes. "I saw she went to her room eariler." Sky enters the dining hall. They all went quiet and looked to her. Sky wore a cyan dress that fit tightly around her chest but was rippled from the waist down. It had no sleeves but she wore a swawl that covered her shoulders and forearm. She wore a saphire teardrop necklace the that was the size of a button. She nervously fiddled with her dress, "Um... I'm sorry I'm late." They all just stared. Walt dropped his fork in shock. Sky stands, "This is an outrage! You looked at the magazine, didn't you?!" "Samantha, sit down", Mia scolded at her, "You were the one that took my magazines, weren't you?" Samantha sits and crosses her arms. Sky blushes slightly and heads to the table, "I just thought I'd wear something nice today." "You look lovely dear", Mia smiles, "It's good to get something nice every once in a while." Mickey sips at his coffe, "I'm feeling older already." "Shut up!", Mia punches his arm. Mickey rubs his arm. "Let's all eat while the food is still hot", Mia looks to the others. They all began to eat. Bella May looked to Sky, "Why did you cut your hair? I thought you like my braids?" "I do like your braids, Bella May", Sky pats her hand, "but I think I want to show my ears like this instead." "You're lucky you did an okay job", Bella May tore at her meat, "If you had a bad haircut, I'd have to cut my own hair to match yours." Sky laughs, "I'd appreciate that." Tallulah reached out to the rolls. Sam took one and was about to bite into it. Tallulah pouts and clenches her hands. Her eyes glowed as the roll was snatched out of Sam's hand. "What the-", Samantha tried to snatch it back but the roll dodged her grasp. Tallulah got the roll and her eyes returned back to normal. She slobbered and gummed on the bread. Ryan's mouth was gaped in shock. Sky got some corn and glanced over the Walt. He was looking at her. She blushed and looked away. Mia sighs, "It's nice to eat as a family." Mickey drinks his coffee. Laughter bounced off the walls. Mia frowned and stood up. They all looked around. Suddenly the table started to shake. It rippled causing the food to fall everywhere. Laughter echoed. Mia summoned her flames. The Mouses their magic. Jane turned her blade to a sword. Ser summoned her powers. The whites summon their light. The room began to shake. "Show yourself!", Mia called out. The room then stopped shaking. A loud ear-splitting scream broke the silence. The blues winced and fell to their knees. Sky groaned and covered her ear. "Curses", Samantha grunted. Matt and Ryan covered the twins ears. Tori used her light and whipped the air. The noise was canceled. Mia sighed and took in a breathe. The windows shattered and crows started to fly inside. The gen started to swat at the birds. Bella May screamed as they pulled at her hair. Jane swung her sword, wacking the bird. Sky covered her face. The crows scratched at her hands and arms. One crow pulled at her ear. She punched it and felt blood trickling down her cheek. Walt and the others were using their powers to get the birds away. Walt tripped on a chair and fell to the ground. The birds tore at his robe and scratched at him. He screamed as they peaked at his head. Sky clenched her teeth andn growled. She tore her necklace off as she transformed. Her teeth became razors and her hands and feet grew claws. Her face formed a snout and her tail became rat-like. She let out a deep roar. The crows circled them. She got on all fours and snarled. She thrashed as the crows attacked her. She bit their necks and crushed them. She tore at their feathers and wings. She managed to sent the remain crows to retreat to outside. Sky stood with wounds on her body. She panted and her vision was blurried. Sky- Sky- Sky-Sky? Ringing played in her ear. She collapsed to the ground. The last thing she saw was her family stand over her. Walt's face expressing fear.Summer patchd up the gen. Besides some scratches and small punctures, everyone was fine. Winter wrapped Walt's head, "They were after that tasty brain of yours." She kids, "Or you had birdseed in your hair." "Is Sky okay?", he looked to her. "She'll be fine", Winter took a cloth dosed in alcohol, "She just needs rest." Sky was unconcious in the infirmary. She had the most wounds. For the next three days, Sky was resting. Walt one day came to visit her. "Hi Sky", he went to her side, "It's me. Walt." Her breathing was steady. "I brought cheesecake", he sat down, "You're favorite. Plain." He sets it at her table, "If you'd wake up, you can have it." Sky stayed asleep. "Look", he rubbed the back of his neck, "I don't know if you can hear me. But I've been trying to find some ways to wake you up." He pulled up a small bag and pulled out some bottles, "I figured one of them would wake you up." He opened a bottle and parted her lips. He poured it into her mouth. He closed her mouth and nose and made her swallow. He waited. Nothing. "Okay", he got another bottle, "Maybe this one?" He rubbed a cream on her forehead. Nothing. "Alright", he held the third one under her nose, "This has to work." She breathes in the mist. Nothing. He sets the bottle aside. "I've got", he sat back down, "nothing left." He looked to her, "... Why won't you wake up?" Sky just laid there. Still. "Sky?", he gets to his feet, "Sky?!" He shook her, "No, Sky!" He puts his ear to her chest. He starts to pump her chest, "Come on! Come back!" He listens, "Damnit!" He puts his lips to hers and blows inside. He pumps her chest, "Come on, Sky!" He tries again. "Sky", he wiped his tears, "please. Don't go." He tried again. "I can't live without you", he cries, "Please!" He listens. Nothing. He sunk to the ground, "No." He covers his face. He pulls himself up and looks to her. He pulled her to him, "I'm sorry." He cried and held onto her. He lays her down and sinks to his chair. "What am I going to do?", he sobs, "What am I suppose to do?" He held onto her hand, "Why couldn't I save you?" He shook as he got to his feet. He stroked her hair, "I never told you how much I loved your hair." He sniffed, "It looks pretty cut short." He wiped his eyes, "I should go get the others." He kisses her head, "I'll let them know." He looked to her. He cups her cheek, "I love you, Sky. I always have." He shed tears as he kissed her once. He pulled away. Some of his tears had dropped on her face. He wiped them away, "I love you." He pulls away and starts to head out. "W-Walt?" He stopped and looked back. Sky looked to him, "Is that cheesecake?" He smiles and laughs. He covers his face and laughs into his hand. She sat up, "Walt?" He goes to her and hugs her, "You're okay. You're okay." She looked to him, "Why are you crying?" "It's nothing", he sniffed, "I just thought you'd never wake up." She got the cheesecake, "Mmm, plain." He kissed her head and held onto her. "Walt", she shifted, "You're really freaking me out." "I'm sorry", he wiped his tears away, "I'll just go." She reached out and held his hand, "Please stay." He sniffed and sat down. She took another bit of cheesecake. He watched her like every moment was precious. "I didn't die or anything, right?", she looked to him. "No", he shook his head, "You were fine." "... You're such a terrible liar", she shook her head. "I'm sorry", he rubbed his arm after she punched him, "Ow." She hugged him, "Thank you for saving me." He hugs her back. She pulls back and kisses him. He looks at her. She smiled, "As a thank you." He pulled her back and kissed her. They kissed repeatedly. She pulled away and held her head, "Head's spinning." "I'm sorry", Walt panted slightly. She wiped some cheesecake from his lips, "I'm going to go see the others." "Okay", he watches her go. She smiled at him, "I'll see you later?" "Sure", he cleared his throat. She leaves. He touched his lips and felt himself smiling. True love's first kiss. What else is there? The gen were relieved to see Sky okay. Jane almost squeezed her hard enough to make Sky pass out again. Bella May cried enough to soak Sky completely. Logan and Nes held Sky to them, tears of joy in their eyes. "My Sky", Mia hugged her, "You're alright." Mickey hugged Sky too. "I'm happy to see you all", Sky looked to each of them, "I'm glad I get to see you all again." Tonight was one of Sunshine's mini-concerts. As they all sung along or enjoyed the music. Sky was in the back. Walt went to her side, "Are we going to talk about-" "No", she smiled and looked to him, "At least, not right now." He nods. She reached and took his hand into hers. "Sit still, look pretty", Sunshine sings, "Sit still, look pretty."Chapter 15: THORN"Say Dada", Matt looked to the twins, "Dada." The twins just looked at him. "Say Matt", he points to himself, "Matt." They blink. "Matt", Mia goes to him, "It's a little early for that." "She did magic", Matt motions to Tallulah, "I'm pretty sure speaking is a breeze. Mia picked up Matt Jr., "Still too young." She tickled Matt Jr. He laughed and cooed. Jack entered the kitchen, "Sup." "Nothing much", Mia pats Matt Jr.'s back, "You?" "Just getting some milk", Jack pours some in a glass. Mia was setting Matt Jr. back down. She saw him, "No- Jack! That's breastmilk-" Jack spits out the milk and coughs. Mia winces as Jack washed his mouth in the sink, "I forgot to label that. I'm sorry." Ryan slowly pushes his ceral away. Mickey got the glass and poured some in his coffee. "I'm fine", Jack puts a hand to his chest, "I'm good." He waves his hand, "I'm gonna go now." Mia watches him go. "Ryan?', Matt looked to him, "You're green dude." Mia sighs, "Well, that happened." Mickey drank his coffee. In the game room, Jack slowly went to chair. He sunk into a chair and covered his face. "You okay, man?", Mark looked to him. Jack shook his head behind his hands. "Alright", Mark shrugs and goes back to his phone. "And flush", Arin puts his hand down. Danny, James, Adam and Felix sighed in frustration. James pulls out a radio, "It's a go. Go, go, go!" Suddenly, Kit swung into the window. Glass shattered onto the floor. She landed on the table and began to rapidly fire in the air. "Not again", Felix hits the deck and crawls away. "James, you sore loser!", Arin screams. Kit stops and jumps down. She took out two smoke bombs and threw them into the room. The YouTubers coughed and tried to escape the fog. Kit lights flares and stalked the room. She finds Jack in the chair. "Honestly", Jack shrugs, "I don't care." Kit stands still for a moment before moving on. Kit walked around and found the others. Something knocked her down. She didn't move to see who it was. "Why do you keep doing this shit?", Matchel pulled Kit to her feet, "You know you're going to get in trouble." "Ha", Kit lifted her mask, "You're only trouble if you get caught." Mia snatchd Kit by her shirt, "Gotcha!" "I'm in trouble", Kit looked to Mia. "You can't keep doing this", Mia motioned aroundl, "You know how long this will take to clean up?" Kit stays quiet. Mia speaks quick Mianese as she set Kit down. "You're just as bad as your aunt.", Mia said in english and shook her head. "I'm sorry, Mia." "Now", Mia motions, "clean this up." Mia summoned a broom and pan, "And don't dump the glass outside. Throw. It. Away." Mia waved her hand and all the smoke vanished. Mia goes after talking to Jack a few seconds. Kit sighs, "It was fun while it lasted." Matchel motions, "I'll help." "I can manage", Kit nods, "but thank you." Matchel nods and goes. Kit sweeped at the glass. "You know I still won", Arin gets out of hiding. "No one cares", James calls out. "Fair", Arin nods. Kit shook her head and continued to clean.Meanwhile, Vicky was on her bed. MA smiled and looked to her, "I love that face your making." "I don't make faces", Vicky closed her eyes. "You do", MA laughs softly, "it's really cute." "Shut up", Vicky kissed her. They kissed quietly. "I love you", MA smiled. "I love you too", Vicky pressed her nose to hers. MA smiled. She opend her eyes. They dilated and focused. MA blinked a few times and began to see differently. "Wow", Vicky stroked under MA's eyes, "your eyes." MA looked at Vicky, "I think I can see inside you." "X-ray vision?", Vicky rested her head back, "What do you see. MA squints, "There's something on your neck." MA reached behind Vicky, "Doesn't this hurt?" Vicky winced, "Ah." MA pulled her hand away. Blood on her hand. "I'll get Summer", MA gets off the bed. Vicky reached back and touched her neck. Blood dripped on the bed. Vicky winced as she sat up. Vicky grunted as the pain spread. MA dressed and goes to Vicky, "Put pressure on it." Vicky pressed and grunted. MA wrapped Vicky with the blanket, "Just stay with me, okay?" "Okay", Vicky nodded. MA ran out the room. Vicky panted as the pain started to go to her back. MA's new vision ability allowed her to look through the walls. She spotted Summer in the orange room. She opened the door, "Vicky's hurt!" Summer looked up from his checkers game. Winter and him followed MA. Vicky was bleeding profusely. Summer looks to the wound, "We have to get her to the infirmary." Winter takes a sheet and tears the foot-board of the bed off. She lays it down and covers it with the sheet. She rested on the floor. "Lay on your stomach", Summer helped Vicky to the ground. Vicky grunted as she laid on the board. "One, two, three", Winter picks up one side of the board. Summer and Winter carry Vicky. MA walks beside Vicky, "I'm right here." Vicky reached out and held MA's hand, "I'm okay." Winter and Summer sets Vicky on a bed. Summer pats the wound, "Do you know what happened?" "I saw something", MA shook her head, "I don't know what it is." Summer shone a light on Vicky's neck, "Are those... thorns?" Winter looks. MA's vision showed the thorns spreading. Vicky screamed in pain. Mark in the game room stood up. Mia set her dishes down and turns around. "Do you hear screaming?", Matt asked. Mia ran out the kitchen. Mark was alreadly at the infirmary. Summer had Winter's knife and was cutting at the thorns. Vicky cried out and grunted. Mark goes to her side and looks to Summer, "What's happening?" "She got into thorns", Winter held Vicky down, "Summer's trying to cut them out." Vicky had tears running down her face. "I'm here", Mark held her hand, "I'm here." Vicky clenched her hands into fist, "Fuck- gah!" Mark bites into Vicky's arm. She sighed in relief. Mark had tears in his eyes now. Black vines appeared on his skin. He pulled away and coughed up black substance. Mia got to the room, "Vicky?" Summer pulled out some thorns. Vicky screamed. "Almost done", Winter holds Vicky back down. Mia goes to Summer's side, "Hold on." She took her right hand. Mia took a deep breath and snapped her hand back. A thorn priced fom her palm. Mia grunted as her thorns grew out of her. She made her thorns grow to Vicky, "Come on." Vicky grunted as Mia's thorns entered. Vicky gasped as some bones snapped. Mia clenched her hand and the thorns settled into Vicky. Vicky sighs and passes out. Mia snapped off her thorns and resets her wrist. Summer watches as the thorns wrapped around Vicky's bones, "What did you do?" "If you'd had removed them", Mia wrapped her wrist and hand, "she would have died." Mia looked to Summer, "Disinfect and wrap her up." Mia leaves. Jason walked into the room. He sees Vicky. He knelt beside her and reached out. He stroked Vicky's cheek. He whimpered and presses his face to hers. Johnathan was at the doorway. MA went to him and he held onto her. Vicky was in the infirmary overnight. Jason never left her side. As he rested, his began to crackle. He woke and saw his skin drying. "What?", he tried to move but he couldn't. He looked to Vicky. She was breathing. 'Vicky", his voice became hoarse, "Vicky-" He moved to stand. He stood and stumbled. He hit the ground. He grunted. Something broke. He looked to see his left arm missing. It has broken off like he was made of stone. "Mia", he coughed, "Johnathan." He tried to get to the door, "Jack." He stopped after he lost his right hand, "Somebody." He rested to the ground, "Anyone." He went still. His body shatters into millions of pieces. Vicky was asleep but tears were rolling down her cheek. A distant howl came from outside. The moon was full.Summer went to the infirmary to check on Winter. He stepped on something. He frowned and saw the shattered pieces on the ground. He knelt and picked the piece up. A finger. Summer looked to the pieces and then called out into the hall, "Hey! Someone come help me!" The first gen stood in the infirmary. Johnathan was inspecting the pieces. He picked up one and looked at it, "... It's Jason." MA covered her mouth. Mia turned away and went to the wall. Summer scratched his head, "What are we going to tell Vicky?" "What do you need to tell me?", Vicky slowly woke and sat up. She moved her arms and popped her back. She looked to them, "What. Do you need to tell me?" Tori looked to the pile. Vicky looked too, "... What is that?" Vicky saw the tears in Johnathan's eyes. Vicky looked to the pile. Tears filled her eyes and she covered her mouth. "No", Vicky cried into her pillow, "No-o!" Summer went to her side and hugged her. "NOOO!", Vicky sobbed. When Jack learned about the news, Mark had to stay by his side. The first gen were trying to figure out a way to put Jason back together. Vicky's hand shook as she picked up a piece. She picked up another and tried to put them together. She dropped them and covered her face. MA went to her side, "The pack wantst to see you." Vicky was helped to her feet and they took her away. Tori looked to the mess after Vicky was gone, "This is impossible." Mia crossed her arms and paced. "Nothing's impossible", Winter rocked on the bed. "... I think I know who can help", Mia looked to them. Sky was brought the the infirmary. She saw the pieces on the ground. "Can you fix him?", Tori asked. Sky lookst to the pieces then to Tori, "I won't stop until I get him back." Sky went to work. She gathered the large pieces that people could identity. Then went down from there. They managed to build an arm and the legs before sundown. Only scotch tape was holding was was made of Jason. "Good job honey", Mia hugged Sky, "You go rest, we'll work on this for a bit." "Okay", Sky nods. The first gen spent most of the night working on Jason. Mia woke up with a half-made face in front of her. She reached out and touched it's cheek. The eye blinked, "Mia?" She got up and moved back. Jason looks around with his one eye, "Why am I on the floor?" "Jason?", she went to him. She picked up his head, "You're alive?" "I think so", Jason blinks, "but I can't feel miy body." She kissed him. "Okay, I felt that", he looks to her. She showed him his body. "Woah", he looks, "is that me?" "Jason?", Summer was slurring in his sleep, "Did you know that the longest time I took a whizz was about thrity minutes?" "Are you drunk?", Jason asked. Summer sat up, "Piss off ghost!" "Dude, it's me", Jason saw his hand wave, "I can see my arm!" "I'm going to get Vicky", Tori gets to her feet and runs out. Johnathan cries and holds onto Jason's head, "I thought you were d-dead- " "Don't cry on me man", Jason smiled to him, "I might get all soggy." Vicky got to the room before Tori. Vicky went to Jason. She picked up his head and kissed him. They kissed passinately. "My Jason", Vicky cries and hold him, "My love." Jason's body started to move. They watched it piece itself together. His boy walked to her. She set his head on it. He hugged her. She sniffed and cried into him. "I'm here", Jason kissed her head, "I'm sorry." She kissed him again. They kissed and held each other. "Is anyone going to tell him he's nake?", Summer looked to them, "Anyone?" "You're the only one complaining", Johnathan shrugs. "I second", Sam raised his hand. "I'm third", Jonas followed. Jason grabbed Vicky and laid her on the bed. They moan and clung onto each other. Sam, Jonas and Summer left. Winter pulled Tori along. Mia was leaving and saw MA and Johnathan staying back. "Come on", Mia pulled them out, "Let them have time with each other." They deflated a little and went out. "Come on", Mia pushed them out the door.Jason smiled and hugged his pack. Jack was afraid to let Jason go. JJ barked and spun happily in circles. All his grandchildren hugged him at once. Vicky nuzzles Jason as she stayed by his side. Mia was relieved to see everyone okay. Mia looked to the cracks of Jason's skin and the thorn tattoes on Vicky's body. She went to the kitchen. She smiled and went to Mickey. They kissed and he held her close. "It's okay", he held her as she cried, "Everyone is okay." Mia sniffed and stroked his head, "I love you." "I love you too", he smiled softly, "I love you with all my heart."Chapter 16: CARDSMia looked to Jason then to Sam, "I raise five." Jonas sets his cards down, "I fold." "Pussy", Vicky puts five on the table. "I'll raise ten", Jason puts his hand in. Tori readjusted her blindfold, "This is making my eye itch." "No cheating", Winter puts her hand in. They were done with the bets. "Read them and weep", Mia puts her flush down. "On contrar", Jason puts his higher flush. "On contrar contrar", Winter puts her hand down, "Full house! Ha!" The other sighed and Winter got her winnings. "Alright", Mia gets up, "I'm calling it a night." "Aw come on", Jason was shuffling the deck, "On more game? Pretty please?" The others were trying to convince her to stay. "Okay, okay", Mia held up her index finger, "One game." They clapped and cheered. Mia shook her head and got her cards. "Ah, come on!", she grunted in frustration, "This hand sucks." Winter laughs, "I'm all in." She pushes her winnings to the middle. Mia sighs, "Fold." The other folded too. "Suckers", Winter laughs. "Okay, for real", Mia gets up, "Good night." "Goodnight." "Night, Mia." Mia blew out kisses and goes. Winter sighs, "Man, I should've played it better." "It's okay, Winter", Tori gets up, "We'll play again tomorrow." They all went to bed. Mia smiled as she went to Mickey's sde. "How was the game?", Mickey asked. "I lost. Again", Mia sighs, "I have a poker face." They kissed and laid down. "Good night", Mia kissed his nose. "Good night", Mickey hugs her close. They fell asleep. Meanwhile, Joke was outside. She tapped her foot, growing impatient. We appeared beside her. "If you have something to say, say it", Joke mockingly said to her. We only looked forward. "Thought so", Joke looked forward. A portal opens. A group of people started to walk into the world. "Finally", Joke smiles, "You have arrived." She looked to them all, "Now, my only condition is that you do exactly what I say. You will win big here but don't try to piss me off. You could die." Joke motions for them to follow. We watched the strangers go. She hugged herself as she left. She stopped by the trees and looked to the Academy. She went to see Mia. Mia was asleep in Mickey's arms. We got a scrap of paper and wrote some words down. She then left before anyone woke up. Be careful, sister.Mia woke as the sunlight shone through her window. She rubbed her eyes and faced Mickey. He snored slightly. Mia smiled softly as she kissed his head. He stirred awake and looked to her. They shared a kiss. Mia gets up and see sees the paper. She read it and then crumbles it. Her flames consumes the paper and ashes fall to the ground. She rubbed her eyes and goes to the kitchen. Matt and Ryan were with the twins. "Hi babies", Mia kissed their little heads. They cooed and reached out toward her. She held onto their little hands, "Mommy loves you." She smiled softly and starts to make breakfast. Mickey comes in and sits at his spot. Mia and him kissed once. Os walked in and sat on the other side of Mia. Mia side hugged him, "Good morning." "Morning", Os smiles sleepily. Mia began to whisk eggs and cook the bacon. Matt's phone began to play music. "But nooowww", the audio box version was sung, "there's nooowhere to hide." Mia dropped the fork and winced as her throat was sliced by something unseen. "Since you put my love asssiiidddee." "Matt turn it off!", Ryan gets up. "I'm trying!", Matt was trying to turn off his phone. Mia held her throat as blood dripped down her neck. "I'm out of my head. Desperately devoteeeeeed to you-" Matt threw his phone on the floor hard enough to break it. Mickey and Os held onto Mia as she sunk to the ground. Mia gurgles blood. She used her flames to close the wound. She breathed slowly, "I'm okay." The metal plate on her belly had one off the circles blinks. Mia watched as it became the center. She looked to them. Her eyes started to go cloudy. Her expression went blank. She got to her feet. Her wound already began to heal. "What's that?", Matt ased. She blinked slowly and stood there. "Blank?", Mickey asked. Blank looked to him, "I'll be out for a little bit. Mia's going to need to recover." Her voice had no emotion. She looked to breakfast, "I guess I'll finish cooking." She continued to cook breakfast. Mickey soothed the twins. Os reached under the sink and got some towels. He cleaned up the blood. Blank served breakfast. The bacon was a little burnt and the eggs were alright. Mickey went and held onto Blank. She pats his head, "She'll be fine." He pressed his face to her side. Mia gets to her feet, "I'm going to go check on the others." She went out the kitchen and toward the game room. It's decor had changed. The floor were now carpet seen in casinos. Instead of couches and pool tables, there was slot machines and playing tables. The other gen were sitting in leather chairs or examining the new stuff. Tori went to her, "Blank?" "Mia got hurt so I'm here", Blank shrugs. "How badly?", Tori looked to the circle on the abdomen. "Slit throat", Blank shrugs, "but she closed the wound before I came out." "How long until she comes back?" "Soon", Blank goes and sits down. Tor sighs and then looks to the others. "I know it's new and shiny", Tori looked to them all, "but this is obviously a trap. So don't touch anything-" A slot machine went off to celebrate a jackpot. Sunshine stood beside it, "... Oops?" Tori slapped her forehead. The lights go off and a spotlight shone on Joke. "I see that you have seen the new game room", she hung from a swing, "my interior decorating has surely inproven. "I wish to unsee this", Felix covers his eyes, "my eyes." Joke was wearing a revealing leotard that was basically beaded strings that covered the least amount of skin possible. "Now", Joke lowered herself to the ground, "I'd like to introduce you to some new friends of mine." She motioned to the curtains at the stage against the far wall. The curtains opened. Six individuals stood before the gen. Characters form Kakegurui. "One of the first gen will go against one of the members", Joke waves her hammer to motion to the whole room, "for a large cash prize." The wall behind the characters showed a high pile of money. "This will be in teams. The gen versus the guest. There will be six rounds, each with a gen against a guest." Joke hits her hammer handle on the ground, "I'll let you all introduce yourselves before we go on." Joke vanished in a blink. The characters on the stage looked to the gen. One girl smiled and stepped forward. "My name is Yumeko Jabami", the girl smiles, "I'm so honored to meet you all." She puts her index finger to her chin in confusion, "Do you happen to know if the Princess is here?" Blank was at the bar. She made a screwdriver and was drinking it with a bendy straw. Blank raised her hand, "Um, I know but she can't come out at the moment." A girl with silver hair and blue eyes stepped forward, "Well, I'm sure that I'd be a great match for the equivilent of Mia." "Wrong!", loud feedback came for the comms, "But nice try." A panel lowered to a wall, it had pictures intereptation of the gen and characters. The first game was with Red and the only male guest. David took out a gadget from his pocket. It was a pen but when he clicked it, there was a screen that folded out from the compartment in the pen. He puts the screen to lock on the characters. "Ryota Suzui", David reads off his screen, "Skills? Umm... Doesn't say." Ryota rubbed the back of his head, "Are these matches intentional?" "They may or may not be intentional", Joke said over the intercomm. Red rubbed her arms and nervously paced. "I don't think I'm the right person for this", Red shook her head, "I don't even know how to play poker." "You know", Sam leans on the wall, "I don't think Victoria does either. So I don't think it's poker." "What if it's go fish?", Winter sat on a game table. "Winter, go fish isn't even", Jason sees Winter was very focused and take-your-word-for-it expression, "... what we need right now because- this is all a trap! So, we can't even play go fish because we can't trust it." Vicky gives him an approving thumbs-up. "Alright", Joke reappeared on a table, "Let's begin the first round!" Two large, empty fish tanks lowered from the ceiling. Joke motions, "Go right ahead." Ryota hesitates as he looks the tanks. Red doesn't and just enters one. He goes into his own tank. "Here is the game", Joke walks up to the glass boxes, "It's called 'Dead by Drowning'." Ryota looked to Red to see if Joke was joking. Red just looked ahead with a dreaded expression. "Here is how we play", Joke moved her arms aside to show two levers, "You are able to bet up to five gallons. But if neither of you bet, then I'm going to fill it half-way." She looked to the two, whoever doesn't drown wins." She looked to Red, "The chances of your tank is fifty-fifty." She looked to Ryota, "Just to put in perspective, your tanks can hold up to fifty gallons until it gets to your mouths. Which- I almost forgot." She moved her hands in an upward motion. Ryota and Red suddenly had their noses clogged with little swabs. "Don't want to delay the drowning", Joke smiled darkly, "Now, who wants to bet first?" Red looked to Royta. He looked to Joke, "Um, two gallons." "And Red?", Joke smiles. "Zero gallons", Red held her hand. "Okay", Joke takes out a quarter, "Call it in the air!" She flips the coin up. "Heads!", Ryota calls. Joke slaps the coin on her hand and looks, "It's heads!" Red watched as her tank filled up with two gallons. "Okay", Joke spins her hammer with only one hand. "What do you bet next?" Ryota glances at Red's tank and then to Joke, "Three." "Red?" Red takes a breath and leans on the glass, "Four." "That's the spirit!", Tori wacks her hammer to stop the spin and sets it aside, "Call!" "Heads!", Red calls out. Joke fakes a wince, "Oh, it's tails." Red watched as seven more gallons filled her tank. "Three", Ryota. "Five", Red. "Call!" "Tails!", Ryota. "It's tails!", Joke laughs. Eight gallons filled Red's tank. "Five", Ryota bets. "Five", Red. "Call." "Heads!", Red. "It's tails", Joke shows the coin. A total of 27 gallons flled up Red's tank. "Wow", Joke laughs, "you have terrible luck." "Five", Ryota called. "Zero", Red. "Call." "Tails!", Ryota. "Well", Joke show the coin, "Heads." Ryota watched in horror as his tank filled up with five gallons. Red looked to him with sympathy. "Five", Royta calls out. "Zero", Red. "Call." "Heads", Ryota called. "Tails", Joke sighs. Ten gallons filled his tank. "Wait", Ryota called, "Please just wait a minute." "You got a minute then", Joke taps her foot impatiently. Ryota takes a few breathes, "My heads spinning." "Look", Red looked to him, "If we both bet zero, she'll fill up half-way. I'm past it so you'll be okay if you go half." "But what about you?", Ryota looked to her. "I'll be fine", she shake her head, "This isn't how I die." "Alright, minute is up." Ryota looked to Red then to Joke, "Zero." 'Zero", Red nods. Joke grins, "Alright. Call it in the air." She flips the coin. Ryota, "Heads." "Tails!", Joke laughs. Ryota's tank filled to thirty-five gallons. " "We're going to be fine", Red told him. "So what will it be?", Joke looked to them. "It'll be okay", Red tells him. "... Zero", Ryota looks to Joke. "Zero", Red calls. "Alrighty", Joke laughs, "Call." "Heads!", Red. Joke flips and looks, "... It's heads." Ryota tank filled up. "No!", Red hits the glass. Ryota thrashes in his tank. Red hits the glass. She summons her flames. She melts through the glass. She breaks out and smashes his tank open. He coughs and gasped for air. "Well", Joke shrugs, "not what I thought it'd be llike." "Are you okay?", Red went to Ryota. "I'm fine", he coughs, "thank you." "Red, you are disqualified so Ryota's team takes the win. Ryota goes to his team. "You smell like a lawnmower", Winter looked to Red. "I don't think that was water", Ryota coughs. "Red pulled out her swabs in her nose, "It's gasoline-" "Got a light?", Joke leaned on her hammer. She had a cigar in her mouth. She lights her cigar. Red paled. Joke then drops the lighter. Red burst into flames. She screams. Ryota watched as she was consumed in flames. The other gen were trying to do what they could to contain her. MA used her force field. Red slowly began to sink to the ground. MA had tears in her eyes because her nose was burning. Red collapsed and the flames went out. MA released Red and held her burning nose. Jake picked up Red and carried her away. "Well wait for the next round", Victoria vanishes. Summer goes out to find Jake. Ryota shivered as he was soaking wet in gasoline. Blank looked over to him. She raised her hand and swayed it downward. Ryota watched as the gasoline came off his clothes and body and go down a drain which appeared out of thin air. Summer came back after a few minutes, "Some burns but she'll be okay." Winter sighed in relief. Blank picked at her nails. "If you are not the Princess", Yumeko goes to Blank, "then who are you?" Blank looked to her, "I am Blank." "What are you?", Yumeko's eyes glowed red slightly. Blank shrugs, "A human- I think. What are you?" Yumeko smiles. "On to the next round", Joke reappears, "Mary Saotome versus Jean. Please meet at the game table in the center of the room. Mary and Jean sat across from each other. "The rule is simple", Joke looked to them, "Match the most cards and you win. Any questions?" "How don't I know she can't see the cards?", Mary held up a file. It had a picture of Jean on the corner and the label Project Darkness. "From what I've read from her file", Mary looked to Jean, "She's able to see under the cards." "You do have a point", Joke reaches under the table. The surface of the table shone with light. "Now there is no shadows. Shall we begin?" Joke placed cards on the table, "Mary. Why don't you go first?" Mary looked to the cards. She flipped one and then flipped another. She matched half the deck. Jean then began to match her cards, "Did you know that everything has a shadow?" She matched four pairs, "Behind the space of your closet door?" She matched another, "Between the pages in a book?" She matched them all, "Even the space between the shapes and numbers printed on a card." Winter clapped her hands in excitement, "Oh she just did that!" "Very, very", Joke stood up from behind the crowd, "Very clever of me." The next match was Winter and Runa. "We have seen this game before", Joke looks to them, "But I'm going to explain it anyway because I feel like it." She motions, "What you have before you is a small version of a guarateen. You each take turns to cut the strings until it falls on your finger. Whoever pulls away first, loses." "Oh", Midari drools, "I love this game." "Any questions?", she looked to them. Winter raised her hand. Joke sighed annoyed, "Yes?" Winter lowers her hand, "Can I use my knife to cut the strings?" Joke rolls her eyes, "Whatever." Runa and Winter place an index finger in the trap. "After you", Winter smiles. Runa takes a pair of scissors and cuts a string. They continued to cut a string each turn they take. Tori stands next to Blank. "Does this seem a little off?", Tori whispers to her. Blank only kept her gaze on the trial, "The metal is made out of fox trap metal." Tori's eyes widen and she turned pale. "Winter", Joke sat between the two, "Tell Runa here how little-to-no harm this guarteen will be to you." "Hmm?", Winter cuts a string, "Oh yeah. I won't feel a thing." "I know", Runa cuts another string, "I read your file. You can feel pain but it doesn't effect you." "It's weird write", Winter sways her knife around to motion to herself, "I mean it kind of tingles and stuff. My blood is mostly just plama and platlets. Some red blood cells but not a lot of white ones." Tori puts a hand to her forehead. "I mean I can do this", Winter stabs her hand, "and not even flinch." "I-I believe you", Runa shifted herself away from Winter's blood. Winter smiles, "So I'm okay with..." She had stroked the blade of the guarateen. She winced and looked to her blood. She then turned pale and looked to the metal. "Ah, ah, ah", Joke tsked, "That's cheating. You have to cut two strings now." Winter just stared at the metal. With a trembling hand she picked up her knife, "Sure no problem." She cuts a string. She moved to cut another on. She closed her eyes and felt herself panicking. She shook her head, "I can't, I can't, I can't- I quit-" Joke slammed Winter's hand to stay and then cut the remaining strings. Winter screams. Juma flinched when blood was squirted on her. Summer held Winter. "Now that was fun", Joke smiled darkly. Summer snatched the disembodied finger and carried Winter out. Joke laughed and clapped her hands. Blank showed no emotion. "Next we have Vicky and Kirari", Joke went back to normal. Winters howls of pain were heard from the room. Vicky and Kirari were placed in a human-size tubes. Metal and wires were attached to their skin. "Time for a little triva", Joke stood outside their tubes, "Truth or Shock. You lie and you will be admidistered a control shock." Joke swung her sledgehammer in thought, "However, I don't know much about Kirari here so this is how this will work. Vicky, if you get a question wrong, she will be shocked. You have an advantage here. But knowing you Vicky, you won't let them feel the pain alone. Let's begin." Vicky looked to Kirari. "You can easily win", the President of Kagamuri School looked to her. "It's not that simple", Vicky shook her head. "First question", Joke takes out some notecards, "Who was the first person you killed in the M.I.?" Vicky scoffs, "Probably some guard, am I suppose to remember their fucking name?" "You know who", Joke looked to her. Vicky looked to the screen on her tube. She was in a cage. "Opening the door", a guard said. A door along the wall opens. A small girl was shoved into the room. The Vicky in the video growls and claws at her cage. Vicky in the tube turned her head to look away. "Watch", Joke points, "what you do." Vicky looks back to the screen. They open the cage. Vicky watched with tears as she saw the girl be masaccred. Then the screen turned off. Silence filled the room. "Why did you do it?", Kirari looked to her. Vicky closed her eys and tears ran down her cheeks, "I was starving... They kept me hungry, afraid." Vicky trembles, "She was just a kid." Joke without missing a heartbeat, "What was her name?" Vicky opened her eyes, ".. Her name... was Veronica. That's why I named my daughter-" Vicky shook her head and looked to the side. Joke, "Correct!" Kirari screamed as she was shocked. Vicky flinched. "Next question", Joke looked to the card, "Who did you kill next-" "Oh, FUCK YOU!", Vicky snarled at Joke, "Fuck y-you." Another video played. It showed Vicky over an undentifiable body. Tears streaked down her face that was covered of blood. Vicky clenched her hands to fist, "It was just another girl-" Her eyes rolled back as she was shocked. "No", Joke rasberried, "Wrong!" Vicky coughs and groans in pain, "I don't know-" "Come on Vicky", Joke shocks her again. Vicky slumps from exhaustion. Her eyes couldn't stay awake much longer. "Who", Joke repeated, "did you kill second?" Vicky closed her eyes, "MA." MA cried silently. Kirari was shocked again. "Third and final question", Joke threw the cards away, "Who helped the M.I. catch the Angel?" Tori looked to the cards on the ground. Vicky was drooling and breathing irregularly. Tori knelt and picked up the card. Joke smiled as she watched Tori go to the tube. Tori looked to Vicky, "... You?" Vicky looked to Tori. "You", Tori slammed the card to the tube, "Helped them track me down?" "Let me explain-" Tori electrocutes Vicky. Vicky grunted and was smoking from her skin. "YOU LED ME STRAIGHT TO THEM!", Tori shocked her again, "You fucking sold me out." "Oh come on", Vicky bared her fangs, "You think you haven't kept things from me either?" "Fuck you!", Tori slamed her hand on the button, "I did everything to help you!" Vicky was foaming at he mouth. "Tori stop", Jason pulled Tori away. "You ruined my life!", Tori was in tears, "You killed her! You killed my Victoria!" Vicky watched her go as blood dripped from her mouth. She wasn't moving anymore.MA sat across Sayaka. "For this round, we are going to drink", Joke motions, "Poison of course." Two glasses of wine stood before the two. "One glass is filled with a toxin that will make your insides bleed. The other? Just a cup of wine", Joke looks to them two, "You each got three hints on which cup is the right one to drink." MA looked to the wine, "Can we just as which one is which?" "Unfortunately no", Joke eyes gleamed of madness, "but you can sure drink one and find out." Sayaka looked to Joke, "What kind of toxin is it?" "The toxin is odorless and colorless but it has a certain quailty to it." "Do they weigh the same?" "No", Joke answers, "One is slightly heavier. Sayaka picks one cup up and examines it, "Is there an antidote?" "Oh", Joke giggles, "I like you. Um, yes. I have it one me." Sayaka looked to MA, "What are your thoughts?" MA looked to her, "My guess is as good as yours." Sayaka leaned forward, "You don't see things like I do. You should be able to tell which is which just by looking at it." "Just because one is more deadly than the other does it make it more or less beautiful", MA looked to the cups, "This whole thing is ugly." "You can still ask for a hint", Joke shrugs, "Or three?" MA looks to the wine, "... Is it your tears?" Joke smiled, "Why yes". She drew out a black tear, "Quite certainly." MA looked to the glasses. She focused, "Tears of laughter?" "Of course." MA places her hands around the cups. She opened her eyes, "You poisioned them both." "And one", she placed the bottle on the table, "Antidote." MA had tears fall from her face. "Aw", Joke pouts, "Why so sad?" "You were lying before", MA looked to Joke, "About your tears." Joke frowned. "Those weren't laughter", MA smiled weakly, "I know that know." She got the glass, "Well then." She drank and set the cup down. "MA-", Joke tried to reach out.. MA coughed up blood. It ran down her eyes and from her nose. MA collapsed. Sayaka took the antidote and shoved it down MA's throat. MA coughed and took large gulps of air. MA looked to Joke, "Don't... do that... to her..." She then stilled as the one before.Tori and Midari had a single gun between them. They were to shot at their heads until one dies. "My, my", Midari smiles, "What an intersesting gun you have there. Tori had M.E.R.C.Y. in her lap, "Let's get it over it." They aimed. Fire. Nothing. Midari squeals in delight, "Isn't the feeling fantastic? We're still alive!" "Uh huh", Tori aims again. Nothing. "You really are giving up are you?", Midari laughs, "You don't seem to care." Fire. Nothing. "It's not that I don't car", Tori aims, "It's just-" Her head was shot. Tori's body slumped back. Blood guzzling out her head. "I win!", Midari laughs. She frowns when Tori sits up. "Woopie doo", Tori stands and walks away. "What?", Midari stands up, "That's it you just walk away?!" She motions, "You friends where shocked and poisoned and you took a bullet to the head and nothing?!" Tori looks to her, "Didn't you read my file? It takes one hundred-" Suddenly a few machine gun shot at Tori. Blank watched as holes were made in Tori's body. Tori laid dead on the ground. Joke blew the smoke from the mouth of a gun, "Next round will be in ten minutes. In the infirmary. Winter was resting. MA and Vicky were unconcious. Tori sat in a bed, bullet-holes riddled on her body. Blank entered the infirmary, "You're still up?" Tori looked to Blank, "I want my Mia." Blank sat beside her ,"Soon." Tori lays down, "You feel nothing, don't you?" Blank shurgs. "Then why did you come here?" Blank looks to Tori, "I need a favor." Tori sighs, "Of course you do-" "This is serious." Tori looked to Blank. For a moment, she saw con cern on Blank's face, "... Okay." "When the round is over", Blank looks to her, "I need you to remember what happens." "Why-" "Just do it", Blank stands and leaves. Tori watched in confusion as she walks away. The next round begins. The gen, including the slowly recoving ones, look to Blank and Yumeko. Two deck of cards before them. "Choose", Joke looks to them, "The highest cards or the lowest." "Which ones will make us the winners?", Yumeko tilted her head. "You will see." Yumeko selected a deck. Blank another. They showed their cares. "Did I win?", Yumeko asked. Her deck composed of Aces, Kings, Queens and Jacks. Mia's was the numbers. "Did she win? Blank?", Joke looked to her. "I had to right? My were the highest-" Laughter abrupted from Blank. The others were shocked to see Blank unable to control her laughter. "Don't you know- Ahaha- what this even means?", Blank looked to Yumeko, "These aren't numbers." She slammed her deck down, "They're code!" Suddenly the room lights were flickering, and outside, the wind was blowing hard. "Do you know", Blank smiled darkly, "Why I'm called Blank?" She looked to Yumeko, "Because, dummy, my code is only zeroes- And these." She motions to the cards, "Have now filled my code." Thunder and lighthing clashed outside. "Also", Blank stands, "Blank has five spaces." Blank moves her hands up, "Let me spell it for you." Suddenly shadows and darkness surrounded Blank. The letters appeared in the air. D. E. A. T. H. The place goes dark. Laughter bounced around the walls. A figure of a black cloack wih purple flames stood before them. The face of a skull. The body of a skeleton. Death laughed and summoned the staff Mia used to fight with. Slowy a long, arched scythe blade appeared. She swung and it barely hit Yumeko's head. Yumeko stubbles back. "I AM DEATH", the figure roars, "AND I'VE COME FOR YOUR SOUL!" Death's mouth widen as it began to suck the life force of Yumeko. Yumeko's eyes rolled back and her body was starting to wither. Ryota tried to tackle Death but he went right through her. Death vanished but her laughter still was in the room. She appeared behind Ryota, her scythe raised. Jean shoved him away in time. Death snarled at Jean, "Get out of my way!" Jean used her darkness to trap Death. Death only laughed at her and vanished again. Tori, Winter, MA and Vicky looked around. "Mia where are you?!", Winter cried out. "SHE'S NOT HERE ANYMORE!" Death broke the windows and the lights. Her howls filled the air. Stampy covered his ears along with the others. Tal and Matt Jr. cried in fear. Tori stepped forward, "What do you want?!" Death went after Tori. A gunshot. Death looked to her chest. A hole where her heart should be. Timer panted and held her side in pain. Death slowly turned back to Mia. Mia had tears in her eyes. "Mia?", Tori looked to her. Mia shook her head, "I"m sorry-" Timer shoot again. Mia slumped to the ground. Timer limped to Mia. Mia was crying silently. "Nice try", Timer pants, 'but you couldn't hide it for long. Timer tore the back of Mia's shirt. Mia's back exposed. Zeroes on Mia's back. The zeroes were made of zeroes. And those were made of zeroes. "Mia Sanches", Timer gulped and sighed, "Is dead." Timer motioned, "She died a long, long time ago." "This", she kicked Mia's side. Mia grunted and curled in pain. "Is Death", Timer leaned on a table, "The Death." Mia laid on her back. Her number three thousand now followed by more zeroes than anyone could count. "She lied to you all", Timer looked to the gen, "All of you." She looked to Tori, "She took Mia's spot to get out of the job." Tori looked to Mia. Mia looked to her, "It's true.... I'm not Mia Sanchez." Tori shook her head, "This doesn't make any sense-" "Why", Timer shot Mia again, "The fuck-" Bang. "Do you think she keeps coming back?", Timer looked to Tori, "She can't die." Mia tried to get up. "Stay down fucker", Timer kicks down Mia. "No", Tori goes to Mia, "Stop it." Tori hugs Mia to her, "I don't care what you say. She's my Mia." Mia weakly leaned on Tori, "Tori-" "You'd never lie to me about that", Tori was in tears. Mia closes her eyes. She turned to Death. Tori watched as Mia phased out of her arms. Mia stood with her scythe, "... Look at me, Tori... Am I lying to you?" Tori clenched her eyes shut and covered her face. "I'm sorry old friend", Timer snatched Mia, "but the deal is over." "No!" , Tori reached out. Mia and Timer vanished. Tori collapsed and sobbed. The gen didn't know what to do. Mickey sunk to the ground with heartbreak. "Mama?", Tallulah sniffed.Chapter 17: TRIALMia opened her eyes slowly. She then felt waves of pain go over her. She looked to her body. Long, rough wire coursed every inch of her body, inside and out. She let out a long scream. She looked to the people sat before her. The Time Council. "Death", the Tori looked to her, "It has been six million years since you have taken your role of Death. How do you plea?" Mia looked around. She couldn't see anyone else. "How", the Tori repeated, "Do you plea?" Mia took the strength she had to sit up, "Not. Guitly." The Time Council glared at her. The Tori, however, stayed netural, "Why?" Mia felt the blood draining from her, "I merely stopped my role as Death. Nothing more. I did. Nothing. Wrong." "That is not", the Tori glared, "a reason-" "Fuck your reasons", Mia mumbled. "I'm sorry?" Mia tried to get out. "There's no use to that", the Tori. "Yeah, yeah", Mia tried again. "Just stop." Mia stilled. She looked to the side. Tori, her Tori, stood there. "Please", Tori plead, "Just stop." Mia looked to her. She then saw them. The gen. Vicky. Winter. MA. Stampy. The YouTubers. Her family. Mickey. "Death", the Time Council Tori, "Why do you think you are not guilty." Mia looked to Mickey. Her heart ached. She couldn't reach him. Couldn't hear him. Neither his heartbeat. He looked at her differently. Like she was a stranger. A disease. It broke her heart. "Explain!", the Time Council Tori slamed her gavel. Mia turned to her, "... I was done... taking the lives of all those characters." She gulped air, "I was done. Ending those wonderful stories." She clenched her hands, "I as done. Being Death." The Council Tori glowered at her, "You. Were done?" She rose, "Just what do you think would happen when you were done with your job?" She walked around to stand before Mia, "Millions- no- Trillions of souls were trapped in Death Row. Many characters suffered. Hoping you take them to the Relief." Mia met her stare, "Yes. I was done." The Tori slapped her. Mia took in some breathes, "I didn't want to kill anymore-" "Who said", the Tori snarled, "Anyone cared for what you wanted." Mia stared at her darkly, "Exactly." The Tori motions, "And them? Who are they?" Mia looked to the gen she had motioned. She looked at them. Their faces. Their anger and disappointment in their eyes. She tried to remember every one of them. "They are a world", Mia looked to them, "that didn't have a Mia... because of me." Tori had a tear escape her. "Why is that?", the Time Tori asked. Mia looked to Tori, "Because I killed their Mia." The gen just stared at her. "How?", the Tori asked. Mia looked to Tori still, "The fire." Tori closed her eyes. "We have video of the death", the Time Jonas said. They looked to the video.Death was seen sitting beside a bed. Two young girls laid asleep in one bed. Kathlyn and Mia Sanchez. Death watched Kathlyn crawl out of bed and leave the room. Death looked and admired the young Mia. Suddenly screaming came from the other room. The young Mia woke and ran out. "Maria!", Kathlyn called out. Death follewed her. Kathlyn laid on the floor of the living room. The young Mia knelt beside her. A beam from the house crushing them. Death raised her scythe to kill them. Her hands trembling. Death fell to her knees in defeat. She looked to the young Mia. She took off the skull mask and placed it on the girl. She then vanished into her. The young Mia then suddenly woke with fire on her skin. She sat up and looked around. The firemen took her out, seeing she had survived. Mia had tears down her cheeks. "You were suppose to kill her that day", the Time Tori looked to her, "Why didn't you?" Mia looked to the floor, "... When you live as long as I have... you began to see... what had been." She closed her eyes, "That child... had the most amazing story ever given to a Mia.... I couldn't have left her to die-" "So you saved her", the Tori glared, "by giving her the immoratality of Death." Mia looked to her, "I saved her-" "You stole her story!", the Tori snapped, "because you felt such despair for being Death-" "I WASN'T MEANT TO FEEL ANYTHING! It's because I fell in love with her!", Mia shouted. Silence filled the air. Mia took a shaky breath, "... I have loved no one... as much as I loved her..." Tears filled her eyes, "I couldn't see her dead... I couldn't do it- I can't-" Tears streamed down her face, "I... have a sin... of lust... Lust for power?" She shook her head, "It was lust for love." She took shallow breathes, "I promised myself... I'd never take another life away again." The Tori stared at her, "... Where is she?" Mia met her eyes, "She is inside me... She has always been inside-" The Tori thrusted her hand into Mia's chest. Mia grunted in pain as the Tori took a light from her. The Tori looked to the light. Mia's body began to wither, "No, no- you can't! She has to be with me or she-" The Tori looked to her, "Or what?" Mia's skin began to peel away. "Or what?", the Tori started to crush the light. Mia grunted as her eye began to flicker from human to Death. Mia breathed, "The human inside me... will die." The Tori shook her head, "You were never human." She crushed the light. Mia's body arched back. Her eyes turned to Death. Anything human left was gone. She was now a heartless, mindless pawn. The Tori and everyone watched a faint person of light stood nearby. A young Mia. Tori looked to her. The young girl smiled sadly. Tori reached out to touch her. The Mia shook her head. The Tori frowned in desperation. The Mia looks over to Death. She walks over and stands before her. Death looks at her. The Mia whispered something. Small blue lights them came from her. She turned into magic. The gen watched the Mia float away into the air. Mickey closed his eyes, tears down his face. "The council finds you guilty", the Tori looks to Death, "Of neglecting your role of Death. You will now have all memories removed of your life as Mia Sanchez and anything to cause this mess." She turned to the gen and YouTubers, "You have half an hour to say your goodbyes." The gen and others just stared at Death. Death did nothing to promote them to speak to her. Tori then walked to her. She looked to Death. Death looked to her. "... Are you the reason... why we don't die?" Death looked to her hands, "I cannot touch you. So I cannot say I am the reason." Tori puts a hand to her chest, "Then just do it. Just kill me! You owe me that." "It is not your time-" "Then when is it damnit!", Tori screamed, "I lived the M.I. I lived with Joke. I lived with you!" Death lowers her head. Tori scoffs, "Nothing to say, huh?" Death shook her head slowly. Tori glares, "What did she say-" Death screeched into Tori's face. Tori stumbled back and fell. Death then sat back down, ".... I'm sorry." Tori glared at her, "I wish I never met you." She stood and left. The others watched her go. Sam Sr. looked to Death then went after Tori. Death sat looking at her feet. Winter then went to Death. She knelt and looked at her. "Did we ever meant anything to you?", Winter sniffed. Death couldn't look at her. "Please answer me", Winter reached out. Death pulled away, "What does it matter? I'll be gone when they're-" Winter hugs her. Death looked forwared in shock. "It's okay", Winter cried, "We're sisters, right? We can't stay mad at each other." Death stared forward. Winter wiped her eyes and smiled, "I'm sorry. I don't mean to cry." She looked to her, "I will never forget you. Even if it was all a lie, it still meant the most to me." Death couldn't answer before Winter stood and ran away. Vicky and MA watched her go. Death looked to the two. Vicky took MA's hand to pull them away. MA then marched to Death. Death looked to her. MA stood before her, "Don't try to come back." She turned and left. Vicky then looked to Death. Death looked like she lost more then she realised. Vicky started to walk away. She stopped but didn't turn around. She stood there for a moment and then left. One by one, the first gen left. The others remained. Logan then went to Death. Death looked to him. "Mom?", Logan asked, "You are my mom, right?" Death sighed, "It's complicated-" "Try", tears filled his eyes, "Please try to explain. Was she my mom? Or were you?" Death looked to him, "She loved you very much-" Logan wiped his eyes, "And she's gone?" Death just looked at him, "... She wills be with you, Logan." He cried silently, "Is that why you did what you did? So she would be with me?" Death nodded. He sobbed and hugged her, "Thank you." Death did not hug him back, knowing it won't do no good. Will went to him, "Logan, we should go." Logan shook his head. Nes then went to him, "Honey, it's time to go home." Logan buried his face into Death, "Please don't do this. It hurts." Death softly puts her hand on his head, "Go home." Will and Nes help Logan to his feet. Death watched the Mouse children, Ser and the other children she raised go. The second gen left together with the Third. Only the original five YouTubers remained with Mickey. The other ones have left to comfort the gen. Jaiden walked to Death first. Death looked to her. "Were you ever planning on telling us?" Death shook her head, "No." Jaiden gulped back a cry, "Were you ever going hurt us?" "No", Death shook her. "Well you did", Jaiden walked away. James went to Death, "... I wasn't as close to you as many of the others... I can't say that I won't miss you because I will... but I understand... somewhat, why you did what you did. Doesn't make it right either." He left. Dan and Phil went to Death. "You're real shit, you know that?", Dan said outright. "I know", Death answers. "How could you do this to them?", Phil asked, "How could you be so cruel?" Death lets out a soft chuckle, "Do you even know me? I'm Death. I can't do anything without hurting anyone." "Phil, let's go", Dan turns. Phil frowns, "Well I believed in you." They left. Mark went to Death. She looked to him. He opened his mouth to say something. He thought better and tried again. "Do you have any advice?" She looked at him, perplexed. "You were the only you, you know?', Mark shook his head, "I don't think anyone could ever be you." He sighed, "How are we ever going to live without you Mia?" Death looked to the ground, "You already have, havent' you?" "Stop that", Mark motioned, "I'm being serious here-" "What am I suppose to tell you?", she looked to him, "That everything will be alright? That things will be okay?" She shakes her head, "Don't make me laugh, Mark. I did nothing right. I lied. I took what wasn't mine. And all I did was hurt people in the end." He looked to her, "You made us feel happy. You made us feel like we belonged." She closed her eyes and bowed her head. "You gave us a home", Mark wiped his eye to stop his tears, "You gave us a family." Death turned her head to the side. "Look at me", he said. She slowly looked at him. "For all that it's worth", Mark started to walk away, "you were a Mia to us." He left. Stampy and Mickey stood there. Stampy went to her. They didn't talk for a moment. "I love you", Stampy broke the silence. "Stampy-" "Just", he stopped her, "Tell me who did I fell in love with. You can at least tell me that." She looked to him, "... She may have been apart of me... but I felt what she felt. I... learned to love... I know she loved you.... but I did as well..." He held himself, "Why can't I believe you?" She sunk in her chair, "I can't convince you anyway." He took a moment before kneeling. He looked to her, "Do you love me?" Death looked to him, "I don't know-" He stood to leave. "Stampy wait!", she called out. He stopped. She reached out, "Please." He turned and looked to her. "I have no heart", she puts her hand to her chest, "but let me try. Please." Stampy slowly goes to her. He knelt and she drew him close. She hugged him. He closed his eyes. She tried to touch his heart. She tried to see. He clenched his eyes as her death gripped on him. She released him, fearing she'd kill him. He held onto his chest. They looked to each other. ".... You really don't feel anything... don't you?", he stands and leaves. She watched him go. She covered her face in shame. Mickey then went and stood before her. She looked to him. He pulled her to him. They kissed. He tilted her head to kiss her deeper. She pulled him close and returned the kiss. He parted her lips to taste her. Only to taste nothing and smell the stench of death. He pulled away. She covered her mouth, "I'm sorry." He covered his mouth to stop himself from retching. "I'm sorry", she pressed her forehead to his. "That was you, right?', he had tears now, "You wanted to kiss me, right?' "Yes", she smiles sadly, "I do. I want to kiss you." They kissed again. He broke into a sob. She held him to her. "I remember", he sobs, "You were with me that day. On the cliff." She nods. "I had fallen and pierced my chest", he looks to her, "and you told me it wasn't my time. You said- she would be there with me." She nodded, "She was. She was there with you." He hugs onto her, "I love you." "I love you too", she hugs him close. He then shoves her away and runs. She watched as he goes. Unable to bring herself to call him back. "Mickey", she reached out, "My Mickey." They took all her memories. Every. Last. One.Chapter 18: GRAVENo one was in the kitchen. No one was in the game room. They all stood at the graveyard. The tombstone read Mia Sanchez. No one brought flowers. No one said anything. "... This is bullshit', Summer says outloud. They all left the gravesite soon after. Their hearts filled with hatred and despaired. One remained. Logan knelt and held onto the grave. He cried more than he ever had. He missed his mother. He missed her every second of every day. He fell asleep at her grave. He dreamed of her. It was the only way he could see her. "He's going to get sick", Will looked from the window to where Logan was. "Let him be", Nes was with him, "He lost his mother." "We all lost her", Will walked away, "He should just grow up." Logan shivered and cried as he laid on her grave. "Mom", he sobbed, "Mommy." About a month has past. Mickey never left his office. Walt didn't leave his chambers. They were all miserable. "Mickey", Matt stood outside the office, "Come on, man. You have to see your kids." "Matt he's not going to say anything", he held the sleeping Tal, "He hasn't said anything to anyone." "That's it", Matt kicks down the door. The two stood at the doorway. Black vines and cobwebs. Mickey sat in his chair. A spike through his chest. "He's in a coma", Summer explains to them, "He's trapping himself in his own mind to escape reality." Summer sighs, "Lucky bastard." Nes went outside to see Logan. Logan had a blanket and a small tent. He had become somewhat delusional. "Nes, Nes", he smiles, "Looklooklook." He motions, "Mom is telling me that she will visit tongiht." Nes looked to the framed photo of Mia. "She just", he ran his hand through his hair, "Needs time-" "Logan', she sits beside him, "She isn't coming back-" "Don't say that!", he hold the photo close, "You'll make her sad." He rocks, "Don't cry Mom." She hold Logan to him, "Please come home Logan. I miss you." "I am home", he laughs softly, "This is our home." She nuzzles him, "Let's go to the beach. Mom can come too." He smiles, "Okay." He then stares at the photo for a long time. She kisses his head, "I love you." She cries silentlly and holds onto him. Jack sat with the YouTubers in the game room. Danny tried thrownig darts. He got bored and threw some at James. James took it without arguing. Jack looked to the window. He picked up his chair and threw it outside. He then punched the wall, over and over again. No one was willing to stop him. "Fuck!", Jack held his head. He sunk to the ground and held himself. "Just let it go Jack", Mark said monotonely, "The sooner the better-" "Just fuck Mia honestly", Jack stands, "I don't even know why we even liked her anyway." TimTom's mouth trembled and he went to the corner to cry. Jack covered his face, "I'm so glad." He clapped his hands sarcasticlay, "She's gone!" He slumped in a couch, "So glad..." They all just stayed silently. Jason and the gang were playing cards. Jonas looked to Jason, "Come on man. Stop that." Jason was downing his fifth beer, "Fuck off Jonas." Summer slumps, "This isn't fun anymore." Jason taped his foot, "Hey where's Hailey? I want to take to her-" "No', Jonas stands, 'You're not going to see Hailey-" "Come on", Jason laughed, "What? You think I want her to look like Mia so I can- I don't know- fool around' "You tried that areadly", Jonas groved, "You already made her upset-" "Hey!", Jason slurred, "Yous already used hers for that reason. Hell I bet you still do-" 'I MISS HER TOO OKAY!", Jonas slammed his hand down, "But she's gone!" Silence. Jason covers his face and cries into his hands. He then flips the table and starts to destory the things around him. "Why did you go?", Jason sobs, "Why did you l-leave?" Summer cries silelntly. "Hey", Jonas grips onto Jason, "Pull yourself together man. Just face the back that she's- gone- a-and we'll never..." Jonas cries into Jason. He sobs and sinks to the ground. "Mia", Jonas cries, "Mia."Logan looked to the beach shore. He hasn't slept for days so he questioned what he saw. He got to his feet. He then stumbled and ran to the shore. He went into the icy water and wrapped his arms around a woman. "Mommy", he smiled, "You came back." The woman frowned at Logan, "I"m sorry." "I'd just knew it! You'd- You'd come back and be my mommy again!" He then collapsed in exhaustion. The woman carefully carried him toward the Acadamy. She sets him on a couch. Everyone was asleep. She got some clothes and changed and went to the kitchen. A single person sat on the counter. Oswald with his espersso. He looked to the woman and froze. "... Os?" He dropped his cup. She looked to him. He looks at her, "... Victoria?" She smiles and goes to him. They embrace. "How", he looked to her, "How are you here?" "I don't know", she looked around, "I woke up and I saw this place... Where are we?" "It's a long story", he looks to her, "Wow, you're... you're actually here." She smiled, "I am." He closed his eyes as she kissed him. They kissed softly. She wrapped her arms around him, "Os." He held her close, "Victoria." She looked to him, "What happened here?" He shook his head, "I wish I'd knew." They went to sit and talk. She explained how she remembered her life up to the point where she fell off the cliff. "I think I was sleeping", she fixed her hair, "for a very long time." He sat back, "Maybe Death was keeping you away?" She frowned, "Death?" He waved his hand, "Never mind. It's just a thought." She looked to him, "Os. Is Mickey here?" The next morning, Logan snored in the living room. Jason stumbles into the kitchen. "Cook 'em eggs. Those fucking eggs bitch!" He took another swig. "Um", Victoria frowned, "Okay." He then looked to her, "... Who the fuck are you?" "Language please", she stirred her eggs. "I'm sorry", he rubbed his face, "Whom the fuck?" She looked to Os, "Who's he?" "Another long story I'm afraid", Os sighed. Jason looked to Victoria, "Wait... Kill?" "I"m sorry", she looked to him. "Oh", he leans on the island, "Another Mia perhaps?" "What's a", she looked to Os, "Mia?" "Not bad", Jason shrugs, "I guess." He went to her, "Maybe I should try it out?" "Hey", she pulls away, "What are you?" She watched him kiss her. She shoves him away, "Gross!" She used her power to blast him out, "Stay out!" Jason landed on Logan. "M-Mom?", Logan looked around, "Where did she go?" He smelled the eggs. He went to see her, "Mom!" Victoria frowns, "Huh?" Logan slowed released it, "... Wait... you're not Mom." "Logan", Os motions, "This is Victoria." He mouths Kill to him. Logan shook his head, "No, No, I saw her. I... Didn't I see her?" He walks out. He goes outside to the grave. He knelt, "Mom, why won't you talk to me?" Silence. He sunk to the ground, "Mom?" News of Victoria didn't really bring up many hopes. Victoria went to visit Mickey. "Mic?", she holds his hand, "It's me, Victoria." She sat on his bed, "I don't know if you can hear me, but I'm back." Mickey was unresponsive. "I forgive you", she smiles sadly, "You know that right?" She sighs, "I hope you didn't feel bad about it for all those years." Victoria kicked the gen and YouTubers out the Academy. "You can't do that", Adam looked to Victoria, "This is our home." "Look", Victoria shook her head, "This is Disney property and as the Disney Princess. I can't allow you to stay here." "Where do we go then?", Jaiden asked. "Anywhere but here", Victoria enters and locks them out. "Can it get any worse than this?', Jaiden asked. It began to rain. "It can', she sighed. A carridge of horses came to their aid. "Come now", Harvey motions, "You can stay with me." Elias got off her horse and went to Will. They hugged. Will kissed Elias's head, "Thank you." "Logan", Nes dragged him along, "We can't stay here." "Mom!", Logan called out, "Mom!" Summer gave Logan a shot. "Mom... Mom", Logan went still. "That should keep him under for now", Summer nods. They went to the Kingdom of Demons. "You all are welcomed to stay as long as you need", Harvey nods to them. They were still just as miserable. Logan hugged his photo. "Logan", Nes spoke softly, "Please. I miss you." Logan looked to her, "Tell them to take my memory." Afterwards, Logan was less miserable. They all thought about taking their memories, but they still felt the emptiness. Summer checked on Winter. She was sick in bed for awhile. "Honey?", he sat next to her, "You have to eat every now and then you know?" She looked to him, "I'm pregnant." He smiles, "Oh Honey." They hugged. She cried silently, "I'm sorry. I'm just emotoional." "It's okay", he kissed her, 'You can smile." "Everyone is so unhappy", she shook her head, "I shouldn't have this now." "This is our baby", he kissed her cheek, "We are moving on." Chapter 19: HELLOMickey smiles. Mia held out a spoon to him, "Blow." He blew and tasted, "Could use some salt." Mia smiled, "Okay Mr. I-know-what's-best." He nuzzles her, "I love you." She kisses him once. He rubs her round belly, "Maybe the baby likes the idea of salt too." "I know what my baby wants", she pats her belly, "I should know more than you." He hugs her close, "Oh Mia." They kissed happily. Stop. Pain happens for a moment. Only a moment. "Hey", Mia looks to him, "Are you going to say hi to your new daughter?" Mickey looks to Mia with the baby in her arms, "Hello." The baby cooes. Mia looks to him, "What should we name her?" "Come on honey", he kissed her head, "I already named to last one." She smiled, "How about Poppy? Like a flower?" He smiles happily. Mickey. Pain. He stood outside. Mia was looking to the water, "It's so nice tonight." Mickey. You have to wake- He was sitting with Mia inside. "Open it. Open it", she beams. He opens the present. "Merry Christmas", Mia smiles. A photograph of their seventeen children. "Mia", he smiles to her, "I love-" Her corpse sat next to him. This isn't real. Pain. Mickey was in the bedroom. Mia pants, "Oh Mickey." He pleases her, "Mia." She was screaming. "Stop, stop", he covered his ears. Please. I want you back. He cries. I want you back with me. Hands softly hold him. Mickey. It's time to wake up. He opens his eyes. Death stood before him. He stumbles into his life support cables to get away. "No", he shook his head, "No why?" She looked at him. "What more can you take from me?", he held his chest. He grunted, "My heart." Ink dripped down his face. Death reached out. "... Is it my time?", he asked. She nods. He smiles. He embraces Death. "Yes", he beams and then falls. He wakes up. He is in the Relief. A little girl sits near him. "Hello", the girl smiles. "Mia", he hugs her close, "My Mia." She beams, "Sorry for making you wait so long." He kisses her soflty. "Mickey", she bats him away, "That's gross." He pulls her close to kiss her again. "Mickey", she sighs, "Come on. I'm like six." He smiles sadly, "I'm sorry." She wipes her mouth, "Kissing is gross." She gets up and plays with a ball. He smiles and looks to her, "I don't get it. You said you liked kissing me." "No", she bounces the ball, "I didn't say that." "But you did", he went to her, "Remember? We were in the auditorium-" "Lalala", she covers her ears, "Not listening." Mickey frowned in confusion. "That wasnt' me", she shook her head, "I was just sleeping." "Oh", he watched her play. He sat, "Mia? You love me, right?" "I do", she beams, "I love, love, love you!" He smiles softly, "I'm glad you do." She bounces her ball, "But love isn't here." "... Huh?" She pounds her chest, "It's in here!' She pats his chest, "Right there." "Oh", he chuckles softly, "I guess." She sits on her ball, "You know she loves you right?" "Who", he asked. "Death", she reasted her head on her hands, "Now she loves kissing you." "Death?", he shook his head, "But I thought-" "Ugh!", she stands ,"You think too much!" She puts her hands on her hips, "She is in love with you. And she wants to be in love with you." "I don't", he shook his head, "I don't understand." "How do I explain this?", she looks round. She picked up a rock, "Pretend it's a seed." Mickey looks to the rock and then her. "Now", she raised her arms up, "That seed grows into a beautiful tree!" She looks to him, "But what's in your hand?" He looks to the rock, "A rock... She wasn't a seed but.. she grew into a tree... She grew... to love me?" He looked to her. She nods and smiles. "... I have to go back", he clenched the rock. She hugs him, "I'd knew you understand." He then woke at Disney. He gasped and looked around. "Death!", he ran out. He found her at the balcony. She stood there. He went to her, "I understand now." She looks to him. "I love you", he smiles, "I love you Death." He goes to her. He kisses her. She closes her eyes and kissed him back. His heart beated happily. He shared with her every memory he had. She slowly turned human. "Mickey", she pulled him close. They kissed passionately. "My Mia", he breathes, "My Mia." She moans in want, "Mickey." They kissed longingly. She welcomed his taste, "Mic-key." He sighed, "I love you." She smiled, "I love you too." They nuzzled. She cried into him. He held onto her. Their tears glowing blue. "I'm so sorry", she sniffed, "I didn't want to go." "My Mia", he kissed her happily, "I can't live without you." They nuzzled. She looked to him, "My Mickey." He started to feel weak. "Mickey?", she held onto him. "I'm okay", he said weakly. She shook her head, "Please." He went still. Tears streamed down her face. She held onto him. The stars shone as light entered him. She watched in disbelief as he turned into a skeleton. He wore a black suit and had a black veil. He opend his eyes. "Mickey", she touched him. "It's me", he nods. She nuzzled him, "My Widower." He smiled. Death has found her groom. He looked to her, "Do you remember everything?" "Not yet", she stands, "but the others..." She sunk back down. "Mia?", he asked. "... They won't help me", she shook her head, "Not after what I did to them." "Hey", he cupped her face, "They love you. I know they do." She looked to him. "I love you", he smiled sadly, "Still." They nuzzled and kissed. "Okay", she pulls him along, "We must hurry." They left for the Kingdom of Demons. Meanwhile, Joke watched from above She clenched her sledgehammer, "We'll see about that."Logan was exploring the Kingdom. He came across markets and the people. He sat to enjoy the view. "Logan." He looked to see Mickey. "Hey Dad", Logan beams, "You're awake?" Death stood next to him. Logan looked to her. Death kissed his head and looked to him. Logan's eyes slowly filled with tears, "Mom?" She held him close, "My little Logan." He smiled happily, "You came back." She kissed his cheek, his forehead and his nose, "My little boy." Logan beams, "I knew you'd come back." She wipes his tears, "Can you share with me?" She became more human with his memories. They went to the castle. Will stood there waiting. "Will", Death went to her. "Hi Mom", he smiles. They hugged. The Second gen soon knew she was back. Then the others did as well. Death stood before the first gen. Jason held himself. She went to him, "Jason?" He looked to her. She cupped his face, "Don't tell me you've been drinking again." He smiled sadly, "Sorry." They hugged. Summer happily hugged her, "Mia!" Death smiled, "Not quite." They shared their memories. She became more human. Mark and the other YouTubers were in the sun room. He sat up and looked to the door, "... Guys?" "What?", Jack was laying down and covering his eyes with his arm. The door opens. They all looked to see Death there. She fiddled with her hands, "Um... Hi." TimTom rubbed his eye balls, "I'm hullucinating again." "No", she puts her hands behind her back, "It's me-" Stampy had ran and scooped her up. She smiled and tears of joy were shed. Tori was the last one she went to see. Tori stood when Death came to the door. "I'm sorry", Death looked to her. Tori shook her head, "Don't." Death bowed her head. Tori went to her. They hugged. "I love you", Death sniffed and cried silently. "I love you too", Tori smiled sadly. They rested their foreheads on each others'. Tori shared her memories. Mia watched as she returned back to herself. Scars and all. The gen gathered in the throne room. "I know you all have a lot of questions", Death stood in the front to speak to them all, "but I need to tell you something first." They all waited for what she had to say. "I can't undo what I did", she began, "and I wished things were different if she could be here for you still." She looked to the first gen, "I can't say you will be safe with me here with you. I'm dangerous, yes, but the things that will be after me won't be so easy to fight. I give you my word that I'll protect you. I'm not leaving anytime soon." Harvey stood beside Elias, "What will you do now?" "Well", Death folds her hands, "I'm going to see if I can get us back to the Academy. After I talk with Victoria." "Do be more specific." Death turned to see Joke on the throne. Joke leaned on her arm, "You think that you could come back so easily? Without consequences?" Death glared slightly, "You have a lot of nerve to be talking to me." "Oh", Joke's eyes were dark, "Do you think I'm afraid of you?" "Fear doesn't have to do anything with this", Death cleched her hands to fist, "You just want to get back at me." Joke threw her head back and laughed. With a single swing she had Mia pinned under her sledgehammer. "We're past getting back now. I want you to suffer more than you can imagine." Death tried to push the hammer off, "Haven't I suffer enough already?" "No", Joke pushes down, "I sweared myself you'd pay for her death." "Is she talking about Mia?", Summer whispers to Jason. "No, you idiot!", Joke snarled, "She killed my-" Death then screeched and burst into purple flames. She snatched Joke and slammed her to the ground. "DON'T YOU DARE SAY HER NAME!", Death's eyes were filled with rage. Joke was struggling to get free. Death pulled away in disgust, "Ugh, this has been going on for centeries and you're still as tedious as you when we first met." Joke coughs and held her neck, "You're still as- whatever, I'm bored." She vanishes. Death rolled her eyes and stopped her flames. "Are we going to talk about that?", Tori asked. "Maybe another day", Death rubbed her forehead, "Me and her have a long history." She walked down, "Alright. Let's go home."Victoria sat on her throne. She shifted and tried to sit differently. Os stood beside her, "Something wrong?" "I don't know", she sunk into the chair, "I thought I'd felt like a queen or something. Doesn't anyone even sit in this thing?" "No", he shook his head, "It's like decor and stuff." She looked to him, "Where is everybody? The characters would roam around and talk to me." He sat on the steps, "Well, Mia and the gen would live here and there wasn't much room for others here. Besides, it's dangerous here." "What's so dangerous about it?" Os rubbed the back of his head, "Well-" The throne doors open. Death walked toward them. Victoria sat up and looked to her, "Who are you? What are you doing here?" "I"m here", Death stopped before her, "to get my home back." "Your home?", Victoria tilts her head and squints, "What makes it yours?" Death held to her scythe, "I am the Disney Princess." "You?", Victoria motions, "With your whole dark and broody appearance? The princess of magic and wonder." Death motions, "I am willing to fight for my home. I don't wish to take your role but to have my family live here with me." "Those gen", Victoria sits up, "are nothing but a nusiance here. They don't belong here." Soldiers surrounded Death. She looked to them, unfazed. "I'm going to have to ask you to leave", Victoria crosses her arms. Death looked to her, "I'll be back." She looked to Os and then turns and leaves. Victoria waited until the doors closed to speak, "What's her deal?" Os stands, "Let me talk with her." "Os", Victoria looked to him, "You don't think she'll do anything, do you?" "From knowing her", he heads out, "She won't give up that easily." Death walked toward the forest. "Mia", Os went to her, "What was that back there?" "She kicked the gen out, Os", she looked to him, "How could you just let her do that?" "Whoa hey", he shook his head, "I'm not taking sides here." Death looked to the trees, "...This is the home I only know... I can't just..." She looked to him, "I'm not asking to choose sides. I just need to know that you will support me on this." He looks to her and then back toward the Academy, "... She is the princeness now... Maybe we can come to some agreement." Death nods. Os went to her. They hugged. "Thank you bro", she smiles. He kissed her cheek, "I'm happy you're back." She sets him down, "I have to get back." "I'll see you soon?", he smiles. "Yeah", she goes on. He watches her go. Death came back to the others. "No huh?", Tori asked. "Yeah", Death rubbed the back of her neck, "She did bring up many great points." "I'm sure the Council will fix this", Mickey went to her. "I'm pretty sure", Death sighed, "they'll take her side. I'm not exactly the best princess now." "But you're ours", Vicky nods, "And they know that too." Death smiled, "Okay. Let's get to work." The council has ordered a trial. Victoria and the gen. All the masters of the worlds and the Disney characters, villians and heroes, gathered for the trial. Leo, MGM, sat on his pedistal. With his mate, Lionsgate's master, along with the other major masters such as Tristar, Columbus and Paramount. Trinity of Pixar, Rebecca the Piratress, Melody of Disney Hyperion, Matthew of Dreamworks, Nick of Nickalodeon, and Gabe of DC Comics stood nearby. Jonas joining them. Mickey sat with the characters. "I hope I know what you're doing", Minnie Mouse looked to him. "This will be fine", Mickey tapped his hands nervously. "All stand", Leo bellowed, "For the Council." Seven people of the Council entered the Courthouse. They sat before the masters. "Be seated", the head Council said. They all seat. "Presenting the two on the trial", Leo continues, "Victoria the Disney Princess." They all watched as Victoria walked onto the floor. The characters murmured among each other. "And Death of the gen." Death entered the room. Loud commotion filled the room. Death nervously held her dark hood to get courage. "Order!", Leo roared. The crowd instantly went quiet. Death stood beside Victoria. "Are you sure you want to do this?", Victoria looked to her. "More than anything", Death faced forward. "You're opening cases", Leo motions. Victoria stepped forward, "I am the rightful ruler of Disney. It is my birthright given to Disney himself." The characters talked amongst themself. Victoria looked to Death. Death looked around. She looked to the characters and the masters. She looked to Mickey. He nods in encouragement. She took a deep breath and began to speak. "My name is Death", she held to her scythe, "I'm not of this world." She looked to them, "I recently lost someone. Someone you knew. She was a part of me and well, I had her face." She slipped off her hood, "Mia Sanchez.... is gone... because of me." The characters talked more loudly to each other. "Silence!", Leo snapped, "Let the girl finish." Death used her scythe for support, "... I shared... her life... up to a certain point." She looked to them, "I felt what she felt... I hurt... when she was..." She looked to Victoria, "And here story is Disney." Victoria frowned. "And the last thing", Death looked to the Council, "Is have the story end here." The characters talked. Leo looked to Victoria, "You may begin your case." Victoria cleared her throat, "Well, I think we should discuss about Mia Sanchez." Death looked to Victoria. "You said she was gone", Victoria faces her, "How is she gone exactly?" "She turned to magic", Death said, "There was nothing I could do." "Didn't she die a long time ago?" "I thought you did too", Death frowns, "How are you back exactly?" "I think I asked you first." Death held her scythe, "I used my immortality to save her. So she couldn't die." "Why did she die in the first place?" Death looked to the side. "Did you kill her-" 'It was an accident-" "You murdered her", Victoria snapped, "didn't you?" "No", Death shook her head, "I did not-" "You're the reason why she isn't here", Victoria pressed, "You killed her." Death's eyes flickered, "Stop." "She would have been here today if you didn't interfere with the story." Death closed her eyes, "It's not true-" "You will only destory eveything around you-" Death screeched. The lights in the Courtroom shattered. Darkness and purple flames surrounded Death. Death was furious. "You think you are what's best for Disney! Look around you. You think you're the hero here?" Death slowly calmed and returned to normal. She held to her scythe, "... No... I'm not right for this..." She looked to her, "I'm not the best... I'll never be close to what she was..." Death looked to her, "And neither will you." Victoria glares slightly. "I'm not perfect", Death shook her head, "I can't say that I'm all good. I probably did nothing to help this place. I just want to continue the story." The character murmured. "I think", Leo sat straighter, "this will come to an end now." He stands, "All in favor of Victoria as the Disney Princess. Say Aye." No one said anything. Death looked to them all. Victoria frowned. "All in favor of Death?", Leo sighed. "A loud and unamionus 'aye'. Death smiled happily. "Are you serious?!", Victoria motions, "She's literally Death! She can kill us all!" "Not exactly", Joke appeared. The characters went quiet. "Death here", Joke motions, "Can only kill the gen. Not characters of this world." Joke looked to Death, "So she's harmless... in some cases." Death for a moment had appreciation for Joke- Suddenly figures of light surround her. Instantly vanished into air. "Death", one figure spoke, "Reaper of Souls." "Oh you got to be fucking me", Death slapped her forehead. Victoria points, "Didn't you hear what she just said?" "How did you find me?", Death looked to the figures around her. Joke tried to sneak away. "Life. Giver of Souls." Joke winced. Meanwhile, the gen were watching the trail at the waiting room. "What?", Tori squinted. "Did she just call her life?", Winter asked. "You have done you role as well as bring us to Death", the figure looks to her. "Yep, yeah", Joke spins her sledgehammer, "I'm sooooooo good at my job." Death rolled her eyes, "You got to be kidding me", Death sighs in frustration. "Death", the figure looked to her, "You have neglected the equivilent of two thousand souls. You will retrieve them now." "I'm in the middle of something", Death said. "You will do it now", the figure said. The figures summoned light to Death's throat. "... Okay", Death nods, "Sure thing." She summoned her flames and sent it outward. She used her scythe and slammed the bottom of it on the ground. The figures were knocked back. Death then ran, "Fuck, fuck- shit- ah!" "Are you seriously choosing her over me?!", Victoria was outraged. The figures went after Death. "Mia!", Tori went to her, "What are those things?" The figures sent out light. Tori stopped the light. "How can this be?", one figure spoke. Tori sent the light back. She threw her arms outward. Her silver armor appeared on her. She summoned her sword, "I got this." The figures lowered their light. Tori's eyeswidened. Angels. "Tori?", an angel frowned, "Is that you?" Tori's armor vanished, "How- Why do you need her?" "She has a role", another angel shook their head, "So did you once." "Well", Tori clenched her hands, "She isn't doing that anymore. And neither am I." Death pulled to Tori to her, "Come on." They turned and left. The angels watched them go. "What do we do?", the one who identified Tori asked to later. "We let them go for now. Then we bring everyone."Chapter 20: FIGHTDeath sat with the first gen. "Why are angels after you?', Sam Sr. asked. "She's Death", Jason shrugs, "They want souls." Death paced, "This is what I fear." Tori stands, "I'll talk to them." "It won't be enough", Death looked outside, "... Okay so... this won't be easy to explain." She looked to them, "You guys... are actually Death too." They looked to her in confusion. Death summoned a flame and blew it over them. Tori and them watched as they started to transform. Tori had an eighteenth century black dress. Winter watched her pajamas turn to cloth of animal skin. Vicky looked to her leather jacket and pants. MA wore a cloak of rags. Jonas's body was bones with tight leather suit. Sam Sr. wore a cloak like a monk. Summer wore a doctor coat. Jason was animal skin. Johnathan's suit was more casual. Death smiles and puts her hands to her lips, "Oh my goodness. It's been so long." Winter waved her hands frantically and screamed. The others winced. "I remember now!", Winter was estatic, "I'm the Witch!" "Yes!", Death motions at her, "you were my spiritral advisor!" "Holy shit", Vicky looked at herself, "Did I really wear this much leather?" "You're not as bad as Bones here", Summer motions. Jonas crossed his arms, irritated. Jason stretched his arms, "Man that form was uncomfortable. How did I hold back for so long?" Death was beaming and trying hard to contain her excitement. Johnathan stuck his hands in his pants, "So, we've finally come back. What now?" James entered the room, "Does anyone have the wifi pass..." He looked to them. Winter covered her mid-section. "... Wait", James smiled and waved his finger, "Are you guys playing dress up? Because I totally want to try." Sam Sr. massaged his forehead. "No, James", Death motions, "This is what the gen actually look like." ".... Whaaaaat?", James laughed nervously, "I mean... You're not saying..." Death motions to Bones. "... Oh", James blinks, "Oh." He then turned around and ran. His screams echoing the hall. Death sighed, "Okay." Soon the gen had gathered around Death and her crew. Bones self-conciously hid behind Death. "Everyone, everyone", Death quieted them, "I can explain this." She motions to herself, "The role of Death was difficult to do by just myself so I had my own gang to help me." She goes to Tori's side, "When I decided to stop being Death, I took their memories so that they would be safe." She looked to the gen, "I'll introduce them to you." She hitched her hand to point behind her, "This is Bones. He's my Jonas." Jonas peeked behind her cloak slightly. "He collects the remains of the ones who have passed away so that their physical form can rest in one spot." Bones then went back to hiding. "Summer here", Death expalins, "Is Medic. He helped identified the causes of death." Medic rubbed the back of his neck and waved shyly. "Winter", Death smiled to see Winter so enthusiatic, "Is Witch. She helped with spirits and retrieving the souls." "Vicky is Demon. She helped me stop the most violent and harmful souls from doing more harm." Vicky was stretching her suit so that it stopped pinching her. "Jason is Beast. He helps with the animal and creatures deaths." Jason picked at his teeth, no intentional showing his different kinds of them in rows. "Saint", she went to Sam Sr's side, "Helped the spiritual souls find where they need to go." Sam bows his head slightly to her. "MA is Alien. She helped with extra terrestrial deaths." MA fiddled with her hair. "Johnathan is Price", Death was less enthusiactic, "He shows how valuable a soul is." Johanthan seemed extremely bored. "Kind of an ass honestly", Death shrugs, "He thinks he's better than everyone." Johnathan shrugs, "I came from a rich background." Death rolled her eyes, "Anyway." She smiled softly, "Tori is my Angel. My Angel of Death." Tori smiled to Death. "So what does this mean?", Jaiden asked. "We have", Death spread her arms out, "An army."Saint and Angel stood with Death. "We should have a small perimeter", Saint motions on the map, "just about around the Academy." "Winter can make sure that nothing sneaks up to us." Meanwhile, Death's other crew was waiting for what to do. Price kissed Aliens cheek, "As divine since the day I meet you." She blushed happily, "My love." They nuzzled and kissed. Bones was anxietious with Hailey. "It's not that weird honey", she reached out and held herself to him, "You don't have to be so tense." He hugged his knees to his chest. "Why are you not talking to me?", she stroked his hair back softly. "He doesn't talk", Winter motions to her mouth, "His mouth is stitched shut." Bones touched the lower mask on his face. "Oh", Hailey saw his stitched mouth, "Why is your mouth sewn closed?" "So he doesn't eat you accidentally", Winter shrugs, "I know right? You thought I'd do that but he'll probably get to it first." Bones nuzzles Hailey. "I love you", she kissed his head. Bones curled into her arms. Medic was examining Beast's mouth, "I don't see anything unusal in there." "You sure?", Jason rubbed his cheek, "Something feels like it's in there." "Hold on", Medic reached in. His arm was shoulder deep. He pulled out a femur, "Here's your problem." "Sweet", Beast began to gnaw on it. Demon rubbed her eyes, "Why did I marry you again." "You can't resist this", he tossed the bone aside and goes to her. They moaned softly and kissed intensely. Death walked to her crew, "Okay. Here's the plan." She explained how they will patrol the Academy in case something was trying to get in. "Sounds good to me", Beast lays down, "I'll sleep first." He was snoring in seconds. Demon lays on his chest and sleeps with him. "Mia?", Os poked his head in, "Do you have a minute?" Death went with Os to Mickey's office. Victoria was looking at old records. Death and her each said a short hello. "Look at these charts", Mickey motions, "Somehow, the magic has tripled since you revealed yourself as Death." Death knelt beside him, "Interesting." She traced the paper, "I guess my powers are to their fullest potiential now." "Are you telling me it hasn't already?", Os was organizing papers. Death shurgs, "I never said it wasn't at my full power." Victoria set the book aside, "This doesn't make sense, "It took me years to raise the magic but the moment you got here, it grew exponentially." "What can I say", Death motions, "I'm awesome." Mickey went closer to Death. They nuzzled softly. "So when did you two become a thing?", Victoria motions to them, "Before you were Death, of course." Death rested her cheek to Mickey, "When I came back after years on Earth, we were trying to find the Disney Princess. We weren't even friends at first but we just found ourselves falling for each other." Mickey smiled softly, "And we've been together ever since." They closed their eyes and kissed softly. "How long was I gone?", Victoria looked to a paper. "Decades", Mickey looked to her, "Not soon after you..." His expression shown guilt. Death hugged him to her, "After you were gone, Mickey made the Royal Family and me." Victoria lets the paper drop from her hands, "I can't believe that I was just replace me so easily." The office filled with silence. Os reached out and took her hand into his. She stood and walked out. Mickey went to stand. "Let me talk to her", Death looked to him. He nods. She kissed his cheek before going. Victoria sat at the fountain. Death went to her side, "Can I sit here?" Victoria shrugs, "Do what you want." Death took a moment before sitting beside Victoria. They sat in silence for a moment. "He was so heartbroken", Death looked to the water, "when you died." Victoria fiddled with her hands. "He cried about you for months", Death smiled sadly, "He never got over your death." Victoria touches her hair, "It wasn't his fault. It was... you know." Death nods, "I know." They watched the water flow. "Did he", Victoria looked to Death, "tell you about me?" Death nods again, "He did. After he got use to seeing me, at least." Death looked to the sky, "He told me what happened and how he felt about you." Victoria nods. "He kept your picture", Death pulled out a photo out of mid-air. "Oh no", Victoria moans in embarassment, "Not that one. I hate this one." "Why?" "It's poorly taken", Victoria shook her head, "Not the best... day of my life actually." Death looked to the photo, "That was the first proof he actually smiled." Victoria touched the photo, "This was taken before he told me how he felt about me." "How did you take it?", Death turned to face her, interested. "To be honest", Victoria shrugged, "Kind of not interested in him." "Really?", Death was surprised. "He was weird back then", Victoria shrugs, "Not really my type." "... Samuel?", Death saw Victoria smile sadly, "He..." "I know", she nods, "Os told me." She looked to the photo, "... I thought it was no harm to try, you know? I thought it was cute but... I don't know." Death laughs softly, "Well, it was different for me." She smiled and stood, "He was stubborn and didn't want to do anything with me." She went to the fountain ledge, "We fought constantly and tried to avoid each other as much as we could." She touched the water, "But we put our differences aside and tallked. Really talked." She looked to her reflection, "We had a lot in common than we thought... We'd lost someone... and we were helpless against what she did to us." She looked to Victoria, "We fell in love after that." Victoria smiles soflty, "He looks so happy when he's with you." Death smiles, "He makes me happy." Victoria nods, "I'm happy for him." Death motions. Mickey came out the Academy. Victoria smiles to him, "Hey." He nods, "Hi." Death reaches out. He goes to her. They nuzzled and kissed. Mickey kissed Death's cheek. Death smiled and blushed happily. Victoria smiles. An alarm went off. Death stood and summoned her scythe. She hits the bottom of it on the ground. The trees shifted further from the Academy to not allow any coverage for what was coming. Angel and Death's crew appeared beside Death. "Uh oh", Angel looked up. "Let me guess", Death looks to what was coming, "the whole angel fleet is coming to fight us." "Yep", Angel nods. "Basically we're at war with God?" "Pretty much", Tori shurgs. Death puts on her hood, "Bring it on." The angels descended toward the Acadamy. "Witch", Death looked to Winter, "Seal the Academy so that the others can't come out here." "On it", Witch took out some powder from the side pouch. She threw it in the wind and the doors, windows and any entrances were sealed shut. "Os", she motions, "Take Victoria inside." Os held Victoria's hand and they transported into the Academy. Mickey went to Death's side. "Why is he still here?", Saint asked. Mickey changed to his Widower form. "He's my husband", Death nuzzles Mickey, "and a new member of our crew." The angels approached Death. Death nods and they went to them. One stepped forward, "Death. Of order of Heaven, we have come here to bargain." Death held her scythe, "Bargain." "We know of your friend", the angel held out a potion, "and her illness." Death clenched her hands. "We can undo her sickness", the angel motions, "If you retrieve the souls we need." Death scoffs, "She was ill from the beginning. How do you think she'll be cured?" "You know we have the inability to lie", the angel held out the potion, "So what will it be?" Death slammed her syche down, "I will not do your dirty work!' "Then suffer the wrath of God!", the angel yells. The angels all summoned their weaponry. Death and her crew did the same. They were about to charge when loud music came from the distance. Bad to the Bone was playing as a motorcyclist came toward them. It stopped near by and dismounted. Another individual was seated behind them and stood there as well. The motorcyclist took off their helmet and sets it aside. "As much as I'd like to see this end", they lit a cigar and puffed, "I can't allow such a fight to correspond here." "War", the angel acknowledges, "Fighter of Fights." War puffed and looked to Death, "Death." Death nods, "War." "What the fuck are you doing?", War motions, "What is this?" "A disagreement", Death shrugs. "Disagreement my ass", War chucked the cigar away, "If you wanted to pick a fight, I got one." War walked to her, "You didn't even consider their bargain?" "It's not going to change anything", Death shook her head, "She's not going to get better." War nods ,"Yeah, and who's fault do you think it is?" Death clenched her teeth, "I wanted to change." "And you did", War scoffs, "She shouldn't have tried." "War", an angel spoke out, "If you join us, we'll be happy to repay you handsomely." War turned her head to the side and spits, "Sure. Whatever needs to be done." "Hold on", the other new comer went to them, "You said you were just going to talk-" "Shut up Famine", War gets in Death's face, "This doesn't concern you." "It does", Famine pulled them apart, "We're friends. We shouldn't fight." "I'm sorry she got sick", Death pleads, "I wish I knew how to help." "Then take the souls", War motions, "so I can get my Plague back." "I can't do that", Death shook her head, "I don't want to kill anyone anymore." War clenched her hands to fist and growls. Plague stands between them, "Now let's not just have fist flying." War puched Death hard. Meanwhile, the other gen were watching from the Academy. "Why can't I fight?", Samantha looked to Sam Jr. "Because I said so", he motions, "You shouldn't even be here. Go watch the twins." Matt Jr. and Tal were playing with toys. JJ was cleaning up after them. "JJ", Victor questions, "Why are you wearing that headwear?" JJ wore a nanny bonnet, "It makes me feel cool and Sunshine likes it." "Stupid babysitting when I should be fighing with Gran", Samantha sat on the couch. Scoob sat with her, "You're so rute when your mad." "One thing", Samantha clenched his ear, "A woman does not wish to hear." He rubbed his ear, "They just want to reep you safe." She leaned on him, "And I want to keep them safe. Don't they get that?" He rested his chin on her head, "Just stay with re for now." She lifted her head and they kissed. Tal and Matt Jr. copied and kissed too. JJ got the stick and poked them apart. The ground shook. "What was that?", Jaiden looks out the window. The wall was bashed in as Death was blasted threw. War marched in the place. JJ snatched the twin in his mouth and ran away from the scene. "Gran!", Samantha goes to her. Death coughed up some blood, "Sam-" "Gran, hold on", Samantha moved the debris aside. War summoned two machine guns. "Sam, get out of here", Death grunts and tries to get up. Samantha looks to War. "Get out of the way kid", War aims at Death, "This doesn't concern you." "No", Samantha stands between her and Death, "You'll have to get through me!" "Samantha", Sam Jr. stood by the created hole in the wall, "What do you think you're doing." "I'm doing my job!", Samantha summons her staff. "You are so grounded!" "Ugh!", War growled in frustration, "This is your last warning kid." Samantha stood her ground. War sighed, "Warned you kid. She fired. Samantha blocks the shots. She grunts as she had to move faster to stop the shots. War used the other gun. Samantha kept up. War tossed her empty guns aside and got a boosoka. "Oh shit", Samatha mutters and turned her staff to a shield. Scoob tackled her down. War aims at Death. "No!", Samantha reached out. War fired. Samantha's eyes glowed blue as a beam of light shot from her finger tips. The boosaka exploded. War, Death, Scoob and Samantha were blasted back. War landed on her back, air knocked out. Scoob had covered Samantha to take the blow. Death's face was bone and flesh. Samantha's ears were bleeding and ringing. War got to her feet. Death opened her exposed eye. War popped her jaw, "Alright. I'm tired of this." War cast her hand behind her. A tank appeared out of thin air. War aimed it at Death. Samantha weakly got to her feet. She went and stood between Death and the tank. "How stubborn can you be kid?", War sighs. Samantha raised her hands. The light sparked on her. She clenched her teeth, "You have no idea." War fires up the tank. Samantha felt the light course into her. She slowly manifested a weapon. A bow appeared in her hands. A long bow weilding godly power. War watched as Samantha's hair glowed white. Her Marvel suit turned to a white dress. Samantha's glasses evaportated from her glowing eyes. War fired. Samantha released her arrow. The tank blew up. War was blasted to the ground. Samantha then collapsed from her extent use of power. Death got to her feet finally. Plague ran to War's side. War coughs and weakly got to her knees. Death had her scythe to War's throat, "Yield." War's bruised eyes looked to Death, "Never." Death grinded her teeth, "Yield." Plague held to War, "Stop." Death's eyes widened. A person of light stood before Death. Her features were hard to see but Death knew who she was. The figure held the scythe, motioning to stop. Death backed down. The person then vanished. Death clenched her weapon, "Leave. Now." Plague helped War to her feet. They went. War's sobs barely a whisper. Death held her sycthe to her. Tears of her own shed. The angels have retreated. The fight was over. The damage was fixed. Samantha and Scoob were unconious. Death stood at the edge of the shore. Mickey went to her side. She sunk to the sand and cried silently. "Honey?", he held her, "What is it?" Death cried into him, unable to speak. Meanwhile, Joke was on the roof. She sobbbed into herself. Alien went to her. Joke wiped her snot, "What do you want?" Alien held out a tissue, "Nothing." Joke snatched the tissue and blew her nose. Alien knelt beside her, "I miss her too, you know?" Joke tossed the used tissue back, "You have a weird way of showing it." Alien looked to see Laugh. Laugh went and sat with them. Joke sniffed, "What are you doing here?" "I just want to make sure you were okay", Laugh hugged her legs to her chest. Alien looked to Laugh, "When did you're memory come back?" Laugh shrugged, "I've always had it." Joke laughs weakly, "I'll never understand you two." She motions, "She kills our sister and you two just join her?" "She didn't kill her", Alien said, "You know that." "We lost Control", Laugh shook her head, "All of us did back then." Joke looks to her hands, "I should'nt have brought her there." Alien took Joke's hand, "We're to blame too." Laugh took the other hand. Joke smiled saidly, "Live, Laugh and Love. All together again." Alien sighs, "I almost forgot that name." Laugh smiles, "You prefered Alien insted of Love?" Alien shrugs, "Kind of chessy." Joke sniffed, "Live was a joke of a name." Laugh shook her hand, "Hey. You're still here." Joke shrugs, "Life will go on as long as I'm here." Alien stood, "I'm going to check on Death." Laugh scoots next to Joke, "I'll stay here for a bit." Alien nods and leaves. Joke looks to Laugh, "She looks good." Laugh nods, "It's been so long since I've last seen her." Joke lays her head on Laugh's lap. Laugh stroked Joke's head, "You were always her favorite." Joke closed her eyes, "She didn't have favorites." Alien goes to Death. Mickey looked to her. Death looks to Alien. Alien knelt and hugged Death. Death had a new wave of tears. They sat at the shore for a long time.Chapter 21: ARROWSamantha gasped and sat up. She looked around. She was in the land of clouds. "Hello." Samantha looked to a young girl. She laughed softly, "Do not be alarmed. I am not here to hurt you." "Where am I?" "This is Heaven-" "I'm dead!", Samantha started to hyperventilate. "No, no", the girl shook her hands, "You're just visiting." Sam calmed down, "Oh." "I'm Emily", the girl introduces herself, "I'm a friend of you're grandfather." "He told me about you", Sam sat up, "He named my aunt after you." Emily nods, "That's correct." "Why did you bring me here?", Sam asked. "You did something", Emily shook her head, "We haven't seen for a very long time. Almost a thousand years." "What do you mean?" Emily held out her hand. A small orb showed Samantha shooting the arrow. "Oh that?", Sam rubbed her arm, "I actually haven't done that before." "You are very special Samantha", Emily nods, "Quite a rare angel." "Really?", Samantha asked. "You", Emily started, "are an-" Suddenly Samantha was woken on Earth. Summer had his hands over here like defibulators, "She's back." Ser hugged Samantha to her, "Oh honey." Cat and Kat, her set of twin sisters, were relieved to see her awake. Sam Jr. was wiping his tears away. "Wait", Samantha lays back down, "Send me back." "You want to die?", Summer raised his brow. "No", Samantha sighs, "Emily was going to tell me what I am." "Emily?", Sam Jr. asked. "Grandpa's Emily", Samantha waves her hand, "The friend one." Ser frowns, "Why was she talking to you?" "Apparently", Samantha beams, "I'm a special angel." Cat and Kat looked to each other, confused. "But she didn't tell me because I was woken up." "Special angel?", Summer asked, "Maybe your grandma knows something about it." Tori came to the infirmary. Tori hugs Samantha, "Honey, are you okay?" "I'm fine Grandma", Samantha assures her. "Samantha", Summer explains, "Says that she was told she was a special angel." "I mean yes sure', Tori nods, "I can see that-" "No Grandma", Samantha motions with her arms, "Didn't you see that epic move I made? I'm not a regular angel." Tori crosses her arms in thought, "Well, in theory, you could be a-" "Yes", Samantha asked. "It's a possiblity", Tori thinks, "You might be a cupid." "What?", the others asked. Scoob sits up, "What?" Samantha looks to her hands, "A cupid?" She beams, "Cool." "Can romeone explain to me", Scoob scratchs his head, "What is going on." Samantha summons her powers, "A cupid sounds... Wait." She looks to Tori, "Wasn't their originally cupids?" "Well", Tori sighs, "They're extinct since the time of Christ." "Why?" "Some", Tori made air quotes, "Marriagal issues." Samantha looks to Ser, "Mom? Didn't you say my wings haven't grown yet?" "Not to my knowledge", Ser shrugs, "I don't really know how it works." "Wait", Samantha frowns, "before I was pulled out, Emily said I was "an" Cupid begins with a 'c' so why did she say 'an'?" "Cupids have lots of names", Tori names some off, "An angel of love, God's valentines, messagers." "Huh", Samantha shrugs, "Doesn't really sound that special." "Well", Tori pats Samantha's shoulder, "I guess you are one of a kind." "Wait', Samantha points to Sam Jr. and Ser, "If their wasn't a cupid before me, then how do couples get together?" "Cupid help individuals find love", Tori shakes her heads, "But people are capable of doing it themselves." "I can't wait to tell Gran", Samantha gets to her feet. She held her head and grunts. She collapses. "Samantha!", Sam Jr. catches her. Something drips from her nose. "Is that", Sam Jr. frowns. Cat reached out and touched it, "Paint?" Summer and MA examines Samantha. "Her blood is completely changed to paint", Summer shook her head, "Nothing I've ever seen." Jean stood to the side, "I haven't heard of a character of paint." "Will she be okay?", Ser asked. "Her systems are stable", Summer nods, "She just has to get use the new change. I suggest paint thinner to keep her blood from blocking up." Sam Jr. held Ser to him. Summer gave Samantha paint thinner. Scoob stands next to her. Samantha stirred awake, "S-Scoob?" "I'm rere", he stroked her hair aside. "My back hurts." MA points, "Something's on her back." Summer careful turns Samantha on her side. On her back was four bumps. "What are they?", Ser asked. "Summer touched one. Samantha lets out a pained moan. "On a scale of one to ten, how much pain are you in?", Summer asked. "Eight", Samantha says. MA looks to the back with her x-ray vision, "There is bone growning from her shoulder blades and spine." Samantha's breathe was quicking. "Her heart rate is excelerating", Summer went to the monitor, "She could go into cardiac arrest." Winter guides the familiy outside. Scoob saw Samantha's heart-line flat before the door shut completely.Samantha was technically dead for eight minutes. She was in recovery. Summer was going to preform surgery to open her wings. Before the procedure, her family visited her. Ser kissed Samantha's head. Sam Jr. whispered assuring words. Cat and Kat gently hugged her. Tori, Sam Sr., Jonas, Hailey, and Mickey said short encouragements. Mia knelt by Samantha's bed, "I'm going to be with you the entire time." Samantha smiled weakly. Scoob went to her. Samantha looked to him, "How do I look?" "Beautiful", he stroked her hair. "You know I don't like you lying", she winced as she shifted her body. "I'm rorry", he kissed her cheek. She looked to him, "Kiss me." He kissed her once. "More", she reached out and wrapped her arms around him. He kissed her again. She grunted as she pulled herself closer. They kissed passionately. Blue paint was cried from her. Her back cracks and she lets out a loud grunt. Scoob held onto her, "Ram?" "Kiss me again", she nuzzles him, "It feels so good." He kissed her and then her cheek. He kissed her nose and neck. She took shallow breathes as her shoulder blades shifted. Her skin broke open. Red paint bleed as her wings begain to sprout. She moans more from Scoob. They closed their eyes as light surrounded them. Her two sets of wings spread outward. She kissed him longingly. Muticolored paint glazed her golden-white feathers. She opened her glowing white eyes. Her hair turned white and a vertical halo appeared half-cropped from her head. She hugs Scoob close to her. "I love you", she nuzzles into him. "I rove you too", he then sees her, "Roah." She smiled softly, "What?" "You rook different." She looked to her hair and the mirror above them. She looked to her wings and how they glimmer in the light. "Wow", she smiled, "Cool." He kissed her head, "Ree? What did I rell you?" She licks his snout, "Come here." He lays her down and they moaned. Her wings flapped excited. Summer came in the room all prepped up, "Okay- Oh, oh-" He turned away, "Okay, going to leave now. You kids- Uh- forget I ever was here." He leaves. Scoob licked up Sam's body. She bites her lip, "Oh Scoob." They tasted and nuzzled. "I'm ready", she looks to him. "Rokay", he kissed her head. She looked to the mirror above her as he moved into her. She saw her wings glow muti-colors. She closed her eyes and they made love. Afterwards, he laid next to her. She smiled softly, "Wow." He kissed her head, "Are you rokay?" She nods and nuzzles into him, "That was good." He stroked her hair behind her ear, "I love rou so much." She smiles happily, "I love you too." They share a kiss. He held her to him, "You row what this reans right?" "Hmm?", she rested her chin on his chest. "You're stuck with re." "I can deal with that",she kissed his chest. They nuzzled. "My dad is going to be so pissed", she hugs herself to him. "I'm sure that he'll be happy to know you're okay." Later, Summer was going over the x-rays. "Four wings?", Ser asked. "This is rare", Tori looks, "She's an Arch Angel." " A what?", Sam Jr. asked. "There hasn't been an Arch Angel in over nine centuries", Mia looks to Tori, "And a cupid as well." "Very rare", Tori nods. "So what does this mean?", Ser asked. "Heaven might try to contact her", Tori shrugs, "Train her even." Suddenly a person appeared in the room. Summer shrieked and ran away. The person had white hair, cloothes and eyes. "Hello", the person smiled, "I'm here on behalf of Heaven to recruit Samantha White." Tori took the paper and looked at it. "I'm going to need", the person took out stacks of paper from their bag, "All the paperwork done." Ser frowns at the stack, "My daughter isn't going to work for Heaven and just slave away." "Oh", the person takes out a bag that click-and-clangs, "here is a small fraction of what we'll pay." The bag falls to the ground and diamonds and gold coins spill from the bag. Ser lifted her brow, "You think you can buy my daughter?" "Also", the person takes out a golden scroll, "The ownership of her wings. If she refuses to corroperate, she will be stricken of her wings." 'You sonofabitch!", Tori points at him, "I knew you had a catch!" "It's the rules", he shrugs. "We should ask Samantha", Tori said, "These are her wings." Samantha sat in her human form, "So... I have to sign this or I'll lose my wings?" "This is your decision, Honey", Ser said. Samantha looked to the papers, "I really like my wings... I'm okay to do what I need to do." She signed the paper. The man looks to Tori and them, "We need someone to be her mentor." "I'll do it", Tori nods. She signs the paper. The men nods, "Thank for your corroperation." He then vanishes. Samantha looks to Tori, "So what do I do now?" On the roof, Samantha wore a helmet. "You need to learn how to fly", Tori instructs, "Let's practice take off. Try to hover off the ground. Samantha nods and summons her wings. Her appearence changes to her angel form. Tori took a moment to snap out of her awe. Samantha flaps her wings once and she was up. She tried to hover. Her wings flapped and she mangaed to stay in palce. Scoob watched from the side. "Okay", Tori motions, "Try to move around." Samantha flew forward then backwards. She got some momentum and flew in circles. She laughed and did a back flip. Scoob smiled as she flew happily in the air. "Okay", Tori calls, "Let's go for a flight. Tori and her flied high in the air. Samantha smiled and looked down at the world. "Amazing isn't it?", Tori smiled. "It's wonderful", Samantha smiled, "I could stay here forever." She looked to the water and the trees. She looked upward and went up. "Don't go too high Sam", Tori called up, "You'll catch a cold." Samantha flew into the clouds. She laughs as they tickled her nose. She tucked in her wings and dived. She yells in excitement, "Whooo-hooo!" She looks to the side to see something fly past her. Then another. Angels. She gasped, "They're heading to the Academy." She dove faster. She saw the angels around her. She went to one, "What are you doing!" "We're coming for Death", the angel said honestly. "Why can't you leave my gran alone?", Sam asked. "We need her", the angel answers, "She needs to give souls." "So take them yourselves", Sam snaps, "Let her be." "I'm afraid we can't do that", the angel explains. "Why?", Sam asked. "We don't take souls", the angel shakes their head, "Unless someone does then we're going to be after her." Samantha growls, "You guys piss me off." She dove and spun herself to face them. Two extra pairs of arms grew from her side. She took three arrows and shoot at the angels. The arrows sunk into the angels. She fired rapidly until she shot every one. She watched them fall. Scoob caught her. She looks to him. "You're a radass", he kisses her. She wrapped her arms around him as angels fall around her. They kissed passionately. Death screamed in shock as she saw angels fall on her lawn. Mickey winced, "That's got to hurt." Summer tend to the angels. "Why are you helping us?", an angel asked, "When we were playing to attack you?" Summer shrugs, "It's my duty as a doctor to tend to people, all creatures, and living beings injured or hurt." He cuts the bandage, "Besides, I can't have you bleeding out on the yard. My wifes already high as she is." Winter was sucking the grass outside, "Mmm, rembosa." "Thank you", the angel nods to him. "No problem", Summer held out his hand, "Now pay me." Afterwards, Summer sat in his gold throne and wore his gold chains on his neck. Johnathan rolled his eyes, "What a show off." Summer smiled with his golden teeth.Samantha nuzzles Scoob. He kisses her head, "You're ramazing." She stroked his chest, "Scoob? Aren't you gonna ask me?" "Hmm?", he rested his nose on hers. "To marry you", she kissed him. "You want to rarry me?", he cupped her face. "I do", she kisses him again. They kissed softly. She watched him take her hand and slip on a ring. It was a minature arrow that read, "Soul mates." She beams and hugs him, "Oh Scoob." He hugs her close and his tail wags happily, "I'm glad you rike it." "I love you", she kisses him. They kissed and moaned. "My dad's gonna flip when I tell him!", she laughs. Scoob lays back and she goes to him. They kissed and began. She closed her eyes as he kissed her neck. She smiled as he ran his hands over her. Her wings flapped happily. She used them to pull herself closer. "You're", he laughs, "tickling me." "I"m sorry", she nuzzles him, "They do what they want." He lays her on her back and moved his lips to her chest. She blushed happilly. Her wings curving to her side. They kissed and wrapped around each other. He smiles as she touches him, "Roah." She kisses him, "Mhm." She cups his face. He frowns and sees her extra arms, "Rah!" "Oh yeah", she showed him her extra arms, "So, this is thing now." "... I"m rover it actually", he kissed her again. They moan and wrapped themselves around each other. "Anything else I should know?", he looks to her. "Yeah", she bite her lip, smiling, "I'm pregnant." He looks at herl, "... What?" "I'm pregnant", she put a hand to her belly, "We're going to have a baby." He slowly smiles, "Ram." They hug. "This", he was estatic, "This is so rool!" She smiles happily. He scoops her up and they kiss happily. They nuzzled. "I rove you", he kissed her cheek. "I love you more", she rested her head on his chest. Her wings wrap around them.Chapter 22: RINGS"Move thos flowers to the left- My left!", Ser instructed, "This is my daughter's wedding and I want it to be perfect!" "Honey", Sam Jr. motions, "We've been at it since last night. We haven't had an ounce of sleep." "Then drink more coffee that's what I've been doing", Ser took another swig of her latte. Mickey was silent crying, "My coffee." Samantha was in a room, "Guys I don't want a dress." "Mom said", Kat shrugged. Samantha sighs. "Hold on", Cat motions, "I have a plan." She whispers to Sam. Sam slowly smiles and nods, "Yeah I like that." At the wedding, Sky was the Maid of Honor and Ash was the best man. Samantha was in a tuexdo. Sam Jr. was not thrilled. Scoob wore a wedding dress with makeup on him. "Hi Dad", Scoob said. "Hello", Sam Jr. awkwardly pats Scoob's shoulder, "So- Scoob." They walked down the aisle. Pretty was the flower girl. She threw flowers down violently. Jason saw Scoob, "That's the ugliest bride I've ever seen." Pretty threw flowers in his face. Samantha smiled at Scoob. "Who gives this Bride away?", Tori was trying hard not to laugh. "I do", Sam Jr. shoves Scoob forward and then goes to Ser. Ser slaps his arm. "Dearly beloved", Tori chokes back a laugh, "We are gathered here today-" She coughs and recovers, "to bring together two beautiful... souls." They began their vows. Scoob took out a paper. Ash gave a thumbs up. "First I rike to say", Scoob begins, "That I..." He rubs the back of his head, "I round ridiculous don't I?" "No", Samantha shook her head, "Keep going." A whistle came from the back. Joke puts the whistle out and motions, "Try it now." Scoob looks back to his paper, "I want to say." He touched his throat. Joke gave a thumbs up. Scoob continues, "Thank you for giving me this family." Samantha smiles. "Thank you for giving me this chance to be right beside you", he looks to her, "And for being the love of my life." She blushed happily. "I might not be a smart dog", he shrugs, "but I think falling in love with you was the easiest and smartest thing I've ever done." She laughs softly. "You're a pain in the ass sometimes", he smiles, "but I like you that way too." She beams. "You made me wear this dress so I'm glad that something is covering it", Scoob laughs when Sam snorts. Sam Jr. massages his head. "But most of all", Scoob rested his forehead to hers, "You're my soul mate. And I'll love you always." The gen awwed. Samantha took out her vows. "When I first meet you", she begin, "You were all full of yourself. I'm happy to say that you're still are." The gen laughs. Scoob rubbed the back of his neck and laughs along. "But even if you're weird and annyoing", Sam smiles softly, "I'm happy that you were paired with me." He smiles. "Dogs are always called Man's best friend-", Samantha wipes her eyes, "I'm sorry- I don't mean to cry." He smiles softly. "But you're my best friend", she hugs him. They hugged tightly. Tori rubbed her tears away, "Okay. Just kiss already or I'll cry more." Scoob and Sam kissed. Scoob popped his leg up and his tail wagged happily. The gen cheered. Tori, Vicky, MA, Mia and Winter shot their guns in celebration. Debris from the ceiling hit James who fell to the ground. Samantha picked up Scoob into her arms. Sam Sr. takes pictures. They held a huge celebration. Mason baked a giant cake. Colorlust played the music. Samantha and Scoob danced. Tal and Matt Jr. danced together. "Don't even think about it you two", Matt waved his index finger at them, "You two are no getting hitched." Billy and Zoey were dancing close by. "I hope we get married soon", Zoey leans into him, "I want to have kids." "Really?", Billy smiled, "What are we waiting for then?" A queen jet was waiting outside. Samantha and Scoob waved goodbye to go to New York. The gen waved goodbye. Everything was as it was before. Mia was cooking in the kitchen. The YouTubers were playing games in the Game Room. A giant, dead tree was now in the front yard. Mia squints, "What the-" The tree then screeches loudly. They all covered their ears. JJ whispers and ducks under a table. Sunshine and oranges do the same. Tal and Matt Jr. began to cry. Death snatches her scythe and goes outside. She screeches back at the tree. The tree goes silent. Angel and the other members of Death's crew came to her side. Medic popped his ears by moving his jaw, "What is that?" "It's the Hanging Tree", Death sighs, "The door to the Underworld." "Why is it here?", Angel asked. "I'm not sure", Death scratches at her head, "Usually I summon it but for some reason it came here on it's own." The ground began to quake. Black roots circled the crew. Symbols glowed and pulsed under them. Death grunted and doubled over. "What's happening?", Witch asked. Death trembles, "It's- Trying to retrieve souls- but I don't have any-" Her back arched back and her eyes and mouth glowed. She began to suck the others life force in. They tried to escape but they were taking into the Hanging Tree. When it was over, the crews bodies were turned to stone and Death collapsed. She woke up in the infirmary two hours later. "Mia?", Mickey was worried sick. She smiled weakly, "I'm okay." "What was that?", Jaiden went to her side. "The Hanging Tree is were I would take souls to the Underworld. I didn't have any so it took the nearest ones", Death sits up, "I have to get them back." "We're going with you", Mark speaks for him and the others. "No", Death shook his head, "It's out of the question. You guys couldn't possibly survived from entering literal Hell." He shrugs, "We surived the M.I., right?" "You", Mia squints and points, "were just visiting." She sighs, "Besides, only Witch knows the protection spell for the Underworld-" "I know it", Luna stood behind Death. "Fucking", Death puts a hand to her chest, "Don't do that!" "I know the protection spell", Luna says, "but I want to go too." "Only you would want to go to Hell", Death sighs, "Alright fine." Luna took her daggers out. "This isn't going to hurt is it?", Jaiden tenses. "No", Luna shrugs, "This is just for me." She disembodies hereself. Death was confused. "Okay", Luna says, "You have to suck in my soul and take my body with you. The protection spell is the Kiss of Death. So. Kiss them." The YouTubers looked to each other. "I see no downside to this", James shrugs and smiles. Death blushes deeply, "Um..." "Come on guys", Jaiden looks to them, "It's for the gen." The men nodded. "Yeah." "Sure." "What else would it be." "Just don't make it weird", Death says. She goes to Jaiden. They kissed. Jaiden sees a sealment go over her body. Death goes to Dan and Phil. She kissed them both. Mark closed his eyes and Mia kissed him. James was about to kiss Mia but was trying hard not to laugh. "I'm sorry", James cups his face, "I"m so nervous." "Don't be nervous James", Death said, "It's just a kiss." "Well too you", he pouts. "Aww", Death hugs him, "James, you cheeky boy." James smirked at the others. Stampy's jaw dropped in total shock. Death and James kissed more loving then the other ones. "Okay", Stampy shoves James aside, "My turn." James was blushing happily, "Aw shucks." Mia rolled her eyes, "You get jealous so easily." They pecked a small kiss. Mickey then landed on Stampy making him fall to the ground, "I think we all know the most jealous one here." "Get off me", Stampy's voice was muffled on the ground. Mia laughs softly and lifts up Mickey to her arms. They kiss repeatedly. "This is gross", Luna was bored. Death sets Mickey down, "Alright, we've got to get a move on." She went to Luna, "You might feel a little discomfort." Mia's face turned into a large mouth with rows of razor teeth. Luna's eyes rolled back and her hair thinned and turned white. An orb was absorbed by Mia. Luna's body turns to stone. Mia's face returned to normal. She winced, "Bleh! She's so bitter." She collected the parts of Luna and they went to the Hanging Tree. "I will now open the Gates of Hell", Death acclaimed. She knocked on the door. Knock. Knock. Kn-knock-knock. Knock. The tree knocks back. Knock. Knock. The trees opens up. "Seriously?", Mark lifted a brow. "We like to keep a dark sense of humor, Mark", Death enters, "It's the Underworld." They entered Hell. Joke waited until they entered, "This will be exciting."The Underworld wasn't full of the screaming, damned souls or a large firery pit. Death lead the way. "Where is everyone?", James asked. "It's been six million years since I reaped souls", Death shrugged, "There's no one to be here." "Tori?!", Jaiden called out, "Winter?" "Vicky?!", Mark called out. James began to clap his hands. "James, what are you doing?", Dan asked. "Winter and I made this signal in case we ever get seperated in the afterlife. His claps echoed the place. Something landed nearby. "Winter?", James asked. It came from the darkness. It stood about seven feet complete composed of stone. It screeches at them. Death blockes it from the other, "Stop!" It growls and sunk on all fours. She approached it, "Easy." She touched it's forehead. It slowly calmed and rubbed it's head on her hand. "There", she scratched its chin, "Don't worry. We're all friends." It sniffs her and licks her face. She laughs and scratches its belly, "This is a gargoyle. They protect this place." James puzzles Luna's body together. Mia carefully sets the soul in the gargoyle hand. The gargoyle goes to the body and places it into Luna's mouth. Luna came to life and gasped for air. "That sucks", Luna held herself, "Literally." Death pats and scratches the gargoyle, "Who's a good gargoyle? Whose such a good gargoyle?" The gargoyle pats his leg in excitement. "Aww", Luna goes to Mia, "Can we keep him?" "You already have a Snow", Mia said. They proceed further into Hell. "Did you grow up her, Mia?", Stampy asked. Mia shrugs, "Yeah, pretty much." "Did you have a family?", Jaiden looks to the large boulders and heaps of rocks. "The others were my family", Mia smiled to herself, "We've done everything together." "So when you quit", Mark said, "They did too?" "Well", Mia rubs the back of her neck, "for different reasons really." "What were they?", Phil asked curiously. Mia thinks for a moment, "Tori wanted to get out of the angels thing. She was tired of their pride and perfection shit. Sam Sr. wanted to go wherever she went. Vicky and Jason wanted to start a family. MA and Johnathan wanted to live a simple life. Bones and I wanted to get out of the business. Winter and Summer.... Huh, I forgot their reason." "They told me they wanted to feed on the flesh of humans", Luna answers, "And drink human blood." "That should do it", James shrugs,.Stampy looks around, "So is it just gargoyales? I thought there would be something like cyberus-?" "Oh look", Mia points, "something up ahead." A large castle alooms in the distance. "Were you always royal?", Dan asked. "Not really", she shrugs, "In fact, that place wasn't there before." She looked to the gargoyle, "Can you take us there?" He lets out a long howl. Soon more gargoyles came. Mia climbed on the back of the first one. Mickey went with her. The others got their own ride. They flew over Hell. Death looked down to see destruction and no sign of life. She felt disheartened, "I miss our home already." "We'll be back before you know it", he hugs her reassuringly. They arrived at the castle in no time. Death enters first. They came to the throne room of the place. Death looked around, "I didn't think anyone still lived her." "Who's that?", James asked. On the throne sat a young man who wore bones as armor. "Nice", James said, "Is he like some overlord or something?" Death squints, "There isn't one." She walks toward the person, "Who are you?" The person watches her approach. "Answer me!", Mia said. Luna took out her daggers, "I don't like this." Mia clenched her staff. The person sits forward, "I didn't think you'd come here." Death held her scythe to him, "Tell me who you are. Now." He chartles, "You don't scare me." Mia's face turned more frighting and her body shifted into a terrifying form, "You're starting to piss me off." He laughs, "Death finally returning to her rightful overlord of Hell." He stands and walks around her, "Well, it was nice while it lasted, "It's pretty boring here considering that, well, there's no one else here." He points toward the left, "You're friends are over there." He walks past Luna and the YouTubers, "Excuse me." Death calmed down and returned to her normal self, "What an ass." She goes to where the strange instructed. She came to a hault. There was large wax statues of the first gen. They weren't life-like but they were in extreme detail. "What the hell?', Mark looks to the one of Vicky, "What are these?" "My guess", Death carefully picked up the souls, "Alters. Like he was paying his respects to them." She carefully swallows the souls. "Okay", Death looked to them, "Let's go." They went toward the exit. "Where did the weird kid go?", Dan asked. "Who cares?", Death pressed her hands to a wall, "Let's just go." A door opens for her. They entered. Luna glances back before going in. They arrived back in Disney. Mia goes to the stone statues. She placed a kiss on each of them. They gasped and coughed. "Fu-", Jason coughs, "Fuck." Summer shook off the rocks on his body, "Not pleasant." Tori looked to Death, "Nothing bad happened, right?" "Someone was there", Death held her scythe to herself, "They didn't say who they were." "We were followed", Luna looks to the tree. The stranger came from the tree. Luna threw him to the ground and puts her daggers to his neck. He held up his hands, "Wait." Death goes to Luna's side, "You're going to tell us who you are or you'll be permenatlly stuck back there." "My name is Hades", the boy said, "I'm looking for my family." "Who would they be?", Mia asked. He slowly puts his hands to his helmet. He slipped it off. He had black ragged hair. His eyes a familiar blue. Mia backed away, pale, "No." "Mia who is he?", Tori asked. Joke laughs. She approached the group, "Well, well. What an unexpected surprise." She went over Hades, "A ghost." Hades's eyes widen, "You?" "Hello Hades", Joke smiled darkly, "been awhile." "What is happening here?", Winter asked. "Mia", Joke smiles, "Has yet another secret." Mia held her scythe to support herself. "What is she talking about Mia?", Tori asked. Joke couldn't contain her laughter, "She has completely forgotten her little choice." Mia looks to Joke. "Hades", Joke leans on her sledgehammer, "Is Serafina's identical twin." Hades looks to Mia. Mia sunk to the ground with her scythe. The gen and YouTubers looked to Hades with confusing eyes.Ser sat with Mia, Jonas and Hades. Logan leaned on the wall. Mia rested her scythe to the side, ".... When Victoria... drowned." Victoria was with Os and Mickey near the door entrance. "She was pregnant", Mia looked to Ser, "With twins." Ser holds herself. "She begged me to save them both", Death said, "This was before I was Mia and... well I could only save one of you." "So you saved me?", Ser said. "No", Mia closed her eyes, "You drowned." Ser covers her face, "I'm dead?" "Not exactly", Mia looked to her, "Your father saved you." "Samuel", Victoria breathed with tears in her eyes. "He spared his life for yours", Mia said, "So you died only for a few moments." Jonas carefully held Ser as she trembled. "So what happend to me?", Hades asked. Mia looked to the ground, "... I gave birth to you both at the M.I." Logan looked to Mickey. "But when Hades was born", Mia puts a hand to her mouth, "I saw his death." Hades looked to Joke. "He kills", was shaking, "everyone." Hades looked to Ser. "I couldn't have let him live", she shook her head, "I didn't it have it in my heart to take his life." She looked to Joke, "So I gave him to her." Joke was picking at her nails. "And that was the last I ever saw him", Mia wiped his cheek. "... You abondoned me", Hades said. Silence filled the room. "No", Victoria spoke up, "I did." She went to Hades, "Not soon after I died I became something. I was looking- searching for you and your sister." She shook her head, "But I came up empty handed." Hades clenched his hands, "When were you going to say something?" "Hmm?", Joke was flicking something off her. He stood and glared at her, "Why didn't you tell anyone I was alive?!" Joke smiles, "Oh that? I totally forgot-" He clenched her by the throat. She started to choke. Mia and the others gasped for air. "Hades", Mia pleads, "Stop. If you kill her-" Joke smiles, "Do it. You know you want to." Hades eyes were filled with rage. "Please", Ser reached out and held his arm, "Don't do this." He releases Joke. Joke coughs and breathes. The others coughed and took long breathes. "Pussy", Joke rubs he sore neck. "You left me alone all my life!", Hades growled, "My family was living without me yet you don 't care." "It's my fault", Death held herself up, "I shouldn't have let you go." Hades glared at her, "Spare me your worthless words. My whole life has never happened because of you. Because of the gen!" He started out the room, "Why did I ever want to be apart of this place?" "Hades wait", Victoria goes after him. Ser looked to Death, "We're you ever going to tell me?" "If I did", Death shook her head, "I'd would be when I was Death." Ser stands, "I hate that you keep everything from me!" "Ser", Jonas said and reached for her hand, "She did what she thought was right-" "What? Lie about me?", Ser motions, "Lie about who she is?! You're not even my real father! You're just a pile of bones with a fascade!" Jonas winced and a pained expression went over his face. Ser snatched her hand out of his touch and stormed out the room. Death covered her face, "What have I done?" Joke laughs, "I find this whole thing hilarious." Logan ran after Ser. Hailey went to Jonas, "Honey, she's just upset." Jonas leaned into her, "She's right. It hurts to know she's right." Jokes laughs echoed the walls. Ser stood at the shore. Her bare feet in the sand with the waves washing over them. Logan walked to her. "Don't try to tell me what I said was wrong", Ser wiped her eyes, "I don't want to here it from you." "... Okay", Logan says. He takes off his shoes and stands next to her. They looked at the waves. "... You know", Ser looks to him, "when you said you felt like something was off about our parents? What did you think of it?" Logan looks to his feet, "I thought mom and dad were kind of hesitant. Like if someone were to say anything they'd fall apart." Ser looks to the cliff, "I always felt that way too." Silence. "... When they told you you were adopted", Logan said, "What did you feel?" "... Betrayal", Ser scoffs, "but they didn't do anything wrong... they just loved me." He smiled softly, "I would've been scared." "Scared?", she looks to him. "Yeah", he rubs his arm, "Like I would subconciously want to look for my parents and become more distant from what I have." She nods, "I see what you mean." Logan laughs weakly, "I mean look where we're at. You and your biological mom drowned in this water." Ser laughs half-heartedly, "Yeah, that's kind of mess up." He took her hand into his, "You don't hate them, do you?" "No", Ser sighs, "I was just being stupid." Jonas and Mia went to them. Ser turned and looked to them. She goes and hugs them, "I'm sorry." "No, no honey", Jonas soothes her as she cries, "It's okay. "I shouldn't have said those awful things to you", she sniffs, "I was just so mad." Mia stroked her head, "I know that I'm not the best mom, but I did what I could to give you the best life." Ser hugs Mia tightly, "Thank you for being my mom." Mia cried smiling, "It's my pleasure." Logan goes in for the hug. They hugged each other. Mickey sneakingly slips in the middle. "Hey you", Ser picks him up and kisses his head. They laughed went a wave went over them. Logan splashes Ser. Mia squeals when Jonas threw her in the water. Mickey did to the same to Jonas. They swam and splashed each other. Hades watched from a distance. Victoria goes to him, "Hades-" "I'm glad that she had someone", Hades said, "Even when I wasn't around." He looked to Victoria, "Please take care mother." "Where will you go?", she asked. He shrugs, "I hear Earth is great this time of year. I thought I'd-" He stopped when she hugged him. "Please stay", she sniffed, "I alreadly lost you once." Tears filled his eyes, "... Okay." She kissed his head. He hugs her. He smiles as tear streaked down his cheek, "Is this what love feels like?" "Yeah", she laughs, "it is." Hades sniffed, "It feels good." She wipes his tears, "You look so much like your father." Hades smiled, "Really?" She nods, "So handsome and strong facial features." He beams, "I want to know everything." Victoria smiles and they walked. They talked the whole day. Mia scrubs hard on a burnt pan. "You okay Mia?", Matt went and stood beside her. "I'm trying to wash away my sins", Mia washed harder. "Ahem", Oswald cleared his throat. He motioned to his backside. Mia had realised that she was using his cotton tail to clean the dishes. She laughed nervously, "Oops." She rung the tail and shook it so that it was dried. He snatches it back and carefully fixes it. Mia then began to clean her things again but with fire. "My tail is not that filthy!", Os called out in embarassment. Mickey nuzzles Mia. They kissed softly. Ryan took the stick and poked at Tal and Matt Jr. to stop kissing. "What should I make to eat?", Mia asked them, "What do you all feel like eating-" "Did someone say unicorn hair?", Winter burst in the kitchen. "No", Mia set her dishes aside, "but you have peeked my interest." "Well I don't have any-", Winter checks her sacks on her belt, "Wait... Okay I do but you were asking what to eat." "I thought that was the reason you'd enter the kitchen", Mia was puting some dishes away. "Jason and Summer voluneentered to barbeque", Winter hugs Mia from behind, "but I would looove your rice." "Okay", Mia went to the pantry, "Oh, do you happen to have any Dead Pepper on you?" "I think so", Winter untied a sack off her belt. "Good", Mia said, "I was running out of it." "Wait", Matt said, "You used something called Dead Pepper in your cooking." "Don't worry", Mia shrugs, "It's not poisionous. We just call it that because it's the only thing that grows in Hell." She held out a little black pepper which looked more like a cherry, "Try it." Ryan reaches out and takes it. He smells it, "Woah!" He coughs, "That's strong!" "Trust me", Winter kisses her fingertips, "They are delious!" Ryan popped the Dead Pepper in his mouth. His eyes opened in surprise, "Wow. This is amazing." "Let me try", Matt got one and ate it, "Hmm, that is good." "It's made from the nutrients of corpses", Mia nods and eats one, "All the vitamins and minerals needed for a day." Matt and Ryan stayed very still and didn't move for longer than normal. "Dead bodies", Ryan gulps, "make these?" "Well", Mia waves her hand, "The body is completely turned to ask in Hell so technically its just fertilizer for the peppers." Winter smiles, "But this is a pretty close taste to what human flesh taste like." Matt and Ryan started to gag and cover their mouths. "Not in the kitchen!", Mia waves her arms, "NOT IN THE KITCHEN!" The gen did a lieu at the beach. Summer and the oranges dressed in tropical leaves and danced around the fires. Jason made rack of ribs, burgers, chicken, sausage, hot dogs, corn and baked potatoes. Mia made rice, salsa, caldo and cookies. Sunshine brought her famous Sunshine Surprise. Hades decided to join the party. "What's in Sunshine Surprise?", Hades asked Ser. "You don't want to know", Ser got a serving of mac and cheese. Hades looked to Sunshine to see her smiling strangely. They all sat together and ate. Death smiles as Summer told stories of living in the Underworld. "Remember that time we lost Price?", Summer smiles, "In that hole by the lake? We forgot he went looking for Alien's scarf. Johnathan chewed on his corn without comment. "Don't you remember? Johanthan?" "I don't want to talk about it", he answered. "Yeah", Jason points to him, "You were in that hole for- like- three hours?" "Weren't you alone with Alien?", Vicky said. Johnathan covers his face, "Oh God." Alien blushed and hides behind her hair. "Oh", Mia said, "Was this when-" "Okay, okay", Johanthan said, "We all know I'm not a virgin anymore! We don't need the beck and call of me losing it." "I would like those details", Mia said. "Three hours?", Vicky gave MA a elbow nudge, "MA you dog!" MA holds her hair to cover her face. "Okay, okay", Johnathan said, "Can you stop making my wife and I uncomfortable and we can enjoy our meal?" They all stopped pestering the two. "... He actually got so nervous he past out for the first two hours", MA shrugs, "but I had my way with him." Johnathan hits his head on the table, "MA!" Summer burst out laughing. Jason and Sam Sr. hits the table laughing along. Jonas had fallen out of his chair. Johnathan blushed deeply and sunk into his chair. Mia smiles softly seeing everyone happy. Hades asked Ser about her life and what the gen were like. Victoria, Mickey and Os were talking about the old days. When Scoob and Samantha returned from their honey moon, the other thrid gen caught them up. "I had a lost uncle?", Samantha asked, "And I miss the opportunity to visit the Underworld?" Scoob scratched his head, "Let's hope that doesn't come to happen." Chapter 23: WATERMia took out a glass coke bottle of water from the fridge. She took a swig and sets it by the fridge. "That's you're tenth bottle of water", Ryan said, "How are you not going to bathroom now?" Mia shrugs, "I'm just thirsty." Mickey rested his chin on her shoulder. He kissed her neck. "Stop", she laughs, "Now I have to go." She sets her bottle down and goes, "I'll be right back." She leaves the kitchen. Mickey's ears twitch as he listens. He waits a moment before picking up the bottle. He sniffs it. "What are you doing?", Os asked. Mickey examines the water, "This isn't water." "Damn it Ryan", Mattt sits back, "She's using alcohol as a way to cope with our shinanigins." "It's not alcohol either", Mickey takes a sip and thinks, "It's healing potion." "Why would she need that?", Os asked. Mickey and Os's ears perked up and they set the bottle back. Mia came back in the kitchen. She saw them looking at her, "... What? Do I have something on my face?" "No", Mickey rested his head in his hands, "You just make the world stop." She smiles and continues to clean. Os and Mickey share a worried glance. "Mama", Tal reaches up, "Up, up." Mia goes to her, "Come here baby." She picks her up and holds her close. "Puppy", Tal touches Mia's face. "You mean mommy honey", Mia reachd up and touched her nose. "Puppy", Tal smiled. Mia looked to the blood on her fingertips. Mia started to fall down. "Hey, hey, hey", Mickey gets to her in time and catches her. Tal started to cry. Matt picked her up. "Mia", Mickey pats her face, "Hey." Blood dripped her nose and mouth. Mia passed out. Summer shone a light in her eyes, "She's been taking healing potion but she bleed still?" "She's been drinking them since we visited Hell", Mickey said, "Do you think it's something?" Summer checks Mia's mouth, "I could be exhaustion. She probably just needs rest." Mickey stroked her hair. Mia rested for five days. Mickey stayed with her the whole time. The other gen would visit her. Mickey saw her wake up. "Mickey", she said weakly. "I'm here", he stroked her head softly. She reaches out. He lays next to her. She curls into him. He holds her, "I'm here." She trembles, "It hurts." "It's okay", he kisses her head. She fell asleep. During the night, she moaned in pain. She managed to get out of bed and into the bathroom. She threw up all that was left in her stomach. She made a bath. She had her tears mixed with the water. She sunk into the water in pain. She held to the ledge and hissed in pain. She grunted as her body tried to shift into something else. She clenched her eyes and teeth, "Come on. You can take this-" She moans in pain, "Oh God-" She doubles over. Her bones and skin was tearing and breaking open. She covered her mouth to not scream. Elsewhere, Logan was laying in bed with Nes. He gasped and grunted in pain. He held himself. "Logan?", Nes sat up, "What is it?! What's wrong?!" "Something's-", Logan grunted, "happening to me." Sky in her room was moaning and turning, "Ow- Ow." Mia watched as her fingernails sharpen into claws. Nes saw fur broke from Logan's skin. Sky felt her teeth sharpen and extend. Mia's back arched as her mouth turned into a snout. Logan's eyes narrowed and they became unhuman like. Sky howled into the night. Mia and Logan followed after. Mickey broke the door down and only saw Mia break out through the window. Logan growls at Nes. "Logan?", she reached out, "Don't you know it's me?" He slowly calmed. He sniffed her and looked at her. She cupped his face, "Oh Logan." He whimpers and licks her cheek. Sky and Mia were howling again. Logan turned his head to look where the window was at. "Please don't go", Nes nuzzles him, "How do I know I'll ever see you again?" Logan rubs his snout to her neck. He gently bit her neck. She watched him go. His howls fading away. Nes went to window to see three wolves disappear into the night. Mickey had waited in the bathroom for Mia to return. He woke to find Mia next to him. She was muddy and had twigs and leaves in her hair. She wasn't wearing anything. "Mia?", he held her to him. She slowly woke, "... Hi." He hugs her, "Don't do that to me. You scared me senseless." She kissed him softly, "I'm sorry." Nes woke when Logan snores at the foot of the bed. He was at a similar state as Mia. Nes went to him, "Logan?" He snapped awake and held Nes to him. She felt his heartbeat quickening and he seemed afraid of something. She carefully holds him, "It's okay. I'm here." He calms down and looks to her. They kissed softly and nuzzled. "Where did you go?", Nes was close to tears, "I couldn't sleep knowing you were out there." He wiped her tears, "I can't remember last night. The last thing I know is that I was with you and felt this horrible pain go over me." Walt woke to find Ser in his chambers. He covers her and helps her sit up. She weakly speaks to him, "I'm tired." He craddles her to him, "What happened to you?" Summer checked on the three of them. "Nothing out of the usual", he shook his head, "You said that they were wolves?" Nes, Mickey and Walt were in the exam room. "I saw them run into the woods", Nes says, "I saw Logan transformed." Summer scratches his head, "I don't think I know anything about that?" "Do you think it's a curse?", Walt looked to Mia. Mia holds her arm, "It just might be." "What kind of curse?", Sky asked. "Something I thought I only have", Mia said, "For me and the others to escape our role of death, I had to kill the guardian of Hell." "Cyberus", Mickey said. "I thought I would be the only one to suffer the curse", Mia shook her head, "I was wrong." "What's going to happen to us?", Logan asked. "I'm not sure", Mia said, "I should have known returning would activate the curse." Logan looked to the window, "Maybe something in the woods can tell us." The gen went on a search party to find any clue what they did that night. They found tracks leading to an opening. Trees were knocked down or pulled from the ground completely. Winter touched the ground and closed her eyes, "... Something bad happened here." She stands and hold herself, "Something bad will happen here." She goes to Summer, afraid. He holds her to him, "Don't worry my dear. We'll be ready for whatever happens here." Mia looks to the trees and turned up dirt, "Look at those holes in the trunks." Jason looked with her, "Those are bite marks." "What kind of animal makes those bite marks?", Tori said. "I have a theory", Mia says. "Logan!", Nes knelt next to him. Logan was curled on the floor. His hair was changing silver. Mia knelt and held him. Logan's eyes were no longer human and like an animal. "We're running out of time", Mia shook her head, "We have to do this now." "Do what now?", Nes said. "We have to let him completely change", Mia says, "So when the time comes, we'll be ready." Winter had Mia, Logan and Sky lay in the clearing. Candles and black sand surrounded them. Winter marked symbols on their body. Logan looks to Mia. They held each others hands. Winter chants and the moon shinned over them. Mia, Logan and Sky turned into black fog. The fog swirled together and formed a large creature. A cyberus stood in the clearing. It roared into the night. The gen winced as harsh winds. The world shook. Something was coming. Samantha felt her wings beckoning to be summon. Scoob's hair stood up. Victoria held onto Os's hand. Some of the gen were beggining to shake. MA saw her own breathe. Joke hid in the Academy, afraid of what was coming. Tori looked to the distance. A large cloud approached Disney. "What is that?", Sam Sr. asked no one in particular. Summer gulps, "It's Victoria's worst fear." A loud scream came from the mass. Cyberus growled deeply. Tori turned into her Angel form, "We have to stop it from reaching her." "Who specfically?", Dan asked. "Joke", Summer said. "Jason, Sam, Johnathan and Jonas", Tori orders, "Go protect Joke. We'll take it from here." They ran back. "Jaiden", Tori says, "Take the second and third gen back to the Academy." "Alright", Jaiden says, "Don't do something stupid." Tori looked to Cyberus, "This better work." Cyberus snorts out steam. The fear drew closer. Cyberus started to part their mouths and attempted to take in the fear on it's own. The fear surrounded them. Angel summoned as much light as she could. MA made the strongest shield as she could. Vicky gave all the strength she had. The fear swallows them whole.Joke was hiding in the game room. She heard the others looking for her. She curled into a ball, "I'm so scared." She sobs. A gentle hand rested on her, "Be still." Joke took in a breathe. "Don't be afraid", the voice spoke gently, "You are not alone." Joke turned to see the person of light. The girl smiled softly, "Hello sister." Joke looked to her, "H-How are you..?" The girl smiled sadly, "I'm not sure." She carefully holds Joke's hands, "You need me now so I'm here." Joke sniffs, "What am I going to do?" The girl hugs her close, "It'll be okay." At the clearing, Cyberus was taking as much of the fear inside as possible. Joke wipes her tears away, "How do you do it?" "Do what?", the girl asked. "Be so calm when things are just chaotic and scary?" The girl smiles, "Oh, that's easy. I'm with the people who care about me and who I love the most." Tori felt around, blinded by the fear. "But what if there's no one to save you?", Joke shook her head, "What then?" Vicky and MA found each other. "There's always someone there for you", the girl smiles. Winter and Summer hugged. "Then what will happen to them?" Tori went Cyberus's side. The gen gather close together. "They will learn that fear does not control them", the girl said, "it controls no one." Cyberus absorbed the darkness and it was gone. The sun shone brightly. Mia, Logan and Sky sat in the clearing. Mia had wolf ears, nose, paws and a tail. Her fur the color as her hair. Logan's hair was silver and his hands were covered with fur. Sky was now a cartoon mouse. The girl smiled to Joke, "I'll see you again soon okay?" Joke watched her vanish into light. Tori goes to Mia's side. Mia slowly opened her eyes, "... I don't look weird don't I?" "Not that weird", Tori helps her up, "Logan? Yeah Logan looks weird." Logan sits up and sees himself. "Honey", Mia asked, "How do you feel?" "I'm kind of freaking out, not gonna lie." Sky woke up, "... I guess this is how I look now." Mia looks to her tail, "Mickey is not going to like this." Logan felt his face, "Nes is not going to like this." "Well it looks like everything turned out alright", Summer says. Winter sunk on the ground, "Honey?" She held her belly, "Something's wrong." Summer carried her to the infirmary. "Is the baby okay?", she asked. MA looked at the womb, "The baby is in distress." "We're have to do a c-section", Summer said. "But it's too early", Wiinter was laid back. "We have to honey", he took out his axe. Meanwhile, Mia was hiding under a blanket. "Come on, Honey", Mickey says, "I don't care what you look like." "Well I do", her voice muffled under the blanket, "I look silly." "Baby", he smiled, "Nothing could make me love you less." Her nose poked out, "Just don't say anything first okay?" He nuzzles her nose, "Okay." Her nose twitches as they booped. She poked her head out. He looks to her. She looks away, "I look ridculous, don't I?" "No", he shook his head, "No, honey." He takes her hands into his, "You'll never look ridiculous to me." Her tail wags happily. They inched closer. Their noses twitched and when they touched, a wave of energy went over them. "Oh baby", he pulls her close, "Come here." They laughed and kissed repeatedly. She licks up his cheek, "I love you." "I love you", Mickey nuzzles her. They went under the blanket and kissed passionately. She giggles as he kisses her body. "What is it?", he smiles at her. "The static is making our fur stand up." He looks at himself and then her, "Why didn't I fall for you sooner?" They moaned and kissed happily. She whimpers in want and he pleases her."Logan", Nes stood outside the bathroom, "Come on. You don't have to hide from me." "I just need a moment", he said, "Ow!" "What are you even doing?", she puts an ear to the door. "Nothing honey", he says, "Just- uh- one second-" He opens the door. He had bandages on his body and face. "Logan", Nes was incredulous, "what is all this." "I just", he tried to be casual, "want to look my best for my girl." "Uh huh", she frowns, "Why are you wearing that coat?" "I-I'm just cold', he held the coat, "Burrr." She lifted a brow. He smiles nervously. "Are you hiding something from me?", she squints at him, "because if you are, I'm going to be very, very upset." "Why would I ever hide anything to the woman I love", he hides the hair dye from her sight. She took ahold of the coat, "Then you wouldn't mind if I take this off?" "Sure", his eyes dashed nervously around. She took off the coat, "... Logan?" He wore another coat, "Yes, my love?" She growls. He laughs nervously, "Well, look at the time. Why I hear Bella May calling my name." He inched toward the door. "Logan Walter Mouse", Nes crossed her arms, "you will undress right now or you can forget ever coming back in here." He sighs, "Okay. Just- Just take this slow okay?" He took off five coats. Her eyes widened. He had used shoes to make it look like he was extending his height but he had actually grown over a foot. He was now chisled and had silver hair on his chest, "So this happened." She stood there completely quiet. "I know this might seem a lot but I think after tearing most of my hair on my legs, I think I can learn shave enough times that I'll look somewhat before." She just stares. "And I found the hair dye closest to before", he says, "I can't say that I can do it everywhere on me but if it'll make you happy I'll-" She shoves him on the bed, "Stop talking." She kisses him passionately. He hold her close, "Nes-" She kisses his cheek, "I don't care what you look like. As long as your mine, I'm happy." They nuzzled. She purrs as he kissed her body. "This isn't too much of a change?", he asked. "I think I can manage it", she touched his six-pack. "You seem", he watches her undress, "to be taking this okay." "Mhm", she undoes his pants. "I didn't think you'd like this new me this much", he watches her touch him. "Oh honey", she goes to him, "You know appearances don't effect me." He watches her stroke his chest hair, "If you say so." She presses her face to his fur, "It's so soft." She purrs, "Logan." He held her close, "I love you." She kisses him, "I love you too." They kissed softly. She smiles as he bites into her neck. They moan and began to move together. He licks the side of her mouth, "My Nes." She purrs happily. Winter laid in a bed. A small baby boy asleep next to her. Summer kissed Winter, "You did an amazing job honey." She smiles sleepily, "We have to name him." "You pick honey", he kissed her cheek. "How about Timothy?", Winter smiles, "Tiny Tim." Kit was playing on her Game Girl. She then sat up to attention. She dropped her device and burst into a run. "Kit?", Samantha called after her, "Where are you going?" Kit made a run toward the beach. She didn't dare look behind her. "What was that all about?", Billy asked. Samantha shrugged, "I can't explain her." Kit made it to the water. She started to swim off the island, "Got to- get away-" Tiny Tim opened his eyes. Winter stroked his small head softly, "Hi baby." The baby looks to her and cooes. Summer stroked small circles on his head. Joke was relaxing outside. She frowned and sat up, "What the-" Her eyes rolled back and foam came from her mouth. The gen began to lose their sense of mind. "Baby?", Samantha closes her eyes, "My head feels strange." He laughs randomly, "Are we high?" Tori held to the wall, "What is this?" Her world began to turn warped and strange. Mark leans on Jack, "Do I know you from somewhere?" "Dude", Jack laughs, "I don't even know who I am." Danny looked to his hands, "Wooaaahhh, I'm tripping balls." Arin laughs, "Look at that lemon dancing with that fairy..." The gen all passed out. Tal and Matt Jr. were unaffected by the waves of chaos. "Dada?", Matt Jr tugs on Matt's shirt. Matt laughs, "I'm the president-" Matt Jr. took Tallulah's hand and they walked out. They walked into the hall. Winter had Tiny Tim in her arms. "You two", Summer stood beside Winter, "Need to get in the system." The gen surrounded the twins. "Join us", they said. Matt Jr. held Tal to him, "No." "You will go under the power of my mind", Summer was used as a vessle to speak, "Once you are, you will all become my toys." Meanwhile, Mia and Mickey were laying in bed. Mia strokes Mickey's chest, "Now it has a different meaning." He smiles at her, "Mhm." Logan and Nes were resting in each other's arms. "Are you sure everything changed?", she stroked his fur, "Because it's still hard to go all the way in." He presses his lips to her forehead, "You are amazing." His sat up and sniffed the air. "What is it?", she asked. He frowns and sniffs again, "The air smells strange. Like something is pulsating." She frowns, "It's so quiet." He scoops her close, "I'm going to check it out." "Logan-" "Stay here", he kissed her head. "Logan", she pulls herself to her knees, "I'm pregnant." He nuzzles her, "Nes, I'm so happy." She smiles, "So be careful, okay?" He gets dressed and walks out into the hall. He walks down the hallway. He sees Snow and Victor walking toward him. Logan squints, "Guys?" They ran at him. He summoned his magic and stopped them in place. "You're not in the system", Snow says. "We must all be part of it", Victor says without any emotion. "What is with you two?", Logan squints. "Hey!" Logan turns to see Ser and Sam Jr. holding Nes by her arms and legs. "Put her down!", Logan growls. "He wants you to join us", Ser says. "He wants us all to join us", Sam Jr. says. "Just give her to me", Logan says, "I'll do anything you want." Ser and Sam Jr. released Nes. Nes went and he held her close. "It's okay", he wrapped his arms around her. The four others took them to Tiny Tim. The baby spoke through Winter. "Be free of your mind and give it to him." Logan and Nes were held down as the baby started to infiltrate their heads. Logan felt waves of energy go over him. They became like the others. Mia and Mickey had no idea what was happening outside the room. He strokes the side of her body, "So that's what it's like with fur." Mia laughs and lays on her her side. "I love you're tail", he strokes the lower part of her back. "I'm glad you like it", she shifts as his hands lowered. Their tails wagged as they kissed. Meanwhile, Kit was wadding in the sea. A person slowly emerges to the surface. "Hi-Hi", the Mia smiles. "You're Mia's friend", Kit says, "Wiv, right?" "Yes", the Mia laughs, "I am the all-knowing Mia who lost her mind after learning all the secrets of the universe." "How long were you underwater?" "Not sure", Wiv hacks out a bandage, "but forget that. You are all in grave danger. That child is capable of things your small mind can't understand." "Eh, you can try me", Kit shrugs. "He is Insainity himself. All he wants is chaos and destruction of minds", Wiv squints and shakes her fist, "He has toyed me for almost twenty years and now he has taken physical form as that newborn baby." "So what do we do?", Kit asked. "We need to break the simulation from the source", Wiv said. "Right", Kit nods, "We have to kill the baby- " "What? No!", Wiv scoffs, "Crazy head!" Kit rolled her eyes. "We need to infiltrate the false reality to bring everyone back." "So what do I need to do?", Kit says. "You're going to have to enter the field and be taken over", Wiv lifts up an index finger, "but I will do a technic so that you can see the truth under the influences of him." "By how?" Wiv knocks Kit with a rock. Kit's body floats. "Kill the baby", Wiv sighs, "If only it were that easy." Wiv threw Kit on the shore, "Good luck kid!" Kit's mind slips into the influence.Chapter 24: ALTERKit opened her eyes. She sat up. She looked around. Her walls were made out of wooden boards used in packaging large items. On the walls was files of all the gen. Some red marker marked important facts like weaknesses, deaths and questions. She got to her feet, "Wait if this is my room-?" A knock came to her door, "Kit? Breakfast is ready." "Mom?", Kit goes to the door. She opens it to find Sunshine tied her hair up. "I cooked your favorite", Winter bops Kit's nose, "Blueberry waffles." "I", Kit frowns, "Don't like blueberry waffles actually." Sunshine laughs, "Oh Kit. You and your jokes." She tsked, "My, my Kit. Look at this mess." Kit turned to see a different room than before. It was like a normal bedroom without all her research and a proper set of furniture. "I want this clean as soon as you get back from school, okay?", Sunshine looked to her watch, "I have to run. I'm recording a new song." Kit watched her mother go, "That was weirdly normal." She goes to the kitchen to see a man reading the paper. He sees her, "Good morning sweetheart." Kit frowns, "Do I know you?" The man laughs, "Why, can you recognize your old man?" Kit frowns, "You're human?" He laughs again, "Oh Kit. You jokester you." "Good morning", a boy around her age goes to the table, "Has mom alreadly left?" "Billy?", Kit asked. Billy didn't have his goat or crazed eye. No horns or fangs. "Yes", he said, "What is it Kit?" She sits at the table, "This doesn't make any sense." "What is troubling you, Kit?", "J.J." sets his paper aside. "Why is mom acting all weird and you two look like this." Billy took a bite of his eggs, "I don't know what you're talking about." "Come on kids", "JJ" called, "You'll be late for school." Kit watched as her siblings come into the kitchen. They all were human. "What the Cinammon Toast Fuck is going on?", Kit was outraged. "Kitrena Falls", JJ frowns at her, "Watch your mouth young lady." "You all are wrong", she gets up, "I'm going to Gamgam and Pawpaw." She goes outside. She stopped in her tracks. They were in a neighborhood with lawns, white-pike fences and all that normal shit. She looks to her vespa to see it was now a bike. She gets on her bike and goes around the place. She saw other memembers of the gen. They had no fangs or different color skin. The acted like nothing was out of the ordinary. "What kind of Hell is this?", she looked around. Her phone buzzed. She answers, "Hello?" "Kit where did you go?", Billy said concernly, "We're all worried about you." "You should be more worried about yourselves", she looks for any sign of reality, "This place isn't real-" She ran into something. Or someone. Zoey gasped and looked to her dress, "My new dress!" "Zoey", Kit covers her mouth, "I am so, so sorry." Zoey frowns at her, "Do I know you?" Kit frowns, "What?" Zoey sighs, "Don't worry. It's not that bad." "Wait Zoey-", Kit watched Zoey wipe the black stain with her fingers. Zoey looks to her, "What is it?" Kit noticed how Zoey looked. She still had white hair but her skin was a natural skin color. She had pupils and appeared to be wearing black shoes and showed no sigh of irritated skin. "So", Kit points to herself, "you don't know who I am?" "I'm afraid not", Zoey says, "Are you new in town?" "Uh, yeah", Zoey nods, "Um, do you mind telling me what town this is?" Zoey points to the distance, "It's Wonderville." Kit looks to the billboard to see it had a red silohette of Mickey. "Are you going to the Academy?" "Uh, yeah", Kit goes along with it, "Definetly, definetly." "Zoey", Emily came out the house, "You've forgotten your lunch." Kit's eyebrows lifted. Emily was about ten years older than she was before. "Mom", Zoey motioned, "This is Kit. She's going to the Academy too." "Why hello", Emily smiles, "You're new to the neighborhood, right? I'd love to meet your family sometimes." Kit nods, "Sure." A bus honks their horn. "There's the bus", Emily motions, "Now you two hurry." Kit and Zoey got on the bus. Kit saw more of the third gen. "Hey hot stuff", Ash smiles. Kit and Zoey ignores him. "There you are", Billy stands and goes to Kit, "Do you have any idea..." He trails off when he saw Zoey behind her. "Hi", Zoey smiles. "Hi", his mouth twitches. Kit sits down at the window. Zoey sits with her, "Who is he?" "My brother", Kit looked out the window and examines the town. "Does he", Zoey glances over to where Billy was, "have a girlfriend?" "No", Kit looks to her, "Can I ask you something?" "Sure", Zoey smiles. "How long have you've been living here?" "Why for...", Zoey trails off, "I think... all my life really." Kit sees the Academy. They entered the school. Kit stopped in her tracks. A woman stands their to greet the students. "Hello", the woman smiles, "My name is Principal Jefferson." Kit took a few steps back. The woman looked at her concern, "Is something wrong?" "I left my", Kit motions, "Bike at home." "But you took the bus", the woman points. Kit laughs, "Yeah-" She broke out into a full run the opposite direction. "No you don't", Billy snatched her and threw her over his shoulder. She beats him, "Billy, put me down!" "You're not getting out of school not that easily", he carries her in. "Fine, just put me down", she gives up. He sets her on her feet. She crosses her arms. Zoey goes to them. Billy watched her in awe. Zoey looked to Kit, "Hey. I got your shedule." "Thanks", Kit took it. Billy held out his hand to Zoey, "Hi I don't think we've formally meet yet." "I'm Zoey", she shook his hand. "Hi Billy, I'm Zoey", he wiinced at his mistake. Zoey laughs, "It's nice to meet you." They stared into each other's eyes and kept their hands held. "Yo", Ash puts an arm around Billy's neck, "You already picking up chicks? Good for you." Zoey released her hand and moved her hair behind her ear, blushing. Billy forced a smile at Ash, "Haha, Ash. My best pal." He puts his hand on Ash's shoulder, "I think we're going to go over there now." He pushes Ash away from the girls, "Have a nice day." Zoey watched him go. "I think he likes you", Kit looks for her locker. "What?", Zoey blushed deeply, "No, no. He's just- You think so?" "I don't think I ever seen him act so dumb toward a girl", Kit opens her locker, "And he's alreadly pretty dumb." "I think he's so cute", Zoey's locker was nearby. Kit saw Matchel across the hall. "Hi", Kit goes to her. Matchel looks to her, "Um, hi." "I'm Kit", Kit held out her hand, "Let's be friends." Matchel closed her locker, "Best friends." They held hands and they walked to class. They went to class. "Okay class", Tori wrote on the board, "My name is Mrs. White. I'm going to be your English teacher." The first gen were the teachers of the school. Kit looked down the hall, "Matt and Ryan?" She went to see them dressed in janitorial wear. "You need something?", Ryan asked. "Um", she looks to Matt, "You have a son, right?" Matt Jr. frowns, "Excuse me?" "Matt Jr.?", she said. "Kid", Matt said, "I don't have a kid. Shouldn't you be somewhere anyway?" "Sorry", Kit turns and walks away. She went to the cafeteria. Mark, Stampy and Jack were serving lunch. "Are you guys on YouTube?", Kit asked. "If I was on YouTube", Mark motions, "You think I'd be here?" She sits with Matchel and Zoey. "Do you like anyone yet?", Zoey asked. Kit shrugs, "Eh." She looks to see Samantha, "Hey." She stands and goes over to Samantha, "Wait this isn't right." Samantha's belly was at least six months in." Samantha felt like crying, "Teenage pregnacy isn't wrong." "No, no", Kit motions and thinks up a quick recover, "You shouldn't be carrying all that stuff." Kit holds Samantha's books. "Thank you", Samantha wipes her eyes, "I don't mean to cry. This baby just makes things so personal." "Come sit with me", Kit says. Samatha sits with Zoey and Matchel. "Who's the father?", Matchel asked. "He doesn't go here", Samantha rubbed her belly, "He works so he could provide for the baby." "Aww", Zoey says, "that's so sweet." Kit talks to herself, "How long has this been going on?" James was taking out the trash. Kit goes to him, "James?" He looks to her, "Yes?" "Do you have the keys to the school pool?" "Um, yeah", he ties the trash, "You need something in there?" 'Yes", Kit says. She goes over to her brother, "Jimmy? Can you help me with something real quick?" "Sure", he nods. They went to the pool. "So what did you-" She shoves him in the water. He surfaces, "What the hell?!" She takes a lose drain and cuts her hand. She had her blood drip into the water. She waits. He swims and looks at her, "Kit what are you..." His nose twitches. She watches as his pupils dialated until his eyes were all black. He slowly changed into his true form. He swam in circles, hungry. She hurried and ran out. He chases after her. She opened the cafeteria's door, "Shark!"The turned to see Kit be tackled by Jimmy. He widened his jaws to bite her. She closes her eyes waiting for the bite, "Fish are friends. Not food." When nothing came, she opened her eyes. Jimmy was hovering over her. "Kit?", his drool ran down his face. She carefully puts her hands to his arms, "It's okay." Jimmy saw the others. They were all shocked. "He's-", Ash pointed, "A shark! A fucking shark!" Kit gets to her feet, "He's harmless." Jimmy looked to himself, "What's going on." Kit saw the Principal heading toward them. "Come on", Kit took Jimmy's hand and they ran out the school. They ran until they made sure nobody could find them. "What was that?", he looks to her, "Where the hell are we?" "This is a simulation", she wraps her scrath, "We have to find Gamgam and PawPaw." "Okay", he nods, "Wait, are we the only people who know?" "Yeah", she peeks around the corner. "So why did you wake me up?", he asked. "You seem the easiest to bring back", she looked to him, "You're a shark person afterall." He shrugs, "I guess that makes sense." She motions, "Come on. We have to search now." They looked at all the houses. They went to one. Jason answers the door. He looked well into his thirties. "Hi Pops", Kit smiles. "Kit?", Jason sees Jimmy, "What the fuck?!" Kit motions, "Grab him." "Sorry Pops", Jimmy picks up Jason. "Hey!", Jason struggles. Jimmy bites into Jason's neck. Jason fell to the ground and felt his neck. Kit waits. Jason's skin turns green and he changed to his normal, young self, "Ugh." "Pops", Kit knelt to him. "What', Jason looked to his clothes, "the hell am I wearing?" "Pops", Kit said, "We need to find Gamgam and PawPaw." Jason gets to his feet, "Okay." "Honey?", Vicky's voice was heard from within the house, "Who's at the door?" "Ah", Jason thinks of something to say, "The girl scouts asked where someone whould like their cookies. What's Summer's adress again?" "Why", Vicky's was cooking in the kitchen, "They're across from us." They went to the house. Summer answered the door, "Oh hello-" Kit went past him, "Sorry." She went to Winter, "Where is he?" Winter was knitting, "Where is who dear?" "The baby?", Kit looks around. "Baby?", Summer frowns, "What baby?" "Your baby", Kit looks to the photo on the walls. "Are you talking about my Timothy?", Winter sets her knitting aside, "Why, he's at the city hall." Kit runs out, "Bye!" Jason and Jimmy walked with her. "What's the plan?", Jimmy asked. "Wake as many people you can", Kit says, "Do whatever you need to do." Kit went to the city hall. She entered and found only one person there. The man was about his early twenties. He sets his papers aside, "Kitrena. I was expecting your visit." She squints at him, "I don't get it. Why did you do all this?" "There's no sane without insainity, correct?", he stands, "Everything needs balance. I provide it." "You're only a few days old", she frowns, "right?" He laughs softly, "I am but a different type of living being." He goes to her, "Some say I might be the closest thing to the actual living Victoria." She backs away from him. "I'm not going to hurt you", he smiled softly, "We are family afterall." She was backed to the door. He leans down to get in her face, "Aren't you tired? Of fighting for your life? Having to face this nonense of Joke's games?" She held her herself when he guides her to the window. "Don't you want everyone to be happy?", he motions with his hand. She looked out the window to see people in the neighborhoods. There was laughter. Bike riding. Lawn moving. Normal life. "Don't you think that the gen want a normal life?", he looked to her, "Don't you want it?" Kit looked to the families, "... I love my family... The way they were." She looked to him, "Although pain was always a guareenteed, I wouldn't have life any other way." She touched the window, "My world was crazy and unpredicible, but I think we like it that way. Never a dull moment." He nods slowly, "I understand." "So you will change everything back?", she smiled hopefully. "No", he said. He snatched her by her neck. She gasped and tried to free herself. He smiled darkly, "Such a shame. I really liked your story." He threw her out the window from his second story office. The world went dark.She woke up in a white room. She looked to the padded walls. She looked to the straight jacket she had on. "No", she paled and tripped as she got to her feet, "Heeeeeeelp!" She started to hyperventilate, "Please!" She began to sob, "Let me out!" She went to the door and tries to knock it down. It was no use. "No", she sunk to the ground, "No..." She cries and curls into a ball, "Don't let me be alone." She cries. After a couple of hours, she had finally fallen alseep. She felt eyes on her. She jolted awake and saw a person in the corner. They looked exactly like her. "No", she covered her eyes, "Go away." The other her tilted their head. She rocks, "It's all in my head. It's not real." The other her went and kneeled by her, "We are your friends." "We?", Kit asked. She glanced to see four other people in the room. The first one that looked like here was like her but with purple hair and clothes, "My name is Altalune. I am the Spirit of intrige and interest." She introduced the others, "His name is Cosmo." Cosmo wore green and seemed nervous and paranoid. "He is the Spirit of doubt and paranora", Altalune explains. "Don't tell her these things", Cosmo held to himself, "We don't know what she'll do to us." "That is Aurora", she continued, "She is the Spirit of Curiousity and Wonder." Aurora wore pink and was examining the cell and the padded walls. "Orion is the Spirit of ignorance and insensitivity." Orion was wearing a dark grey. "Who is that?", Kit asked. In one corner was a black form with human eyes, staring at Kit. Altalune didn't turn to look at it, "That is the Spirit of intentions. Do not look at it." Kit turned her eyes away from it to look at her, "Why are you here?" "You don't remember us", she explains, "They told you that we were your imaginary friends." Kit frowns, "Are you in my head?" "No", Altalune shook her head, "You are some of the few people who can." "Why are you here?", Kit asked. "We are here to help you", Altalune stands, "We'll help you stop him-" "Kit", the Doctor's voice spoke overhead, "Who are you talking too?" Altalune puts a finger to her lips. Kit saw the other Spitits go to her. Kit whispers, "What should I say?" "Say you hear Joke", Altalune advises. "I hear Joke", Kit says. "What is she telling you?" "Say she is telling me to help her." Kit repeats what she says. "How will you help her?" "Say you will stop Tim." "I will stop Tim." "You will not", the Doctor says. Altalune goes to Kit's side, "You're aunt is another person who can see us." Kit felt something flicker in her. She was always close to her aunt. If anyone could understand and believe this was her. "We're going to have you're spirit exit this place", she says, "so you can get help. We will protect you're body here." Kit sits at the center of the room. She closes her eyes and pushed out her spirit. She looked back to see the Spirits protecting her body. Altalune points and motions her to go. Kit went out the room. Next to her cell was Joke. She was in a contraption that bound her down. Her spirit was dim. Kit went out the place. She saw Wonderville. She looked for her aunt. She found her in a house. Luna was cooking for her kids. Kadyn, Ash, Cinder and Choal were eating at the table. Kit went and stood before Luna. Luna raised her head to see Kit. Kit reached out. Luna took Kit's hand into hers, "Kit?" "What is it honey?", Kadyn asked. Kit desperately tried to pull Luna along. Luna held to Kit's hands, "Where are you?" Kit sees the others start to stand and approach them. Luna saw this and looked to Kit, "Where are you, Kit?" "Locked away", Kit spoke. Speaking in the Spirit World causes the real one to shift. The ground shook. Luna shoved her family aside and ran out. The other gen began to exit their homes. Kit and Luna ran. Kit took her to where she was. Luna summoned her daggers and fought her way in. She broke into Kit's cell. Kit returned to her body. She gasped and took in a breath. Luan hugged her. They held onto each other. "You okay?", Luna stroked her head, "You're not hurt?" "No", Kit sniffed, "I'm okay." Luna was like a second mother to Kit. Luna helps her to her feet, "Come on." They freed Joke. Luna carried Joke, "We need to get her out of here." They went to leave. The gen had the place surrounded. Luna held Joke to her. Kit looked to Luna as Joke was handed to her. "You take her as far away from this place as possible", Luna takes out her daggers. "What are you-", Kit shook her head, "No- No, no, no!" The Spirit of Intentions entered Luna. Luna's eyes changed. One of her eyes went fully black with a white dot as a pupil. The other was red with a orange ring in the middle. Genocide came out. Kit took Joke and ran the other way. She didn't look back. She got out of Wonderville before setting Joke down. Joke grunted and woke, "What? What happened?" "You need to take us back", she shook Joke, "Stop Tim from controlling them." Joke came to her senses, "He isn't able to infiltrate my mind. He's trying to use the others against me." "What do I need to do?", Kit saw Joke starting to sink to the ground, "Hey." "The Spirts", Joke's eyelids grew heavy, "you can..." She passes out. Kit looked to the Spirts, "I can what?" "Kit", Altalune says, "You're spirit is so strong that you can open the Spirit World within a certain radius around you. We can help you fight him." Kit stands, "Then what are we waiting for?" She looked back to where the town was, "Let's go." They came to where they left off. Luna was fighting them still. Kit took out her mask and puts it on. She summoned her machine gun and aimed. She fired at the corrupted gen. She got to Luna's side. They fought off the most powerful gen in the universe. Kit shot Tori and Summer. She reloads and shoots Sunshine and Snow. "We're not going to make it Kit", Luna held her bleeding side. Kit rested her back to Luna, "If this is the end, I want you to know something." Luna threw her final dagger, "What is it, Teacup?" Kit smiled hearing her old nich name, "I wouldn't have fought the gen with anyone else." Luna smiles, "Me either." Kit closed her eyes. She thought about the happiest memory she had.It was Kit and her siblings' birthday party. There was cake and ballons. Joke had made the party happen in Five Nights at Freddy's. Kit got to meet the animontronics and eat pizza. She was playing with her friends. Friends no one but she could see but herself. She knew those kids. She had taken them to a room to play. Something came over her and she woke in a suit. The kids were laughing at her from outside. She cried and Luna found her. Luna craddled her in her arms and calmed her, "It's okay. I got you." "Why are they bullying me?", Luna sniffed. "They don't like people like us, Teacup", Luna wraps a blanket around her. "People like us?", Kit sniffs. Luna wiped Kit's eyes, "We are very special." She points to her friends, "I see them too." Luna looked to Winter, "Why can't I be normal Aunt Luna?" "Because my little Teacup", she kissed Kit's head, "You are perfect just the way you are. Stay weird my little Teacup." The Spirits laid next to Luna and Kit. "Are we bad?", Kit asked. "No", Luna stroked her head, "Just misunderstood." Luna sniffs, "Why did that happen to you Aunt Luna?" Luna nuzzles her, "I don't know." Tears streamed down her face. Kit wiped Luna's face, "Don't cry." Luna sniffs and manages a smile, "Okay." She took out a photo, "Look. This was taken my first day in Pre-K." Kit saw the five kids in the picture. The fifth one was in Luna's shadow. The spirits looked too. "They like to follow me around", Luna lets Kit hold the photo, "but they seem to like you." Kit looks to the Spirits, "Be nice to Aunt Luna. She didn't know what she did was wrong." The Spirits hugged Kit. Kit smiled, "We'll have you back soon, okay?" Kit's wish was to help the kids in the photo. Kit opend her eyes. Her left eye glowed red. She spread her arms wide and the Spirit World opened around her. The Spirits took physical form and stood with Kit. They fought the gen off. Once they were down. Kit looked to Tim. He stood there, watching. "I don't understand", he shook his head, "You'd rather have the reality of your haunting past and your unwanted gift than a life of solitude and peace." Kit took off her mask and motions to herself, "I'm already perfect and I don't plan on being anything else." The world around them started to turn to lights. Tim smiled, "Maybe there is balance in us afterall." The gen woke up. Kit woke on the beach. She sat up and looked to the water. "How you doing kid?", Wiv went to her. "I feel good", Kit nods, "I'm finally home." Wiv nods, "See you around." Kit went to see everyone all confused and lost. Scoob held his head, "Ugh my read." Samantha laughs and held her belly, "Um, Scoob?" He looked to her and his jaw dropped. Her belly was rounder than the last time they knew about it." She reaches out, "Come here. Come here." He goes to her. She puts his paws on her belly. The baby moves and kicks. They smiled. Mickey sits up and rubs his eyes, "Wow, I had the weirdest dream." "I'm having one right now", Mia looked to her body. He looks and his eyes widen. She holds her round belly, "Um." Logan woke and saw Nes. He kissed her awake. She opens her eyes, "... Logan, I think the baby-" "I know", he kisses her neck, "I'll be careful-" "No, Logan", she sits up. He sees her matured belly. He fainted. Kit entered the Academy. Tal and Matt Jr. were now toddlers now. Winter held baby Tim. Kit squints at him. The baby only laughs and cooes.Chapter 25: HOBBYBilly threw cards into a hat. Ash moaned loudly, "Ugh! So boing!" "If you're so bored", Zoey held out a book, "Trying reading for a change." "But then Abcde's going to-" "I'm going to what?", Abcde crossed her arms, "Sweet stuff", he puts a hand to his chest, "I love you so I'm going to be completely honest with you." She lifted a brow. "You kill the full out of everything", he motions, "If I read this you'll be like- What it's about? Is it good. I'll have to tell you a short summary of the book. I'll be pressured to read it faster because you want to read it. And if I don't like the book then I have to find another book. Then this goes on and on and- I'LL LOSE MY MIND!" He burst into flames and threw his chair out the window. He took deep breathes and calms down. Abcde rolled her eyes, "You're so dramatic sometimes." "What you need is a hobby", Billy shuffles his cards, "Something as a skill to master." "Can Abcde be my hobby then?", Ash sits beside Abcde. She slaps him. "Okay", he rubs his cheek. "What are you interested in?", Zoey asked. "Well", Ash looked to the shelves, "I always wanted to get into puzzles." "Really?", Billy asked. "Yeah", Ash poured the puzzle piecses on the floor, "I think they're really cool." "...Great-", Billy stops himself from laughing, "That's great. Good for you man." Abcde sits beside Ash, "I'm sure the others have difficult time to find something to do, too." Elsewhere, the third gen were finding thing to past the time. "Five. Six. Seven. Eight", Cat counts as she and Kat pratice dancing, "One. Two. Three. Four. One. Two. Three. Four." Samantha was reading Feminism: Pregnacy Edition. "Ro you need anything, honey?", Scoob rubs her shoulders. "Yeah", she smiles. She smacks him with the book, "I'm hungry! And I'm tired of you trying to treat me different before I was pregnant! You think I would've have wanted a back rub before then?!" She smacks his again. "Ow! That things over five rundred pages?", he tried to crawl away, "She's gone rad!" "That's the last thing a pregnant girl wants to hear you doof!", she smacks again. "Help!", he begs, "Rease!" Sky was with Walt in his chambers. "You're doing amazing, Sky", Walt smiles, "You'll be a great witch." Sky boils a potion, "Walt, you've been acting kind of strange ever since I changed." "What?", Walt carefully cleans the area, "I don't know what you mean." "You don't look at me", Sky carefully takes the boiling potion and goes over to the preparaion area, "And you get so weird when you're near me." Walt goes over to her, "I'm just getting use to your new look." She faces him, "You hate it don't you?" "No", Walt shook his head, "I didn't say that." She goes closer to him. He cups her face, "You'll always look beautiful to me." She smiled softly. They leaned in and kissed. Sky wrapped her arms around Walt. They kissed softly and had their hands explore. A knock on the door. Sky pulled away and blushed. Walt cleared his throat, "Come in." Bella enters, "I finished the book." "What are your thoughts?", Walt takes the book. "It's very instructive", Bella smiles, "I even found some ingredients in the woods." She took out some small bags. "Wow", Walt looked to the ingredients, "This is amazing Bella. Great job." She beams happily. Sky took the potions to them, "My engery potion is complete. Why don't we drink up and get to work?" They each took a tube and drank up. Bella laughs, "Wow, I feel like I can run a marathon." "Let's get to work", Walt clapped his hands. Meanwhile, Jane was training in a spare room. Bella May was sewing her quilts to the side. Will taught Jane combat as he did for Elias. "Let's start with the magical attacks", Will sets his staff aside. "You know that's my weakest strength", Jane tossed her switch blade aside. "That's why we train", he held out his palm, "Now hit my hand." Jane focused on her hands. She summoned magic and made an energy ball. She fired it at Will. He caught the magic, "Counter." He cast it back. Jane tried to block the hit but took it. "You need to be on your guard all times", he motions, "Again." Annabelle was supervising her siblings, "Ben, we need to turn the dirt over there. Jamin, get those chickens out of here or I'll have them for lunch." Jamin pets his chickens, "Why are you always so mean to them? They give you eggs but you threathen to kill them." "Threaten is an understatement", she points, "Anna. Stasia. If you're going to help, I need to keep the livestock from the food. It's unsanitary." "Don't listen to her Betty", Anna strokes the small cows head, "She's just jealous you serve more purpose than she does." Annabelle rolls her eyes, "Whatever." Connor and Damain were working inside the living room. "This song", Connor kissses his fingertips, "Is my master piece." "You say that about every song you do", Damain sighs, "Once the nye has escape my eye/ I am once again under the star starved sky." Elenor and Elizabeth were praticing their performance at the auditorium. "Me me me", Elenor did vocal warm ups, "Mah mah mah." Elizabeth was pratcing her lines, "Nothing had happened the night before. Only myself who stayed outside to watch the stars." Cinder was reading Harvord Law. Autumn was resting on her lap. Choal was examining his rock collection. Jimmy was swiming at the lake. Ray was on the shore, fishing. Manny and Molly were exploring the woods together. Cameron was eating while looking over some records. He was an executive on behalf of the gen. He went over the laws and records to make sure the council is updated with everything. Velocity was reading comics. Randy was pratcing his cooking in the kitchen. Mia showing him some tips, "Now what you want to do is wisk the eggs and pour it on the pan." She taught him as much as she could about cooking. "Now the taste testers", Mia says. Matt and Ryan moaned. "No, no more", Matt waves his hand, "Ever since I've gotten here I've gained thirty-five pounds." "Okay", Mia says, "Tal? Matt Jr.? You want some omlet?" The toddlers used their hands and ate the eggs. "How is it?", she said. "Yum!", Tal says. "More!", Matt Jr. says. Randy smiles. Mason held out cookies to the twins. Mickey sips his coffee. Mia goes to him. He touches her round belly and kisses her. She nuzzles him. David was in Snow's workshop, working on his next invention. Snow helped with welding and supplies, "What are you making over there?" "I'm making baby monitors for Gamgam for the new baby", David says, "With some modifications." "What kind of modifications?" "Not only can they hear the baby cries", David said, "but it can also do simple things like rock the crib, soothe the baby and check the sleeping pattern." "How do you know if it works?", Snow goes over the the contraption. "I'm going to have to try it with myself." Jimmy, Charles, Stacy P. and the other third gen were playing games in the gaming room. Kit was practing her weaponry. Penny was making copper statues. Back where Ash was, he finished the five hundred piece puzzle. It was a puzzle of kittens. "I'm over it", he goes to Abcde and kissed her cheek, "I think I have a piece for you, Abs." She sets her book aside and they wrap their arms around each other. They kissed passionately. Billy motions to Zoey and they leave the two be. Chapter 26: ENEMYMia hums as she decorates the cake she baked. Matt and Ryan were drooling. "Can we have a slice?", Matt asked. "Not", she said, "Until after dinner." "What's for dinner?", Ryan says. "Caldo", she checks the soup, "And it is ready." "Does your family waist nothing?", Matt asked while taking a bowl, "I mean, this meat is pigs feet." "I think it's good to not waste food", Mia sat down with her own bowl. There was a loud doorbell. "What the fuck was that?", Ryan asked. "The Academy's doorbell", Mia stands, "No one uses that." Victoria answers the doors, "Oh, you're Death's friends." "Acquaintances more like it", War said. Famine stood with War, "Is she here?" Mia went to see them. Silence. "Well I'll leave you to it", Victoria leaves. Mia puts her hands to her round belly subconiously, "Why are you here?" "We just want to talk", Famine says. "About what?", Mia crosses her arms, "How War tried to kill my grandaughter?" "No", Famine says, "We just want to talk about Plague." War looked to the side, "She wants you to see her." Mia bows her head, "I'll see if I can. If that's all I have to go eat with my family-" "Now that's bullshit", War glares at her, "We are your family. You cast us aside like we were dirt-" "Guys", Famine stands between them, "We aren't enemies here." "Well", War turns, "by today she is." She leaves. Mia pinches the bridge of her nose. "We worried about you, you know?", Famine shook her head, "You didn't tell us anything for over six million years. Don't you think they we don't feel hurt?" Mia looked to the ground, "That wasn't a family. It was a job. One I want to forget." Famine sighs, "I guess you wish you'd never knew us." Mia looked to her, "I'm sure you guys feel the same way." "No", Famine hugs herself, "but you wouldn't care anyway." She turns and goes. Mia slams the doors shut. She returns to the kitchen. "Who was it honey?", Mickey asked. "I don't want to talk about it", Mia blew on her soup and began to eat. Tal and Matt Jr. had help with their food. Mickey leans on Mia. She loses her anger slowly and nuzzles him. They kissed softly. Another doorbell. Mia grunts in frustration, "What now?" A loud explosion came from nearby. "For the love of-", Mia heard someone scream. "That sounds like a scary-beyond death woman", Ryan says. "Ezma!", Mia goes. Victoria was using her magic as an atttempt to capture the villian. "Princess Mia, help me!", Ezma scrambled around. "Victoria stop!", Mia says, "She's my friend." Victoria stops, "She's a villian." "Who isn't these days?", Mia goes to Ezma, "I am so sorry, Ezma. I completely forgoten you were visiting today." "My, my", Ezma caught her breath, "Have you gotten fat?" "Um, no", Mia holds her belly, "Just pregnant." "Ryan it's Ezma", Matt says, "In the flesh." "I think it's only flesh and bones there Matt", Ryan says. Mia turns and snaps at them, "Go back to the kitchen and wash the dishes!" They grumble and head back. Tal laughs and runs to Mia. She hugs Ezma and smiles at her. "How many of these do you already have?", Ezma looks to Matt Jr. who joins Tal. "Enough", Mia puts her hands to her back, "Do you want to discuss the updates over some coffee?" Ezma sits with Mia as Matt and Ryan clean the dishes. Mickey plays with the twins. "How is everyone?", Mia pours some coffee for Ezma. "We were all quite surprised to hear about your true identity. I have to say I've always had a feeling you were more than you seem", Ezma takes the cup, "Thank you." "No one is causing you any problems?" "No, nothing like that", Ezma motions, "I did not expect Victoria to be here." "She's just not aware of the new way things are done now", Mia blew on her coffee and drinks. "I believe I saw some of your friends on the way here", Ezma shakes her head, "They didn't look very happy." "They're just some old coworkers of mine", Mia waved them off, "They were always like this." Ezma motions, "You didn't happen to get into my potions, have you?" "Oh this?", Mia touched her ears, "It's to better my hearing." "Okay", Ezma takes a sip, "I've heard that some of those winged things are patroling around the island." "Angels?", Mia frowns, "Have they done anything?" "They ask questions about you and this place", Ezma waves her hand, "but I've told the villians to not say anything. I can't guarennted that they have took my advice but I'm doing what I can to know what they are doing." "Thank you, Ezma", Mia smiles, "I really appreciate that." "I better be on my way", Ezma stands, "Oops." Her cup falls and clinks on the ground. "Don't worry I got it", Mia slowly kneels. She grunted and struggled with her round belly, "Almost. Got it." She grabs it and stands up, "Got it!" Mia rested on the bed. Mickey kisses her cheek and her body. She smiles sleepily at him, "The baby's kicking." He places a hand on her belly. The baby moved under his hand. "You know this is like a dream come true to me, you know?", he kisses her belly, "I'd find a loving wife and we'd had as many kids as possible." "Well", she closes her eyes, "Dreams do come true." He kisses her, "I love you." "I love you too", she curls herself into him. She dreamed of an old memory. It was 1941, Operation Barbossa. It had the highest casualties known to history. War was a horrible occurence but war seemed to be where the four horsemen worked together. Plague would infect bases with poor health conditions and surgery prodedures. Famine would cause low food rations and scarce sources of it. War would play in the battles and fight for whoever she believed was righteous. War was Death's playground. War hooted in cheers, "Yeah!" Plague laughs and runs alongside her, "The plague smells so good in the morning." Famine pants as she attempts to keep up, "Can we call it a day? I'm starving." "No way!", War fires her gun, "The fun has just begun. Right Death?" Death swung her scythe and reaped the souls, "I'm on a roll guys!" She hits her scythe down and the men around her toppled over and died. Wars were always happening so the Four were always together. War feasted on a meal, "Man that was fun." Famine gnaws on a bone, "You gonna eat that?" Plague smiles, "I hope we can do this forever." "Sometimes I think that we're gonna run out of people soon", Death picks at her teeth, "Then I'm gonna be out of the job." "I doubt it", War shrugs, "If they think they could tell you how to do your job, then why even hold back, right?" Plague sets her plate aside, "... Do you guys ever wonder... what if it would be like... if we were mortal?" They went silent. "What?", War laughs weakly, "What are you talking about being mortal?" "I mean", Plague touches her hair, "if we had a normal life." "Maybe you're catching a fever, Plague", Famine swallowed a whole cooked chicken, "because you've never mentioned something like this before." "It's just", Plague looks to the side, "sometimes I imagine myself among them." "As what?", War mocks her, "A human?" "I just thought it would be nice to find someone", Plague shrugs disheartens, "Raise a family." War burst out laughing. Famine just continued to eat, "Even if we did dream of that, it wouldn't happen. We can't quit being a Horseman." "And why would we?!", War stands, "I'm War. Fighter of Fights. I revolutionize the world by force!" She points to Famine, "You're Famine! Hoarder of Consuption! You made those irish flee from blight!" She points to Plague, "Plauge! Posion of Health! You made over ten thousand of diseases which some will be incurable for millions of years!" She then points to Death, "Death. Reaper of Souls. Do I even have to say more?" Death looked to the flames, "... Yeah, how can it get better than this?" Plague stands, "Well even if it's a dream, it's MY dream. I want more than illness and pain. I want more than being immortal and a purpose I never agreed to." She turns and leaves. War sighs and sits, "I'll never understand her." Famine burps, "Man I'm hungry." Death looked to where Plague goe. She found her by herself. "What?", Plague sits against a dead tree, "Are you going to mock me too?" "No", Death goes and sits with her, "I just want to make sure you're okay." Plague wiped her eyes, "I know it's stupid and stuff but I can't help but think there's more to this." Death drawls in the dirt, "... You know... Everyday I take a life but I rarely think of the ones the life had left behind." She drew the typical image humans had used to represent her, "I've been to some funerals and see how sad people are. How my work had left them mourning." Death rested her head back, "Some people even hate me but it's because they see me as the bad guy but I just take the souls I'm not the one who kills-" Death sighs, "I'm sorry. I'm going on a rant." "No", plauge turns to her, "Keep going." Death looked to Plague, "You know this isn't helping any of us, right?" "But we never talk about things like this", she smiles, "It's really nice." Death smiled sadly, "Do you think we are the bad guys?" Plague shook her head, "It's not out fault we are the Horseman." Death hugs her knees to her chest, "I think I'd like being mortal. See how death plays for myself." Plague laughs, "I bet you'd die an awesome death." They laugh. "I want to have a baby", Plague hugs her own knees to her chest, "A little girl. I'd let her wear whatever she wants and go where ever she wants to go." Death sits back, "What would her name be?" "Serafina", Plague smiles, "I think it's such a beautiful name." Death smiles. "What about you? What is your dream?" Death looked to the sky, "I want to have an adventure and have the most amazing life ever to be lived."Mia woke up. Mickey snores next to her. She puts a hand to her belly, "... I'm a really bad person." She gets up, "That changes today." She goes to get dress. "Hmm?", Mickey wakes up and squints, "Baby? You up already?" "Yep", she attempts to put on pants, "I'm going to visit a friend." He yawns, "Who?" "Plauge", she gives up pants and gets a dress. "Oh", he sits up and stretches, "I'll go with you." She goes over to him, "Thank you sweety." They got dressed. "I can't make breakfast today so you'll have to eat cereal." "WWWWHHHHHYYYYYY?", Ryan asked. Mia kisses the twins head, "I'll be back to make lunch." "Okay", Matt gets a box of cereal, "Nothing like cereal." Mia and Mickey went to the Hospital. A Mia nurse took her to where Plague was held. Plague was in quaratine because her disease was contagious. After Death has left her old life behind, Plague tried to do the same. Only to have taken the whole lives of the world she picked for herself. Filled with guilty, she made a sickness so that whoever she touches will be bounded to her forever. She was now a person who had human limbs and heads tower over her body. Mickey stayed close to Mia. Mia went to the glass, "Hello Plague." Plague looked to the glass. "My friend", she and the multitude of heads spoke at once, "It has been such a long time." Mia smiled sadly, "How are you?" "I'm alright", Plague goes to glass, "Who is this?" "This is Mickey", Mia smiles, "My husband." Mickey give a polite nod. "It's nice to meet you", Plague smiled. Mia touches the glass, "I never realised how bad this got. If I'd know what had happened I'd-" "It's not your fault", Plague sighs, "I should've never followed my dream." "Don't say that", Mia shook her head, "You have a beautiful dream." Mia took out her phone and showed Plague, "Look. I had kids. This girl here? Her name is Serafina." Plague smiles, "She suits it well." Mia blinks back tears, "I wish I knew how to help you. You're work was never my specialty." "Please", Plague begged, "Kill us." "What?", Mia pulled away. "We've been together so long. We've been hurting so much", Plague and the heads cried, "Please show us mercy." "I don't-", Mia held herself, "I don't do that anymore." "Please", they beg, "Please kill us." Mia covers her ears and closed her eyes. She sunk to the ground. All at once she heard the souls of the damn. Kill us. Take me now. Kill us. Mickey held Mia, "Honey?" Mia had tears run down her face, "Please don't make me do this." "I can do it for you", he holds onto her, "You don't have to do anything." Mia hugs herself as Mickey goes. She heard Plague and the heads gasped for breath. Then silence. She opened her eyes to see the corpse slumped on the ground. She sobs as she watches the body die. "I'm sorry", Mickey holds her, "I'm sorry." She cries into him, "I killed her." "No, honey. You didn't-" "I am what I am", she sniffed, "Death will always follow me." "It's not your fault." Death gasped and looked. Plague pulled herself from the disembodied limbs and heads. She stands and looks to her, "We can't help what we are." Death smiled sadly, "Plague." Plage phases through the glass. Mia stood and hugged her, "My friend." Plague smiles and hugs her back, "I'm so happy for you." Something shatters. Death and Plague turned to see War and Famine. Famine had dropped a vase of flowers. War looked at them, in shock. "War", Plague laughs and goes to her. War snapped out as Plauge hugged her. Famine breaks out to a sob as she hugs her too, "You're back!" War hugs Plague tightly, "Plague." Mia smiles seeing them together. War cups Plague, "It's really you, right? I'm not dreaming, am I?" "It isn't", Plauge cups War's face, "I'll show you." Plague kisses War. War closed her eyes and they kissed passionately. "Woah", Famine laughs nervously, "Okay then." Mickey hugs himself to Mia. Mia strokes his head. "I'm hungry", Famine turns, "Let's go eat." Plague and War blushed happily and held hands. Mia watched them go. "Mia?", he held to her. "Let's go home", Mia smiles to him. They went their sepearate ways. Mia looked back to see her old friends laugh together. Just lilke old times. Mia and Mickey returned to Disney. Mia smiled and cooked lunch. The doorbell rang. "I got it", Mia goes. She answers the door. War, Plague and Famine stood there. "So", War rubbed the back of her neck, "Plague thought-" Plague hits War with her elbow. "Well I thought", War looked to the ground, "It might be cool if we hung out or something. Like old times." Mia smiled, "Okay." "Really?", War asked. "Come on in", Mia motions, "I just finished making lunch." "Good because I"m starving", Famine goes in. Mia and the other Horseman sat and talked. War retold old war stories to the gen. Plague talked with Summer to learn the new advancements of medicine. Famine ate almost all the food. "Have you ever tried human?", Sunshine gave another bowl of Sunshine's Surprise. "I have", Famine shrugs, "but I think it's bad fat. You know. You oranges remind me a lot about my cousin. His name is Cannabalism." Mia sips her tea. "Hey Death", War motions, "Come over here and tell them how awesome I am." Mia rolled her eyes and smiles.Later that night, the Four Horseman sat at a table. "The angels have been nagging to help them get to you for weeks now", War sighs, "I guess they'll never cease, huh?" "I can deal with them", Mia sighs. "Death?", Famine asked, "Who is the enemy, really?" "What do you mean?", Death asked. "Demons are your friends?", Plague asked, "Angels are a nusiance. If the gen are great, then who is the real enemy here?" "Well", Mia shook her head, "I guess there is no good guy and no bad guy in life." "Well", Famine held out her drink, "I'll always be on your side." "Same here", Plague held her drink out too. War sighs, "I guess me too." They clink their drinks. "So what will you do now", War asked, "You got a mouse for a husband and another baby on the way. What more does the Reaper of Souls want now?" Mia looks to her cup then to them, "I think I'm good. Exactly where I am, now." Death smiles to them, "There's no place I'd rather be."Chapter 27: DANNYDanny sat in a chair. He had restraints and a tube in his mouth. "Okay Danny", Summer says, "We're going to bring her in." She isn't going to do anything. She's just there for a visual reaction." Hearing this made Danny's hear rate spike up. "Are you sure about this honey", Winter wrote down some results, "Those restraints can only hold so much." "We have to see how bad this is honey", he sighs, "He might be the worst case of all." Winter blindfolded and blocked Danny's sense of smell. "Bring her in", Summer said. Danny felt his heart hammering in his chest. He heard her footsteps. "Okay take off the nose gag." Winter took off the nose gag. Danny took a whiff of the air. He smelled her. Her scent made his mouth water. His stomach growled and he grunted in pain. "Danny?", Summer said, "Can you tell us how you feel?" "H-Hungry", he salvitates, "So hungry." "Give him some of the blood." He intook a breath of relief as the blood was pumped into his stomach. "More", Danny clenched his hands into fist, "I want more!" "No Danny", Summer said, "No more." Danny grunted and pulled agains the restraint. "Take off the blindfold." Winter hesitates but takes off the blindfold. Danny sees her. His mouth overflows with siliva. Mia stood in front of him. "Danny?", her eyes filled with water. He fought the restraint, "Aggghh!" Mia covers her mouth to stop herself from crying. "Let me go!", he snarls, "Let me go!" "Summer", Winter said. Danny broke free from his restraints. Summer and Jason held Danny back. "She's mine!", Danny struggles, "She's mine!" Mia cried silently. "She's mine!", Danny had a shot put in him, "She's... mine..." Mia went to Danny, "Oh Danny." She cried and held onto him, "I'm so sorry." Summer sighs, "I don't think it has ever been this bad before. I'm not sure what to do-" Timer came from a vortex, "I"m afraid I must take him in." "Where will you be taking him?", Mia asked. "He's needed at the Prison", Timer sighs, "Don't worry. We'll help him there." Timer took Danny away. Mia cried into her hands, "How did this happen?" "As it has before", Winter sighs, "Tis the orange curse."The day before. Wine glasses were set on a table. "Winter", Mia held her belly, "I know you do things weird but this is weirder than usual." "We're having our annual Blood Tasting", Winter held a wine bottle, "I've been saving this baby for three years now." "Just have the oranges only allowed please?", Mia sighs, "And to not leave any blood stains anywhere." Winter and the oranges gathered in the throne room. "Everyone", Winter smiles, "We'd like to begin the annual Blood Tasting with the first glass of the finest blood." She held up her wine bottle, "This MA's blood has been aging for three years now. I call it the Bloody Mary." She pours the wine into small cups. "This is my first ever Blood Tasting", Ash looked to the cup, "I feel so underdressed." "You're not wearing anything", Cinder says. "Oh right", Ash said, "I read somewhere that it said attire required." "Put something on." They all tasted the blood of the gen. "Why does Vicky's blood always so sour?", Snow asked. "I think it's just Joke's way of following the prompt." Danny looked at the table. "Dude", Arin slurs, "You gottas try Jason's blood. I'm soooo drunk." "Maybe later man", Danny said, "I'm still trying to decide on what to pick." "Just pick one!" "Okay", Danny picks one up and drinks it. "How is it?', Arin hiccups. Danny stands very still. "Danny?", Arin waves his hand, "Earth to Danny." Danny's eyes rolled back and his mouth foamed in the mouth. "Danny?", Arin asked. Danny collapses to the floor. "Um", Arin looked to the others, "I don't think Danny is doing good." They managed to get Danny back to himself. "What happened?", Danny asked. "You're body completely shut down", Summer said, "Who's blood did you even drink?" "I can't remember", Danny held his head, "I can't remember anything." "I think he tasted Mia's blood", Arin said. "Maybe he's allergic to Mia's blood?" "That's rare", Summer says, "We can test and see." Summer got a pack of Mia's blood. Danny looked to the bag. Summer hooks it up.and held out a tube, "Here. Taste it." Danny puts the tube in his mouth and sucks some of the blood. He hungirly drinks it. "I think he was just blood deprived", Summer shrugs. Danny enjoys the pack of Mia's blood. "Is it good?", Arin tries to take it from Danny. Danny snatches it out of Arin's reach, "No!" "Share!", Arin tried to pull the blood out of Danny's hand. The bag burst and the blood went on the floor. Danny went to the blood and licked it off the floor. "Okay", Arin says, "I don't think I'm that desperate." Later they all gathered to eat at the dining hall. Mia served everyone some lobster, crab and shrimp. 'Mia", Matt Jr. points to his plate, "I think my lobster is still alive." His lobster pinched the air and scuttles of the plate. "Mama", Tal asked Mia, "Can we have a lobster?" "No, no", Mia stroked Tal's head, "Do we have a lobster door? No, we have a people door. We are fine with just people." Danny smells the air, "Man, this smells amazing." They all sat and ate. Mia broke the crab leg and snaps it. "Ow", she waves her hand, "Sharp." Her blood drips down her finger. Mickey drops his glass cup and it shatters on the ground. Mia blinks in shock. Danny had his mouth over her hand. "Danny", Mia sighs and looks to him, "I"m going to say this the nicest way possible..." She stands and yells in Mianese. Laugh nervously rubs her arm, "Why am I the only one who has to understand what she says?" "Let go of my hand!", Mia tried to pry Danny's jaw open, "That's my good hand!" Mickey and Arin tried to pull Danny away. "Get the jaws of live", Tori sighs. Summer gets a contraption and sets it on Danny's head. It forced his jaws open. Mia waved her hand, "What's gotten into you Danny?" "Herga herga spur", Danny tried to talk with the contraption still in his mouth. Summer took it out. "I don't know what came over me", Danny held his head, "I'm sorry." "It's okay", Mia hugs him, "It's not the first time an orange has bitten me- Winter, get off my leg." Winter gnaws on Mia's shin, "Yummy." Later that night, Mia was heading to bed. "Mia?", Danny goes to him, "Can I talk with you?" "Sure Danny", she smiles, "What do you want to talk about?" "I think something is wrong with me." "What is it?" "I've been acting weird", Danny rubbed his arm, "Like biting you earlier. I haven't done that before." "It's okay, Danny", she pats his hand, "You don't have to feel bad." He smiles softly, "It's really nice to always be near you." She smiled. He pulled her into a hug. She hugs him back. His body trembles. "Danny?', she rubs his back, "What's wrong?" Tears ran down his face. The pain in his body was the worse thing ever imagine. He took everything to not hurt her. "It's okay", she spoke softly. The engery in Danny sparked on his skin. He pulls away, "I don't know what to do." She held his hands, "What does your heart tell you?" He cups her face. She looks to him. He rested his forehead on hers, "I love you." "Oh Danny", she sees him sink to the ground, "I'm so sorry." "An orange", Tori uses a pointer to a board, "has a very complex curse." Arin was eating popcorn. Danny rubbed his face with his hands. "Similar to a greens mark and a blues connections. Oranges have a hunger that will never be satisfied." "Aw man", Gingerpale said, "Is that why I can't get enough of Mia's cooking?" "No, everyone is like that", Tori puts the stick down, "Oranges have a complicative love. A love that makes you want to eat the person you love but it's so powerful you can't." "So I won't eat Mia?", Danny asked, "There's a chance", Tori says, "that you're love might be so lustful that you just might." "Damn it!", Danny clenched his hands to fist. "But I'm sure we can help you", Tori says. Within the next hour, Mia was locked in the room. "Mia?', Mickey asked, "Are you okay?" "I'm fine", Mia was strapped down to a bed, "I think he's in a coma." Danny had a tube that had Mia's blood in it. "Mickey", Matt says, "You're pretty powerful why can't you open the door." Mickey's eyes glowed white and the air around him churned to a harsh window, "YOU DON'T THINK THAT I WOULDN'T BE DOING THAT RIGHT NOW!" The force of his presence had the door crash down. Mickey picks up Mia and nuzzles her. "He didn't hurt me honey", Mia looked to Danny, "He needs help." Danny laid in a puddle of Mia's blood. Matt poked him with the poke stick, "Is he dead?" Danny snores. "Because if he wasn't", Ryan said, "I'd beat the crap out of him." "He isn't-", Matt holds him back, "Stop it Ryan!" Now Danny wakes in the Prison. He sits up and sees he wears an orange jumper. "What are you in for?" Danny looked to the other side of the room. A Mickey sits reading "Love for a Monster". He had an eye patch over his right eye. "Mickey?", Danny asked. "I'm a Mickey", he puts the book aside, "but I'm not your world's Mickey." "Where am I?", Danny looked to his cell. "This is the Prision", the Mickey motions, "Where all crazy, disfuntional characters go." "Why are you here?" The Mickey rested his elbows on his knees, "I'm in for killing two Mias." "Why on Earth would you do that?!", Danny asked. The Mickey sighs, "My code got corrupted." He showed under the eyepatch. The pupil was small which indicated that he was insane, "Basically I turned to an orange and I..." He covered his eye, "I killed the people I loved." "How did the second on happen?", Danny held himself. "The Passed Place gave me another Mia. Another chance", the Mickey stood, "But I was sick. I couldn't stop myself." "I'm sorry", Danny said. "Come on", the Mickey motions, "I'll show you around." Danny followed the Mickey. "You see the number on my back?" "Yeah." The first number shows how many people I killed. Danny looks to the 2. "The second and third are letters to indicate what character", the Mickey guides him down a hall, "The last letter is the color." Danny looked to the 'O', "How long have you've been here?" "A couple of years", the Mickey shrugs, "Time doesn't pass here however." Danny looks to the blank walls, already missing home. "The bathrooms are in the cell but there is one here", the Mickey points, "and over there." Danny looked to more characters. "This is the mess hall. Three meals a day", Mickey points down another hall, "Excerise and recreational room." Danny's stomach growls. "Let's eat", Mickey gets in line. Danny stands behind him, "If you've been here awhile, why wasn't anyone else your roomate-" Danny watched a Jonas and Jason walk by. They dumped their leftovers on Mickey's head. "No one likes me", Mickey wipes the scraps and used napkins off him, "Also I have some- issues." Danny got his food and went with Mickey. They sat a the farthest table. "These are the guys", Mickey says, "This is my new roomate Danny." A Jason takes a swig of his drink, "Never seen a character like you before." "I've heard of them", a Jonas with long hair smiles, "He's a YouTuber like Jack. Right Jack?" A Jack was carving a bar of soap to look like a knife, "Mhm." "What are you in for Danny?", the Jason asked. Danny gets a forkful of sloop, "I have dark and strong desire to hurt my Mia." "Oh dear", the Jonas moves slightly away, "I hope it's not other Mias." "Crazy here thinks he's a Mia", Jason says, "But they say he's a Jonas." "My code is just not right", the Jonas/Mia says, "I was meant to be a Mia." "What about you?", Danny asked Jason. The Jason shrugs, "I was brought here for my own safety. I'm a danger to myself." Jason showed his arm. Long scars on his body." "Jack here", Mickey says, "Has killed over one thousand people." Jack smiled darkly, "Yeah, that's not even half the number I killed." Danny ate with them. "You're a friend of Mia Sanchez?!", Jonas/Mia gasped, "I'm so jealous!" "Didn't they say she was Death?", Jack lifts a brow. "Cool", Jason asked. "Visiting hours", a doctor called out. Danny watched as nurses went to some of the prisioners. They put on restraints and straight jackets. Jack and Mickey got a straight jacket. Danny did too with a muzzle. Danny watched as two Mia's came to their table. He saw Mickey tense up. "Hello Danny", Wiv smiled. "You're Mia's friend", Danny spoke through the muzzle. "Yep", Wiv smiles, "I'm partnered up with Mickey." "Partnered up?" "The doctors think partenering us up with Mias will cure us", Jack shrugs, "Or some shit like that." "What about you two?", Danny asked Jason and Jonas/Mia. "I got someone at home", Jason says. "I haven't found anyone yet", Jonas/Mia said. Danny saw a Vicky head their way. Jason stood and the two nuzzled. Danny felt a slight tinge of heartsick. Mickey turned his head as Wiv nuzzles him. She kisses his cheek, "It's okay." Danny recalled the memory of him and Mia. It's okay. He grunts and doubles over in pain. "Danny?", Jonas/Mia goes to him, "What's wrong." "God", Danny curles into a ball. Nurses went to him. He sighs in relief as Mia's blood was pumped into his stomach. He laid in recovery. He dreams of Mia that night. He hasn't stop dreaming of her.Laughter. Danny opened his eyes. Mia sat against a couch. "Danny", she smiles, "Come over here." He goes over to her. She pulls him close, "Closer silly." They nuzzle. He kisses her cheek. She laughs softly, "You're so shy." He pulls her closer. She closes her eyes, "Danny." He kisses her neck. She flushed happily, "On Danny." He bites into her. She bleeds on him, "It's okay." He holds her as she dies in his arms. Danny woke up screaming. He had tears running down his face, "Just a dream. Just a dream." He covered his face, "It was just a dream." He was barely awake at breakfast. "Couldn't sleep Danny?", Jack asked. "Nope", Danny sighs, "Bad dreams." "Danny", a nurse went to him, "Someone is here for you." Danny was taken to a room. Arin waved behind the glass. Danny picks up the phone, "Hi Arin." Arin smiles, "Hey buddy." "How is everyone?" "Everyone is great", Arin shrugs, "I'd visit you in person but they said Mia's scent would pass on to me." "I understand", Danny says, "It's nice to see a friendly face." "How are you holding up?", Arin asked. "The hunger is awful", Danny sighs, "but the nightmares are worse." "I'm sorry to hear that", Arin puts a hand to the glass, "I wish I could help." "Can you do me a favor?", Danny asked, "Tell the others I'll do whatever it takes to get back home." After visting hours, Danny was paired with a Mia. He was strapped to a chair and had restraints. He waited. After a few minutes, Mia walked in the room. "Mia?", Danny asked through the muzzle. His jaws filled with saliva. She goes to him, "It's okay." She takes off the muzzle and cups his face. He felt something go over him. He grunts and felt his hunger grow. She stroked his cheek gently, "I can help you." He wheezes in pain as she drew closer. She sits on his lap and wraps herself around him. "Mia?", Danny closed his eyes as she rested her forehead to his. "Just use me", she cupped his face, "I can take it." He looks to her, "Wait- your belly." Mia didn't have the round belly anymore, "It's okay." He felt too weak to question this, "I don't understand." "Just kiss me", she presses her lips to his. He felt his heart beat rapidly. He closed his eyes as she pressed against him. "Danny", she breathed. He clenched his hands to fist. Engery buzzed through him. The restraints fried and he held her close. She moaned softly as he ran his hands over her. "Mia", he kisses her cheek, "Mia." She reached down and pulled of her top. He kissed her collar and suckled her chest. She pants in want, "Danny." He pulled her closer, "Mia." His body craved her. He saw her slide off him. She undid his pants, "Let me help you." "Mia", he drooled, "You don't have to do this." "I want to", she pleases him. He felt his energy being drained. He held the arm rest tightly. When she finished, she sat on his lap, "Feel better?" He had difficultly staying awake, "What did you do with me?" "I'm helping you", she kisses his cheek. He rested his head back, "How is this helping me?" "I'm stimulating your hunger with sex", she rubs on him, "and by doing this you will be exhausted with sex instead of hunger." "Won't I want sex all the time then?", he asked. "I can drain your sexual energy", Mia kisses his neck. "Wait", he looks at her, "Mia doensn't do that." "Oh", Mia smiles, "I'm not Mia." He watched as she transforms. She had dark pink colored skin with magenta pixie cut hair. Her eyes were black and showed no whites. She had horns on her head and the lower half of her was goat. She wore revealing langerie and had a spiked end. "What are you?", he asked. "I'm a succubus", she says, "My name is Suki." "A succubus?", he looks at her. She cups his face, "I'm your Mia now" "Wait what?", he moves her away, "Hold on. I only want my Mia. I don't want another one." She frowns, "You don't want me?" "Look", he rubbed the back of his neck, "You seem nice and-" "Don't try to talk easy to me. I"m not a child", she scoffs, "I'm out of here." She leaves the cell. Danny rubs his arm, "I'm sorry.""You'll be on dish duty this week", the coordinator says to Danny. Danny went to the kitchen. He opened the door to see a horric sight. A group of characters were trying to drown Mickey. "Hey", Danny called out, "Let him go." "He's friends with Death. Scram." They left the kitchen. Mickey coughs up water and gasped long breaths. Danny goes to him, "You okay?" Mickey sinks to the ground, "I'll- be okay." He gets to his feet. "You shouldn't let them do this to you", Danny reached out and puts a hand on Mickey's shoulder, "What you did was not your fault-" "Maybe it would be better if I were dead?", Mickey pulled away, "Nothing will ever work. I'll just be here and die from them because they hate me." Mickey punches in the metal sink, "Don't they think I don't hate myself enough!" Mickey punches the sink again and again. "Hey", Danny tries to stop him, "Stop." He hugs him to his chest, "It's okay." Mickey broke down to sobs, "Why did this happen to me?" Danny consoles him, "It's okay." He closes his eyes. It's okay. He remembered an recent memory. It was when he was in the infirmary. He was barely concious. "It's okay Danny", Mia strokes his cheek, "If it's too much, I'll do anything." She holds his hands, "If you need to eat me, I'll be alright. I'll lose my body but I can still exist here. You can eat me as much as you need. I just want you to be okay." She fixes his hair, "I love you dearly and I don't want you to go. I want all my family together." Danny opened his eyes, "You know. My Mia always tells everyone how much she loves us. Even when she's been heartbroken, betrayed and hurt, she always found love in the people around her. I don't think your Mias blame you or hate you. They'll always love you." Danny stands, "Wait. I think I know someone who can help." He looks to a worker, "Can I have my one phone call?" Thirty minutes later, Mickey and Danny were at the Freedom Field. Timer taps her clock eye, "You got ten minutes. Starting now." Danny and Mickey searched around. "Mickey?" A Mia walked to them. She was a matured Mia with long curly hair and the iconic brown eyes. Mickey held himself. She knelt and cupped his face, "Hey." He looks at her, tears in his eyes, "Amara." She kisses him. They kissed softly. "Mickey?" Another Mia stood there. Mickey looks to them, "Amy." Amy looked to Amara then to him, "Why are you here?" He wipes his eyes, "I'm sorry. I couldn't stop myself." Amy knelt to him, "It's not your fault." "We don't blame you", Amara says. They hugged him, "We love you." He cried softly, "I'm so sorry." Danny watches as the Mias slowly turned to magic. Mickey watched them go to the Relief. Danny watches Mickey seem at peace, "You okay?" "... Yeah", Mickey nods, "I'm good." Danny ate with the boys and Jonas/Mia. "Brain surgery?", Jack asked Mickey. "The doctors say my code is connected with my oppitical lobe. If I disconnect it with the rest of my brain, I would be able to leave." "Good luck, Mickey", Jonas/Mia smiles. "Danny", a nurse goes to him, "You have a session today." Danny was taken to a private room. He enters to find Suki. She was smoking a cigarette and wearing an orange jumper. "Orange looks good on you", he tried to get on her good side. "Just sit down", she blew out some smoke. He sits, "I didn't mean to make you upset." "Who says I am?", she motions, "They said you're my way out but apparently this isn't working." "I want it to work too", he rested his elbows on the table, "but we should at least take this somewhat slow. I just met you and you were having sex with me." She took a puff, "You didn't seem to mind." "Well I do", he points to himself, "I want someone who I love." Suki scoffs, "Love? Yeah, there's no such thing." "There is", he puts a hand to his chest, "I've seen it." "Whatever you say", she tips off the ashes in a ash tray. "Haven't you've been in love before?", he asked. "No", she puts the cig out, "Succubi don't feel love." He reached out and took her hands into his, "Then let me show you." She looks at him, "... You just want to do this for yourself." "I want to help you", he squeezes her hands, "because you helped me." She sighs, "Don't be cheesy." He took her outside. They sat under a tree. Danny made a lunch for them. They ate and talked. "How long have you've been here?" "Longer than I can remember", she sighs. "What did you do?" "I killed someone I shouldn't have", she took a sip of her drink, "Let's leave it at that." He lays on the blanket, "Tell me about yourself." "What do you want to know?" "Everything", he rested his head on his arms. "Well", she took a small comb and brushed her fur, "I am the only succubus left in the universe. Since I've been here, the succubus has died off." He looks to her, "What about the Iccubus?" "Those were long gone before I was born." He frowns, "So who were your parents?" "A succubus and some human", she shrugs, "My mom died when I was young. My father never knew about me." She lays beside him, "Anything else?" "What's your favorite color?" She laughed softly, "Um, purple." He looks up to the sky, "... Animal?" "Bunny", she leans over him. They looked at each other. "You're really pretty." She smiled slightly, "You too." He felt his heart pounding, "You'd tell me if you were influencing me, right?" "Maybe", she stroked his face and leaned down. They kissed. She cupped his face and tilted her head. They kissed more and more. He pulls her down to him. They tasted and nuzzle. She pulls away slightly, "Is this it?" "I think it is", he kisses her cheek, "Let's go somewhere." They went to an off-limits area. He undressed with her. They kissed and pressed together. She pants and watches him touch her, "Danny?" He suckles her breast and kiss her body, "What is it?" "Do you want me to look like Mia?" "No", he licks her face, "Stay this way." She closed her eyes as he kisses her neck. She grunts in pain as he bites into her. He feeds on her. Her blood was sweet and rich. He gulps her blood. "Danny", she nuzzles him, "I'm hungry too." She bites into his shoulder and gulps his blood. They kissed and dripped blood. "You taste good", she licks her lips. "You feel good", he touches her. She was pressed to a wall. She pants as he moves in her. She drools, "Danny." He pleases her, "Suki." She closed her eyes and dripped. He ran his hands over her body. He held her wide hips, "You're excited." She pants, "Aren't you?" They laid on the ground. She shifted her body on him. He grunts, "Suki." She smiles at him, "Yes?" He held her waist, "Do that again." She leans down, "Make me." He held her waist and shifted her. She groaned, "Oh Danny." They moaned in want. He got her on her back. She held onto him, "I can take it." He goes faster. She whimpers, "Wait." He pushes further. "Danny", she rolled her head back, "Danny!" Her body tightened around him. She looked at herself, "What's happening to me?" Her body shifted so he could move further in her. She dripped a puddle under them. "This hasen't", she spoke softly, "happened before." Her breast expanded slightly and her body ached. She moaned loudly, "Yes." He pants and keeps going. "Dont' stop", she moans, "Danny, I- I-" She clenched her eyes shut, "No, I-" He rubbed his hands on her body. She dripped more. "What's is this?", she whimpers. He kissed her neck, "Suki I love you." She blushed happily, "Danny." She curlses into him, "I love you too." He finished inside. She laid on the cold floor, her body twitching. He hugs her to him, "Are you okay?" "Yeah", she closes her eyes, "That was fun." He lays beside her. She looks to him sleepily, "I haven't felt this way before." He kissed her hand, "I love you." She nuzzles him, "My Danny."Jack sat with Danny in a cell. A Mia was in a cell in front of them. She had a locket in her grasped. "This is your paired Mia?", Danny asked. "They said she goes ballistic when that locket is opened", Jack shrugs, "but when I open it, she's not fazed." He stands and goes to the cell. He held his hand through the bars. She goes to him and presses his hand to her face. He snatches the locket, "Give me that." He goes to where Danny is, "Here open it." Danny looks to the locket then to the Mia. He opens it. The moment the locket opens the Mia screams and hits the bars. She crawls on the walls and clings on the ceiling. Jack takes the locket. She instantly becomes calm and she lays on the ground like an animal. "Bizzare", Danny looks to Jack, "I think she likes you." "I guess", Jack shrugs. "So what's the problem?" "I don't feel emotions", he shrugs, "they said she can keep me from killing others but I don't see how that can happen." He motions, "She's killed a lot of people but I don't think it'll be enough for me to be attractive to her." They sat in the cell. The Mia nuzzles Jack and curles into his arms. "Have you ever been attractive to someone?", Danny handed the closed locket back to the Mia. Jack looks to the side, "... There was... this one time... when I was a young man of eighteen." He smiled slightly, "I was ten years into my life as a killer. I was by this creek that I saw her." Danny leaned in very interested in what Jack had to say. "She wore this gorgeous white dress", Jack blushes happily from the memory, "Her hair was black as night. Her skin as white as snow." Danny rested his head on his hands. Jack sighs, "Man I envy the one who killed her." "... Wait. What? She was dead?" Jack closes his eyes, "She was the most beautiful corpse I've ever seen." Danny blinks. "Even without the blood and knife wounds", Jack sighs, "She was beautiful." "... Okay", Danny smiles weakly. Later at lunch, they found a large scene. Jason was throwing chairs and tables, "WHO THE FUCK HURT HERE?! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU!" Danny goes to Mickey, "What happened?" "They found her body in the bathrooms. She took her life." Jason dropped to the ground, "God damnit. Why? Why did you do it?" "Jason." Jason lifted his head. A Mia stood among them. "It's me", she smiles, "The real me." Jason goes to her, "Don't ever do that again." She smiles and hugs him, "When I died, I got my second life in the right body." She looks to him, "Now don't you go hurting yourself anymore. What you feel is exactly what everyone who ever cared about you would feel that way." "I won't", Jason wiped his eyes. Jack whistles, "You look good." "Now, now", Mia smiles, "You had your chance you. I'm already seeing someone." A Jonas stood nearby. She goes to him and they nuzzle. Mickey shrugs, "Eh, I'd smash that." Danny rolled his eyes.Danny was moping the floor. "Danny?" He lifted his head to see a Mia. He recognized the locket on her neck, "What happened to you?" She touched her hair, "They were able to change me." He reached out and touched her arm, "You're as cold as death." "Because I am dead", she smiled sadly, "I'm a living corpse." Laughter came down the hall. Jack rung a towel, "Well, well, I guess they weren't considering I'd just kill her too." She hid behind Danny, "It's not working. I thought he might love me." Danny tosses the mop aside, "I'll handle this." He summoned his energy, "Run. I'll buy you some time." Jack ran at Danny. Danny dodged and tripped Jack. Jack was quick and got to his feet. Danny shocks Jack with the water on the ground. He ran past Jack to get to the Mia. He scooped her up and carried her. "Give her back!", Jack ran after them. Danny looked around to see where to go. He ducked into a room and locked the door. Jack was hitting the door, "Open the fucking door!" Danny sets her down. She cries silently, "What do we do?" Danny thinks, "... Forgive me." He begins to choke her. She gasped and tried to pull away. Danny held her down, "I'm sorry. I won't let him kill you. He'll never understand grief." "It's okay-", tears streamd down her cheek, "I- understand." Jack broke down the door. He saw them, "No!" He shoved Danny away and held her, "No- Fuck." He held her dead body. He looked to the locket and then to Danny, "Why did you do this?" "If I hadn't", Danny gets to his feet, "You wouldn't done it yourself." Jack craddles the Mia to him, "No... No... I..." He presses his face to her hair, "I'm not just a killer... It's not the only thing I do." He cries silently, "Why- Why am I crying?" "You're mourning", Danny says. Jack sobs, "How?" "You're feeling Jack." Jack sobs and hold her, "This feels awful." She slowly wakes, "Jack?" He broke out into a smile, "You're alive?" She nods, "I was just unconious." Jack laughs and hugs her. Danny smiles. Jack kiss her, "I love you." "I love you too", she nuzzles him. Danny looks to see Mickey and the others looking in, "He's good." Jack kisses Mia's cheek happily.It was Danny's last day at the Prison. Mickey had got out of his brain surgery. He has gone completely blind. Wiv nuzzles him. They kissed softly. "Good luck out there Danny", Jason said. Jack had his Mia to him, "We'll keep in touch, yeah?" Danny nods, "Yeah. I'd like that." Wiv, Jack's Mia and Mia former Jonas kissed Danny's cheek. "Come on babe", Suki says, "Let's go." Danny waves goodbye to his freinds. Danny took Suki to Disney. Everyone was there to greet him. "Welcome back man", Arin hugs Danny. "Where's Mia?', Danny asked. "She's bringing a special cake for you." Mia comes in the room with a cake. "Welcome home Dan-", she gasped and dropped the cake. Suki stood by Danny. Mia's face turned from disgust to hate in seconds, "You!" Before Danny knew it, Mia had knocked Suki to the ground with her scythe to her neck. "You motherfucker!", Mia growls, "You dare show your face to me." Suki glares at Mia, "I'm the motherfucker? You left me at the Prison for over six million years!" "Hold on", Danny motions, "You two know each other?" Mia presses the blade to Suki's skin, "She caused the fire." Danny looks to Suki. Suki kept her eyes on Mia. Kathlyn came in the room and saw the scene, "... What did I miss?"Chapter 28: AGAINMia crossed her arms and sat across Suki. Danny sat between them, "So... You two used to be friends... but were in a fight... and...?" "I"m not talking to her", Mia turned her head. "You think I want to talk to you?", Suki scoffs, "I've should've known there was a catch coming here." "So what happened exactly between you two?" "The day that her precious princess died", Suki motions, "I was with her. I was trying to teach her about lust." "Why?" "As a person from the Underworld, she needed to have one of the seven deadly sins", Suki rolled her eyes, "She was so obsessed with that little girl." Mia glares at Suki, "If you hadn't started that fire-" "For the millionth time", Suki said, "It was an accident!" "Let's calm down", Danny says, "We have our differences and we've all made mistakes." He turns to Mia, "Mia, Suki means very much to me. I would really appreciate if she could stay with us." Mia sighs, "... Okay." She stands and goes. Danny looks at Suki. She goes to him and they nuzzle. Mia goes to the kitchen and cooks with anger. She beated the crap out of the meat. Ryan, Matt, Mickey and Os hid behind the island. Matt Jr. goes to Mia, "Mama?" "One moment honey", she filled the sink up with water. She dunk her head. They heard her scream in the water. She surfaced and her flames evaporated the water. She calms down and picks up Matt Jr., "What is it baby?" "Can we have", Matt Jr. hugs her arm, "chicken nuggets?" "Okay", Mia nuzzles his nose, "You go play with sister now." She set Matt Jr. down and the twins went and played. Mickey and the boys stayed behind the island. "You guys don't have to hide from me", she drains the remaining water, "I'm cool." Matt shoves Mickey toward Mia. Mickey sent a glare at Matt before going to Mia. Mia wipes the counter down. "Honey", Mickey spoke softly, "Why don't we go somewhere for a couple days? Get you out of the house?" She shook her head, "I'm fine." He goes near her. He nuzzles her shoulder. She nuzzles him back. Her tail wags happily. Os and the other two came out of hiding. Os took a cup of expresso from MM. Matt and Ryan went on there phones. Mia rested her chin on Mickey's shoulder, "There's no place I'd rather be." His tail wagged happily with hers. Some room not known in location sat the Victorias. Maybe, If, We, Us, Them, Joke, Victoria, and I. Love and Resilient could not make it to the meeting. "So", I said, "I have called you here to discuss what needs to be done." Maybe picked at her ear. "I am assigning a new Victoria to the gen." Joke sat up, "What?" "Victoria is in college now", I said, "We need to have a Victoria who is our best choice right now." She looks to the other Victoiras, "I will see who amongst yourselves is worthy of being in control." She types as she speaks, "I will type as you go." The Victorias looked to each other. "Welp", Joke shrugs, "It was fun when it lasted. Who wants to volunteer?" The other Victorias looked at one another. "I don't want it", Maybe said. "Me neither", If nuzzled close to Maybe. "I'll pass", We said. "I'd like to try", Them smiled. "Like hell you will", Us said. "Everyone", Victoria, formerly known as Kill, said, "I think we know who is right for the job." "Who you?", Joke bursted out laughing. The other Victorias joined. Victoria blushed slightly, "Hey, I don't see any of you wanting it." "No offense Kill", Them said, "you're not exactly the most up to date of us." "You don't even know about the YouTubers or the other generations." "Well it's not my fault!", Victoria slams the table, for decades I was down there! None of you helped me!" The other Victoria's went silent. Victoria looked to I, "I want my life back. I want all the time that I've lost back!" I continued to type, "I'm afriad I can't do that-" "Why the hell not!" "This is your story. It can not be unwritten", Victoria stands, "This is complete bullshit!" She looks to Joke, "Please. Do something." Joke looked to the side, "... I can't." Victoria storms out. The other Victorias looked to Joke. "Don't look at me", she points at I, "It's her fault." "Well we have to have some Victoria in charge", I said, "Meeting dismissed." The Victorias left. Joke, Us and Them walked together. "What will you do if you're in charge Them?", Joke asked. "I'm going to make everyone confortable", Them said, "Let me handle all the pain." "You're going to make it dull huh?", Us said. "Boring is better." Joke rolled her eyes. Meanwhile Victoria was pacing her room. Os sat on the bed, "I think you'll be great. You're more lowkey than the other ones." "It's only because I've been under a rock all this time", she goes to him, "It sucks. I've lost so many years of my life." She sighs, "At least I'm still young." He leaned back and looked to her, "I was gone awhile too. Joke had me fall into a deep sleep until amost a year ago." She looked to the side, "I wonder..." She stands and motions to him, "Come on." They went to the fountain. She pressed the hidden button to enter the secret room. Sketches of character and relics that Walt Disney rested her. She looked to the sketch of two twins, "I made this for Serafina and Hades." She looked to another paper, "This must be Mia's." Oswald looks around, "I wonder if I'm around here." Victoria looked to the back of Mia's page, "There's something on the back." She turns it and reads, "This is a sketch of a girl I haven't named yet. I was hoping to get Victoria on this. After all this is her daughter-" "What?", Os said and looked to the paper with her. "but I'm sure that someone will finish the design." "Mickey must've not known about the back of the page", Os looked to her. "Mia is my daughter?", Victoria stands, "I have to asked Death about this." "Wait", Os sid, "Victoria maybe this isn't a good idea." "I have to know Os", she goes out. Mia was serving chicken nuggets, "Well the day can't be that bad." Victoria enters the kitchen, "Mia Sanchez was my daughter-" Mickey spits out his coffee and coughs. "What?", Mia said. "Look", Victoria held out the paper. Mia looked to the page, "... What the fuck?!" Matt and Ryan had covered the twins ears in time. "Did you know about this?", Victoria asked Mia. "No", Mia sighs, "All I can know about is how people die and-" Mia went to the exit and yelled out, "JOKE! GET YOUR ASS IN HER NOW!" "You don't have to yell I'm right here", Joke wore sweatpants and sweatshirt. She stirs a tea and sips. "Mia Sanchez is Victoria's daughter?" "Well", Joke toses her cup aside, "It's more complex." Joke made a white board appear, "You see. Walt sketched you and gave you life. Technically Disney is your father but not quite because you are part of the royal family." She drew a line to Mia to Victoria, "This connection would have been true but never came to be." "Can you explain me something?", Os asked, "How are me and Mia related?" Joke summoned a paper, "Let's see." She sets it on the island, "father and mother are royal family...." She squints, "Hold on." She squints, "... There's a page under this." She carefull separates the two papers. She looks to page, "This is Walt's handwritting. It says, 'Victoria is the mother of the Disney Princess and the father is her true love." "So Samuel?", Mia asked. "I'm actually not sure", Victoria looks to the page, "I loved him but we were so early in love that we only dated a few weeks before I... well, you know." "Who would know true love?", she asked Mia. "I have a feeling I know who", Mia said. They went to Samantha. "Um", Samantha looked to them, "I don't know what to tell ya. I'm only so far in my studies." "Maybe there's a spell that can help?", Mia said to Victoria. Walt scratches his head, "I'm sure there's some way of doing this." He goes to his shelf and pulls down a book, "There's always the Sleeping Death." "I'll do it", Victoria says. "You know that's there's a chance you'll wont wake up", Walt warns, "Are you really sure you want to go through with this?" "I'm sure", Victoria says. Walt prepares the potion. Victoria lays on a bed and Walt goes to her. He pricks her finger on a needle. Her eyelids grew heavy and she fell asleep. "Alright", Walt said, "Now what?" The door opened. Samuel entered the room. Os felt tension in his chest, "Samuel?" "When Sam and the boys fuse they can be Samuel", Mia explains, "It's not her Samuel but it's worth a try." Samuel goes to Victoria. He places a kiss on her lips. They waited. She did not wake. Mia looks to Mickey and places a hand on his head, "Just in case, okay?" Mickey gulped and went over. He closed his eyes and kissed Victoria. Nothing. Mickey sighed in relief. Mia rolled her eyes and knelt. Mickey goes to her and they nuzzled. Os looked to Victoria. "Os?", Mia puts a hand on Os's shoulder, "Do you want to try?" Os blushed slightly, "Can I do this alone?" Mia motioned to the others. They gave Os privacy. Os goes to Victoria's side. His heart afraid but hopeful. "I've always had feeling for you", he admits quietly, "For as long as I've known you, I've wanted to be near you." He smiled sadly, "I guess you don't remember me kissing you when you were Kill. Some part of me thought I'd be for the best if you didn't know." He looked to the side, "I'm scared this won't work. If it's not me, I'd do whatever it takes to bring you back." He leans down to her, "I love you." He pressed his lips to hers. He pulls away and waits. She slept soundly. Tears filled his eyes and he cried silently into his hands. Her eyelids twitched and they opened slowly. "... Os?", she looks to him. He gasped and looks to her. She reached out and cups his face, "Os." "Victoria", he smiles. She kisses him. They kissed passionately. They nuzzled. "Os', she held him to her, "I've always been in love with you." He presses his face to the nape of her neck, "I love you." They hugged. "Wait", he looks at her, "So I'm..." "Mia's father", she nods. Os sits beside her, "This- This is a lot to take in." She kisses his head, "Don't think about it too much darling." He turns to her, "But Death-" The door opens. "Oh great", Mia smiles, "you're awake." Os blushed deeply and hugs himself to Victoria. "Let's test it alright?", Mia held her hand out. They all held hands. A bright blue glow. "I don't get it", Victoria looks to Mia, "I thought the princess was our daughter." Mia shrugs, "I think I'm the story's Mia. The other was the royal family one." "This doesn't bother you?", Os said. "Don't make it weird", Mia ruffles his fur. "Now what?", Victoria says. "Not sure", Mia shrugs, "I don't mind it really." Mickey pressed his head to Mia's side. Mia stroked his head, "I guess things were always a little weird-" She held her round belly, "Ah." Her pants were now soaked. "I think my water just broke", Mia looked to Mickey."Okay people", Summer puts on latex gloves, "We've done this several times." Mia was put on a gurney. Mickey wallked beside her. "Well", she smiled at him, "At least it's not in a kiddie pool." The gen all waited in the waiting room. "Mama?", Tal asked Matt. "She's in there honey", Matt points to the door, "You're new baby sister is going to be here soon." "Did Mommy eat the baby?", Matt Jr. asked. "Matt", Ryan said, "I think this is a good time to tell them about the talk." "Kids", Matt picks up two toys, "When a mommy and daddy love each other very much..." Logan couldn't sit still." "You're really excited to see the baby aren't you Logan?", Bella smiles. "Yep", Logan says, "Very excited." "He'll be anxitious when this one comes", Nes pats her round belly. "You're due any day now, right?" "Yep", Nes sits back, "Anyday now." Summer opens the door, "It's a girl." The gen cheered. Winter rolled Mia out. Mia held a little bundle in her arms, "Hey." The baby girl had a pacifier and was sleeping. "Baby?", Matt Jr. said. "This is your baby sister", Mia showed the baby to them, "Her name is Bebe." Bebe opened her dark brown eyes. She looks to Matt Jr. and Tal sleepily. "So cute", Winter says. "Can I hold her Mom?", Logan goes to her. Mia careful hands the baby over. Mickey kisses Mia's cheek and she rested back. Logan cradled Bebe, "Hi there." Bebe looked at him and sucks on the pacifier. Ser and the other siblilngs gathered around to see her. "You did great honey", Mickey nuzzles Mia. She yawns, "Uhuh." "We're going to have her rest for the day", Mickey told the others. The gen waved to Mia and Bebe. Samantha squeezes Scoobs arm, "Oh, I can't wait for our baby." "One thing at a time Ram", he said. Suki watches Mia go. "You okay Suki?", Danny hugged her. "I've never seen her so happy", Suki's pointy ears drooped, "Kinda wished it was always this way for her." Danny kisses her cheek, "Makes me want kids if you ask me." She smiles happily, "Really?" He nods. They kissed once. "Will you marry me?", he whispers in her ear. "Yes", she nuzzles him. "We're engaged!", Danny told the others. The gen cheered. Victoria smiles softly, "Not bad Joke." Joke sat on the roof and watched secretly from above, "I'm going to miss this job." That night, Nes and Logan laid in bed. Nes woke and sat up, "Logan." He snapped awake, "The baby?" She nods, "Yeah." He gets up, "I'll get Summer." She props herself up and began to take quick breathes. Summer and Winter were asleep in their room. Logan pounds on the door. Summer groguely wakes up, "One moment." He opens the door. "Nes is having the baby. Now." Summer rubs his face, "Okay." Scoob ran down the hall, "Rummer!" "What is it?", Summer was trying to wake himself up. "Ram's having the baby." "Okay", Summer leans on the doorway, "First we..." He snores. Logan and Scoob looked to each other then back to Summer. "Summer", Logan taps him. "I DIDN'T TELL THE PRESIDENT ABOUT MANGOS!", Summer snaps awake, "Huh? Oh, yeah. Take Samantha to Logan's room." Scoob runs back down the hall. Summer gets a fork and pokes the electric outlet. His hair sticks on end and he beams of engery, "Let's get started!" Logan stood beside Nes. Scoob carefully lays Samantha on the other side of Nes. Samantha smiles with beads of sweat down her face, "Hi." Nes reaches out and hold her hand, "We're gonna share birthday parties." Samantha smiles, "I'd like that." Scoob kisses Samantha's head, "I rove you." "Don't patronize me", Samantha shifts and clenches her eyes shut, "Ow!" Summer stands at the foot of the bed, "Okay. Lets see how far we are. Winter is going to be doing Nes because I want to keep these babies healthy." Winter inspects Nes, "Everything looks good here." Summer got out the ultrasound, "Let's see how the baby is doing." He places it on Samantha's belly, "... There he is." Scoob and Sam looked to the little screen. A figure moves on the screen. "Okay", Winter knelts beside Nes, "It's time to push." Nes closes her eyes and began to push. Logan held her hand and kissed her knuckles. Samantha pants, "Scoob..." She cries in pain, "It really hurts." "I'm rorry", he held her. Summer stands, "It's an elpoep." "What?", Samantha asked. Nes looks to Summer, "That's why we're both in labor." Samantha screams in pain. "What's happening ro her?", Scoob said. "She doesn't have ink in her body", Summer gets some packs, "Her body is rejecting the ink." Samantha coughs up ink. Elsewhere, Joke was asleep in Matt's arms. She wakes, "... Oh shit." She gets up and teleports hereself in the room, "Move." She goes to Samantha and places her hands on her. "What are you roing?", Scoob said. "I'm keeping her alive", Joke focuses. Samantha eases. Nes held to Logan as she pushed. Summer held a crying baby boy. Logan kissed Nes's cheek with tears in his eyes. Nes careful takes her son into her arms, "Little Lido." Lido had Nes's black hair and green eyes. Nes reached out to Samantha. Lido's shadow moved toward Samantha. A baby cry. Joke held a small black blotch of ink. Samantha sobs with joy. Joke carefully hands the baby to her. Samantha stroked her baby's head, "Stanley." The baby opened its mouth to reveal white gums. Scoob nuzzles Samantha. "Where is his eyes?", Samantha asked. Stanley suckles on Samantha's chest. "Nes didn't have him", Joke explains, "So he doesn't have eyes." Samantha craddles her baby close to her.Scoob hugged Samantha to him. She rubbed small circles on Stanley's back, "He's so small." Scoob kisses the back of her neck. "Do you think we can get him eyes?", she gently kissed Stanley's head, "I'm not saying that he's flawed- he's beautiful- I just want him to see me." Scoob rested his chin on her shoulder, "I want him to ree us roo." She turns her head to him, "I'm sorry that I hit you with the book-" She cries into him. "Rey", he soothes her, "Don't ry." She hugs herself to him, "I love you." They kissed repeatedly. "I rove you Ramantha." Stanley cooes. They looked over to see Stanley reach out toward the air. Sam picked him up and rested him on Scoob's chest. Stanley rested himself on Scoob's chest and fell asleep. Sam places a hand on Stanley's back, "He likes you." Scoob puts a hand over hers, "Rank you." She smiles softly, "Oh Scoob." She kisses his cheek, "Good night." They kissed softly. She sits up and kisses him again. They moan and kissed again. Stanley fusses. "Sorry baby", Samantha kisses Stanley, "Go back to sleep." Stanley calmed and slept soundly. In Nes and Logan's room, Tido fusses between the two. "What's wrong baby?", Nes rubs his chest. He cries more and more. "Maybe he's hungry?" "We tried that." Lido cries louder. Logan thinks for a moment then transforms into his wolf form. Lido slowly went quiet. Logan leaned down and nuzzles Lido with his snout. Lido laughs happily. "I guess he likes wolves", Nes smiles. Logan licks Lido's cheek. The baby cooes happilly. Nes turned into her wolf form. Lido laughs happily as they gave him kisses. They circled around him and rested next to him. He fell asleep with them.

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